Thursday, December 21, 2006

So this is Christmas, Andrew Landeryou

We will be brief.

First of all, THANK YOU to the Slanderyouites who have made fantastic contributions to this blog.

Second, thank you to Andrew Landeryou for the rich source of information and events to comment on. Without you this blog wouldn’t exist.

We will be back on 8 January 2007, with an interview with Andrew Landeryou.

In the meantime, comment here at will, and or revisit our earlier stories, and or drop us a line at

Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you to Slanderyou

You are a true patriot

Best Wishes

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Slanderyou, it's be fun. Happy holidays, Andrew, and thanks for the rich material.

Anonymous said...

"thank you to Andrew Landeryou for the rich source of information and events to comment on. Without you this blog wouldn’t exist."


Anonymous said...

This is an admission. Award winning Blogger Andrew Landeryou is clearly still the best blog on the net.

Also Landeryou is not Delia Delegate as this Diane Anderson/Eric Locke/Stephen Mayne blog repeatedly likes to misinform us.

Next we will be hearing this same lie from Leonie Woods/Lawrence Money/Suzanne Carbone and their patronato Solomon Lew. That trio of so called journos are the most disreputable in this fair city. Still, what do you expect from the Spencer Street Soviet.

Get real Slanderyou.

Anonymous said...

Those fearful of catching AIDS at the National Library from Landeryou have now reached 60.

Not a good reason for John Howard to plagiarise this blog's test idea for his proposed citizenship test. A compliment to Slanderyou but bad for Australia.

Kevin Rudd for PM.

Anonymous said...

Congrautlations on a great blog Slanders

if there was Walkley Award for blogs, you deserve one, for wading through Landeryou's waste products

Anonymous said...

Anon. 1:37:10 PM, non-award winner and bankrupt blogger "Delia" Landeryou was happy defending Solly Lew and taking his money in 1990s. How reputable does that make him?

Anonymous said...

Clearly a majority of respondents to the unfairly worded quiz on this blog think they will get AIDS from Andrew Landeryou if they visit the National Library. It's now up to 65 and 54 per cent, more than double any of the other stupid alternatives. John Howard is copying this blog for his racist citizenship test.

Shame Slanderyou Shame

How about writing something sensible you vile creatures who delight in pursuing an innocent man, just like Leonie Woods, Suzanne Carbone and Lawrence Money.

Shame Slanderyou Shame

Also why don't you admit the true identity of Delia Deleagate. The fact Lyle Allan won't admit to it proves he is guilty of authorship. Why do you falsely keep saying it's Andrew Landeryou?

Shame Slanderyou Shame

Anonymous said...

Delia Delegate wrote crap. Show's how stupid you are Lyle to write that shite.

Anonymous said...

Thought Andrew would be happy to take credit for Delia's work; it is much better written than the drivel he produces nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Landeryou moment of 2006 -Listening to him getting emotional and shrill in an interview with Jon Faine and Faine skewering him for pretending to be a journalist.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou isn't a journalists arsehole

He's just jealous cause Mayne, Carbone and Lawrence get called journalists and he doesn't

Anonymous said...

A number of posts have suggested that I am Delia Delegate.

I am not Delia Delegate, and I wish to make that clear. If people want to write that I am Delia there is nothing I can do about it, but I am amused by the number of people suggesting it is me. These accusations are not new, and they were around at the time Delia was writing. They are as false now as they were then.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Slanderyou and affiliates. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Bit late, but seasons greetings to you Slanderyou and your readers

so far its been lots of fun, and very insightful

News that Landeryou is threatening Anonymous Lefty with some sort of legal action is not surprising, but he won't carry through with it opwing to the fact given that he is a 'bankrupt' how can he explain affording private legal action in the civil courts!

Anonymous said...

Come back soon Slanderyou, this is great fun

Anonymous said...

Come back soon Slanderyou, this is great fun

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