Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Tune into Slanderyou tomorrow when we reveal a story so shocking involving knives, killing cats and people involved with fire.

Clue 1: "Who dedicated tonight's match to my main man Andrew Landeryou".

Clue 2: "All they want to do is to raise their stats so they can feel impressive, or to ascend to a higher rank".


Anonymous said...

Can't wait

your revelation of Freedom Fredy was worth a Walkley for outstanding journalism

well done

Anonymous said...

I am with Anon 11.19

Anonymous said...

Our nonviolent tactics are not as effective. We ask nicely for years to shut him up and get nothing. Someone makes a threat, and it will work.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait

your revelation of Freedom Fredy was worth a Walkley for outstanding journalism

well done

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