Sunday, November 25, 2007

Australia wins: Landeryou loses (again)

Its been a long night fellow patriots.

Australia has voted and put its faith in the ALP to govern this great country.

And on the same night, Andrew Landeryou, who backed the Coalition with $100 wagers, maintains his record run of failure (MUSU, IQ Corp, Bankruptcy, his blog, political forecasting).

It’s going to be a busy week for TS staff, so please bear with us as our articles on Landeryou are a bit thin this week.

In the meantime, comment at will here, and else where, on this blog.

Also, on Thursday, SBS is broadcasting at 10 am the 2007 Walkley Awards. Tune in to celebrate some great journalism, and pay special attention to the thorough disregard and unacknowledgement shown to the non-Award winning bankrupt blogger, Andrew Landeryou.


Anonymous said...

Hi there

I found this blog by Googling the words “Rita Randles” and wondered if anyone here can explain something really weird and sick that I saw yesterday.

I’m a first year politics student at Monash and thought it would be cool to work on a booth for the election. I ended up in Brunswick.

Early in the morning this really fat gay dressed in really bad drag, like he couldn’t afford a proper drag outfit, turned up and tried to get ballot papers. He said his name was Delia Delegate. I didn’t know what to do, but checked the roll and there was no one by that name. When I tried to clarify his name he said it was Kate Catt, that he had already told me that and asked why I hated Jews and the state of Israel. There wasn’t anyone down by that name either. I was really worried by this time but asked again and the guy said he was called Rita Randles. Of course, there was no Rita. I then asked if he was sure he was on the roll an eligible to vote.

The fat guy then went completely ballistic. He called me a “green cannibal” and said he would take me to his cattery and set his cats on me. I called the Returning Officer who came over and asked the man what was wrong.

The fat man yelled at the Returning Officer that he was one of Australia’s greatest business and political brains but being denied his democratic rights. The Returning Officer asked for his name again and he gave so many I couldn’t catch them all, but I did hear “Delia” and “Kate” and “Rita” again.

The Returning Officer told the man he would have to leave or the police would be called. Before the word “police” was out of the Returning Officer's mouth, though, the man started to panic and tried to hide under some pot plants. That looked pretty funny because he was so fat.

The Returning Officer went up and told him just to go home. The fat guy kept whimpering “I’ll get you on my blog of freedom, I’ll get you on my blog of freedom, the OC investigations unit will get you”. After about 10 minutes of that he finally stood up, yelled at the Returning Officer “Solly sent you, didn’t he” and ran from the hall, really fast for someone so fat. There was a puddle under the plants. He had obviously pissed himself.

This would all be funny if it wasn’t quite weird. The guy was sad and mad but really menacing also.

I don’t want to give my name as he really scared me, but if the people here can tell me anything more that would be great thank you.

Cait Catt said...

The defeat of the Howard government, the greatest government in Australia's history, was caused in no small part by Slanderyou money.

The Aged and Solomon Lew, and their henchpersons Suzanne Carbone, Lawrence Money and Leonie Wood, all ought to be completely ashamed of themselves.

Peter Costello, Australia's greatest treasurer, we look forward to your leadership of our great party, the Liberal Party of Australia.

Anonymous said...

Monash University is the home of Australia's greatest weirdos. 12.32 is obviously one of them. He or she ought to be an entertainer. Remember the late and great Campbell McComas who fooled everyone at Monash by performing under the name Lord Denning, the English law lord? 12.32 writes so well he could probably emulate Campbell McComas and become one of Australia's best impersonators. I don't put Filthia in that league. She is small beer. But McComas was great, and 12.32 is in the McComas league.

I tried googling Rita Randles too, and found the name originated from some cowboy's wife in Texas. I better not tell Rita this. She won't be very happy and she'll think I'm stalking her.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou won the inaugural Walkley Blog Award. There's a record of it on the net. It seems there was so much opposition to the award by the likes of Lew, Carbone, Money and Wood that the Walkley Committee erased all mention of Andrew's award from the Walkley web site.

I suspect Andrew will not be included in the awards this time, such is the power of Slanderyou wealth and influence, but that's no indication of quality. The OC is and remains the best blog on the net. Anonymous Monash politics students should take heed of that last sentence.

Anonymous said...

Should be plenty of roast to go around - Landeryou won't be there!

To show our appreciation to all those who helped achieve our fantastic election result yesterday, the ALP Victorian Branch has organised a spit roast for 12.30 pm till 3.00pm TODAY – Sunday 25 November.

We apologise for the late notice, but hope that you can join us at 360 King Street, West Melbourne to mark this momentous occasion.

Bill Shorten, ALP Victorian Branch President and member for Maribyrnong, and Stephen Newnham, ALP Victorian Branch Secretary and Campaign Director will provide an Election Wrap-Up.

All food and drink will be provided.

Once again, thank you to everyone for getting behind your local campaigns and supporting the ALP in Victoria.

Best regards,

ALP Victorian Branch

Anonymous said...

You CAN read about the award Landeryou invented and gave himself on the web.

If you want something factual, however, just go to Google News and search for the Fat Boy using their archive function. There, you will find illuminating information from reputable news services - information like this:

"The liquidator of the Melbourne University Student Union has launched a multimillion-dollar damages claim against businessman Andrew Landeryou, three former student presidents and four former employees, alleging they conspired to defraud the failed student union..."

"Andrew Landeryou followed his wife into the witness box. His evidence was given with his face mostly turned away from the liquidator's counsel, and he prefaced every question - even when asked to state his name - by citing 'privilege'. Several times during Landeryou's evidence, the registrar threatened to refer him to a judge for contempt of court..."

"Former city councillor Kimberley Kitching is bankrupt and set to lose her Parkville mansion over $3 million owed to retail tycoon Solomon Lew. Ms Kitching blamed her financial collapse on her missing husband, Labor Party powerbroker Andrew Landeryou, who has skipped town leaving a trail of debt. The son of former Cain government minister Bill Landeryou vanished in December and has not been seen since. There is a warrant out for his arrest..."

"Landeryou wants out: Bid for bail follows three nights in jail..."

"Melbourne businessman and Labor figure Andrew Landeryou was today declared bankrupt in the Federal Magistrates Court. The son of Cain government minister Bill Landeryou, Andrew Landeryou was implicated last year in the financial collapse of the Melbourne University Student Union. The Federal Magistrates Court heard Mr Landeryou had accumulated debts of more than $2 million."

Anonymous said...

12:32, you are onto something big time and you are not alone.

They obviously won't say anything on the record but I have spoken to AEC officials who admit that an obese transsexual threatened staff at polling booths across metropolitan Melbourne.

They say they believe same individual cast several false declaration votes in different booths under a variety of names, both men's and women's, after insisting he was on the roll.

Polling booth staff have been offered counseling.

Anonymous said...

Not sure about Landeryou's transexuality, but I'm pretty sure he has an STD. he is riddled with the stuff. (Sexually trasmitted debt!)

Anonymous said...

I'm always getting emails offering to sell me Viagra. I suspect they come from a mate of Slanderyou. I won't be responding as I don't want my money to support the filthy ALP, who will wreck this country and send us all bankrupt.

Peter Costello please stand for the leadership. We need you. The ALP will make such a mess of the economy and will do nothing but give big pay rises to bludging teachers, public servants and fat cats that there will be nothing left for anyone else. Don't let Australia become like Zimbabwe. Family First in the Senate please block all Bills that will cause this country to go into debt.

We need Costello, Australia's best Treasurer. We need the Liberal Party.

Say NO to Labor filth and slime.

Labor is the party supported by Slanderyou and his mates Lew Carbone Money and Wood.

Anonymous said...

How likely is it that Landeryou will consider running for the Libs? Doesn't he come out of bankruptcy early next year?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou may be out of bankruptcy in May next year, but he will be in prison by the time of the Higgins by-election.

You read it here first on Slanderyou. Solly Lew is closing in. Fat Andy's going down.

Anonymous said...

Fatboy showed up at the Imperial last night, waddling around amid the young ALPers. He cuts a disturbing figure, with his swollen jowls and thinning, parted hair. Reminded me of Mr Staypuft, Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters.

Most of them had no idea who or what he was, but in an unrelated note, a number of them (both male and female) were heard to tell their friends to watch out for the 'fat, grabby guy dressed in a sportscoat'. Wonder who they meant...

Anonymous said...

Who says Buddha Boy will be out of bankruptcy next year? Look at the Insolvency & Trustee Service Australia webpage (

It says that "an objection to discharge will extend the bankruptcy to either 5 years or 8 years".

Buddha Boy has scarcely been open and frank about his financial affairs. The guy lives the life of Reilly even though he has no job. He still faces civil and criminal actions. These will uncover the location of his stashed funds and reveal his lies over his financial arrangements.

Buddha Boy's bankruptcy trustee is certain to demand an extension.

I forecast that Buddha Boy will be bankrupt at the next two federal elections. He will also be in prison. Both of these considerations will rule him out of running for parliament.

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy running for the Libs? Not quite.

Opposition is hard yakka.

Landeryou will get hard labour.

Anonymous said...

What are Cait Catt and her henchcats Catter8 and Rita Randles (or is it Delia Delegate or Joseph Klein?) on about?

Costello isn't standing for the Liberal leadership yet Catt (or is it Andy) wants him to be Opposition Leader.

With friends like Landershonk who needs enemies.

Anonymous said...

Landershonk is always last with the news. He cuts and pastes stories from other soruces and puts EXCLUSIVE on them. He wouldn't know jack shit about Costello and Costello wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Andrew Landeryou is a fat Labor thief.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Andrews is the latest recipient of the Andrew Landeryou Kiss of Death.

Fat Boy thinks Andrews should be Liberal leader. Fat Boy overlooks the fact that Andrews stuffed up in both the workplace relations and immigration portfolios. Odds are that he won't even run.

Another demonstration of Fat Boy's talents. Politics, business and blogging. What can't Landeryou fuck?

Anonymous said...

what cant landeryou fuck


he is physically repulsive

of course he may be able to fuck them if he pays them money but andy is bankrupt and and unemployed and as he is such pillar of integrity we all know he doesnt have any secret stash of funds anywhere

Anonymous said...

I object to bad language on the Slanderyou blog in the form of the last comment.

That said, for the benefit of Slanderyou readers here is the latest comment from Crikey this morning. Rita published it on the OC, always first with the latest news:

Nameless this morning, without comment:

Two vessels struck icebergs and sank over the weekend. In icy waters off Antarctica, 154 passengers escaped safely as the M.S. Explorer slipped beneath the waves.

The ship's company of the H.M.A.S Liberal, which was rammed -- much to its crew's surprised alarm -- by several icebergs in Australian waters, were not so fortunate. After watching in dismay as their once-impregnable vessel staggered clumsily through a quickly choking floe, party members gathered shivering on the boat deck and gasped in disbelief as both captains deserted the listing Liberal even before it had started to sink.

First to depart, in step with the vessel's fleeing rodents, was Captain John Winston Howard. He accepted blame for the catastrophe while shinning down a rope into the encompassing cruel sea. Then came the biggest blow: First Lieutenant Peter Costello, who, despite the imploring stares and cries of his benighted crew, grabbed a megaphone and fled the bridge, informing the distraught survivors that he was deserting the Liberal "to spend more time with my family".

The subsequent wreck at the cost of many hands is a bitter blow to the state of Australian parliamentary democracy. Not that Lieutenant Costello -- the officer once tipped to guide the Liberal on her next exploratory voyages -- seemed to care. He's off smartly in the ship's boat to start a new career as a privateer in search of loot and treasure.

Never mind the good ship Liberal or those poor souls slipping closer ever to closer to the icy black waves on board.

Anonymous said...

You are a genius Rita.

Cait Catt said...

The latest thinking of the OC, now that Mr Costello is no longer a candidate, is that Kevin Andrews is the best Liberal leadership aspirant. Read on:


The dark horse, and someone who could surprise with a strong showing if he nominated is Kevin Andrews. A dour man, with highly attuned political antennae, he could be the solid workhorse of social conservatism needed to embark on the slow painful process of rebuilding the Liberal party's connection with the socially conservative heartland of the outer burbs and regions.

Many will think that millionaire Turnbull, former ALPer and ear-ring wearer Brendan Nelson and punchdrunk Oxonian Tony Abbott are not necessarily the best choice to do that.

Andrews would clearly be the best choice. He would worry the other Kevin in a way none of the others could.

Liberal observers say the best Aboriginal Affairs minister in the history of the Commonwealth (sorry Clyde), Mal Brough could have played the same role, had he been there to contest.

On the Nats side, Vaile is said to be sticking around, for the time being.

Game on.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny. The Slanderyou blog is already pointing out just what a pile of stinking, steaming crap the contents of the Landeryou blog is before his sock puppets can even start talking about it here.

Andrew, you really are a sad, sad fucker.

Anonymous said...

El Gordo backed a Coalition win! Now Buddha Boy backs Kevin Andrews!! No comment necessary.

Cait Catt said...

Slanderyou continues to be the BLOG OF FILTH.

Anonymous said...

So why do you come here several times a day, you piece of criminal garbage?

Anonymous said...

He's got nothing else to do, hey Fatboy? (aka Mr Staypuft).

Anonymous said...

He's got cat food to eat.

Anonymous said...

The election is over and Buddha Boy's coverage was all-in-all pathetic.
Like the bully he is, El Gordo picking on easy targets such as inexperienced minor candidates.
When it came to the major candidates, he just ripped off coverage from the major newspapers.
Not much of an achievement, is it, Andy-Cait-Catter8-Delia-Rita?
He has as much political nous as he has business-sense.
No wonder his dad's embarassed.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Fat Boy's old man a failure and a shonk, too?

Fat Boy hid under pot plants and didn't his dad hide in the parliamentary library?

Anonymous said...

Buddha Boy and Bill. Paging Dr Freud. Dr Freud, please.

The big man on campus
The Australian (Dec. 18, 2004)

The son of a former Labor powerbroker is on the run amid allegations of missing millions. Louise Perry and Michael Bachelard trace his story ...

Landeryou is an elusive character. There is scant information about him and few photos available from the past 10 years. But a former associate from student politics says he is "not the kind of bloke you would want to cross".

"Andrew is a complex person," the former associate says. "He can be absolutely charming when he wants to be. He is driven by a strong sense of resentment about his father being dumped and about him being dumped as president in 1991. He has a desire for revenge and a belief in entitlement. He believes that he deserves and is entitled to all sorts of things and if anyone gets in his way, woe betide them."

Anonymous said...

Is El Gordo still pained by gout or has bankruptcy forced him onto simpler and healthier food?

Anonymous said...

Stop the juvenile and in some cases foul comments on this blog. Read about the corrupt bankruptcy receiver Dean McVeigh on the OC this morning:

Tuesday, 27 November 2007
GOOD JUDGE: Dodgy Liquidator Probed

The Australian reports:

A judge has ordered an inquiry into why two liquidators proceeded with court action that could result in creditors receiving "no more than a fraction of a cent in the dollar", but is set to deliver millions of dollars to the liquidators, their lawyers and a litigation funding company...

"The true beneficiaries of this huge piece of litigation are a litigation funder, the liquidators and their lawyers, not the creditors," Justice Palmer said in a lengthy judgment...

Justice Palmer said the court case could have cost a quarter of the $2 million spent by the liquidator. Mr Hall told the judge he was "not particularly comfortable" about the amount spent.

It is certainly reminiscent of the outrageous failed litigation launched by corrupt MUSU liquidator Dean McVeigh, sleazy law firm Madgwicks led by Graeme Levy who sacked incompetent buffoon solicitor Nick Fletcher after the McVeigh gravy train ended its easy ride. BTW, big greetings to his Young Labor member cousin by the way who told us in a drunken tirade on Saturday night at the Imperial Hotel that we'd been "cruel and heartless" in our descriptions of Fletch causing him "considerable difficulty at work" and in his "personal life". LOL, another scalp. She then seemed intent on burying her head in the lap of aspiring Young Labor president Grant Poulter. Hopefully, the bright young chap was able to escape her clutches.

While the liquidators slammed by the judge above spent $2 million, McVeigh and Madgwicks spent the best part of $8 million on the MUSU liquidation farce with the full cost not finally revealed... yet.

Game on

Anonymous said...

Fat Andy has stolen a story from the Australian.

It talks about Dean McVeigh proceeding "with court action that could result in creditors receiving no more than a fraction of a cent in the dollar".

How much of the money that you have taken, Andrew Landeryou, have you given back? "No more than a fraction of a cent in the dollar"?

You draw our attention to stories that highlight your dealings, Fat Boy. You are shameless and stupid. No doubt the judge will say something similar when sentencing you.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Dean McVeigh get a restraining order out on Jabba the Butt because of his stalking?

Anonymous said...

Jabba the Butt has indeed been ordered by the courts to back off McVeigh. Patriots, read on:

Court bar against Landeryou

By Leonie Wood and David Elias
June 8, 2005

Businessman Andrew Landeryou and two former presidents of the failed Melbourne University Student Union have been temporarily barred from going within 50 metres of the union's liquidator after a series of incidents that culminated in a scuffle at the university on Friday.

Liquidator Dean McVeigh, of Foremans Business Advisers, was not involved in the fracas when Mr Landeryou, and former presidents Ben Cass and Darren Ray entered the student union building and took photos and videos of union executives. It is unclear who started the scuffle. But Mr McVeigh yesterday testified that when he heard about it, he became "extremely concerned that I will end up in a similar incident either at my office or at my home".

He has been investigating deals struck between the student union and companies owned by Mr Landeryou, Mr Cass and Mr Ray in late 2002, before the student union was put into liquidation.

Mr McVeigh told the Melbourne Magistrates Court that since Mr Landeryou returned to Australia in late April, intimidation tactics had "escalated". "I do not know if I am at physical risk," he told magistrate Anne Goldsbrough, adding that he was more concerned for the safety of his wife and his staff.

"I cannot perceive any of these persons walking up to me and inflicting physical violence on me - I am a physically imposing person, that is clear. I do not believe they would do it overtly," he said. "But I take precautions in terms of when I am travelling, when I am entering my office, when I am leaving my office . . ."

Mr McVeigh said security guards patrolled his home 24 hours a day. Photos of his house, cars, dog and backyard had been put on a website operated by Mr Landeryou. He told of a threat he said Mr Landeryou made during an adjournment of the liquidator's examination into the collapse of the student union. Mr Landeryou allegedly said he would "do you slowly".

Mr McVeigh has conducted a lengthy examination in the Supreme Court, and launched a civil suit against the three men and five of their associates to recover as much as $5 million.

The magistrate was handed a copy of an email sent on May 27 by Mr Ray to Nick Fletcher, a solicitor acting for Mr McVeigh. Ms Goldsbrough said she shared Mr McVeigh's disbelief at the "infantile way of threatening Mr Fletcher". She issued an interim intervention order against the three, saying their behaviour was unacceptable.

Cait Catt said...

Let us pray that the evil Green Party does not control the Senate.

Read this excellent summary from the OC:

Tuesday, 27 November 2007
LET US PRAY AT MIDDAY: May Scott Ryan Patriot Prevail Against The Greens Menace


It appears that patriot Scott Ryan is now in need of the support of the OC community. A surprisingly strong showing for Labor in Victoria, with the ALP recording its highest primary vote of any state here in the place that was once the jewel in the Liberal crown. Some might ask does that make Victoria now the star on Labor's beret, but let's move on.

At midday today, across the state and the nation and for each day until the result is declared, the OC proposes a moment of prayer where we ask our respective deities to intercede on Scott Ryan's behalf against the Greenist Richard di Natale.

Game on.

Anonymous said...

What a surprise! Landershonk backing the guy who forged the Ralph Willis letters.

Anonymous said...

I voted Green because of Labor's association with Jabba The Butt and El Gordo's sleazy father and his "low interest" loans.
I also voted for Stephen Mayne in the Victorian state election just to piss off Buddha Boy.

Anonymous said...

That fat joke Landeryou is quoting Crikey yet again. He says he hates it but he quotes it. Twice. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Crikey's election coverage shat all over El Gordo's.

Anonymous said...


Andrew Landeryou was Delia Delegate. His editor, Stephen Mayne, has repeatedly said so.

Despite this, Landeryou hysterically insists that the Delia smears were the work of Lyle Allan.

Landeryou has maintained a campaign of vilification against Allan since his Blog of Sleaze was founded following his release from prison.

Landeryou and his sock puppets miss no opportunity to besmirch the man, even though he had something on his mind for the past seven years; the murder of his brother Keith.

Solicitor Keith Allan was killed by his law clerk Julian Clarke and two other men in an attempt to conceal a $4.3 million misuse of his firm’s trust fund by Clarke.

His body has never been found.

Lyle Allan has sat through three trials of his brother’s killers; an initial trial, a second trial after the convictions were overturned in a technicality, then a third after the jury reach an impasse.

During the trials the Allan’s mother died of what Lyle called “a broken heart”

Clarke and his colleagues were only finally convicted and jailed in May this year.

Lyle and Keith shared a house.

Day after day, Lyle sat through the trials.

He still has the agony of not knowing where his brother’s body lies.

Landeryou claims this man filled in his spare time writing vindictive, low level gossip about the ins and outs of the Victorian ALP.

Landeryou has mocked a murder victim’s family.

Even by Landeryou’s standards his lies about Lyle Allan are below contempt.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that, Anon. Nov. 28, 4:11PM. I didn't know that about Lyle. Just more evidence that Jabba the Butt's a cowardly bully with no limits to his cruelty.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is a piece of criminal garbage.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is a NOT a piece of criminal garbage. He is just not garbage.

Anonymous said...

landeryous mockery of lyle allan is disgusting

this deserves more attention

Anonymous said...

I had no idea Lyle Allan had to go through three trials or that the body of his brother has never been found. It is incredibly cruel of Landeryou to vilify that poor man.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou probably backs the fraudster who stole from Lyle's brother.

Anonymous said...

Who won the Walkleys this morning? Did Landeryou win the blog award?

Anonymous said...

Not unless they've added a blog fiction award.

And formalised nominations for plagiarism.

Perhaps the Walkley award for most blatant political sock puppet?

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt will complain if she isn't awarded that. Like she complained when Slanderyou mentioned other sock puppets but didn't mention her name.

She would be a worthy recipient of such an award. That, I'm sure Mr Slanderyou, you will agree with.

Anonymous said...

The Walkleys are being held in Sydney.

What awards ceremony is being held in Andy's troubled mind?

Anonymous said...

Andy is a finalist in the Wankleys, a special award open to all fat, balding, single men approaching 40 with no friends and no future who spend all their time in front of a computer.

Anonymous said...

An obese 41-year-old man Andrew Landeryou is fighting for his life in hospital after a vicious assault last night in Melbourne's west.

Police were called to Empire Street, Footscray, at 11pm after a group of between six and seven men set upon the man, in what appears to be a robbery attempt.

The victim was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital with very serious head injuries, where he remains in a critical condition in the intensive care unit.

"Landeryou's in a grave situation and he might well die," Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Wayne Woltsche said.

The attackers are described as being in their late teens or early twenties, wearing baseball caps and streetwear. Two were described as being shorter than the rest.

Witnesses believe they were Caucasian, southern European and Asian.

No weapons were used in the brutal assault, and police believe kicks caused the victim's head injuries.

Sergeant Woltsche said homicide detectives know who the victim is, but have been unable to locate any friends.

They would like to speak with two young women driving a dark blue Mitsubishi Lancer with P-plates and rear spoiler, who were at the nearby McDonalds restaurant on Ballarat Road.

The women may have been accosted by the group of interest at about 10pm.

Police would also like to speak with a man who made an anonymous 000 phone call from a phone box on the corner of Essex and Gordon streets at 11pm, to report a group of young men causing trouble at nearby shops.

The victim was carrying no personal possessions and police believe he may have been robbed.

Last night local police doorknocked the surrounding area.

Any witnesses to the assault or anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or to visit

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

An obese 41-year-old man Andrew Landeryou is fighting for his life in hospital after a vicious assault last night in Melbourne's west.

Police were called to Empire Street, Footscray, at 11pm after a group of between six and seven men set upon the man, in what appears to be a robbery attempt.

The victim was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital with very serious head injuries, where he remains in a critical condition in the intensive care unit.

"Landeryou's in a grave situation and he might well die," Detective Acting Senior Sergeant Wayne Woltsche said.

The attackers are described as being in their late teens or early twenties, wearing baseball caps and streetwear. Two were described as being shorter than the rest.

Witnesses believe they were Caucasian, southern European and Asian.

No weapons were used in the brutal assault, and police believe kicks caused the victim's head injuries.

Sergeant Woltsche said homicide detectives know who the victim is, but have been unable to locate any friends.

They would like to speak with two young women driving a dark blue Mitsubishi Lancer with P-plates and rear spoiler, who were at the nearby McDonalds restaurant on Ballarat Road.

The women may have been accosted by the group of interest at about 10pm.

Police would also like to speak with a man who made an anonymous 000 phone call from a phone box on the corner of Essex and Gordon streets at 11pm, to report a group of young men causing trouble at nearby shops.

The victim was carrying no personal possessions and police believe he may have been robbed.

Last night local police doorknocked the surrounding area.

Any witnesses to the assault or anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or to visit

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