Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Soon to be deleted from Andrew Landeryou's blog comments (2)

Anonymous said...

"He'll bring down the neighborhood" say crims.

MELBOURNE APRIL 2005 AAP. Prisoners at Melbourne Remand Prison are in lockdown after rioting against the presence of Andrew Landeryou, the portly Melbourne Uni fvraudster."Its just not fair!" said one prisoner. "Sure I've got multiple murder convictions, but sharing a cell with Landeryou?. Thats just disgusting'.Due to Landeryou's weight and smell, guards were forced to establish his own reinforced floored holding cell, after hosing him down.'I dont know what to do' said a frantic prison governor. 'We have to take him, after all we're a prison, but the place is in uproar. Jesus, even the paedophiles wont accept him'.But the punchy paunchy politicians progeny with a penchant for puerile postings was unperturbed by the prisoners protests. 'They're all a bunch of lefty trots' he said, while munching on a triple whopper with cheese, and gave that answer to all questions about how he set up a company called marbain, which got a cheap lease from musu, onsold it at a profit of 1.2m, which was placed overseas and is now used by Landeryou to fund his lifestyle while official 'bankrupt'.


Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou has consistently refused to tell us what happened to him in prison.

Did some prisoners get too friendly?

We just dont know. Friends of Landeryou are said to be concerned and want him to come clean, and if required, seek counselling.

Anonymous said...

Rape is horrible

Anonymous said...

Here's a better version I reckon, with some corrections and better spacing. I'm the original author, so use it anyway you like:


"He'll bring down the neighborhood" say crims.

MELBOURNE APRIL 2005 AAP. Prisoners at Melbourne Remand Prison are in lockdown after rioting against the presence of Andrew Landeryou, the portly Melbourne Uni fraudster.

"Its just not fair!" said one prisoner. "Sure I've got multiple murder convictions, but sharing a cell with Landeryou?. Thats just disgusting!'.

Due to his weight, guards have been forced to establish his own special holding cell with a reinforced floor. It was also necessary to hose Landeryou down first, due to his disgusting smell.

'I dont know what to do' said a frantic prison governor. 'We have to take him, - after all we ARE a prison - but the place is in uproar. Jesus, even the paedophiles wont accept him'.

But the prolix punchy paunchy politicians progeny with a penchant for puerile postings was unperturbed by the prisoners protests. 'They're all a bunch of lefty trots' he said, while munching on a triple whopper with cheese, and gave that answer to all questions about how he set up a company called Marbain, which got a cheap lease from musu, onsold it at a profit of 1.2m, which was placed overseas and is now used by Landeryou to fund his lifestyle while officially 'bankrupt'.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou is a great bloke. I always read his blog. He is first with the latest news. Read the OC. It's an experience and its a great source of news. Andy Landy is the world's best blogger.

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