Thursday, October 25, 2007

Nearly the weekend

Its near the end of another long week of toil. Patriotic readers of this blog will know what that means: unlike Mr Blobby who spends his time... doing nothing at all it seems. We are prompted by this astute assessment from one of our over 14,500 readers:

"...why does Fat Boy rant and rave against The Age and Crikey yet clearly read every word in the two publications? Why does he while away so much time here? We know he doesn't have a job and doesn't have any friends and needs to fill in the time he doesn't spend in meetings with his legal aid lawyer preparing for his court case but still what a weirdo!"

Lots of questions that Andy Blobby still has yet to answer.

See you all Monday.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I beat Landeryou/Cait from being the first poster!

Anonymous said...

I'm second, and still no Andy!

Anonymous said...

and I'm the third
maybe he's prepping for his court case!
or maybe he's packing his bags for a quick get away to central america!!

Anonymous said...

I'm the 4th! And what is this stuff that people keep mentioning about Landeryou's next court appearance. Can anyone shed any light on it?

Anonymous said...

No Andy? Is he in custody again and unable to post bail?

Anonymous said...

I'm sixth! El Gordo in Federal Court, 305 William St., Oct. 30, 9:30am, Court 9a (Level 9) before Dr Moore.

Anonymous said...

I'm seventh! Mayeb Andy is still eating his bucket of KFC for breakfast!

Anonymous said...

I'm eighth and its three pm in Andy's timezone. He must eat big, big breakfasts.

Anonymous said...

I'm the 9th. The size of Blobby's breakfasts are well known.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou is no laughing matter.

Anonymous said...

Andy's eating habits are certainly not to be taken lightly. It is now almost two in the afternoon the day after this post went up the greedy pig is still ploughing through his tubs of KFC. Perhaps that earlier poster was right. He may well be back behind bars unable to post bail.

Anonymous said...

But don't prisoners on good behaviour get special perks like KFC?

Anonymous said...

A lady who posts on Landeryou seems to know a lot about Bill Clinton's member. Says it's small.

The latest gem from the Landeryou blog, but you won't need to look at it as I've repeated it here.

Personally I'm more interested in the price of KFC!

Anonymous said...

DO they serve KFC in maximum security?

Anonymous said...

A screw I know told me they don't serve KFC at the Port Phillip Prison.

Anonymous said...

if he fails to kill himself from KFC Landeryoupig should be deep fried in a vat of fat and served to all his crook costa rica mates

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