Monday, July 02, 2007

(UPDATED) NEWSFLASH! Andrew Landeryou admits to stalking female journalist

A number of law and order patriots have raised anumber of important questions. One patriot writes:
"So how is it Landeryou can post a $1000 reward? Where is his cash coming from?

Or will he stiff the 'informant'? Not quite sure where he gets a 'false imprisonement' charge from.

I also note there were no good samaritans to jump in and help him. After two recent stories of bravery, could it be we haven't heard the whole story?"

Isn't Landeryou supposed to be a bankrupt?

Andrew Landeryou has admitted to stalking a female journalist.

To frighten off the unwelcomed Landeryou, the journalist was forced to ward off the culprit in langauge similar to that used by the patriotic Australian RAN officers in the Arab Gulf when they saw off the Iranian Republican Guard.

""Get the c*** Get the c***",... "You f***in' fat c***", "Filthy c***", "How dare you, c***", "You're gone when we catch you c***"

Concerned, law and order patroits, were the first to advise the world of this fact, here.

Team Slanderyou has for sometime worried about Landeryou's loneliness. Click the link immediately below for more.


Anonymous said...

Landeryou stalked the journalist at Banyule CC meeting then followed her to a private function in the City, some days later.

Article believed to be in retaliation to her great local paper journalism against Landy's mate in crime Dean Sherriff, as he tries in vain to fight for his political future, which most believe is now dead and awaiting burial by the ALP.

Police enquiries are pending as reporter presses charges.

Watch this space.

Anonymous said...

So that's what brought his shrill tirade on.

Figures. The internet Seinfeld. It's a 'blog about nothing'.

At least he's getting some exercise. Badly needed exercise at that...

Anonymous said...

Such a charming, mentally unstable man. Can't get a date so he stalks women. Wouldn't be surprised if a slew of female reporters get restraining orders out on him.

Anonymous said...

what i don't get is why would Landeryou admit to it?

its a strange way to attract attention!

Anonymous said...

A lot of people were saying he was gay.

He thinks this proves his manliness as he is now out chasing unsuspecting woman.

Anonymous said...

There is a nursery rhyme about this.

Andy Landy pudden and pie,
Stalked the girls and made them cry.
When the girls came out to defend themselves from a devious, self centred no hoper, potential rapist,
Andy Landy ran away.

Or something like that!

Anonymous said...

Even Andy can;t spin out of this one

Why was he out there, so late at night, with a camera of all things.

It sounds spooky at best!

Anonymous said...

It's scary...

Tapping phones...federal offence

Stalking... not once but twice...maybe more...state offence

Self mutilation...mental offence

Landeryou just give up.... Get your solicitor to contact Vic Police before it is too late...

Anonymous said...

Agreed Anon, Tuesday, 1:19am, Debt Man Walking can't spin out of this one. All Fat Boy Grim can do is dig his hole deeper.
If a creepy, wheezing fat guy was stalking me, I would naturally lash out too.
Of course, he doesn't believe the rules of normal human conduct and interactions apply to him.
It's just more evidence of Buddha Boy's misogynistic streak, his sexual problems and delusions.
If drunken women can beat him up, it's no wonder that "unsavoury character" doesn't try this tactic with males.
As with all Andy's endeavours, it's ended in tears - his.

Anonymous said...

So how is it Landeryou can post a $1000 reward? Where is his cash coming from?

Or will he stiff the 'informant'? Not quite sure where he gets a 'false imprisonement' charge from.

I also note there were no good samaritans to jump in and help him. After two recent stories of bravery, could it be we haven't heard the whole story?

Anonymous said...

So why was Lnaderyou carrying a camera, so late at night, and why was he tracking this journalist?

lots of questions!

Anonymous said...

And we hear Daddy Landeryou is so so disappointed in son Andy

Anonymous said...

Another question.

Landeryou has run an article on Solomon Lew that involved reproducing a feature story (in it's entirety) on his blog, which I believe is a violation of copyright.

Given the online version is essentially a pay per view site, how is it Landeryou is able to access this resource?

And given his longstanding 'distaste' for Fairfax, is there any end to his hypocrisy?

Anonymous said...

Anon, Andy probably sold some shares - hence, explains how he could afford the subscription see for more!

Anonymous said...

A bankrupt with shares???

Under whose name did he hide these???

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is taking great joy in publicly stating he sent this poor journalist into stress leave!

Shame on Andy!

Anonymous said...

A bankrupt with shares???

Under whose name did he hide these???

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