Monday, January 21, 2008

The Fat Cave

Prominent Patriot, Dark Rider, had advised the Community of Patriots of the address of Andrew Landeryou’s new lair, officially called the Fat Cave.

The Fat Cave, however, is not listed on the Electoral Rolls as Landeryou’s official address.

Landeryou appears to continue to be committing an offence under the Electoral Act, by not listing his Fat Cave address as his permanent home address.

More evidence for the Victorian Parliament’s Electoral Matters Committee to investigate.

Meanwhile, lots of Landeryou’s Blog of Sleaze readers have joined us. Thanks Patriot Kevin.


Cait Catt said...

The blog of filth continues.

Previously it was your ignorance about the much deserved Walkley Blog Award to the OC.

Now it is you ignorance about the meaning of the word batcave. I looked up my dictionary and it is a cave where bats nest. It does not apply to a human being, and certainly not to the great man, who contributes to the best blog on the net.

Only Leonie Wood, Lawrence Money, Suzanne Carbone or Solomon Lew could have written this. Great entertainment. Poor facts.

Anonymous said...

The Aged is a very poor newspaper. None of my cats read it.

Anonymous said...

They said FATCAVE, Andrew.

Where do you live?

How do you pay for it?

Why are you breaking electoral laws by not being on the roll?

Are you ever going to tell the truth about anything?

Anonymous said...

Amazing. Landershonk hasn't bothered to update his own sleazy site since Thursday but is posting over here instead. Has he realised no-one is interested in his nasty, silly blog?

Anonymous said...

The latest news from the OC, the best blog on the net. Read on:

Monday, 21 January 2008
MONDAY MOVEMENTS: Vege Filth Protest Against KFC And Other Stuff

■ I remember well a journalist friend of mine (working behind enemy lines in Spencer Street) telling me that the problem with blogs was that they were not accountable for error and - him looking poignantly at me - published "mere speculation sourced from those with vested interests." Interesting then that we look at yesterday's Sunday Age where one of their better scribes Comrade Koutsoukis - soon to be sent to Tel Aviv as the Fairfax correspondent - speculated that former ALP leader Kim Beazley was set to be offered the sweetest job in Australian public life (as long as you don't go around sacking democratically elected governments incurring wrath and eggs), the Governor-Generalship. At the speed of light, it was completely ruled out by the PM's office. Our sources say that the Beazer is more likely to want perhaps the second sweetest appointment in Rudd's gift which is the Ambassadorship to the Land of the Free. The Koutsoukis yarn sourced Cabinet Secretary and Kevin Rudd's Mini-Me John Faulkner yet a snarky Lachlan Harris is believed to have fingered the mischief maker and patriot Steve Conroy as the source. Conroy's friends say this is crap, with suggestions that the eyes of the all-knowing, all-seeing Rudd apparatus will be very interested in who has been on the Koutsoukis dance card recently. Apprehension imminent.

■ The Greens party continue to insist that graffiti is entirely harmless. Even the Police attending the scene of the death of two graffiti vandals described their activity as creating "artwork". It's neither art nor art, if you ask me.

■ The Editor of The Age who really started driving it hard to the Left, Creighton Burns is dead, although sadly his legacy endures. Note former Victorian Premier Kennett's faint praise:

"He was not often for changing once he had decided what the position of the paper was going to be," he said.

■ The ruler of Turkmenistan, President Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov (easier to write than to pronounce) is introducing sweeping glasnost-style reforms to the isolated, resource rich former Soviet republic, lifting long-standing bans on opera and circuses. Ballet continues to be off-limits. Rightly so.

Game on.


■ The Government of Turkey is sending an unsubtle message to the smokers in that country, after announcing a ban on that filthy habit:

It is expected that once the ban has taken full effect smoking will be only be permitted only in certain special areas, such as of intercity and international ships, prisons, old peoples’ homes and mental hospitals.

■ John Edwards could well be the "kingmaker" in the Democratic nomination, some speculate. Presumably, that's Obama's only hope after the Hillary's strong showing recently. His speeches though continue to give his supporters hope. Click here for link to his most recent belter. He gives good speech.

■ The New Malcolm Fraser on the block, Peter Katsambanis must be very proud that his attacks on the Victoria Police's crowd control methods went global. The small 'l' liberal newspaper the LA Times even quoted the former MP favourably although it's worth noting they quoted the Australian Open tournament director as strongly disagreeing with Big Kat's accusations against VicPol. Next he'll be praising African dictators and the UN while claiming the US is wicked in various ways. He's even gone all do-gooder we hear through his lavishly paid taxpayer-funded service on the Refugee Review Tribunal where he's said to be a sucker for a sob story. Sources say that he has gone all "Howard Hughes without the money", telling family he would not be going out in crowds for a long time, he's even opposed to attending all public events, a bitter pill to swallow they say as the hard rockin' Bon Jovi which he now pretends to enjoy despite slamming them as "f*gs" and "sell-outs" is now on its way Down Under. Capsicum spray ready.

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Posted by Andrew Landeryou at 10:52 AM What Do You Think? |

Anonymous said...

Oh,look he's back online. I guess Conroy, Newnham and Droutsus must be back from holidays.

It's not like he's been able to post anything that hasn't been ripped from the headlines without them...

Anonymous said...

Cait landeryou: "The blog of filth continues." You obviously are referring to your own blog?

Anonymous said...

I’m a normally non-commenting lurker, a regular reader, an admirer and a fellow hack. Can I just wish you the Best of British in your patriotic endeavours.

Anonymous said...

Not so sure he is back

I don't reckon he wrote the last couple of updates - they were far too- well - normal.

Either that or he has started taking his meds again.

Anonymous said...

fat andy cant write for shit and his stories were all lies and smears so no wonder he has decided just to make his blog of sleaze an aggregator site

Anonymous said...

El Gordo's running out of puff!

The Blog of Sleaze is going the some way as IQ Corp., Buddha Boy's marriage and political career - a slow, lingering death.

Anonymous said...

Its a slow death for the Blog of Sleaze all right. Look at Caits comments earlier. She says Landershonk just 'contributes' to his own blog. Him and who else? His sock puppets? Solly Lew must be running him ragged.

Anonymous said...

A a slow, lingering death?

Much like a halal slaughter, watching Landeryou is like watching an animal have its throat ritually slashed and then watching it bleed to death.

Anonymous said...

The inaugural Walkley Award for Self-Immolation goes to ...
Buddha Boy.

Anonymous said...

Failure with no way out slash their wrists and slowly bleed to death all the time.

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Interesting suggestion that it's not Landy who's posting.

If not Fatboy, then who would have access to his blog to post and the time to waste imitating his crappy style of prose?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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slanderyou said...

Apologies readers. Cait got a little too excited in the last two comments. Had to edit them out, in order to maintain family values.

Anonymous said...

Really? Yet another example of Landeryou's hypocrisy. Just out of interest, was the gist of the comments, Slanderyou?

Have you upset Fatboy by letting everyone know where his Fatcave is?

Poor little precious baby. Maybe Daddy can come make it all better again...

Anonymous said...

Pigs are usually slaughtered after 4-7 months. Pigs intended for pork are usually slaughtered 1-2 months younger than pigs for bacon. Over 9 million pigs were slaughtered in the UK in 2006 (1).
Pigs are stunned first then killed by being shackled and hoisted before having the blood vessels in their throat slit (sticking). The animal dies by being bled to death. Pigs are usually stunned electrically whereby an electric current is applied by means of two electrodes in the form of tongs. These are placed on either side of the brain, usually either side of the neck behind the ears so that sufficient current is passed through it. The current should induce a state of immediate epilepsy (electroplectic shock) in the brain, during which time the animal is unconscious (8).

A survey of pig slaughtering procedures was carried out in the UK by Anil and McKinstry in 1993, Bristol University (9). The factors affecting slaughter included the placement of tongs on the animal, the average current strength passed through the animal’s brain and also the length of time that the tongs are in place for. The survey showed that a significant percentage of the tong applications observed in the traditional stunning pen did not span the brain. This would result in animals not being stunned adequately and also lead to many pigs regaining consciousness during bleeding out or even before throat-slitting. Some pigs may be re-stunned due to the initial stunning failure and to suppress the spontaneous kicking to aid the hoisting and shackling of the animals. This also reduces the interval of the stunning-to-sticking and helps prevent the incidence of inadequate sticking as it is more difficult to stick a kicking/convulsing animal.

Anil & McKinstry’s Survey found variations in the methods and effectiveness of sticking. Sometimes the first attempt at sticking the stunned pigs on the shackle line did not always result in a rapid and profuse loss of blood with a second sticking attempt required for 2.3% of pigs. Some pigs showed signs of recovery during the bleed out. The results of a study carried out by Anil et al (2000) (10) showed that following head-only electrical stunning, a relatively long sticking wound by a thoracic cut (chest sticking) should result in humane slaughter and provide better welfare in slaughter pigs. Other factors which should be taken into account regarding the welfare of pigs at slaughter includes; operator error as a result of high throughput, tiredness, insufficient instructions, animal position and inadequate knives.

Some pigs may be stunned using carbon dioxide gas. This is less common in the UK but widely used in other countries such as Denmark. Approximately 1/3 of pigs in the UK are killed by this method (11). Pigs are passed through a well containing an atmosphere of carbon dioxide (70-90%) and air. The pigs are rendered unconscious due to the acidification of the cerebrospinal fluid upon inhalation of the carbon dioxide. This method eliminates the human element required in electric stunning but has been strongly criticised by scientists as inhumane, with pigs suffering from breathlessness and hyperventilation

Anonymous said...

Killing a 1,051-pound pig doesn't just guarantee you a lifetime's worth of breakfast sausage. It can net you a movie deal -- and some very harsh public criticism.

Eleven-year-old Jamison Stone of Alabama became the darling of a slow news cycle when over the Memorial Day weekend news agencies across the country published a photo of the apple-cheeked boy grinning over the gigantic carcass of a 10-foot boar.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Killing a 1,051-pound pig doesn't just guarantee you a lifetime's worth of breakfast sausage. It can net you a movie deal -- and some very harsh public criticism.

Eleven-year-old Jamison Stone of Alabama became the darling of a slow news cycle when over the Memorial Day weekend news agencies across the country published a photo of the apple-cheeked boy grinning over the gigantic carcass of a 10-foot boar.

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