Patriots have let rip at the Blog of Sleaze, with one calling it (rightly) a cesspit. Plus others have confirmed that Landeryou has promoted the illegal downloading of Underbelly.
Take the weekend to comment.
El Gordo has a relaxed attitude to theft and other acts of dishonesty. No wonder he advocates illegal downloading. The Blog of Sleaze is a cesspoll indeed.
I was fascinated to read this little piece on the dining habits of King Edward VII. It reminded me of another idle parasite, Fat Andy:
"Edward was a celebrated trencherman whose great appetite was not in the least affected by the huge cigars and the Egyptian cigarettes he smoked in such quantities. After drinking a glass of milk in bed, he would fortify himself for a morning's shooting with platefuls of bacon and eggs, haddock and chicken, toast and butter. Soon after breakfast an hour or two in the fresh air would sharpen the Prince's appetite for hot turtle soup. Yet this would in no way impair his appetite for luncheon at half past two, just as a hearty luncheon would not prevent his appearing in the hall at Sandringham where, as his band played appropriate tunes, he would help himself to poached eggs, petit fours, preserved ginger, rolls, scones, hot cakes, cold cakes, sweet cakes and that particular species of Scotch shortcake of which he was especially fond.
"The dinner which followed at half past eight consisted usually of at least twelve courses; and it was not unknown for him to take a liberal sample of every one. He had as evident a relish for rich as for simple food, and would tuck into Scotch broth, Irish stew and plum pudding with as much zest as into caviar, plover's eggs and Ortolans. He was once noticed to frown upon a bowl of boiled ham and beans, but this, he hastened to explain, was not because he despised such fare but "because it should have been bacon". He would enjoy several dozen oysters in a matter of minutes, setting the fashion for swallowing them between mouthfuls of bread and butter; and then would go on to more solid fare, to sole poached in Chablis and garnished with oysters and prawns, or to chicken and turkey in aspic, quails and pigeon pie, grouse and partridge; and the thicker the dressing, the richer the stuffing, the creamier the sauce, the more deeply did he seem to enjoy each mouthful. No dish was too rich for him. He liked his pheasant stuffed with truffles and smothered in oleaginous sauce; he delighted in quails packed with foie gras and served with oysters, truffles, mushrooms, prawns, tomatoes and croquettes. He never grew tired of boned snipe, filled with forcemeat as well as foie gras and covered with truffles and Madeira sauce. And after eating all this food for dinner, he would advise his guests to have a good supper before going to bed, strongly recommending grilled oysters which were his own favourite refreshment at that time of night. On his bedside table was placed a cold chicken in case he became hungry during the night."
Even Landershonk admits his site is sleazy and dishonest. He says "there is an element of Do As I Say Don't Do As I Do" in his behaviour over the blog of sleaze.
That's an informative story in the Telegraph, 5.57: "On March 9, Mr Uribe will be lifted out of his house on his bed by a special crane and driven around the streets of San Nicolas de los Garza, a Monterrey suburb, on a flat-bed truck. Last year, he did the same when he reached 60 stone, celebrating with champagne and a mariachi band."
There will be champagne and a mariachi band and other festivities in Melbourne streets when Landeryou goes to prison.
even tho the authorities will need a crane to lower landeryou down from his little collins street penthouse and a paddy wagon with a reinforced chassis to cart him off to the nick
Here is some good advice from Andrew Landeryou to all at Slanderyou who hide behind anonymity:
Friday, 15 February 2008 COMMENT CARNAGE: Some Guidelines
Recently there has been a resurgence in the practice of posting under the names of certain folk who work at a patriot affiliated union. Impersonation is one of those few areas where we have to be strict. Please don't do it. If you do, we'll delete the comments, ban your IP and put you on Kelvin Thomson's mailing list.
Parody is fine, with the musings of Fatty Doyle and McPerton giving us all much amusement but please don't be pretending to be someone you are not. It shows a lack of imagination if nothing else. And with the parody, do what the OC occasionally does and asks whether I'd like to see what I'm writing about someone else written about me. That simple reality check leads me to be tapping away at the backspace key quite a lot more than many would realise.
As some leftards will soon discover, there is no such thing as anonymity online. So please be conscious of that too the next time you question someone else's sexual ethics, fidelity or other aspects of their private life.
Admittedly there is an element of Do As I Say Don't Do As I Do but there's one notable difference. Every word on this blog of freedom is attributed to me, even the ones written by our growing and magnificent stable of guest contributors. And ultimately I'm responsible for all the comments too so I hope you keep that in mind too the next time you feel the need to say things in the comments section you would never dare say to someone's face.
If I give my real name El Gordo, given his past behavior, might stalk me and my family. I don't trust him. As for questioning someone's sexuality, fidelity or other aspects of their private life, when will Buddha Boy follow his own advice.
What an extraordinary spray from Landeryou. I guess he conveniently hides behind his bankruptcy per any claim made of him regarding defamation. That may even be more cowardly.
El Gordo has a relaxed attitude to theft and other acts of dishonesty. No wonder he advocates illegal downloading. The Blog of Sleaze is a cesspoll indeed.
Go McPerton
I was fascinated to read this little piece on the dining habits of King Edward VII. It reminded me of another idle parasite, Fat Andy:
"Edward was a celebrated trencherman whose great appetite was not in the least affected by the huge cigars and the Egyptian cigarettes he smoked in such quantities. After drinking a glass of milk in bed, he would fortify himself for a morning's shooting with platefuls of bacon and eggs, haddock and chicken, toast and butter. Soon after breakfast an hour or two in the fresh air would sharpen the Prince's appetite for hot turtle soup. Yet this would in no way impair his appetite for luncheon at half past two, just as a hearty luncheon would not prevent his appearing in the hall at Sandringham where, as his band played appropriate tunes, he would help himself to poached eggs, petit fours, preserved ginger, rolls, scones, hot cakes, cold cakes, sweet cakes and that particular species of Scotch shortcake of which he was especially fond.
"The dinner which followed at half past eight consisted usually of at least twelve courses; and it was not unknown for him to take a liberal sample of every one. He had as evident a relish for rich as for simple food, and would tuck into Scotch broth, Irish stew and plum pudding with as much zest as into caviar, plover's eggs and Ortolans. He was once noticed to frown upon a bowl of boiled ham and beans, but this, he hastened to explain, was not because he despised such fare but "because it should have been bacon". He would enjoy several dozen oysters in a matter of minutes, setting the fashion for swallowing them between mouthfuls of bread and butter; and then would go on to more solid fare, to sole poached in Chablis and garnished with oysters and prawns, or to chicken and turkey in aspic, quails and pigeon pie, grouse and partridge; and the thicker the dressing, the richer the stuffing, the creamier the sauce, the more deeply did he seem to enjoy each mouthful. No dish was too rich for him. He liked his pheasant stuffed with truffles and smothered in oleaginous sauce; he delighted in quails packed with foie gras and served with oysters, truffles, mushrooms, prawns, tomatoes and croquettes. He never grew tired of boned snipe, filled with forcemeat as well as foie gras and covered with truffles and Madeira sauce. And after eating all this food for dinner, he would advise his guests to have a good supper before going to bed, strongly recommending grilled oysters which were his own favourite refreshment at that time of night. On his bedside table was placed a cold chicken in case he became hungry during the night."
Even Landershonk admits his site is sleazy and dishonest. He says "there is an element of Do As I Say Don't Do As I Do" in his behaviour over the blog of sleaze.
The London Daily Telegraph has pictures of the world's fattest man at:
They clearly haven't heard of Landeryou.
heres another reason why fat andy hates the wikepedia - they left him off their list of the worlds fattest people
That's an informative story in the Telegraph, 5.57: "On March 9, Mr Uribe will be lifted out of his house on his bed by a special crane and driven around the streets of San Nicolas de los Garza, a Monterrey suburb, on a flat-bed truck. Last year, he did the same when he reached 60 stone, celebrating with champagne and a mariachi band."
There will be champagne and a mariachi band and other festivities in Melbourne streets when Landeryou goes to prison.
even tho the authorities will need a crane to lower landeryou down from his little collins street penthouse and a paddy wagon with a reinforced chassis to cart him off to the nick
Here is some good advice from Andrew Landeryou to all at Slanderyou who hide behind anonymity:
Friday, 15 February 2008
COMMENT CARNAGE: Some Guidelines
Recently there has been a resurgence in the practice of posting under the names of certain folk who work at a patriot affiliated union. Impersonation is one of those few areas where we have to be strict. Please don't do it. If you do, we'll delete the comments, ban your IP and put you on Kelvin Thomson's mailing list.
Parody is fine, with the musings of Fatty Doyle and McPerton giving us all much amusement but please don't be pretending to be someone you are not. It shows a lack of imagination if nothing else. And with the parody, do what the OC occasionally does and asks whether I'd like to see what I'm writing about someone else written about me. That simple reality check leads me to be tapping away at the backspace key quite a lot more than many would realise.
As some leftards will soon discover, there is no such thing as anonymity online. So please be conscious of that too the next time you question someone else's sexual ethics, fidelity or other aspects of their private life.
Admittedly there is an element of Do As I Say Don't Do As I Do but there's one notable difference. Every word on this blog of freedom is attributed to me, even the ones written by our growing and magnificent stable of guest contributors. And ultimately I'm responsible for all the comments too so I hope you keep that in mind too the next time you feel the need to say things in the comments section you would never dare say to someone's face.
Game on.
If I give my real name El Gordo, given his past behavior, might stalk me and my family. I don't trust him.
As for questioning someone's sexuality, fidelity or other aspects of their private life, when will Buddha Boy follow his own advice.
What an extraordinary spray from Landeryou. I guess he conveniently hides behind his bankruptcy per any claim made of him regarding defamation. That may even be more cowardly.
Where is Cait Catt?
Come back Cait. You may talk nonsense but you are the loveliest and most cuddly Landershonk sock puppet.
Where is Cait Catt?
Come back Cait. You may talk nonsense but you are the loveliest and most cuddly Landershonk sock puppet.
2019.12.27台北八大行業知名酒店經紀獨家分析:每當看到酒店工作酒店小姐被「框」出場性侵的新聞,就覺得很無奈,一方面是為了有酒店上班姊妹遇到這樣的事情很難過,一方面是被新聞誇張不實報導,引起社會的恐慌甚至各大留言板的對話更讓人翻白眼。某些人,對大學生/上班族酒店上班的新人對於「框」有很大的誤解。八大行業資深經紀人專業酒店打工解釋裡說的「框」,是指直接包下小姐特定的時間。其實最單純來說,功能有兩種:把小姐找過來或留下來、帶小姐出店家。有時候到店家找自己認識的小姐,但酒店小姐目前在手工(打手槍) 、口爆(口交)服務其他客人,想要把該名小姐找過來,如果用點的,遇到對方喊加點,就只能喊框了;或是有其他客人想點走正在服務自己的小姐,加點後對方又喊框,如果這時前桌喊框,效力是優於後桌的。看起來很複雜,但簡言之,就是把小姐留在自己身邊的一種方法。而「框出」的定義和內涵,就值得深入討論了。歡迎想要高收入賺現金酒店兼差的大學生/上班族,可上網求證對八大行業酒店兼職得相關資訊做核對比對甚至多比較,才能賺錢賺得安心,同時也要保護自己。
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