Friday, November 02, 2007

Leonie Wood & Andrew Landeryou

Leonie Wood has recently published a book on Steven Vizard, titled Funny Business.
"The definitive story of disgraced high-flying businessman Steve Vizard, one-time comedian and two-time Gold Logie winner. Age journalist Leonie Wood has covered the Vizard story since he first appeared before ASIC in 2005, admitting to insider trading. More recently she reported on the trial of Vizard's former accountant, Roy Hilliard, who is alleged to have swindled Vizard of $3 million. During that trial, Hilliard portrayed Vizard as a master of deception whose public persona was a charade. In this engaging examination of Vizard's fall from grace, Wood seeks to uncover the man behind the mask, and asks, why did he do it? Was it greed, audacity or sheer stupidity? And what do we really know about Steve Vizard?"
Leonie Wood has also written extensively on Andrew Landeryou. What should Wood call her book on Landeryou?

See you all next Wednesday, with a story about MUSU.


Anonymous said...

A comment one would expect from this, the BLOG OF FILTH.

Leonie Wood's book is so slow selling Dymocks have already reduced its price.

Leonie's attempts to denigrate the great man are as filthy as this, the BLOG OF FILTH.

Slanderyou, you should really be performing at Draculas with Filthia.

Filthia and the site owner of the BLOG OF FILTH. A great pair.

Cait Catt said...

Great work catter8. You stole my thunder and got in first. Did you know that Slanderyou has yet to accept your invitation to visit your cattery. He's afraid you are serious in your promise to eat him (or is it her?)

Congratulations catter8 and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I just had a phone call from Rita. She said she's going to expose Leonie Wood on the OC blog. She's a member of the OC investigations unit you know.

Anonymous said...

Rita that is not Leonie Wood. There's no way the OC would ever employ Leonie.

Anonymous said...

I clicked on the link and found google. No mention of Cait Catt. This is censorship at its worst. Google have censored Cait. I'm going to get Diane Anderson to complain to her Congressman.

Anonymous said...

The gorgeous lady from Ipswich is a much better looker than Leonie Wood. Below is the profile from her web site. She's a candidate for the Senate from Bananaland you know. She might get elected too, all the better to entertain us for her six year term.


Pauline Hanson was born in Brisbane Queensland in 1954 and grew up in the suburb of Woolloongabba. She was educated at Buranda Girls School and Cooparoo State High Brisbane.

Pauline has four children Tony, Steven, Adam and Lee.

Running and owning a plumbing business with her second husband Mark Hanson in Ipswich lasted for 9 years till their divorce. After the separation Pauline bought Marsden’s Seafood in Ipswich which she owned and worked for almost 10 years.

In 1994 Pauline was elected to Ipswich City Council as an Independent. A year later due to an early election and boundary changes, she lost her seat. With a taste for politics and upset with the way the country was headed under the Prime Ministership of Paul Keating she joined the Liberal Party and was endorsed as the candidate for the seat of Oxley in November 1995.

On 14 February 1996 the Liberal Party dishonored Pauline as their candidate 16 days before the election. She went on to contest the seat as an Independent, winning it with the biggest swing in the nation, voicing one issue EQUALITY FOR ALL.

Australian politics was never to be the same again when Pauline Hanson delivered her Maiden Speech to Parliament on the 10 September 1996. It was a speech that stirred the nation and some parts of the world.

Due to overwhelming support from thousands of Australians, Pauline launched Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Political Party in 1997 and was National President till January 2002. During those years the party was successful in winning State seats and a Federal Senate seat.

Pauline became the target of a dirty political campaign to oust her from politics forever. A slush fund was set up by Tony Abbott MP Liberal Member for Warringah NSW to fund legal challenges against her.

She was charged with electoral fraud in 2001. After a 5 week trial Pauline was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment on the 20 August 2003.

Most Australians did not accept her imprisonment and made it known wherever and however they could.

After two failed bail applications Pauline won her appeal against the conviction and sentence on 6 November 2003 after spending 11 weeks in a maximum security prison.

She picked up the pieces of her life and went on to appear on Dancing with the Stars in 2004, Who Wants to be a Millionaire and other television shows.

Following her appearance on Dancing With the Stars Pauline appeared on "Todd McKinney's Live" show singing and dancing, during his performances on the Gold Coast, Sydney and Melbourne.

Also in 2005 she appeared on This is Your Life.

Pauline wrote her Autobiography Untamed and Unashamed due to be released 29 March 2007.

View collaborative writings about Pauline on Wikipedia

Authorised by Graham Mc Donald - 23 Botany Crescent, Bribie Island QLD
(Pauline's United Australia Party is a registered federal political party

Anonymous said...

Good work, Team Slanderyou!

Fat Boy is filling up the comments here with his schizophrenic rants, but let's have some truth. This is an accurate, up to date account of where we are now in the sad case of Andrew Landeryou.

Fat Boy is bankrupt and unemployed, but does not need to work. Hmm. You thinking what I'm thinking? What Solly Lew is thinking?

Sol has thought so long and so hard about all this. He is now sure he knows where Fat Boy has stashed his ill-gotten gains.

Sol is determined to get his money back before Fat Boy converts it all to empty KFC tubs. He is going in hard and isn't going to stop until he's got back what's rightfully his.

Get ready for fewer comments here from Landeryou sock puppets and far, far more court time for the Fat Boy.

Anonymous said...

How many times do I have to tell you I am not Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's delusions are getting worse and worse, as the above comment shows. Or is it all part of a bid to plead insanity? One thing that can't be denied: Landeryou has a fiendishly cunning mind.

Anonymous said...

A patriot reports: Spotted in Collins Street on Friday -- Andrew Landeryou talking amiably with a tall, skinny guy... Andrew Landeryou talking amiably with Stephen Mayne.

Anonymous said...

On Landeryou's blog there is a link to a site that purportedly gives the latest information on the Liberal Party.

The site appears to be sponsored by Roy Morgan's public opinion poll, and other advertisers whose name I forgot.

The very first item on the site is a link to an interview with Pauline Hanson (not Pauline Pantsdown).

Pauline talks like an already elected Senator. She's very polished and professional. She said she will stand up for the Australian people. She says she supports Aussie values. She says Muslim immigrants do not support Aussie values and she wants a moratorium on Muslim immigrants.

Visit the Landeryou site for once Slanderyou readers, and click on the link and be entertained by Pauline!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou talking amiably to Steven Mayne? Perhaps Fat Boy was asking for a loan.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating insights into Solomon Lew and the case of Landeryou. Thank you, Team Slanderyou readers!

Cait Catt said...

I read in the Jewish News that Rev Nalliah is under attack for speaking at a function organised by the League of Rights. That's the late Eric Butler's outfit, isn't it?

Rev Nalliah said it was God's will that Landeryou won the inaugural Walkley Blog Award. Nalliah also a favourite of both John Howard and Peter Costello.

But not Andrew Landeryou. Despite his praise the Landeryou blog has consistently opposed him.

Anonymous said...

That adds to the credibility of the OC blog.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Dough Boy was asking Mayne the secret of running a successful business.
Something which Landeryou has yet to fathom for himself.

Anonymous said...

Just how much money is Lew chasing from Landeryou? Can anyone fill us in?

Back in 2005, The Age reported "Landeryou, 35, fled the country in early December, dumping a $3 million debt on his wife, former Melbourne City councillor Kimberley Kitching, and his father, Bill, once a state government minister and for many years a powerful union leader and numbers man for the right wing of the ALP..."

That tells us what a charmer Fat Boy is, but doesn't really give us the full details on the money, as it then talks about "Lew's $4 million investment".

It also says "He [Fat Boy] fled just before he was due to step into the Victorian Supreme Court to account for his involvement in the tangled affairs of the failed Melbourne University Student Union and answer allegations that he profited from its questionable deals."

How much was at stake there? Just how much is in the Landeryou swag?

Anonymous said...

U gotta laugh @ El Gordo's efforts 2 pretend 2 B so many different people - Cait, Catter8 and now Rita Randles - and his attempts 2 fill Slanderyou with his questionable "reportage."
Just the existence of Slanderyou erks Buddha Boy to no end.
Keep it up, Slanderyou, and spread the word.

Anonymous said...

Lest we forget: a cracking account by Leonie Wood of the activities of the Landeryou crime family.

It's a must-read piece as the money trail gets hotter and hotter - like the heat Andy Landy is feeling.

The Age, August 14 2004

When retail tycoon Solomon Lew invested $4million in a company controlled by Andrew Landeryou and his business partner Ed Dale in February 2000, there were big plans to use the funds to build a sports statistics and online gaming group.

Investors from Britain, the Channel Islands and Switzerland had committed a further $4million, in part fuelled by high hopes that the company, IQ Corporation, would win lucrative contracts to supply media outlets with detailed sports data from football matches in Australia and soccer games in Britain and Israel.

It was the peak of the sharemarket boom, IQ had plans to float and Lew wanted a piece of it.

His company, Jordanlane Pty Ltd, ended up with 23 per cent and his closest adviser, Michael McLeod was appointed to the IQ board. Then it all went sour.

Four years later it has degenerated into an unseemly, bitter fight between the powerful Lew interests and the high-profile Landeryou family as a court-appointed liquidator tries to determine what happened to IQ's funds, its books and records, and whatever operating assets it once owned.

But the liquidator's task is made more difficult because, as the Federal Court has heard, most of IQ's books and records have vanished. Judging by the paucity of documents submitted by IQ's former officers to a liquidator's examination this week, IQ's liquidator Gideon Rathner of Lowe Lippmann has quite a task in front of him to resolve the puzzle.

More information is likely to emerge when the examination gets into full swing on August 24. But so far there are far more questions than answers about the curious link-up between the Lew interests and the Landeryous, and how the $8million was spent.

Back in 2000, McLeod said the Lew empire was "very impressed with IQ's management, proprietary technology and their advanced development of a global strategy. We are also pleased with what they have achieved to date and, going forward, we are confident about their business plan."

IQ Media in the late 1990s was a fledgling company with a few ideas on supplying sports statistics to the media. For a brief period, it supplied sport stats to The Age.

In 1999, according to Landeryou, IQ Media's business was sold to IQ Corp, both the IQ Media brand name and an online education business were sold to Isis Corp and Landeryou and Dale toyed with plans to float IQ Corp.

Landeryou said he had known Lew and McLeod for some years and their interest in IQ's prospects evolved into a shareholding. What happened after that time is in dispute.

Troubles first surfaced publicly in mid-2003 when McLeod asked the Federal Court to force IQ's other directors and company officers to give him access to IQ's books and records.

His solicitors told the court then that McLeod was not getting any communication or information from IQ's officers, and that there was trouble locating either the company or its officers or fellow directors when serving court papers.

At the core of the stoush is Andrew Landeryou, the son of long-time ALP powerbroker and one-time Victorian minister Bill Landeryou, and Ed Dale, IQ's founder, shareholder, technical specialist and long-time director.

Andrew Landeryou owned half of IQ's shares and was managing director; Dale owned about 15 per cent.

Dale, who is expected to be called as a witness, yesterday declined to comment and denied any wrongdoing. He said the dispute was "best left to the big boys who are heaving it out".

Bill Landeryou joined the IQ board in mid-2001 when, under pressure from the Lew interests, Andrew Landeryou quit.

But the Landeryou connections to IQ do not end there.

Kimberley Kitching, a Melbourne City councillor, was the registered company secretary of IQ Corp from October 1999 to February 2000 and, according to documents filed with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, was a secretary of some IQ companies until May 2001.

Kitching's demeanour as a witness was belligerent and theatrical. Before counsel for the liquidator had asked even the first question, Kitching cut him off and asked for someone to explain the layout of the court because, she said, she had not been there before and wanted to understand who all these people - the solicitors at the bar table - were.

This caused some surprise in the court: Kitching is a qualified lawyer. She told the court that her duties with Melbourne City Council now took up so much of her time that she was not currently practising law, nor did she have a current practice certificate.

Kitching said she had been employed or contracted by IQ - the dates of her employment are not clear - and was paid about $50,000 a year.

But Kitching said she did not have any receipts, personal bank statements, nothing - not even income tax returns - that would show the payments.

Kitching said those sorts of documents about her personal finances would have been kept at the IQ offices by Andrew Landeryou's sister, Anne-Marie Landeryou-Mason, who earlier gave evidence that she was "a jack-of-all-trades" at IQ - the company book-keeper, receptionist and personal assistant.

Anne-Marie's husband, Matthew Mason, was not employed by IQ but the court heard that the company reimbursed him for certain expenses.

Precisely what Mason did for IQ and the nature of those expenses is not yet clear.

The Landeryou clan, Kitching and Mason plumped themselves into the witness box before Registrar Jane Mussett this week only after counsel for the liquidator asked the court to consider issuing arrest warrants because they declined to turn up under summons.

Andrew Landeryou followed his wife into the witness box.

His evidence was given with his face mostly turned away from the liquidator's counsel, and he prefaced every question - even when asked to state his name - by citing "privilege". Several times during Landeryou's evidence, the registrar threatened to refer him to a judge for contempt of court.

For his part, Landeryou said it was "contempt, utter contempt" that his wife had been "dragged" into the examination.

Asked what position Kitching held at IQ, Landeryou cited privilege and said: "I do not recall, or care."

Indeed, the evidence of the Landeryou family members was riddled with a surprising inability to recall or remember very much about the company.

Bill Landeryou on Monday pointedly and aggressively told the court that even though he had been a director of IQ he did not retain any financial records, any notes, floppy discs, CD-roms, emails, statements or correspondence that may have transpired between himself, IQ and several of the company's officers. Nor did Landeryou-Mason, nor did Mason.

The Landeryous insisted that they did not know what happened to the company's records after the landlord unceremoniously evicted IQ from its premises in Sturt Street, South Melbourne, in 2002.

Peter Brannighan, who was chief executive of IQ's subsidiary, Betworks, in late 2000 and was employed as a consultant until October 2001, handed the court his own cardboard box of company records, and said the last time he saw any other files they were in boxes at Sturt Street. He said Andrew Landeryou at the time had told him all the firm's records, furniture and computers would be placed in storage.

What happened to IQ's finances may be a story of what happened to a lot of dotcoms at the peak of the boom: money was burned on frivolous items and fruitless ventures and there was little or no accountability.

Or it may be a story of something else again. More will emerge after August 24.

McLeod has declined to discuss IQ's collapse or the liquidator's examination, saying the Lew interests preferred to leave everything in the hands of the court.

Andrew Landeryou, for his part, denies any wrongdoing.

Anonymous said...

Dynamite from Team Slanderyou! Andy L has become such a joke that we often forget just what a sad and shabby shonk he is.

"The dog ate my homework" is a pretty pathetic excuse. It sounds even worse when a grown man says it to a judge.

Anonymous said...

My good friend Rita is posting again on the OC blog, in a reference to negative campaign advertisements.

Rita says:

Forget negative campaigns for a moment. Who is going to win the Melbourne Cup?
Rita Randles | Homepage | 11.05.07 - 10:22 am | #

I wouldn't back any tip from Leonie Wood. Who is going to win the Melbourne Cup Slanderyou?

Anonymous said...

Pollbludger is on a par with Slanderyou not recognising Cait or myself in a previous story.

Pollbludger will not recognise the great man.

This is what a commentator on Pollbludger said this morning:

Melbcity Says:
November 5th, 2007 at 12:00 am

Thanks Will. take another look at the ACT and provide a followup on your previous story if your can now that the Above-the-line preferences are available…

if you can influence the pollsters to do a state by state Senate breakdown showing all parties that would be helpful also…

Keep up the good work love your commentary. Its up there with landeryou’s blog (Which you have not provided a link to… …shame on you …)

Seriously you provide the best election round-up in the state of the polls.

Well done..

Cait Catt said...

Shame on William (Pollbludger). Not recognising the great man is disgraceful. Leonie Wood must be threatening him.

Anonymous said...

Melbcity is a nom de plume for Anthony van der Craats.

Who is Cait Catt a nom de plume for?

Anonymous said...

Pollbludger is a nom de plume for William Bowe.

Delia Delegate is a nom de plume for Lyal Allen

Anonymous said...

Isn't that fascinating. Some serious shit appears on the fat crim, so immediately his sock puppets appear with diversions.

Anonymous said...

delia delegate appeared five years ago when fat boy was crashing his company and blowing millions of other peoples money

his priorities back then were the same they are now

low rent low level victorian labor party scuttlebut

Anonymous said...

Below is the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, entry on sock puppets:

A sock puppet is an additional username used by a Wikipedian who already has one or more accounts. The Wikipedian who uses a sock puppet may be called a sock puppeteer. Use of sock puppets is discouraged in most cases.

The reason for discouraging sock puppets is to prevent abuses such as a person voting more than once in a poll, or using multiple accounts to circumvent Wikipedia policies or cause disruption. Some people feel that second accounts should not be used at all; others feel it is harmless if the accounts are behaving acceptably.

Multiple accounts may have legitimate uses, but users must refrain from using them in any way prohibited to sock puppets, and from using one account to support the position of another, the standard definition of sock puppetry. If someone uses multiple accounts, it is recommended that he or she provide links between the accounts, so it is easy to determine that they are shared by one individual.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Mayne says El Gordo was Delia Delegate, who's reports strangely stopped appearing on Crikey about the same time Buddha Boy disappeared suddenly overseas.
That good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

That post on Sock Puppets was most illuminating, except it omitted one vital detail: Wikipedians, by and large, are sad losers who should get a life.

Few, however, are in the same category as Landeryou. He doesn't have a life because he has trashed it through his own greed and avarice.

Landeryou is now friendless, bankrupt, the subject of multiple investigations and, no doubt, soon to be the subject of further civil (as well as criminal) proceedings.

No wonder Landeryou spends his time railing against the "left wing" Wikipedia - the tragics there aren't tragic enough to let him get away with his lies on their site - and posting his praises under a range of ever expanding false identities.

Landeryou isn't just a loser. He is a lost cause.

Cait Catt said...

I resent being called a sock puppett.
I think it disgusting that Slanderyou commentators have no interest in the Melbourne Cup. Not even Leonie Wood?

I've just returned from my local PUB TAB and placed a mystery exacta on the Melbourne Cup. That means because the selections are boxed they must run first and second or second and first. An exacta is first and second in order. A quinella, which costs half as much as an exacta, means your selections must run first and second but these can be in any order.

Anyway these are the selections in my boxed exacta. There are five of them and they cost me $10. I used a 50 unit as I can't afford to bet any more than that as the lawyers have got all my money.

1 Tawqeet
2 Master O'Reilly
3 Scenic Shot
4 Sirmione
5 Eskimo Queen

I hope whatever Leonie Wood backs she loses. Don't have to worry about Stephen Mayne. He's opposed to gambling and I'm sure he won't be having a bet.

Anonymous said...

You got the numbers wrong Cait

The correct numbers are

1 Tawqeet
11 Master O'Reilly
15 Scenic Shot
20 Sirmione
22 Eskimo Queen

All the cats at my cattery plan to take the same in a quinella, as that only costs $5. Us cats don't have the money that Aged journos seem to get.

Anonymous said...

It's a public holiday in Melbourne today, but Landeryou won't notice anything different. The fat bum thinks work is for little people. He'll just stay at home - wherever that is - and count the money he's stolen. And eat KFC.

Anonymous said...

we all know why landeryou is punting on the melbourne cup

he wants to try and win back the money he owes solly lew

anything to avoid a few years in prison

Anonymous said...

Almost 11 in the morning on Cup day and Landeryou hasn't updated his Blog of Sleaze. Since when did unemployed bankrupts start taking public holidays?

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy isn't skiving. He's down at the TAB doing a bit of money laundering.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that anyone has drawn this connection before, but it is interesting to read in that old Leonie Wood article from The Age that IQ Corporation had "premises in Sturt Street, South Melbourne" in 2002 as that is where Stephen Mayne was living and running Crikey from. It must have been very easy for Landeryou to go to visit Mayne to discuss what Delia Delegate was going to write in her column each week.

Anonymous said...

Leonie Wood has also written extensively on Andrew Landeryou. What should Wood call her book on Landeryou?

As I wrote the other day, how about "Fatso: the hairy arsed bankrupt"!

Anonymous said...

I'm annoyed at Cait Catt. I followed her selections at the TAB this afternoon on the Melbourne Cup and I lost. Heavily.

I wish Leonie Woods would tell us her selections.

Anonymous said...

Everyone who follows Fat Boy's investment advice loses. Except for Fat Boy. He laughs all the way to the bank. Andrew Landeryou, the Smiling Bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

delia delegate appeared five years ago when fat boy was crashing his company and blowing millions of other peoples money

his priorities back then were the same they are now

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The decline of the East side blues scene was disheartening,
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