Tuesday, August 21, 2007

This may well explain Andrew Landeryou

This picture explains Andrew Landeryou's commentary. Add your own caption.


Anonymous said...

Our Leader Ted Baillieu is out at the forefront in condemning racist attacks. We also commend the Landeryou blog for his similar condemnations. When will the ALP Socialist Left do likewise?

Date : Monday, 20 August 2007
Author : Ted Baillieu MLA
Mr Baillieu today condemned as appalling the anti-Semitic and anti-Arab attacks which took place in Balaclava over the weekend.

Racist and anti-Semitic violence is unacceptable in Victoria, Mr Baillieu said.

"The increased incidence of violence is of enormous concern," Mr Baillieu said.

The Jewish Community has recorded over 160 anti-Semitic incidents in Victoria last year, one of the highest number of incidents on record.

Despite this there has been only one prosecution, following the case of Mr Menachem Vorcheimer, and then only after a concerted high profile campaign by Mr Vorcheimer.

"Strong public prosecution of violent racists and anti-Semites sends an unequivocal message to the community that such acts are unacceptable and will be aggressively prosecuted," Mr Baillieu said.

"Despite its rhetoric the Victorian Government has comprehensively failed to effectively apprehend or prosecute racist and anti-Semitic offenders in the community. As a result instances of racial and religious vilification are escalating."

A recent report on anti-Semitism in Australia prepared by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry points to 442 incidents of racist violence against Jews in Australia in the year ending September 2006.

Incidents included bashings, threatening telephone calls, hate mail, vandalism, graffiti, arson attacks, physical assault, verbal abuse and the distribution of offensive and threatening material.

"We live in a free, tolerant and open society, but there is no freedom for those who live in fear of harassment or persecution," Mr Baillieu said.

"Those who challenge our harmonious life must be held to account."

Media: Paul Price 0400 507 023

Anonymous said...

So I understand it, Landeryou is the clown, right?

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