The correspondence below was written after Andy returned from Costa Rica. Photos reveal the flight back.
Dear Young Mr Justin or is it Simon,
I am advised by one of your associates that you have claimed that I was successfully sued in relation to the liquidation of the Melbourne University Student Union Inc.
That is utterly false.
My financial situation - temporary I assure you - relate to my business dealings with the big bad Mr Solomon Lew and have nothing at all to do with the MUSU.
While it is true that there were a number of patriots were sued by a Socialist Left appointed Liquidator in nuisance lawsuits for massive amounts and settled for small payments (in the thousands of dollars against spectacular claims for millions), I believe most of the parties (including me) absolutely refused to agree to pay up anything to a fraudulent process of the kind instigated by our socialist friends.
You will find - and I encourage you to research the matter further - that no trial has yet or is ever likely to occur for the very good reason that there was no basis whatsoever to the claims made. So yes there was a lawsuit filed, and some amazingly high legal expenses on the Liquidator's part, but no trial let alone the result you imply. We vigorously defended every step of his bogus lawsuit and tormented the fucker as much as we could. A Supreme Court judge agreed we did rather a good job. He grew so upset he attempted to obtain court bans on our vigorous defence of his scandalous lawsuit. Poor fuck didn't have a clue.
For your reference:
http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/vic/VSC/2006/205.html (note the Judge essentially endorsed our claim that the Liquidator was pursuing the claim for non-commercial reasons)
Indeed, as even the left-wing rag The Age partly correctly observed, we threatened to "do slowly" the corrupt Liquidator, a threat I believe we have, so far fulfilled with much more to come. He is and was a complete crook, attempting to use the political situation there to make himself a fortune. He got the fortune but also got a pretty big dose of grief from us which will continue until I am able to piss on his grave.(Apologies for the crude language, but as you are an engie of some kind I thought it might make it easier to follow for you)
Further, the Socialist Left appointed Liquidator will - when his final report is lodged - have to account for his expenditure of some $8 million, while recovering practically nothing from the "targets" he so publicly announced and denounced. Some of this money came from MUSU members which is bad enough, but it now appears most of it came from taxpayers via the University. If you seek a scandal, it is that, he trousered many millions and recovered essentially nothing.
Happy to discuss with you further should you wish. It saddens me that socialist propaganda of this kind has been accepted and repeated by a patriot such as yourself. Clearly this is because you are a dickhead rather than malevolent per se, so I'll forgive you this once providing you withdraw your false claims and apologise.
If it happens again, I suppose you know what happens next.
PS Feel free to call me should you wish on 0415 99 33 26
Do all El Gordo's attempts of intimiation end with the laughter of the intended victims nowadays?
"Dear Young Mr Justin or is it Simon"
I gather the response began "Dear Andrew or is it Shirley or Cait or Catter8 or Henderson or Ben or Rita or Matt (not Mat) Mason..." etc, etc.
Fat thief, fraud and failure Landeryou has so many false identities it is hard to know where to begin, let alone how many there really are.
The fact is that the attempt to obtain an injunction failed. Mr Landeryou is an honest and ethical man I suggest you look at the law report from the link given and you will totally agree with my assessment.
I repeat, there is no fraud suggested on the part of Mr Landeryou or Vexnews. I have always found both to be accurate and reasonable.
I wouldn't believe anything I read on Slanderyou. It is after all the blog of filth.
"My financial situation - temporary I assure you"
We take this to mean that Landeryou is saying that once he is out of bankruptcy, he will repatriate all the loot from his various thefts and frauds that he has stashed offshore.
So unsanitary are the conditions around Landeryou's butt that some of the dags have come to life, and landy has taught them to read and write (see above) although they are just Mini-Mes of the fat crook.
They lie, they mislead, they deceive!
Master Evans was critical of McVeigh's timing not his suit.
Landeryou's MUSU mafia perped layers of fraud. Only two have served time. The lady with the blindfold should hang her head in shame.
These pampered toffs went on a crime spree of scams, standover tactics, threats, frauds and thefts. They should all have gone to the pokey for a very long time.
Landeryou is his various courtroom appearances so far seems to suffer from total amnesia.
He admits his threat to McVeigh, but smokescreens everything else. This was wise, because McVeign on 7 June 2005, obtained on an ex parte basis Magistrates’ Court intervention orders against Messrs, Ray, Cass and Landeryou. The intervention order was later extended - Landy's first AVO!
Hollingworth J felt that Ben Cass's writings were "the angry rantings of an undergraduate author" and "His publications are frequently intemperate, repetitive and immature".
Landeryou is his own way has filled Cass's shoes as a ranting journalistic runt on The OC and Vexnews.
Care to define how long is temporary Andy?
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
Hoon blogger Landeryou learned his craft during his Musu days. Bullying McVeigh and others, starting The OC, stalking victims, realising he could defame anyone and everyone - and get away with it.
Real journos don't have this luxury.
When is Andrew going to cleanse his soul and declare all his vile "transgressions"? Of course, they were not transgressions (that's a Tiger Woods' weasel word). His were extremely serious frauds, stalking, AVOs, and now via Vexnews, misleading deceptions, outright lies, story and image stealing.
He is still in denial.
Hey Gringos - keep talking about global warming taxes while we busily chop down more forests!
The Amazon is rooted. We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 6% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years.
Tropical Asia annually loses 9.6 million acres (3.9 million hectares) per year of forest.
It's a wonder that Landeryou, while in Costa Rica, didn't notice trees crashing around him. The country has already lost 20% of its forest.
I resent Landeryou's excessive oxygen usage!
I just noticed there was no mention by Andrew of his halal chicken sausage business, of which the sausage meat was substituted with pork
That's not Andrew in the picture. The only aircraft in the world big enough to carry the fat crim is NASA's Super Guppy (click above for pix and details).
That's not Andrew in the picture. The man is not wearing a dress.
Mrs Alice Idris raises an interesting point. Landeryou substituted pork for halal chicken in his halal chicken sausages, but this is not the only substitution scandal involving the fat man.
In his little-read hate blog Poxnews Landeryou substitutes truth and reason for the ranting and lies of a deranged, deceitful, drunken and dishonest man.
Of course the picture is of Andy - he is bald, fat, flies to Costa Rica, wears grey and black mumus
Landeryou has plenty to say about the liquidator. His bowels will turn to liquid when he sees me.
Thief, fraud and failure Fat "He's Fat!" Andrew Landeryou is so enthused by the ascension of NSW puppet premier Kristina Keneally he hasn't even bothered reporting it on his Blog of Sleaze.
Spider Pig, I heard that Landeryou had to be transported to Costa Rica on a barge because of his morbid obesity. Eight other barges were needed to carry all the KFC and cheap yet potent fortified wine necessary to sustain him on the journey. The sailors joked about the "Fat Flotilla".
El Gordo appears to have been too drunk to update his evil site today.
Anon, I heard that Landeryou hitched up his skirt and went to do an early morning crap at 6:00 am this morning and hasn't been able to leave the dunnee. The rumbling and quaking around the corner of Little Collins and Russell Street (let alone the odour) has been terrible.
Support Melbourne Heart. Go to http://www.melbourneheartusb.blogspot.com/
The volume of evidence about the MUSU frauds is truly enormous. No wonder Dean McVeigh is staggering. As shown in Landeryou's later defences, as shown here, he claims innocence, he claims injustice, he denies his criminality. No wonder the McVeigh report is taking so long - but I think it will be an engrossing read when it comes to light.
The MUSU mafia of pampered rich kids was a hard nut to crack. They rejected the law, they aspired to crime, they broke their mothers' hearts.
This was unparalled white collar crime in the epi-centre of a great learning institution. It robbed the students, the University and taxpayers!
Landeryou needs to pay.
There is a great movie, or television series here.
A world-reknowned University was systematically scammed by a handful of its own students. Some were presidents of the Melbourne University Student Union. Others were union functionaries who couldn't keep their fat, greasy hands off MUSU assets.
They buggered the union. They nearly buggered the university. The millions are still missing.
Most of the MUSU crooks have slithered under rocks. Landeryou has not. Like the mouse that roared he still claims he has been badly treated. He libels Aussies in Vexnews ad absurdum.
He shouldn't be running a blog. He should be in jail for the MUSU and IQ Corp Frauds.
What a horrible little government John Brumby leads.
It ever seems to work against the interests of constituents in favour if the big end of town.
The ALP will spend many years in the wilderness because of myopia and wholesale corruption.
Stop screwing us you loathesome pricks!
I've yet to find any sensible comment about Vexnews to come from Slanderyou or his lackeys. Only the defence team tell the truth. For an ethical news site look at Vexnews. For crapola look at Brutus Beefcake and the filthy staff of the blog of filth, Slanderyou.
Great comment Cait. There was never any corruption at Melbourne University when Andrew was a student there. Andrew made sure there was none. Why does Slanderyou repeat such crap. It is, as you correctly suggest Cait, the blog of filth.
Vexnews has got it right again, successfully predicting the result of the the two by-elections. Well done Vexnews. Read on:
VINDICATION: Abbott boosted by strong showing in Higgins and Bradfield
By VEXNEWS ⋅ December 5, 2009
tonyabbottvindicated New federal Liberal Leader Tony Abbott had every reason to be nervous about the results of the Higgins and Bradfield by-elections. While their campaigns were fought, his party room was tearing itself apart on the government’s proposed Emissions Trading System and then the leadership itself in one of the most unseemly and chaotic spectacles seen in Canberra since the Hawke-Keating squabbles of 1991.
Supposed expert and brave predictor of ballots, Malcolm Mackerras had called Higgins a Liberal loss and it was imagined that ‘lefty affluence’ among ‘doctors’ wives’ and their distaste for the socially conservative Abbott would be a big factor driving a surging Greens party vote.
There was no surge.
There was no Liberal loss. Indeed, at the time of publication it appears that the Liberal party – despite enduring its darkest days of division in decades – is holding up just fine in Higgins and in Bradfield, with possibly with a small swing to them in both.
Just as a loss would have been interpreted a big gesture from voters of dissatisfaction, it’s not unreasonable to interpret these results as a tentative ‘thumbs up’ for Tony Abbott and his new combative ‘alternative not an echo’ brand of politics. Certainly it’s an encouraging start for the previously terrified and now relieved Higgins Liberals who started celebrating around 7pm in Melbourne.
It’s very early days though in the story of Abbott’s leadership. While Abbott has a lot going for him, including what we are certain will become a popular position on the ETS, he is also gaffe prone in a way we haven’t seen in a party leader since Mark Latham.
The longer he goes on, the more gaffes there will be. That’s clear. He has “cut-through” but he does not have Rudd’s discipline. He is the hare to Rudd’s tortoise.
The real question for the government now is whether Penny Wong is the right person to sell this controversial ETS scheme to the public. While impressive, imposing and imperious, Wong knows all the detail but seems utterly inept at communicating it in simple, clear terms.
Wong is a policy wonk. And we believe she is not suited to the task of talking with swinging voters – with Howard’s battlers – about why they should support a “big Green tax” as Andrew Bolt calls it.
Rudd could lose government on this issue. As a matter of urgency, Gillard should take it on, she is a much clearer communicator and enjoys quite a lot of grudging admiration, including from people like Bolt. Rudd could give Wong Gillard’s responsibilities and it would be a quick and easy change.
There’ll be Labor people who’ll say their candidates would have done better. Probably true. In Higgins, it seems that booths in the ritziest part of the ritzy electorate delivered good results for the Greens, the middle-income Liberal areas much less so and the more Labor inclined booths swung hard to the Liberals. That suggests Labor would have done a lot better than the extremist out-of-towner selected by the Greens party in dubious circumstances. Local Labor people have argued this persuasively.
But Labor’s head strategist Karl Bitar will probably also be very relieved he opted out of two expensive and what now probably seems to him would have been futile exercises in Higgins and Bradfield.
Great story Andrew. How about supporting my mother for a change?
It is no surprise that even the fat transvestite Andrew finds his own blog so replusive that he has to come here to leave comments!
The threat to freedom from Green fanatic Clive Hamilton has been seen off. Now to remove the threat of the criminal Landeryou.
On your flight back from Costa Rica, were you charged for extra 'baggage' Andy?
Sounds like Landeryou - a prostitute, bankrupt and criminal. The only difference is that the Fat Man is too cowardly to ever plead guity, let alone confont his crimes.
Fiennes' mile-high hostie stashes her cash
From: The Daily Telegraph
December 05, 2009 2:14AM
Sacked stewardess, ex-undercover policewoman, onetime call-girl and undischarged bankrupt, Lisa Cherie Robertson, wiped away tears after pleading guilty yesterday to concealing the funds from trustees who were chasing her over debts of $460,000.
Blonde, statuesque and trembling, Robertson faced Melbourne Magistrates' Court where her "15 minutes of fame" was retold and the court heard she existed now as a "hermit trying to live down her past".
Robertson, 41, also pleaded guilty to attempting to leave Australia for a Thai holiday despite a ban on international travel as a bankrupt.
She had suffered from depression since disarming another policeman who shot and killed a fellow officer in NSW, defence lawyer Sue Macgregor told the court.
After leaving the force, she sued NSW police but lost the case and was ordered to pay the Crown's $300,000 legal costs, sending her bankrupt, the court heard.
But after getting paid for her Fiennes sex story in 2007, Robertson put the funds into an international account. Ms Macgregor said she was later conned of the money.
Magistrate Phillip Goldberg, noting Robertson had been warned at the time she sold her story that money from the media deal was to be handed over to the trustee, ordered she be assessed for a community-based order and return to court next Tuesday.
Never plead guilty when the Magistrate hearing a criminal case against you is Phillip Goldberg.
Mr Goldberg SM has a good record on the bench and gives the accused every chance. Several commentators on Vexnews said they prayed that Mr Goldberg SM would hear the Theo case, but another Magistrate heard it instead. It got the same result though, so the prayers of the correspondents must have been answered.
I am bloody annoyed that I am no longer the contributor with the greatest number of entries on the Slanderyou blog. Once again Slanderyou is up to his old vile tricks. After all Slanderyou is the blog of filth. And as for Mr Goldberg I cannot mention him for legal reasons but I think he is a Magistrate I would most likely be happy to have if I were charged by the police. Brutus probably thinks the same as me on this.
Oh my God! Why is Landeryou so insane as to abuse Brutus Beefcake on this site through his sock puppets. Yesterday morning when he said Brutus' comments were "crapola" Barwon Jail had to be placed in lockdown. Brutus was so angry that he bashed and raped eight of the hot rodders, including Bubba. Brutus went on a rampage again last night after Landeryou's sock puppet Cait put up more derogatory remarks. Brutus was already in a straight jacket but he still managed to headbutt down the door of the solitary confinement cell and eviscerate three other inmates with his teeth before his was stopped. Carl Williams was so scared he shat himself then stayed up all night awake weeping like a little girl. Landeryou is just making it far, far worse for himself for when he finally arrives in Barwon.
I never criticised Brutus Beefcake. If Prison Visitor will re-read what I said I said that Brutus and I probably share the same views about Magistrate Goldberg. Why would Brutus get upset at this? I was agreeing with him.
Too late, sunshine. Your ass is grass!
It doesn't say much for the administration of Barwon Prison that known friends of a certain MLA can spread their pedophilia at Barwon with impunity. I may agree with Brutus about Mr Goldberg SM but I certainly object to him in everything else. He is not a nice man and even he is too good for Barwon. Solitary?
"It doesn't say much for the administration of Barwon Prison that known friends of a certain MLA can spread their pedophilia at Barwon with impunity."
Theo has no friends here, as he will learn when he finally arrives.
I was not referring to Theo.
This blog has become a cookie-hungry blog just like Vexnews.
Who knows if Slanderyou is insering malware. I don't.
I won't post here anymore. Your blog has no right to my private information.
Now...to post on Slanderyou blog you have to lower security settings so as to see the verification word and thus to enable postings.
Team Slanderyou, you need to give a very good explanation for why you would require posters to now lower their security settings thus enabling you to send cookies or malware. Suddenly, this Blog has become rather creepy and really unattractive...
Has Landeryou taken over this Blog?
Landeryou (Cait Catt, and others) continue to post here having passed 'word verification'. You already knew his IP address.
So why are you spying on us loyal supporters?
People would be daft to continue to post to this blog while you are data collecting and perhaps inserting bad cookies.
Please make your new policy clear tomorrow!
The drunken transvestite thief Landeryou's late night postings on this patriotic Blog of Truth have taken on new levels of derangement.
Does anyone know why El Gordo settled on the drag name "Shirley"?
It was a subliminal admission noone takes him seriously, as in "Shirley you must be joking"
The bankrupt criminal Landeryou would die if he had to work for 100 minutes:
100 hours community work for Fiennes' 'mile-high' lover
By Steve Lillebuen
A former flight attendant who failed to disclose she was paid $200,000 by the Nine Network to reveal her mile-high tryst with British actor Ralph Fiennes has been ordered to perform 100 hours of community service.
Lisa Robertson has run the gamut of careers - from serving in the police service to working for a high-priced escort agency.
But her notoriety from her romp with the English Patient star in an aeroplane toilet two years ago continues to cause her major problems, a court has heard.
The 41-year-old pleaded guilty to concealing the money from bankruptcy proceedings after Nine paid for a kiss-and-tell interview of her affair aboard a Qantas flight from Darwin to Mumbai in 2007.
On Tuesday, the Melbourne Magistrates' Court was told Robertson's encounter with Fiennes gained her world-wide media attention.
``But since that time your life has spiralled downwards,'' magistrate Phillip Goldberg told her during the court hearing.
Robertson, a former NSW police officer and Qantas airline stewardess, started abusing alcohol after the incident and she had suffered from depression and anxiety, he said.
While she initially denied the affair, Robertson admitted to the sexual encounter in paid-for interviews with a British newspaper and Australian current affairs program 60 Minutes.
She has admitted to hiding her earnings from a continuing bankruptcy proceeding against her, started in 2004, after she lost a negligence case against the NSW police force.
On Tuesday, she was ordered to complete 100 hours of community service and be assessed for treatment for drug and alcohol problems.
Robertson wore sunglasses in the pouring rain as she left the court, making no comment to the media.
She will be back in court on December 17 on four separate assault charges related to an incident outside a Melbourne restaurant earlier this year.
This story reminded me of the transsexual Landeryou:
A man was lying in bed with his new girlfriend in a hotel in the Thai resort of Phuket.
After having great s*x, she spent the next hour just rubbing his te*sticles - something she loved to do.
As he was enjoying it, he turned and asked her, "Why do you like doing that?"
"Because", she replied, "I really miss mine."
When I visit Vexnews I have 'Block All Cookies' ON to avoid the malevolent malware cookies Landeryou sends out.
But now, on this blog, in order to make a comment, I have to turn 'Block All Cookies' OFF to see the Word Verification and thus make a comment.
'Malware Dropper' (December 08, 2009 2:32:00 AM) asked Team Slanderyou for an explanation for this new and rather dangerous development.
But no answer yet it seems.
But a Blockhead (claiming to be a Patriot - December 08, 2009 12:23:00 PM) absurdly identified the earlier poster as Landeryou. Landeryou, in his Cait Catt disguise, is already freely posting on this Blog. Whatever else the disgusting crim may be, he is far from ignorant about malware cookies.
I join the earlier poster in asking Team Slanderyou for an explanation of this unwelcome development.
I too won't comment freely on this Blog until this anomaly is quickly fixed.
I too find the new Word Verification nutty on a blog like this. My brother is checking to find if a malware cookie is being sent from this Blog and what its contents are.
I am very surprised to find that commenters on this Blog don't have "block all cookies" on. This means, if they visit Vexnews, that Landeryou, after planting his malware cookie, will know heaps about them, and what internet locations they have visited, and any comments they may have left. That is rather dumb. Do you want him to know that?
Likewise here, Team Slanderyou, if sending out a malware cookie, will know all those details too. If the Cookie is cleverly crafted it will discover a lot more about you.
I want to comment here about Landeryou's outrageous activities - BUT NOT WITH SOMEONE LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER!
Glad you twerps are gradually catching up with my stranglehold on modern technology!
I lurv finding commenters to my site who have just visited 'Slanderyou' and left a comment or two.
Some of the cookies are incredible and go back months.
And, of course I have their IP addresses too. Courtroom scenes beckon!
Glad you twerps are gradually catching up with my stranglehold on modern technology!
I lurv finding commenters to my site who have just visited 'Slanderyou' and left a comment or two.
Some of the cookies are incredible and go back months.
And, of course I have their IP addresses too. Courtroom scenes beckon!
The threat to freedom from Green fanatic Clive Hamilton has been seen off. Now to remove the threat of the criminal Landeryou.
The volume of evidence about the MUSU frauds is truly enormous. No wonder Dean McVeigh is staggering. As shown in Landeryou's later defences, as shown here, he claims innocence, he claims injustice, he denies his criminality. No wonder the McVeigh report is taking so long - but I think it will be an engrossing read when it comes to light.
The MUSU mafia of pampered rich kids was a hard nut to crack. They rejected the law, they aspired to crime, they broke their mothers' hearts.
This was unparalled white collar crime in the epi-centre of a great learning institution. It robbed the students, the University and taxpayers!
Landeryou needs to pay.
Mrs Alice Idris raises an interesting point. Landeryou substituted pork for halal chicken in his halal chicken sausages, but this is not the only substitution scandal involving the fat man.
In his little-read hate blog Poxnews Landeryou substitutes truth and reason for the ranting and lies of a deranged, deceitful, drunken and dishonest man.
Landeryou is his various courtroom appearances so far seems to suffer from total amnesia.
He admits his threat to McVeigh, but smokescreens everything else. This was wise, because McVeign on 7 June 2005, obtained on an ex parte basis Magistrates’ Court intervention orders against Messrs, Ray, Cass and Landeryou. The intervention order was later extended - Landy's first AVO!
Hollingworth J felt that Ben Cass's writings were "the angry rantings of an undergraduate author" and "His publications are frequently intemperate, repetitive and immature".
Landeryou is his own way has filled Cass's shoes as a ranting journalistic runt on The OC and Vexnews.
Highly descriptive article, I enjoyed that bit.
Will there be a part 2?
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Further, the Socialist Left appointed Liquidator will - when his final report is lodged - have to account for his expenditure of some $8 million, while recovering practically nothing from the "targets" he so publicly announced and denounced. Some of this money came from MUSU members which is bad enough, but it now appears most of it came from taxpayers via the University. If you seek a scandal, it is that, he trousered many millions and recovered essentially nothing.
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