Monday, November 17, 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Fascists guided by Andrew Landeryou

Team Slanderyou has reported exclusively of Andrew Landeryou’s steady transition to the far right of Australian politics.

A former financial “contributor” to the Daleks of the ALP, Landeryou in recent years has edited a Liberal Party Blog.

More recently he was an unnamed facilitator of the anti-Ted Ballieu faction in the Victorian Liberal Party.

Team Slanderyou can now reveal that the Australian shadowy fascist cell Stormfront has linked to and taken guidance from Andrew Landeryou’s writings.

The disturbing developments have been compounded by the 50,000 plus readership of the StormFront website.

Patriots will be shocked, but not surprised.


Patriots, TS will be taking a short break and will return mid December for our celebrated pre-Christmas special.


Anonymous said...

There is a dichotomy with Landeryou.

There is his disgraceful background as an organised criminal and corporate asset stripper. His courtroom behaviour of obfuscation, privilege, and threats have kept him out of jail thus far.

Then there is his present presence in the community as a 'journalist' and blogger, exposing smalltime council and state government news. His toxic blog Pownews is just an excuse for him to libel, defame and stalk ordinary Australians like Les Twentyman, Union boss Dean Mighell, Stephen Mayne, Cr. Catherine Ng and many other.

He should be shut down quickly in his criminal enterprises and in his sickening perversion of the internet.

Cait Catt said...

Slanderyou continues.

It remains the blog of filth.

If there was a Walkley award for filth Slanderyou would win it hands down.

But there won't be. Not even the Walkley judges who are so stupid they take notice of the likes of Slanderyou to ensure that the OC previously and now the great web site Vexnews will be denied the legitimate award they so rightly deserve.

Demidenko Darville and Slanderyou have this in common. Both publish filth. Both publish lies. Both are serial plagiarists.

Anonymous said...

The Stormfront link took too long to load. There must have been too many stormtroopers, stoney hoons and dickheads accessing the site.

Judging by Poxnews, Landeryou is obviously to the far right. He lambasts Ted Bailleau and The Age for being far Left. His opinion is, well, worthless and ridiculous.

Of course, Landeryou, being a corporate criminal, is not really entitled to give a public opinion about anything. He should be serving a VERY LONG sentence for his criminal activities, and not trying to intervene in current affairs through his toxic blog.

Ergo, Poxnews is a criminal blog.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou is a patriot. He is in no way anti-semitic and he is a defender of Israel.

The fact that Slanderyou gives oxygen to the neo-nazi site Stormfront is an affront to all decent Australians.

Andrew Landeryou and Vexnews are synonymous with patriotism. Remember Susan Chandler? The anti-semitic Liberal Party tool of the Baillieu faction. Only Landeryou denounced her. The popular press was then forced to take it up and Chandler was sacked by Liberal Party HQ.

Didn't Slanderyou defend her?

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would a crim and imbecile blogger appear here, in so many disguises (such as 'Cait Catt', and his endless troupe of aliases) when his Poxnews Blog is considered to be toxic, irrelevant and laughable.

(Of course, its embarrasing to admit that some misguided media hacks look to toxic Poxnews for quotable quotes and guidance about left 'opinion'. All they actually get is the opinion of a criminal shonk who should be in gaol.

They end up looking as silly and irrelevant as Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Rita Randles,

You are dead!

Shut up for f*cks sake!

Anonymous said...

When he gets there, Landeryou can start his 'Barwon Blog' which will
detail his prison experiences.

What a wasted life.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating to see how the local nazi party has embarced Andrew L. He might be a philosemite but he has attacked blacks and Asians on his hate site and for the local nazis clearly two out of three ain't bad.

Anonymous said...

Who else has noticed that Andrew failed to join in the furore over Police Commissioner Christine Nixon improperly accepting free flights to the United States from Qantas. Perhaps this fondness for freebies has something to do with the fact that Andrew remains at large.

Anonymous said...

Andy, why haven't you mentioned this before?

Anonymous said...

I always thought his defence of Israel sounded hollow.

Anonymous said...

why am I not surprised anymore?

Anonymous said...

Andy's new nazi friends know his defence of Israel is just a wind-up of the left. They also know that they get very little traction with anti-Semitism here. They are much more interested in and have much more success attacking blacks and Asians and will have been gratified by all the support they have had from Andy and Poxnews with this of late.

Anonymous said...

It is 10:30 on Monday morning but El Gordo has not updated his hate site since Friday.

Anonymous said...

fat boy must have stayed out too late and had too much beer and wurst and sauerkraut with his new friends last night

Anonymous said...

Read a recent story on the BBC news that there is a neo-nazi group in Israel, believe it or not. This comprises emigrants from the former Soviet Union. One of the neo nazi symbols these deranged individuals use is the tattoo 88. The number 8 is a symbol for the letter H. HH is Heil Hitler.

What is the symbolism for Cait Catt. Cait and Catt have four letters. Together that adds up to 8. Double 8 is HH.

Catter8, another name for Cait Catt on the Cait Catt blog page, uses the figure 8. The figure 8 stands for H. Double H is Heil Hitler.

No wonder Stormfront links to Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Not surprised that El Gordo hides behind the skirts of women, such as his former wife, but hiding behind a dead woman like Rita Randles is really weird. And now with the added Nazi factor! Is it because Obama won the US elections?

Anonymous said...

its after 12PM and no stories on poxnews?

Is landy dead?

Anonymous said...

Andy has written some story about Bollinger. Wasn't that a Vichy drink???????

At least Andy is consistent.

Anonymous said...

Fat Andrew has been caught telling too many lies to be consistent yet again.

The product of his deranged imagination Cait Catt commented on this patriotic blog late on Sunday: "Not even the Walkley judges who are so stupid they take notice of the likes of Slanderyou to ensure that the OC previously and now the great web site Vexnews will be denied the legitimate award they so rightly deserve."

This is a 180 degree turn around. Liar Landeryou has claimed to have won a Walkley for his old blog of filth. Now he is saying that Slanderyou stopped him.

Poor Fat Andy! He tells too many lies to have any hope of ever being consistent.

No wonder the blog of filth and now are regarded as stinking shite.

Anonymous said...

While the vile racism of Poxnews has been dominating debate of late the equally nasty views on rape that Landeryou has been peddling should not be overlooked. Here's just one of the many enlightened comments on his site in the wake of the Theo T matter...

Until the law is changed, men will have their characters sullied by nameless female accusers.

We all understand that in the case of rape, the accuser’s anonymity is important… but somehow the law needs framing to allow the naming and shaming of undeniably fraudelent accusers. This should be done on the result of a successful procecution of the accuser for a new crime “false rape allegations” for which the punishment is of the same magnitude as that of rape.

Simple. The man’s character has been raped.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is just a gauche misogynist.

Anyone who has seen a feral defence lawyer torturing and dismantling a rape victim would laugh out loud at Landeryou's mad assertions.

He is so mad that he cannot 'see' his own courtroom shenanigans were disgraceful concoctions of feigned forgetfulness, p-r---y and obfuscation.

Anonymous said...

I've just been watching The Howard Years on the ABC. The former prime minister concedes he knew he would lose last year after "some fat crook blogger in Melbourne" backed him. "This individual nauseated and disgusted the decent, hard-working, law-abiding Australians whose trust I had worked so hard to win," said Howard.

Anonymous said...

Amazing revelations on the ABC. I thought it was incredible that Howard was still so angry he could not bring himself to say the name "Landeryou".

Anonymous said...

Just been watching 'The Howard Years' on ABC. It was a video version of Poxnews. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap!

These Australian 'Thatcherites' were the ones that sped up the deregulation juggernaut here, now toppling the financial world. Labor state governments later embraced this anathema, and still do today.

Doctrinaire politicians prepared to sacrifice us all for a perverted pet theory - 'laissez-faire economics' - that hasn't worked for three hundred years, and never will. And we voted them in?

PS: Peter Reith is nearly as forgetful as Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Tony Mokbel has been granted Legal Aid to defend two murder charges and a series of drug allegations.

There go more of my taxpayer dollars. The Brumby government will next expect taxpayers to fund a defence for fraudster Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Another thing I didn't see on Poxnews:

"So while ABC Learning investors were losing billions, Liberal MP Peter Dutton was cleaning up to the tune of $100,000 a year from a neat commercial deal with ABC Learning. That is multi-skilling, Liberal style".

So many Libs on the ABC Board!

Anonymous said...

It is not just Peter Dutton, B. Welch; the whole ABC Learning debacle smacks of crony capitalism at its worst. Given the absolute incompetence of ABC Learning, the magnitude of the catastrophe and the lack of government scrutiny in allocating $300 million per year in taxpayer funded government subsidies, a Royal Commission or similar enquiry is required to hold the miscreants to account and ensure that such events never happen again.

The Australian letters blog

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that the nazis haven't threatened this blog.

maybe they are cowards too

Anonymous said...

My mate Landeryou could have bankrupted ABC Learning in half the time. Those Liberal slackos on the Board were just ordinary carpet-baggers.

Anonymous said...

Liberal minister Larry Anthony and present day Lib weirdo Peter Dutton just lurved those ABC Learning payoffs. Absolutely disgraceful! Ha Ha!

The hands-off attitude of my Howard Government set us up for the spectacular failure we’ve now just witnessed.

Anonymous said...

The earlier comment attributed to me is a fake. I do not think Mr Slanderyou's promiscuous rampant homosexuality is anyone's business, except between himself, health authorities, and God. But others may and do seek to differ. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Well said Henderson. Agree 100%. I am sure God hates what Slanderyou is up to. Be very afraid Slanderyou. Vengeance is mine said the Lord.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed how the comments on Slanderyou are drying up. Readership of this already poorly read blog of filth has it seems totally collapsed. I for one am not surprised. Can anyone suggest a great news portal to read?

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Three comments in a row from Landeryou, still pathetically drunk at six in the morning.

Andrew, get a job!

Anonymous said...

First Vexnews told us rape victims were all asking for it. Then it gave us racism against blacks and then Asians. Today Fat Boy Landeryou is dishing up ageism. Whatever next?

Anonymous said...

A great story in the Herald Sun today about some welfare bludger who conned her partner out of $35,000 by saying she had cancer and spent it on liposuction and a boob job. Fat crook Andy is already thinking that if he can find the right lady his lipo and hair transplant are as good as paid for.

Anonymous said...

PoxViews - Macedonia's 9,606th most popular blog, Israel's
74,402th and Vietnam's 101,844th.

Probably because of the slimy content.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou must be delighted at his hit rate in Macecdonia but he won't be truly happy until Latrobe Street looks like Sarajevo at the height of the siege thanks to the intra-ethnic violence he hopes to foment.

Anonymous said...

Poxnews today calls Mal Colston "superb".

I guess Landeryou pere et fils will always be impressed by how such a lazy bum and crook got away with rorting so much for so many family members for so long.

Anonymous said...

Slanderyou is a very disappointing blog. No new news in days. Have you gone to ground Mr Slanderyou? Caught some exotic sexual disease? No wonder. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Henderson, you beat me too it. Can you suggest a website that I should read?

Anonymous said...

Anon, if you haven't already, you should look to So many people are turning to the innovative news portal. Beware though. It's very addictive.

Anonymous said...

Patriots only got question two right (it was Stephen Mayne), and now I've lost my answer sheet.

quiz said...
1. Who said Landeryou is "a spineless twerp who specialises in attacking single women on the web (he screened a photo of one woman's home, broadcast lies about office affairs and pregnancy with another)".

2. Who said Landeryou "is now Australia's most prolific and reckless internet defamer".

3. Who said: "It is scurrilous. The
reality is that an amount of what is printed on that web site is defamatory. However, we all know that Andrew Landeryou does not have two pennies to rub together at
this stage and is facing a fairly uncertain future, probably at Her Majesty’s pleasure. As a result, it is very unlikely that anybody is going to launch proceedings against Mr Landeryou, on the basis that they would be unlikely to receive any damages and the
cost of a defamation action is extremely high".

Thursday, November 13, 2008 11:43:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Mr Landeryou is turning into Mal Colston. Oopps, what have I said...

Anonymous said...

Steady on Cait. Be careful or you might end up as dead as me!

Anonymous said...

Toxic human gadfly Landeryou is busy interfering in Health Services Union business. For some mad reason, he thinks he is competent to taunt Union bosses.

Landeryou's only relevant experience is his short lived presidency of MUSU which ended in shocking ignominy. He and his mates considered MUSU was a golden opportunity for organised crime, asset stripping, dodgy get rich schemes and a heap of scams that bankrupted the union.

Landeryou still hasn't felt the sting of justice but he dishes out shit to real unions, dealing with real crises and real unionists.

Anonymous said...

No new content on the blog of fifth. Not surprising. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Saw Cait Catt tonight on Foreign Correspondent on ABC1.

Cait was part of a Nazi gang in Israel.

Incredible. How could this happen?

I always thought that Cait and Catt were Jewish names.

Anonymous said...

ABC's Lateline Business just told me I've lost 44 percent of my Super thanks to overseas crims like our Landeryou. They're all sitting on millions while I have worked 44 percent of my life unknowingly donating my hard-earned dollars to unregulated stockmarket criminals.

Anonymous said...

Hmnn. Like Mick G., and other Underbelly investors, I'm just getting into the stockmarket whirlpool. I think there is money to be made. Yee-Hah!

Anonymous said...

This comment is on Vexnews:

Catherine Ng is not a good candidate. She will not be a good Lord Mayor for Melbourne. Darebin perhaps. Brimbank perhaps. Even Boroondara. Not Melbourne. We deserve something better, to plagiarise Darebin candidate patriot Steven Tsitas.

Who is Steven Tsitas?

Anonymous said...

Michael Leighton, ex MP for Preston, never campaigned against Steven last time, hence his election and defeat of Australian Local Government Association President Rae Perry.

Rae is currently recuperating from a motor cycle accident, as reported on Vexnews.

Anonymous said...

No news again today on the blog of filth.

Are authorities purusing Slanderyou?

Has he gone into hiding? I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

The Vexnews commentary on the Ng electoral rort is very insightful. Much better than The Age's second rate effort.

Anonymous said...

"Who is Steven Tsitas?" a patriot asks.

Who are virtually all the obscure local government, union, banckbench staffers and student pol nobodies and wannabees featured on Fat Andy's racist, sexist and ageist hate site? The low, low hit rate for his failed Poxnews venture gives us one answer: that they are not people anyone wants to read about.

Anonymous said...

I have decided to come clean and confess to the authorities the full details of all the sordid crimes I have committed as an accomplice of Landeryou's.

There is a problem however. Landeryou has committed so many crimes in so many jurisdictions I do not know which authorities to begin with.

Do the patriotic, decent, sober, hard-working and law-abiding readers of Slanderyou have any ideas who I should confess to first?

cait catt said...

I have decided to throw myself on the mercy of the authorities too. I intend to plead guilty and will give evidence for the Crown.

I have made my decision as Landeryou is an evil scheming monster who has committed theft, fraud, perjury and criminal defamation amongst other crimes.

Anonymous said...

The popular and reputable Melbourne Age columnists Suzanne Carbone and Lawrence Money described Landeryou as "a spineless twerp etc..." Their report also said of the fat failure: "Now prematurely bald, obese and developing a peculiar body odour (something to do with his high-fat diet, say associates), Landeryou spends his lonely days fetching internet sticks for his political masters."

Anonymous said...

Fat criminal Andrew Landeryou likes posting here under various false names.

He has also broken court orders made by the Sunshine magistrates by falsely registering a URL in the name of the much loved fighter for Melbourne's down and out, Les Twentymen.

There are two false identities though that Landeryou jealously guards for use on his own site. These are Christian Lyons and Nick Mack.

Landeryou uses these to pretend that has contributors other than himself. The content of their copy betrays them.

"Lyons" recently referred to the Starbucks at Manuka, a bar and restaurant precinct popular with political types. There has not been one there since about the time Landeryou did his Costa Rica flit.

The "Christian Lyons" name refers to the conservative Christian Lyons Forum group, irrelevant and impotent since its main organiser, Chris Miles, lost his seat a decade ago.

Landeryou bills "Mack" as "the fresh prince of Red Hill". This is inexplicable. Red Hill is a suburb located some five kilometres from Parliament House noted for a large, violent, squalid, ice-ridden public housing estate.

Only someone who had plucked the name off a map at random would be silly enough to associate it in any way with politics.

Landeryou used to like to play the big fish in a little pond. That pond was Victoria. He knows nothing about the goings-on in Canberra.

He might recall seeing a Starbucks somewhere on a visit five years ago or the name of a ginger group that was influential in the mid nineties, but that is all he can talk about.

The lack of knowledge, let alone the lack of any depth of knowledge, is betrayed in the "contributions" of "Christian Lyons" and "Nick Mack" to the site.

Like everything else the fat criminal offers there they are worthless.

Anonymous said...

In answer to the final question of the patriotic quiz it was the hard working and respected Liberal MLC Bruce Atkinson who said "Andrew Landeryou does not have two pennies to rub together at this stage and is facing a fairly uncertain future, probably at Her Majesty’s pleasure."

Anonymous said... does have one other contributors other than El Gordo - Sgt Sasha. That is when he isn't using his camera phone to shoot fluffy kittens.

Anonymous said...

Sergeant Sasha is so mad he would probably use a Steyr rifle on fluffy kittens and a camera phone on an invading army storming down Burke Street but who else has noticed that even he has been sane enough not to publish anything on Poxnews for quite some time.

Anonymous said...

It was good to be reminded that Landeryou illegally registered the "" domain.

Put it into your web browser. You will be directed through to a compilation of all the Twentyman hate material Landeryou published on his old Blog of Sleaze.

I have never seen a clearer-cut case of contempt of court.

Anonymous said...

contempt of court is usually punished by prison

Anonymous said...

"Biggest Loser" host Ajay Rochester has pleaded guilty to fraud. Will she start a trend amongst other bent blubberguts?

Andrew, we're waiting for you!

Anonymous said...

Just starting a list of Landeryou's crimes that patriots might like to add to.

* Theft

* Fraud

* Perjury

* Criminal defamation

These have been Landeryou's main activities it seems since he left school and include a vast subset of other criminality too large to list here but he must also expect to faces charges for:

* Destruction of evidence

* Forgery

* Uttering

* Contempt of court

* Breaches of the Bankruptcy Act

* Breaches of the Electoral Act (Vic)

* Ditto Commonwealth

* Breaches of corporation law

* Ditto tax law

* Making threats of violence (see Michael Batchelard's expose of Landeryou's nefarious activities from the Australian)

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou has developed dyslexia.

He wet and shat himself and vomited simultaneously after reading headlines like "Federal Government may have to prop up CFK".

Fortunately for the fat fraudster the stories referred to embattled child care provider CFK, not his beloved KFC.

Anonymous said...

9:16:00 PM

Stalking should be in there too!

Perhaps the final list should be built in the logo of this site - or included on every comments page?

Landeryou keeps on trolling here to divert attention. With the list, even he will be on the same page!

Anonymous said...

Hearty Congratulations to 'trivia buff' and 'quiz nite star' for solving the Landeryou Quiz.

Now all we have to figure out is where he stashed all those millions and the IQ Media company papers.

Anonymous said...

Didn't 'Ronnie' eat the IQ Media company papers - only to be fried up and eaten by Landeryou while he was cleaning up the crime scene.

Anonymous said...

"Now prematurely bald, obese and developing a peculiar body odour..." (maybe Landeryou's brain is rotting) or he has Ebola disease.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou has more chins than the Hong Kong telephone book!

Anonymous said...

Same S H I T E different day on Poxnews.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is the only bloke in Australian who would boast about welshing on a debt:

"The publisher of VEXNEWS, Andrew Landeryou, allegedly owes Hanke a thousand dollars too after an unsuccessful bet on the result of an election".

Hanke is going to have to join the back of a very long queue of people who want to give Landeryou a black eye.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou accuses Catherine Ng of being 'the vile woman whose halitosis is the stuff of Town Hall legend'.

Sasha Uzunov says Landeryou smells like a beached whale that's been dead for ten days. Phew!

Anonymous said...

Over sensitive Qantas must still have some poke. Nearly all my comments critical of dud multi-millionaire CEO Geoff Dixon have suddenly vanished (from the site you can click above). A previous thread discussing disasterous safety problems (especially fire)at Avalon airport suddenly was cut off by the webmaster last January (yesterday there was a collision between two jumbo jets that were being towed at Avalon Airport).

This is the sort of blatant censorship that Landeryou indulges in. It looks as if Qantas contacted the Webmaster and told him to get my posts off his site.

Patriots, if they are quick, can see my posts (before they were censored) by Googling these words > duncan's tv qantas > then click on the 'Cached' hyperlink.

With the indulgence of patriots, I will shortly post some of my comments now censored on that site.

Anonymous said...

Ian Mack August 13th, 2008 at 10:01 pm

After weeks of bad news about faults, missed maintenance and other snafus, outgoing Qantas CEO Geoff Dixon (the seven million dollar a year man) has disappeared! He looked a bit pale on tv news when the 747 fuselage ruptured (is that plane STILL in Manila)?

Maybe he’s just given up, and is quietly counting his millions at home.

The airline’s response to this unparalleled PR disaster has been to roll out the old ‘I still call Australia home’ advertising anthems.

C’mon dimwits! Spend the money on maintenance and not feel good tv ads. It’s high time passenger safety took precedence over lazy shareholders sitting at home waiting for dividends. Maybe Geoff could donate a coupla mill himself towards safety mainenance!

Ian Mack September 24th, 2008 at 12:13 am

The world economic downturn has turned a spotlight on multi-million salaried CEOs like Qantas’s Geoff Dixon.

The Melbourne Age today states: CASA was criticised in a Senate inquiry last week, which described its response to a recent spate of Qantas maintenance problems as “blase”.

There are plenty of new celebrations about the newly delivered A 380. But my question is where will it be serviced and maintained. Geoff is off in November, but his replacement, Alan Joyce, the Irish boss of embattled Jetstar, is a continuing question mark about the future of Qantas.

Anonymous said...

Ian Mack November 4th, 2008 at 10:29 pm

Japan Air Lines CEO, Haruka Nishimatsu, took a drastic cut in salary in 2007, eats in the staff canteen, and works in an open office environment with other executives. His current salary is $US 90,000.

He provides a salutary and welcome difference to autocratic Qantas CEO Geoff Dixon who will shortly retire with a staggering payout in the millions of dollars. Dixon waged war on his own staff with staff cuts, union bashing and maintenance savings.

Tomorrow's Age lists some of the latest Qantas disasters - including the introduction of Jetstar to NZ Domestic routes. New Zealand travellers won't be impressed by Jetstar's sub-standard service including stranded and abandoned customers.

Anonymous said...

I was astonished and annoyed when the Duncan's TV site pulled the thread on Avalon airport safety last January.

I used to be a senior CFA fireman who was involved in fire safety for the last two Air Shows at Laverton. I was gob-smacked by the antiquated fire appliances used there, and the fact that Avalon's Control Tower is mostly unmanned. Flight takeoffs and landings are operated from Melbourne Airport. Of course, flight controllers cannot see what is happening on the ground at Avalon.

It is nearly impossible on the internet to find any sites dealing with passenger and aircraft safety at Avalon. There were once many. They have all gradually been extinguished and erased by Qantas /Jetstar /Avalon Airport operators.

Lets see if TS gets a call from Qantas about my posts.

(Ian Mack)

Anonymous said...

Avalon's ancient fire appliances are from the early 1970s. They were designed for an airfield where aircraft were serviced and maintained. They were never designed for a modern, functioning, operational passenger airport.

If there ever is a serious aircraft accident there (heaven forbid), many heads will roll.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is now bagging the British National Party!!! The local chapter won't be happy with him

Anonymous said...

Interesting to read of Landeryou's contempt of court with his site. Some community minded reader of this site should alert the much-loved Les so he can take the necessary steps needed to protect his family.

Anonymous said...


Team Slanderyou exposed Andrew Landeryou's links to local Nazis so what did Andrew do?

"Vexnews names and shames every member of the English race-hate party, the British National Party," is what his website says.

Vexnews my arse! Landeryou realised he had a big, big problem, did some desperate Googling and then STOLE stories that have been widely reported in the UK all week on the leaking of the British National Party's membership list.

Landeryou has done NOTHING to repudiate his own shameful Nazi links.

Anonymous said...

Where does Landeryou get off? His website has been full of the most vilely racist comments in the wake of Barack Obama's election and he is waging a racist war against a refugee from Vietnamese communism.

Anonymous said...

Fatty will be disappointed with the news that Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's cowardly cyberstalking and online defamation campaigns show that he has no balls at all.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou hates cyclists but he hates Asians even more so today on his hate site is a brand new rant against Catherine Ng for not doing enough for... cyclist safety.

Anonymous said...

if that fat crook really was an anti nazi he would release the names of his friends in the local party and not republish some list from the other side of the world

Anonymous said... reports -

"A MAN who admitted faking qualifications to land a job doing safety checks on Qantas jets also faked the character references supplied to the sentencing judge..."

With behaviour like that it sounds as if he may well be Landeryou's long lost brother.

Anonymous said...

With behaviour like that and such complete contempt for anyone else that bloke must be a Landeryou!!

Anonymous said...

Call me callous but the sooner Landeryou is behind bars getting bashed and sodomised the better. He has used his toxic blogs to dish out the nastiest hurt and humiliation based on whim. The sooner he suffers hurt and humiliation himself then the sooner justice will be done

Anonymous said...

Thursday afternoon, and there is no reference on Poxnews about the BNP story. Did Andy scrub it from the website????

Anonymous said...

Andy loves censorship. It is one of the many reasons why Nazis love him.

Anonymous said...

Neither Cait Catt nor Catter 8 nor the late Rita Randles are members of the British National Party. I did a search after downloading the membership list from Vexnews.

Is everyone listed a real person?

Anonymous said...

Perjurer Marcus Einfeld has finally admitted that he is "deeply ashamed" of his crime. Will Fat Andy?

Anonymous said...

It all keeps coming back to why is a corporate criminal running a blog in modern Victoria that defames anyone he doesn't like!

Anonymous said...

All patriots know that Fat Andrew Landeryou is going down for at least 10 years for his corporate crimes. But what about his history of violence?

The definitive article on his criminal rampage up until the end of 2004, Louise Perry's and Michael Bachelard's "Big man on campus" from The Australian tells us:

"Another former associate says that when he tried to sever ties with Landeryou's company, Andrew, backed by Bill, went 'completely feral... they made bizarre demands, called my investors in New York.'

"This associate says he was told to come, alone, to a meeting, then taken to a darkened room and threatened."

White collar crime backed up by violence is a very different thing to plain old white collar crime. Judges take a very dim view of it indeed.

Patriots may be aware of the tale of how Landeryou and some of his MUSU accomplices once threatened to throw a victim from a car they were travelling in.

It will be fascinating to see just what emerges on Landeryou's threats and use of force during his trial.

It could lead to the fat crim copping at least another decade behind bars.

Anonymous said...

Interesting that the Australian's report on Landershonk as standover man brings in his nasty old man too

Anonymous said...

Gordon Wood has been found guilty.

Now onto the Landeryou trial!!!!!

Anonymous said...

One more week and then the Victorian council elections (yawn) will be out of the way. What low rent irrelevancies will fat flop Landeryou write about then? He must be cursing he and Dimberley didn't breed. At least then he could go and defame the other members of the kindergarten parents & friends.

Anonymous said...

El Gordo breed? Yuk!

Anonymous said...

The child protection authorities wouldn't let fat boy anywhere near a kindergarten.

Anonymous said...

An exciting new precedent would be set if Buddha Boy got involved with the running of a kindergarten. ASIC and the ATO would end up investigating a kindy's operations for the very first time.

Anonymous said...

One week later and no new content on the blog of filth.

No wonder reader numbers have crashed.

Lazy leftards.

I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

I agree Henderson. A very boring blog. Perhaps Australia's most boring?

Anonymous said...

Boring is an understatement!

Anonymous said...

The losses would make ABC Learning look like a walk in the park on a warm sunny day!

Anonymous said...

Hey fat boy! Why don't you fuck off back to your own toxic swamp and wait for the coppers to call?

I reckon the idea of you running a kindergarten is hilarious. There would be massive financial losses and a string of curious "accidents" with poor tiny tots falling into deep fryers - and all their remains vanishing. Burp!

Anonymous said...

How disgusting! Look at the comments thread. At two in afternoon Melbourne time (three hours behind the Slanderyou clock) that bum Landeryou was already so drunk he couldn't remember the way he does his "Henderson Ross" sign-ins. His three comments were all over the shop!

Decent, law-abiding, patriotic folk have jobs to do. Not fat crook Andy. He just sits in front of a computer screen running down his swag of stolen loot on gross and gluttonous purchases of KFC and cheap red wine.

Anonymous said...

I received this from an email linked to Mr Slanderyou - peddler of smut and spam. I am Henderson Ross.

I have a new email address!
You can now email me at:

I am Mr Ahmed Abedi,Auditing director bank of Africa.I have a proposalof $25M to transact with you:

- Ahmed Abedi

Anonymous said...

What has Harvey Norman got against Andy? "Homeless 'just a drag on the community'" See The Age article

Anonymous said...

Henderson, I received the same email. STOP peddling smut Slanderyou.

Anonymous said...

Fat boy, just how drunk are you?

You are the one who is the online scammer!

You run a live feed of filth from your fat and flatulent arse and have the gall to package it up as a "news" website!

No wonder, just like your ill-starred Blog of Sleaze, has no readers!

Anonymous said...

What a coincidence that Landeryou should be talking about scam emails. My legal team has just retrieved a copy of this example from my junk mail folder:

From: Rev Dr Barrister Andrew Landeryou

To: Solly Lew

Subject: Praise the Lord this happy day!

You may not know me but I am Rev Dr Barrister Andrew Landeryou, son of the great warlord Archbishop Dr Sir Dr Dr Bill Landeryou.

Praise the Lord this happy day I can ask you invest in IQ Corporation, Nigeria's biggest provider of online gambling spivvery.

Great wealth will be yours, oh the most potent Mr Lew, if you send all your bank account details to me at

Orphans and widows will smile on your endeavours and Heaven bless your name.


I am henderson ross

Anonymous said...

Andy will be pleased with this news.

Obese get two seats for the price of one on flights within Canada

From correspondents in Ottawa


November 21, 2008 04:12pm

OBESE people have the right to two seats for the price of one on flights within Canada, the country's Supreme Court ruled yesterday.
The court declined to hear an appeal by Canadian airlines of a decision by the Canadian Transportation Agency that people who are "functionally disabled by obesity" deserve to have two seats for one fare.

The airlines had lost an appeal at the Federal Court of Appeal in May and had sought to launch a fresh appeal at the Supreme Court.

The court's decision not to hear a new appeal means the one-person-one-fare policy stands.

The appeal had been launched by Air Canada, Air Canada Jazz and WestJet.

Anonymous said...

What a scoop for Slanderyou: Fat Andy's criminal modus operandi revealed!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev, Jetstar have a sale. Interesting to see if they offer the same 2 for 1 to Andy!

Thank Jetstar it's Friday!

Every Friday from 4pm-8pm (AEDT), Jetstar will have some seriously low fares on offer as part of our new Friday Fare Frenzy.

There will be a range of different routes on sale every Friday from now until Christmas.

Visit the sale page between 4pm-8pm today to see the fabulous fares on offer this Friday and don't forget to check every week - same time, same place - for all our Frenzy Fares.

Happy Friday Australia!

Anonymous said...

When Landeryou goes to jail he will get an honest job for the first time in his life operating a machine that stamps out number plates but wouldn't it be funny if it chopped off all his fingers. There would be no more blogging for Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Has Andy seen this item on It is the only way he will ever get an appreciative audience...

A TEENAGER has apparently committed suicide in front of a live webcam after being egged on by users on an internet forum.

Anonymous said...

The London Daily Telegraph tells patriots "A man from the United States, who weighs 38 stone and calls himself Chubby Mikey, has posed for a naked calendar..."

Perhaps that is a way 83 stone Chubby Andy could turn an honest quid.

Anonymous said...

I learnt on Vexnews that there is a One Nation candidate for the Council of East Gippsland. One Michael Freshwater.

There is also a One Nation sympathiser running for the Hume Council. His name is either Steve Medcraft or Jack Medcraft. He uses both names simultaneously. I heard last Sunday that Mr Medcraft has an organiser for his Hume Council campaign named Cait Catt. Cait suggested another lady named catter8 but Steve (Jack) woke up she's not for real. Then Cait suggested one Rita Randles but Steve (Jack) aint dumb and he found out after doing a search on Google she's six feet under.

Steve (Jack) aint dumb but I don't support him. Nor do I support Mr Freshwater. Pauline and her supporters are not good role models for our kids.

Anonymous said...

No news here about the MCC election. Vexnews has all the candidates covered! I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Henderson, I was going to ask where I could find timely, up to date information. I will point my browser to Vexnews.

Anonymous said...

Just saw Michael Kroger on ABC Lateline. He is a failed Landeryou style figure, but speeded up and on steroids.

He had the gall to praise former merchant banker Malcolm Turnbull and endorse him as a possible saviour in the present world financial crisis. What laughable nonsense.

Is Kroger completely MAD? Merchant bankers are part of the crowd that have just brought the world to its knees. Millions of jobs are on the line worldwide. Does Australia need a former merchant banker steering the nation? Of course not! Shadow Treasurer Julie Bishop is an embarrassing joke.

The Liberal Party and warlord Kroger are lost in the wilderness. They just don't have a clue. The electorate simply won't tolerate more toffs like Kroger and Turnbull rewriting history, and re-inventing the past and present.

Michael, stick your crazy commentaries up your Khyber. Malcolm, lose the 'Howard Years' remnants like Abbott, Bishop, Hockey et al, and you have half of a quarter of a chance.

Anonymous said...

The Libs just can't get past their "we were born to rule" elitist codswallop!

It is a sad fact that a proportion of middle Australia aspires to elitism, and identifies itself with those dolts. I could never find someone who would admit they voted for Howard during the 'Howard Years', but they were there in their hundreds of thousands. I hope you haven't done your Super. Don't vote for the Libs ever again.

Anonymous said...

Poxnews is silent on the ongoing executive multi-million salaries scandal. Even Landeryou's mate Stephen Conroy, and Stephen Mayne, have been laying into the Telstra boss's ultra fat packages. Send the silly prick back to to the US!

But nothing on Poxnews. What's going on?

Anonymous said...

Shit! C'mon, we can't cover everything! At Poxnews we've got a staff of one-and-half men - Landeryou and Sasha Uzunov. On paper this adds up to a huge staff. Uzunov is a One Man Media Army, and Landeryou has forty-plus fake personalities. But we still can't cover everything. Go fuck yourselves you smarmy, elitist smart alecs!

Anonymous said...

Madman Landeryou is starting to decorate the Fat Cave for Christmas. Fairy lights on the commercial deep fryers, extra ammo for his fortified dunny, and a collection tin for Les Twentyman's Xmas Appeal for homeless youth.

Anonymous said...

The Australian on Saturday gave Conroy 5/10. No marks for Landeryou's performance. 0/10 would have been too charitable.

Anonymous said...

Pert-time Poxnews is a news desert, and moribund at weekends.

Anonymous said...

I'm helping Andrew with his Chrissie decorations while he is away attending a transsexual convention this weekend.

There's not a lot happening at the moment because I'm dead. But at least I'm thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

Mr Slanderyou must be the laziest blogger in the country.

So lazy in fact he should consider running on Catherine Ng's ticket.

They would make quite a 'dynamic' team! I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Very funny, but accurate Henderson.

kevin of southbank said...

Hos is Stormfront going Andy?

kevin of southbank said...

Hos is Stormfront going Andy?

last qantas censorship post said...

I was astonished and annoyed when the Duncan's TV site pulled the thread on Avalon airport safety last January.

I used to be a senior CFA fireman who was involved in fire safety for the last two Air Shows at Laverton. I was gob-smacked by the antiquated fire appliances used there, and the fact that Avalon's Control Tower is mostly unmanned. Flight takeoffs and landings are operated from Melbourne Airport. Of course, flight controllers cannot see what is happening on the ground at Avalon.

It is nearly impossible on the internet to find any sites dealing with passenger and aircraft safety at Avalon. There were once many. They have all gradually been extinguished and erased by Qantas /Jetstar /Avalon Airport operators.

Lets see if TS gets a call from Qantas about my posts.

(Ian Mack)

Anonymous said...

Didn't 'Ronnie' eat the IQ Media company papers - only to be fried up and eaten by Landeryou while he was cleaning up the crime scene.

trivia buff said...

The popular and reputable Melbourne Age columnists Suzanne Carbone and Lawrence Money described Landeryou as "a spineless twerp etc..." Their report also said of the fat failure: "Now prematurely bald, obese and developing a peculiar body odour (something to do with his high-fat diet, say associates), Landeryou spends his lonely days fetching internet sticks for his political masters."

cait catt said...

Mr Landeryou is turning into Mal Colston. Oopps, what have I said...

john howard said...

Liberal minister Larry Anthony and present day Lib weirdo Peter Dutton just lurved those ABC Learning payoffs. Absolutely disgraceful! Ha Ha!

The hands-off attitude of my Howard Government set us up for the spectacular failure we’ve now just witnessed.

jackboots said...

The Stormfront link took too long to load. There must have been too many stormtroopers, stoney hoons and dickheads accessing the site.

Judging by Poxnews, Landeryou is obviously to the far right. He lambasts Ted Bailleau and The Age for being far Left. His opinion is, well, worthless and ridiculous.

Of course, Landeryou, being a corporate criminal, is not really entitled to give a public opinion about anything. He should be serving a VERY LONG sentence for his criminal activities, and not trying to intervene in current affairs through his toxic blog.

Ergo, Poxnews is a criminal blog.

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