Monday, June 04, 2007


In February 2005, a ‘real journalist’ assembled the story involving Andrew Landeryou, utilising his blog dirges as commentary. The original story can be found here. We have since updated the story, with our editorial additions in brackets.


A “REAL JOURNALIST”: Describing himself as a retired company director (SL: bankrupt and sleaze blogger) in search of a new path (SL: from luxurious South Bank apartment to nearest KFC restaurant) , Andrew Landeryou writes that for a person of his reputation (SL: Andrew has a reputation?), perhaps journalism is his only option. (SL: Add Landeryou is still not a journalist)

His weekend spell (SL: too short?)in the Melbourne Assessment Prison prompted him to set up his own website ((SL: it’s a blog!), where he can safely (SL: cowardly more like) take aim at his enemies (SL: need a list the size of War and Peace).
His first blog appeared yesterday morning, under the headline, "The Truth Shall Set You Free". (SL: wrong right from the start!)

ONLINE DIARY (read by actor): The blog and a couple of nights at the big brick building (SL: call it what it was, gaol) on Spencer Street has liberated my keyboard and my big mouth (SL: except for all the KFC in it). Because I've copped the mother of all hidings in the press, I'll be returning fire not because it will discourage them, but to ensure the historical record includes both sides of the story. (SL: both sides?) Most journos have glass jaws, so it might be a bit of fun. (SL: Landeryou has a well worked jaw, having masticated through all the KFC that he does)

A “REAL JOURNALIST”: The son of the former ALP numbers man and Cain government minister Bill Landeryou, flew back into Australia last week, after a five month absence in Costa Rica. (SL: ‘Absence”?)

ONLINE DIARY (read by actor): Do you think I planned all this? (SL: let’s take a punt on this: “YES”) Do you think I wanted it? (SL: let’s take a punt on this as well: “YES” again)
That arrest warrant is a death warrant for my commercial and political career. (SL: got that right!)

A “REAL JOURNALIST”: He left his wife and the country the day before he was due to appear in court to explain his involvement in several companies which had signed multimillion dollar contracts with the Melbourne University Student Union. Recent former student union presidents, all young and aspiring members of the Labor Right signed the contracts, contracts which allegedly drove the Student Union into financial collapse.

ONLINE DIARY (read by actor): I'm not an expert on what happened with the Melbourne University Student Union's liquidation, but it didn't seem to collapse at all, other than the University decided to nuke it. (SL: why is it always someone else’s fault, eg IQ, or the Court not finding you to serve the subpoena before you flew to Costa Rica)

A “REAL JOURNALIST”: Himself a former student union president in 1991, Andrew Landeryou says he'll appear in court tomorrow with bells on. (SL: with’bells on’? What like a fairy or a clown?)

ONLINE DIARY (read by actor): In the days ahead you'll be given a warts and all account (SL: your blog has indeed infected the Australian National Library like a case of warts))of what went right and what went hideously wrong in my old life. It's been a grim few years of course. It seems that indeed I am homeless, penniless, spurned by wife. But do you think that will stop me telling how it is? No. I have nothing left to lose. I started with nothing, I may end with nothing. (SL: what a brave little soldier)

A “REAL JOURNALIST”: In his most recent entry, the Labor operative takes aim at the lawyer representing retailer Solomon Lew.

In a separate case, Solomon Lew is seeking the repayment of $3 million which he invested in Landeryou's online gambling venture, IQ Corporation. (SL: but Lew only got $13K back)


Anonymous said...

The subject of water in Victoria is very important. So important we could dry up if the Bracks government doesn't do something about it. Under the Cain government, or Mexico as we were called then, we almost dried up. Oddly enough Mexico City once did dry up from lack of water infrastructure. Bracks has a good pedigree at doing nothing. Why isn't Landeryou pushing the water issue? The Liberal Party has a proud record on water.

It's a scary subject. Read our latest press release on the issue:

Author : The Hon Louise Asher MLA
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Engineering Construction figures show that the Bracks Government is lagging behind New South Wales and Queensland on public investment in water infrastructure, Ms Louise Asher, Shadow Minister for Water, said today.

For the calendar years 2005 and 2006 the following was invested by each state:

# New South Wales - $1.3billion
# Queensland - $1 billion
# Victoria - $426million
# Western Australia - $414 million
# South Australia - $190 million
# Tasmania - $89 million

"The figures show that Victoria is third behind New South Wales and Queensland on water infrastructure spending," said Ms Asher.

Ms Asher said the figures demonstrate the Bracks Government's lack of commitment to investing in water infrastructure.

"Western Australia's recent announcement of a second desalination plant and allocation of $750 million in its recent budget shows Western Australia has increased investment.

"In comparison, the Bracks Government committed $160 million in its 2006-07 Budget for water projects and this year (2007-08) reduced that amount to $136 million, despite the fact that it has been aware of a water crisis for years and that the situation has worsened considerably in the last year," said Ms Asher.

Ms Asher said the figures which are on public sector investment in water storage & supply and sewage & drainage, include expenditure by the state departments and water authorities.

"Victoria needs to invest more in water infrastructure," Ms Asher said.

Media inquiries: Louise Asher, 9592 9799

Anonymous said...

The subject of water in Victoria is very important. So important we could dry up if the Bracks government doesn't do something about it. Under the Cain government, or Mexico as we were called then, we almost dried up. Oddly enough Mexico City once did dry up from lack of water infrastructure. Bracks has a good pedigree at doing nothing. Why isn't Landeryou pushing the water issue? The Liberal Party has a proud record on water.

It's a scary subject. Read our latest press release on the issue:

Author : The Hon Louise Asher MLA
The latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Engineering Construction figures show that the Bracks Government is lagging behind New South Wales and Queensland on public investment in water infrastructure, Ms Louise Asher, Shadow Minister for Water, said today.

For the calendar years 2005 and 2006 the following was invested by each state:

# New South Wales - $1.3billion
# Queensland - $1 billion
# Victoria - $426million
# Western Australia - $414 million
# South Australia - $190 million
# Tasmania - $89 million

"The figures show that Victoria is third behind New South Wales and Queensland on water infrastructure spending," said Ms Asher.

Ms Asher said the figures demonstrate the Bracks Government's lack of commitment to investing in water infrastructure.

"Western Australia's recent announcement of a second desalination plant and allocation of $750 million in its recent budget shows Western Australia has increased investment.

"In comparison, the Bracks Government committed $160 million in its 2006-07 Budget for water projects and this year (2007-08) reduced that amount to $136 million, despite the fact that it has been aware of a water crisis for years and that the situation has worsened considerably in the last year," said Ms Asher.

Ms Asher said the figures which are on public sector investment in water storage & supply and sewage & drainage, include expenditure by the state departments and water authorities.

"Victoria needs to invest more in water infrastructure," Ms Asher said.

Media inquiries: Louise Asher, 9592 9799

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