What is even more concerning is that while he whines about The Age, he more often than not directly links to their stories and commentary. Irony is rather lost on Andy.
But in related events, in 2006 Landeryou displayed another example of his lack of business skill and forecasting ability, when he trumpeted a website that he claimed would soon rival The Age.
That site was NewsBump. Don’t worry, if the link doesn’t work; the website no longer is operational. NewsBump was a website which enabled readers to vote for stories according to whether they like them; similar to Google News Australia, but with voting. A registration page though still exists for NewsBump.
Of course, as soon as Landeryou gave NewsBump the “Landeryou seal of approval”, the website site began to struggle, and is now extinct.
Team Slanderyou is no adding News Bump to the long catalogue of Landeryou business failures that include MUSU, IQ Corp, and Landeryou’s own insolvent blog.
Meanwhile, a blogger asks, “Seriously, how long can a Labor Student Union Hack stay in his position for?” Obviously, Andy is not on the same work-for-the-dole arrangements as others are on!
great post Sladneryou
What about the Cotham Ward by-election in Boroondara?
Jacqueline (Jaci)Hang, a final year medical student, is a great candidate and will make a great Councillor.
If you vote for Jaci remember to mark all your preferences in order from 1 to 16, and give your second preference to Katherine Walsh.
Jaci and Katherine are simply the best, and we need them in Boroondara.
Both are good Liberals too.
Why does Slanderyou always sing the praises of The Age, Victoria's left wing and most politically biased newspaper? Slanderyou should be talking about Bracks government incompetence. Slanderyou should be listening to us Liberals for a change. For example our latest media release on another failure of this do-nothing government mis-government this great state. It's failure to instal rainwater tanks in Federation Square. Read on:
Author : The Hon Louise Asher MLA
Today's advertisement calling for tenders for the installation of rainwater tanks at Federation Square comes after six years and, millions of litres of rainwater wasted because Labor scrapped the tanks in the original design to save on costs, Ms Louise Asher, Shadow Minister for Water said today.
Ms Asher said six years after having made the ridiculous decision to scrap the rainwater tanks at Federation Square to save money, Labor now decides that it has made a mistake and that the taxpayer should now fund the retrofit of water tanks.
"If the rainwater tanks had been installed when they were supposed to be, the tanks would have collected 4.5 million litres in an average rainfall year and 2.8 million litres last year in a low rainfall year," said Ms Asher.
"Documents obtained under Freedom of Information revealed that the original design for Federation Square included rainwater tanks, holding 300,000 litres, for recycling water for toilet flushing and watering gardens. However, Labor dumped this water savings plan to cut costs in order to save $350,000."
Ms Asher said Federation Square is now one of Melbourne's top 200 water users.
"Fed Square Pty Ltd, a government owned company, has today advertised for tenders to supply and install rainwater tanks for toilet flushing," Ms Asher said.
"Fed Square Pty Ltd has already conducted a feasibility study (cost unknown) on the installation of tanks to collect rainwater from the Federation Square roof and will spend $100,000 on the project."
"The project has also received a Federal Government grant for $109,050 and additionally, Fed Square Pty Ltd will pay for another 10 water tanks at an unknown cost for diversion of storm water for site cleaning," said Ms Asher.
Ms Asher said today's calling for tenders for a water recycling plan that was part of the original design which was dumped by Labor, is another example of this Government's incompetence.
The tenders for the tanks close on Friday, 13 July 2007.
Media inquiries: Louise Asher, 9592 9799
4:18:00 AM has got to be Andy posting
even if they privately think it is, the Libs would never complain about the Age being "Victoria's left wing and most politically biased newspaper"
it sounds just like another Andy rant
Landeryou by his own admission is stalking women in the early morning hours! Isn't this a police matter!
At least Heagney accurately described Lnaderyou:
" "Get the c*** Get the c***",... "You f***in' fat c***", "Filthy c***", "How dare you, c***", "You're gone when we catch you c***"
hey Call the Police
Landeryou is fat!, so its not derogatory surely!
What a whack job! Landeryou proudly admits to stalking women. No wonder his marriage went the same way as IQ Corp and MUSU presidency.
Ha-ha! Big, bad Andy stalks women and gets upset when they beat him up.
This Andrew guy is really weird! I stumbled across this blog by accident and hate him already. When are they going to jail the slimebag?
Fantastic pick up Slanderyou. This is great investigative reporting. Your coverage of landeryou should be on 4 Corners.
Has Vexnews been news bunped too?
"Obviously, Andy is not on the same work-for-the-dole arrangements as others are on! "
No he is not
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