Monday, June 25, 2007


The many members of Team Slanderyou were busy over the past week, working on a significant story.

Andrew Landeryou has long professed a hatred for Wikipedia.

At the beginning of June, Landeryou’s biography on Wikipedia was vigorously scrubbed clean of anything remotely critical of Andy.

A case in point was the deletion of the many links to serious critics of Landeryou, including this humble blog.

But it seems, the ‘scrubber’ left their indelible fingerprints all over their nefarious activity.


Anonymous said...

Slanderyou should concentrate more on the failures of the Bracks government. Very few people in this state are interested in Wikipedia, a bogus encyclopedia in which the majority of entries about this country are nothing but the dirty work of ALP operatives using taxpayers money with very little else to do.

Slanderyou should concentrate on slow trains, and Minister Kosky, the Minister for Slow Trains.

Read our media release:

Author : Terry Mulder MLA
Minister for Public Transport Lynne Kosky's attempt to make Seymour, Shepparton and Albury line trains run 'officially on time' by making timetables slower has been a dismal failure.

Shadow Minister for Public Transport Terry Mulder said today that despite the Minister for Slower Trains, Minister Kosky, changing timetables from March to make 100 Seymour, northeast or Goulburn Valley line trains slower each week, V/Line continued to fail to meet its monthly timekeeping target of no more than eight per cent of trains being 'officially late.'

"In May, 17.7 per cent of Wallan, Kilmore East and Seymour trains ran at least six minutes late. On the Shepparton line, 17 per cent of trains were at least 11 minutes late with 14.5 per cent to Euroa, Benalla, Wangaratta and Wodonga similarly tardy.

"Commuters with tickets valid for four weeks or more can again claim compensation of a free daily ticket, but travellers really want trains that run on time without Minister Kosky's artificial timetable stretching.

"Connecting coach passengers to Beechworth, Bright, Cobram, Corowa, Echuca, Griffith, Kyabram, Mount Beauty, Murchison, Myrtleford, Numurkah, Rutherglen, Tatura, Tongala and Yarrawonga are also adversely affected by these late trains.

"Labor cancelled a contract that would have upgraded Melbourne's Metrol train control centre by mid-2001. Although part of a new contract has now been awarded, the upgrade is now nine years behind schedule and will not be ready until at least 2010. The cost has blown out from $11 million to $88 million."

Mr Mulder said that Steve Bracks' failure to improve the key section of track between Craigieburn and Southern Cross was causing many delays to Seymour line trains.

"Labor's design for the new Craigieburn station will be disastrous for Seymour line travellers. Minister Kosky has failed to provide a third platform for suburban trains to 'hide' while Seymour line trains are passing through. Suburban trains will frequently block Seymour line trains at Craigieburn once the year-late extension of electric trains opens.

"Travellers are used to the daily crawl and compulsory stopping between North Melbourne and Southern Cross stations, which is the V/Line equivalent of a peak hour trip along the Hume Freeway when a vehicle breaks down in one lane.

"Later in 2007, the Minister for Slower Trains will add extra minutes to suburban train timetables. This will increase delays for Seymour line travellers. Travellers at intermediate stations like North Melbourne will be standing around for longer, chilled to the bone", Mr Mulder said.

Contact: Terry Mulder 0408 377 316/ 9651 8394

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the Liberal Party for posting on this blog. Liberal media releases are apposite and generally accurate. The one just posted about slow trains is particularly well written and shows just how bad some Bracks government ministers really are.

When are we going to see the light and put Steve Bracks and Co out to pasture?

Anonymous said...

The "liberal party" poster at 3:18am said...
"Wikipedia, a bogus encyclopedia in which the majority of entries about this country are nothing but the dirty work of ALP operatives using taxpayers money with very little else to do."

Sounds just like Andy Landy off on one of his rants

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter how you massage your Wiki entry Landeryou comes out as a very "unsavourty character" - disgraced Labor student pollie, bankrupt "online gaming spiv," wannabe journo and Liberal blogger.

Anonymous said...

someone dod a pretty extensive job on the Wiki article on Landeryou

what other reason could there be for doing this?

Anonymous said...

there is no reason other than to try to alter the history books

but then Andy Landy is good at that

He's been trying to do it for years

Anonymous said...

Slanderyou, this is another in a long line of great exposes on Landeryou

keep up the great work!

If only the persistent Liberal party blogger was this good

Anonymous said...

Andy is a Liberal Party blogger.

Anonymous said...

We Liberals read the Landeryou blog too. First class comment on the site this morning about Mr Thwaites. A first class fool sums not only him up. The ALP are also first class fools. Read on:

Monday, 25 June 2007
THWAITESY: First Class Fool

While not online, Ellen Whinnett did some fine work in summing up the Thwaitesgate fiasco in Saturday's Herald Sun. Well worth a read.

ELLEN WHINNETT looks into the future for the pretty boy of Victorian politics

THIS week should have been one of the best in John Thwaites' career. Instead, it was his worst.

The pin-up boy of the Bracks Government would have hoped to spend the week basking in the glow of the Government's announcement that it would spend almost $5 billion building Australia's largest desalination plant and a major pipeline from the north to boost Melbourne's water supplies.

He would have liked to have spruiked the slight but encouraging rise in Melbourne's water storages.

Instead, he spent the week trying to defend his freebie stays at Government-owned lodges in Victoria's national parks and deflecting criticism that he had failed to get his preferred water program, a $2.4 billion recycling project, approved by Cabinet.

The criticism was so fierce it raised questions about whether there was a concerted campaign to unseat the man who has held the second-in-command job in the Labor Party for 10 years. (OC: Yeah, by me, that's where it ended sadly)

The answer is probably not. Thwaites was unlucky that several political problems reared their heads at once.

And while he has not been fatally wounded, he has been bruised by the leaking of his taxpayer-funded visits to the snow, the fact he was defeated by Treasurer John Brumby on the water projects, and by the leaking of his plans to take an overseas holiday with his family.

John Thwaites declined to be interviewed by the Herald Sun this week.

But his acceptance of thousands of dollars worth of ski lift passes, accommodation, food and alcohol from government-owned lodges -- and taking his family along for the ride -- have embarrassed the Government.

Premier Steve Bracks has defended him, saying it was appropriate for the Environment Minister to stay in Government-owned accommodation when he was visiting parks.

But in the most telling comment, Bracks said Thwaites ``generally'' showed good judgment. Bracks has also stayed at Wilsons Promontory -- but he paid full market rates.

``It's a no-brainer,'' says one of his colleagues. ``John's a good bloke but if this stuff in the media is true, it's a really bad look for us.'' (OC: Bracks press militant Sharon McCrohan is no doubt keen to know who uses that American expression in caucus, other then Evan Thornley)

Thwaites' freebie trips, which include a week with his family over Easter at a Government-owned lodge at Wilsons Prom, are also embarrassing because they smack of arrogance, another Labor insider says.

Thwaites earns $242,000 a year, has a Government-funded car, and a chauffeur-driven ministerial limousine at his disposal.

His wife, Melanie Eagle (OC: Scary spice), is a lawyer with the Department of Justice. The pair can afford to pay for their own holidays with their young son Jack -- unlike many of the core constituents Labor represents.

Johnstone William Thwaites is an affable, quietly-spoken character who loves surfing, music, playing the guitar, cooking, pottering in his garden and the odd glass of wine. (OC: How could we forget skiing?)

HE has been paired with media adviser Geoff Fraser for the past three years. Fraser, a cheerful chap with a trademark mop of unruly red hair, is one of the best media advisers in the Government's ranks, and has managed to deflect much of the criticism directed towards his boss over the Government's tardy response to the state's water crisis.

But he has not been able to divert criticism from Thwaites' caucus colleagues.

Thwaites was under pressure from colleagues to deliver as voters forced to carry buckets from their showers to save their gardens lashed out at their local MPs.
``Yeah, we had Thwaitesy under the pump,'' one backbencher said. ``We were getting killed out there because people thought we weren't doing enough.''

While the public quickly fixed on desalination as a solution, the Bracks' Government's relationship with desalination has been much more complicated. And as Water and Environment Minister, Thwaites has the job of explaining the ever-changing line to the public.

The Liberals have unearthed documents showing that Liberal premier Sir Rupert Hamer was advised by a standing committee on water supply to build a desalination plant -- back in 1975.

The map shows the recommended site for a desalination plant at Wonthaggi -- exactly the same spot nominated by the Government this week. (OC: Classic, is it true that policy savant Robert Clark keeps such 1975 water policy documents in his garage for light reading?)

In last year's election campaign, Opposition leader Ted Baillieu promised to build a $400 million, 50 billion-litre desalination plant on Port Phillip Bay if he was elected to lead Victoria.

Thwaites and Labor responded by ridiculing the plan -- despite the fact they had been discreetly flirting with a similar plan for years.

Game on.

Anonymous said...

So the Liberals admit that Landeryou is a liberal party bogger

Finally some honesty!

Anonymous said...

Funny how Andy's sock puppets Cait Catt and Catter8 have disappeared to be replaced by the Liberal Party blogger, who also seems only to target the same ALP figures he disagrees with.

Anonymous said...

Why was Andy sitting in the gallery at Banyule CC on Monday night?

didey said...

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