Thursday, May 01, 2008

Andrew Landeryou disgusts Patriots

Our exclusive on Monday has unleashed significant Patriot concern about Andrew Landeryou, measured in degrees of disgust.

GrodsCorp provided further background exploring "...Australian blogosphere’s most unctuous bottom-feeder, Andrew Landeryou".

As we were advised by a Patriotic reader, the GrodsCorp story centred on "Iain Hall (who) outed Ant Rogenous and Landeryou revealed it on his blog of shame. Unfortunately, Ant was winding Iain up, and having been severely embarrassed, Landeryou won't admit his mistake."

Meanwhile one of Andy's few 'Blog of Sleaze' friends, Leon Bertrand, is "a bullshit artist". Only marginally better than Liberal Party 'chair sniffers'.

Meanwhile the Fat Cave dweller is critical of Laurie Oakes for losing weight. Does Landeryou also hate thin, healthy people - now added to his hate list.

Meanwhile, reader Abigail seems to have identified where Landeryou could go. It's been mentioned before.


Anonymous said...

Landeryou may well be the Chief Blogger of the Liberal Party Chair Sniffing Faction.

Anonymous said...

The guys 'n' gals at Grods have highlighted one of Landeryou's more pathetic pretentions: his Landeryou QC act.

Like all bush lawyers Fat Andy gets it wrong; incredibly and hillariously wrong. Yet he is so puffed up with his own importance that he doesn't realize that A) He is talking complete bullshit and B) He looks like a complete knob.

Andy had to call in terrorist defender Rob Stary to spring him from remand. However it seems that he relies on his own great depth of legal knowledge the rest of the time.

His IQ Corp evidence "The books got lost, m'lud" shows how much he knows about perjury laws, for example. His busienss record shows knowledge of corporate law. And on the rare days when he gets out of bed long enough to file a post on his Blog of Sleaze, his encyclopediacal knowledge of the law of defamation is always on display.

Anonymous said...

Is Landeryou really now hanging out with Iain Hall?

Dear oh dear.

What has he gone and done now!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is using the term Fat Slug to describe someone.

I thought the term was preserved exclusively for describing the Blubbering Blogger

Anonymous said...

hey Larry "Blubbering Blogger" is very apt

Anonymous said...

The Australian has reported that "A Centrelink program that forces unemployed people to have an interview with a commonwealth officer every two weeks ... is likely to be axed by the Rudd Government".

Does this mean we can expect more posts from Buddha Boy?

Anonymous said...

"A Centrelink program that forces unemployed people to have an interview with a commonwealth officer every two weeks ... is likely to be axed by the Rudd Government".

The above is terrible. This once a fortnight meeting is Andrew's sole social interaction. He meets with no-one else (especially now that KFC delivers). Rudd is inhuman! We need to get the fortnightly meeting reinstated, it is key to Andrew's remaining sanity.

梁爵 said...

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