Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Andrew Landeryou: Mad!

Andrew Landeryou has been described as 'Mad'. (Dot point 3)

Enough said.


Anonymous said...

The fact that even the Liberals describe Ladneryou as mad is an indictment of what he really is

Anonymous said...

My first meeting ever with Landeryou was at University, where after he'd left (and the smell had dissapated) the Liberal Club President said "Watch your back, you can't trust that @$nt". True Quote.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou wont answer questions on whether he was penetrated in prison. Friends of Landy are concerned he is bottling this up. Landy himself regrets he didn't have a cork to bottle it up in prison.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is a gutless, mentally ill stalker. While him and his mates were bankrupting MUSU, they distributed a slandersheet accusing the one honest business manager at MUSU (who was trying to stop them) of being a paedophile. This guy was facing a terminal illness at the time.

There are no words to describe the kind of scum that Landeryou and his friends are. They need to be prosecuted and (re)imprisoned. Now.

Anonymous said...

Thanx for this background information

Anonymous said...

check this out:

KK said...

lame lame lame - why aren't you commenting on the election?

Anonymous said...

KK - why are't you

Anonymous said...

Andy is as made as a cut snake.

Anonymous said...


that should have read "mad" not "made"

although some would claim that after whicking money offshore on whicht to survive he has got it "made"

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou is a filthy fraud and ex prisoner.

He stole 1.2m with Marbaine, and has the money hidden. He must face charges.

KK said...

erm 11.06, or should that be mr thicko, perhaps because this isn't my blog. i visit in hopes of finding the kind of rib-tickling election gossip that used to be on slandersyou during the preselections, along with SL spin as opposed to laderyou's unity spin. i am constantly disappointed, but live in hope

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou is a filthy ex prisoner.

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