Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Andrew Landeryou writes and writes and writes: but still doesn’t come clean

Andrew Landeryou promised (a non-core promise it turned out) that he would use his blog to answer the many questions surrounding MUSU, IQ, his bankruptcy, and his penchant for blog sleazery.

If you pass your eyes over the labels on Landeryou’s porn blog, you will notice that Landeryou has been silent on MUSU, IQ, his bankruptcy, and his penchant for blog sleazery.

Andy's Labels


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Slanderyou - thought we'd lost you. Great post.

Anonymous said...

The Slanderyou blog is at it again. Posting the most outrageous comments about a peripheral subject. Who cares about Mr Landeryou? There are more important things we in the Liberal Party consider to worry about. A major one is the state of public transport under Mr Bracks. Read our latest media release:

Author : Terry Mulder MLA
Melbourne and country rail commuters will be outraged to learn that the Bracks Labor Government has paid Connex and V/Line train drivers almost $3.5 million in the last 22 months while the number of trains cancelled or late due to unavailable drivers has started to rise again.

"The $23,000 per annum bonus payments are a result of former Transport Minister Peter Batchelor and reluctant Public Transport Minister Lynne Kosky lacking the foresight to train enough drivers for Melbourne's ailing rail network", Shadow Minister for Public Transport, Lynne Kosky said today.

Minister Kosky revealed the figures in an answer to Mr Mulder's written Parliamentary question.

"54 Connex drivers received a total $1.24 million in bonus payments in 2005/06, or almost $23,000 each. In the ten months from 1 July 2006 to 30 April 2007, 67 Connex drivers received $1.28 million or an average $19,100.

"Despite these bonus payments, the number of cancelled suburban trains due to unavailable drivers has more than doubled from 210 in 2005-06 to 426 in the first ten months of 2006-07. Late trains due to unavailable drivers have risen from 561 to 835 in the same period.

"43 V/Line drivers received a total of $860,000 in 2005/06, or an average $20,000. 10 drivers received an average $10,000 in the ten months to 30 April 2007. The number of V/Line trains cancelled due to unavailability of drivers rose from 11 to 37 over the same period.

"The bonus payments have risen from the $20,000 that Connex flagged in March 2004 to about $23,000 each per annum for suburban train drivers. Previous documents released under FOI to the Liberal Party showed that Labor knew as early as 2003 of a driver shortage. It takes 71 weeks to train a suburban train driver", Mr Mulder said.

Mr Mulder accused reluctant Minister Kosky of bowing to the Rail Tram and Bus Union and ensuring just the minimum number of train drivers were available to maximise overtime opportunities for drivers.

"Previous documents released by the Department of Infrastructure to the Liberal Party showed that between 1 January and 31 March 2007, 356 suburban trains ran at least six minutes late due to train drivers being unavailable.

"This is a golden handshake with bells and whistles attached, courtesy of a Labor Government unable to match the number of drivers required with the number of timetabled trains. With Labor knowing of the train driver shortage in 2003, why didn't Steve Bracks fund the training of new drivers instead of having to pay large 'don't quit now' bribes?", Mr Mulder said.

Contact: Terry Mulder 0408 377 316/ 9651 8394

Anonymous said...

Where is Cait Catt? Is she still an inmate of some cattery? Is she still writing? Please Cait. We worry about you. We want you to let us know how you are.

Anonymous said...

look at the labels with the biggest numbers.

all the usual suspects.

just goes to show Andy does nothing but recycle the same old pap day after day...

Cait Catt said...

Worry no longer. I haven't been well and that's why I'm not posting too much at the moment. But I am still in the land of the living. Cheers to all my friends and the friends of Mr Landeryou, Australia's greatest blogger.

Anonymous said...

Andy's back to wearing skirts

Anonymous said...

The big numbers show Landeryou's obsessions.
Are Evan Thornley (181), Crikey (144), Stephen Mayne (152) and Solomon Lew (160) really more important than John Howard (145)?
Funnily enough, after two years of blogging Landeryou hasn't achieved anything: Thornley is still wealthy and has been elected to parliament, Lew is richer and Mayne continues to write for Crikey.
Andy's still discredited, bankrupt and showing increasing signs of madness.

Anonymous said...

But for a grown man don't you think he has an unrequited obsession with student politics.

166 mentions

Anonymous said...

The obsession with student politics (166 mentions) shows an immature self-image, as well as an unhealthy tendency to dwell in the past.
Landeryou's best years are behind him and he knows he blew it.

Anonymous said...

The Liberals are back again defending Landeryou: "The Slanderyou blog is at it again. Posting the most outrageous comments about a peripheral subject. Who cares about Mr Landeryou?"

Well, the Liberals are obviously concerned enough about Landeryou to defend him!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he has only written twice about himself!

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