Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blog of Sleaze, Washed Up?

Confusion reigns over the current developments with the Blog of Sleaze.

One theory is that Andrew Landeryou has ‘sacked’ himself from the blog.

Alternately, he has just given up, having spent many years working on the insolvent blog.

He has now turned his attention to Vexnews, which has been independently valued at $63.

Regardless, the Blog of Sleaze joins other Landeryou managed failures: MUSU, his MUSU Presidency, IQ Corp, his Costa Rican online gaming spivery strategy, and his own personal finances.

It is widely mooted that Vexnews will soon join the above list.

Patriots may wish to discuss Landeryou’s high failure rate, throughout the week. Is it time for Landeryou to get a job?

(This will be the only post for this week)


Anonymous said...

Its not a pretty swathe of destruction Landy has strewn, and with no sign he intends self reformation any time soon.

Anonymous said...

A cork in one end, a stick of dynamite up the other. Big Bang!

I can think of about forty people who would love to light the fuze!

Anonymous said...

Washed Up? More like Flushed..................

Anonymous said...

Dearest Cait Catt I want you back. Where are you Cait? I'm sure the police investigation into the Liberal Party website will do no more than admonish you. You have nothing to be afraid of Cait. Please please come back Cait. You are not a failure. We all want to see you back purrring again.

Anonymous said...

Check out Poxnews. The fat flop is getting so few comments it is embarrassing. It would come as no surprise if he decided to cut his losses and shut the site.

Anonymous said...

It is time for Landerfat to start earning an honest quid for an honest day's work and get a job.

Why doesn't he go and work at KFC? There is plenty of information about a career with the Colonel on the KFC website -- including this line that will be music to Landerfat's ears: "As a KFC employee you will be entitled to a discount on products."

Anonymous said...

Landeryou probably thinks he already works for KFC as their Quality Control Officer, sampling around 25 per cent of their total daily Australian output.

Anonymous said...

I've heard Sasha Uzunov has just promoted himself to the rank of Colonel, and has changed his name to Sasha Sanders. He now wants to be known only as Colonel Sanders.

Anonymous said...

Sash has now done two tours of Afghanistan to investigate my plan to start Kentucky Fried Crow franchises there. Vultures would be a better business proposition as they have more flesh. I accept opinions that vultures taste like chooks, but it would be hard to market them even to starving, ignorant peasants. I'm looking for millionaire investors in this new enterprise, or even corporate investors seeking 1000% dividends. I have a proven track record of previous bonanzas.

CEO Landery*o

Anonymous said...

Is that why Landeryou sends data mining cookies to anyone dumb enough to visit either of his sleazy sites - so he can get their email addresses to send them Nigerian-style scam spam? Does Sasha pretend to be "Field Marshall Yo-Yo Banjo, entrusted with the disposal of surplus funds of Bongo-Bongoland"?

Anonymous said...

Poxnews features a new "exclusive" by Sargeant Sasha this morning that is such a beat up with such leaps of logic and packaged with such manic extrapolation by Landeryou that patriots have been left wondering if the pair will be sharing a padded cell by the end of the day.

Anonymous said...

Even the most desperate suburban rag wouldn't present Sasha's latest drivel to their readers as a story.

Anonymous said...

The OC and Poxnews are both in a Death Dive. It's a horribly fascinating scene. Twentyman, Lew, McVeigh and scores of others who have suffered from Landeryou's poisoned pen have probably gathered to enjoy The End. Conmen continuously reinvent themselves. If Landeryou is one, we may well see another resurrection soon. His next site could be called CRAP...

Anonymous said...

Poxnews got a grand total of seven comments yesterday. That means one every three and a half hours. It is clearly on its last legs.

Sergeant Sasha's piece got none. Clearly it left everyone paralysed with shock that Landeryou and the deranged digger could possibly consider it a news story.

Fat Andy said...

Lies! Lies! Lies! My blogs of sleaze are going from strength to strength. My enemies tremble when I approach. At least I think so. It could be the ground shaking beneath me because I'm so fat.

Anonymous said...

El Gordo's Canberra correspondent "Christian Lyons" has a strange preoccupation with Melbourne and its media, and the same hatred of Buddha Boy's usual targets.

Another sock puppet like Cait Catt, Catter8 and the late Rita?

Isn't it funny that those sock puppets, whose comments were normally posted in the early hours of the morning in quick succession of each other, have all disappeared.

Anonymous said...

Of course Christian Lyons is a Landeryou sock puppet. Any Parliament House person can tell you that the conservative Christian Lyons Forum has been moribund since before Landeryou skipped it to Costa Rica. No one seems to have bother to tell him thought.

Anonymous said...

Have patriotic folk noticed that Buddha Boy does not even mention "The OC" on Poxnews. Even he seems to be admitting to himself it is nothing but a pile of malicious mistruths and inventions of no interest to anyone.

Anonymous said...

Seems as if you cretinous leftoids can't manage a single story this week. Very yawn!!!!

Anonymous said...

What are you on about 8:59? Andrew Landeryou cannot manage a story any day of the week. That is why he fills up his sleazy sites with his lies and smears and Sergeant Sasha's hallucinations.

Anonymous said...

what are you on about 9:49:00?

hiding behind your anonymity! Fraud. Onwards and upwards for I say.

Anonymous said...

Poxnews is a joke, full of lies just like the OC. Im still waiting for the police to arrest me for breathing on Fat Landy.

Anonymous said...

The only think going "upwards" for Poxnews is the lack of interest in the site. El Gordo's lack of credibility couldn't go any further "upwards". Not that it stops him from trying to push it higher. Why else do you think he recruited that certifiable loon Sasha Uzunov.

Anonymous said...

Poxnews is giving ETU's Dean Mighell a big kicking tonight.

In another 'story', Landeryou thinks that allowing de factos access to the Family Court could lead to polygamy!

I didn't realize that smoking KFC's eleven secret spices was hallucinogenic.

The harder you suck, the higher you get Landy!

Anonymous said...

***Seems as if you cretinous leftoids can't manage a single story this week. Very yawn!!!!**&

Identifying Sasha Uzenov as Landeryou's Sunshine Court 'heavy' was the scoop of the quarter.

Not bad, huh, Andy?

Anonymous said...

What are you on about anon., 11:14PM?

Hiding behind your anonymity! Fraud.

Anonymous said...

"Onwards and upwards for I say."

That won't be hard. Two comments in 24 hrs, one less than Buddha Boy's original blog.

Anonymous said...

In Landeryou's sick mind launching a new site and crashing it into the ground within less than a month is "onwards and upwards".

Poxnews must be the biggest dot bomb since Boo.

Anonymous said...

the biggest dot bom since iq corporation you mean

Anonymous said...

Leftards are on fire today! Literally. has set its sights firmly on them.

Anonymous said...

There has been one - just one - comment on Poxnews today.

Anonymous said...

Hope you Leftards choke on your Hungry jacks burger.

Anonymous said...

Its not the coments that matter - its the hit rate to that matters. Vexnews is filling the space left by the collapse of The Age.

Anonymous said...

I thought only Landeryou could plough through one of those Hungry Jacks jobs.

Tell me: is it true that your fat mate cuts a large loaf of bread in half, tips a KFC family feast tub over it to make a burger and scoffs the lot in one mouthful?

How does an undischarged bankrupt with no visible means of honest income afford so much fast food?

Anonymous said...

"Vexnews is filling the space left by the collapse of The Age."

Really? Amongst a very specific demographic, no doubt. The fat failure skipped off to Costa Rica demographic. A demographic of one. About the same size as Poxnews' readership.

Anonymous said...

Andrew's venture failure rate is speeding up over time. He was sacked as President of MUSU in 1991 after 5 months, wrecked IQ Corp in 3 years (though he'd looted Solly Lew's 2 million investment in 6 months and spent 2 1/ years covering it up), destroyed MUSU again in 1 years via his mates and Optima Corp, spivved off to Costa Rica where he wrecked God knows what, and now has poxed Voxnews in a month. An extraordinary record of achievement. We have to admire this utter wreck of a human being, this cess pool of the political and business world. In every respect, Andy is not just a failure but a genuine tragedy.

Anonymous said...

What is it with the Leftards and food?

Anonymous said...

8:21:00 PM Lies as usual

Anonymous said...

More redundancies at The Age. More readers will flock to

Anonymous said...

"Vexnews is filling the space left by the collapse of The Age?"

How? Why? Two stories posted today and one was reported yesterday in the newspapers and on TV ... even on Today Tonight.

Dream on, El Gordo.

Anonymous said...

What is it with Landeryou and food? And food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And more food. And yet even more food...

Anonymous said...

What is it with Landeryou and food?

He can't get enough!

Fair enough, 'though.

Fat, ugly, marginalized, lonely and with few prospects, "comfort eating" is all Fat Boy has left to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

"It's the hit rate to that matters."

Looking at, Poxnews is dying.

Quick, Buddha Boy, do something or it will go the same way as your political career, marriage and IQ Corp. and your other business ventures - a slow lingering death.

Anonymous said...

Poxnews does not need to worry about "a slow lingering death". Poxnews has not even been around for a month yet and it had mades the Segway Personal Transporter look like a roaring success.

Anonymous said...

Again with the food! is above all this. It is a primary news source, read here and internationally. I am sure Kirk is reading it now, looking how Fairfax can copy it to save The Age.

Anonymous said...

Food is the key, 10:06. Fat Boy Landeryou is obsessed with nasty junk food so he posts nasty junk on his toxic blogs.

I don't get your "Kirk" reference at all. Does Landeryou's pal Sergeant Sasha now think he is the commander of the USS Enterprise somewhere in the twenty-third century?

Anonymous said...

Poxnews is read internationally? Does this mean El Gordo has done another bunk and is back in Costa Rica?

Anonymous said...

8:21:00 PM

Actually, Andrew owes me four mill!

I recovered a portion of that, but I'm still interested in the rest.


Anonymous said...

If Landeryou is posting here (because he's got nothing else to do) can't he be blocked or banned like he does to anyone he doesn't like on his wretched blogs?

Its possible too, that the mystery poster might be Sasha Uzunov or another misguided fool.

Send whoever it is packing, please!

Anonymous said...

If Landeryou was smart he would recruit people from this site to contribute comments to his blogs.

This site has attracted hundreds of comments recently. OC and Poxnews haven't.

I'll comment on your sites Landy for $1000 per comment, payable to the Lort Smith Lost Dogs Home.

Anonymous said...

Here is a patriotic marching song (sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle):

Fat Andy has two sleazy blogs
All full of lies and slander.
Unless you want to lose your lunch
I won't say take a gander.

An alternate version begins: "Fat Andy has two unread blogs...".

Anonymous said...

Poxnews is read internationally?

Fat Boy, do you have a reader in the Hutt River province?

Anonymous said...

Poxnews is read internationally - Fat Boy has declared the Fat Cave to be a sovereign state in Price Leonard of the Hutt River Province style.

Price Andrew, as he now styles himself, insists that his new micro-state will never, ever agree under any circumstances to an extradition treaty with Australia.

Anonymous said...

Any mention of Landeryou's eating consumption in the Garnaut report released today?

Could save some double digit emissions there!

Anonymous said...

Good point Kevin.
I am working my way through it now, but so far no mention. Perhaps Landeryou's girth was too big to model.

Anonymous said...

Again, was the first with the news about Iemma's resignation. Nothing about that here!

Anonymous said...

Garnaut will be burned at the stake when the ALP reveals its madcap ETS tax plans. Has anyone factored this in yet - and sent Ross an emitter's invoice?

Anonymous said...

***Again, was the first with the news about Iemma's resignation. Nothing about that here!***

Hmnn. Don't know about being first. Saw a good predictive piece on Channel 10 News, two hours before it popped up on Poxnews...

Anonymous said...

Vexnews is first with the news. This sleazy blog is the last - even when it is trying.

Leftards are being left behind.

Anonymous said...

"Again, was the first with the news about Iemma's resignation." Crap. More Landeryou lies!

The fat failure even cited the Daily Telegraph in the report his sock puppet tried to talk up.

What about the fat failure's forecast that Frankie Sartori would get the leadership? That was as good as his financial forecasts for IQ Corporation.

Another day of failure for that fat flop Andrew Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

"Again, was the first with the news about Iemma's resignation."

Hmmm ... no, it wasn't. It was well behind the newswires, newspaper websites, TV and radio.

Why do you, El Gordo, try to con us with such lies? Feeling inadequate?

Anonymous said...

Buddha Boy has a lot to feel inadequate about.

Anonymous said...

Fat Andy has two sleazy blogs
All full of lies and slander.
His stuff is more ridiculous
Than Pyongyang propaganda.

Fat Andy is a failure
In everything but eating.
He's going down, he's going down
Despite his whines and bleating.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating that the previous patriot should mention Pyongyang !

I understand that our intelligence agencies have been concerned about Andrew Landeryou for many years now.

They firmly believe he is acting as an agent of a hostile Asian nation to discredit both this country's free enterprise system and mainstream political parties by his bizarre conduct. That nation is North Korea.

North Korea is very poor but they have found the perfect agent in Landeryou. He does not want money. He is happy to betray his country for food. His North Korean controllers ship in container ship after container ship of stuff for their agent.

Such is the amount of food that the North Koreans give the traitor Landeryou that both ASIS and the Office of National Assessment believe he is why that unhappy land has spent so much of the past decade stricken by famine.

Anonymous said...

$33-million a year boss of Macquarie Bank Allan Moss did a flit before the bank's debt led "profits" bit the dust. A stockbroking analyst from UBS concluded yesterday Macquarie Group had between just $150 million and $500 million in excess capital - well below the $3 billion claimed by Macquarie.

Firepower scamster Tim Johnston once dined at the Lodge with John Howard. AFL players, Austrade, Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston and his wife Liz, the deputy chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Davyd Thomas, former senior naval officer Commodore Kevin Taylor, and the former Air Force chief, Errol McCormack, fell for this 'classic' fuel pill scam said to dramatically reduce fuel consumption and toxic emissions. Johnston fled to London before the Australian Securities and Investments Commission laid charges against him and others who sold Firepower shares.

The less said about outgoing seven million dollar a year man Qantas boss Geoff Dixon the better. His "savings" on aircraft maintenance has compromised the airline's safety record.

Silly people like these have put everyone's Super in danger. The US sub-prime crisis was caused by lending money to people who could not afford a loan. Then other greedy financial market companies bought the debts...

Where on earth did they find these spivs? Everywhere it seems. Did these CEOs all study at the Landeryou School of Economics?

Anonymous said...

The Wingecarribee Shire Council in NSW has filed a $59 million claim alleging it was misled when Grange Securities sold it high-risk CDOs (collateralised debt obligations) that subsequently dived in value when the subprime crisis engulfed global credit markets last year.

(Tomorrow's Age)

Anonymous said...

Fat Andy is a vile man
Self-pitying, malicious
His blogs of sleaze are full of lies
Malevolent and vicious

patriot said...

Fat Andy is a vile man
Self-pitying, malicious
His blogs of sleaze are full of lies
Malevolent and vicious

梁爵 said...

2020.02.27因新冠肺炎疫情酒店經紀將宣布酒店工作:為在校酒店兼差的青年學子畢業後與八大行業就業酒店上班市場接軌,酒店經紀公司就業服務處辦理酒店打工職能訓練場-2020年度酒店兼差場實習酒店上班計畫,與酒店經紀公司與八大行業老闆、國際飯局伴遊小姐接S(性交易)企業及非營利組織合作,鼓勵在校酒店兼職或就讀於市內大學1年級以上之青年學生,利用暑假期間前往八大行業酒店工作職場實習,一方面結合飯局接S(性交易)課程與實務跟客人床上技能,另一方面協助青年學生從酒店工作中建立正確的陪睡(性交易) 、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化等行為工作習慣及價值觀,以為未來正式踏入酒店上班職場作充分的準備。

梁爵 said...

2020.06.12前新北市議員李婉鈺日前在節目中透露酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容,她30歲時曾和一名斯文富二代有過婚約,當時我在酒店上班的日子已經認定彼此是要走一輩子的人,沒想到訂完婚後,對方卻背著她把酒店小姐帶回新房過夜,事後連一句道歉也沒有,讓她對這段感情心死,決定解除婚約。 李婉鈺在節目《不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因單身行不行》透露,她30歲時曾經訂過婚,男方是一名大她9歲的富二代,從事酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金建築室內設計方面的工作,事業穩定且家世相當好,兩人認識3個月就決定結婚。當時男方很貼心地把求婚及結婚的東西都準備好,不僅安排酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?楊凡導演幫忙拍攝照片,就連婚紗也是用知名品牌,所有東西都選最好的,她什麼事都不用操心,職場須知 【酒店PT 】只要人到場就好。李婉鈺說,兩人訂完婚後,某次男方說要去酒店參加朋友替他舉辦的告別單身派對,而她也沒有多想,很放心地讓對方出門。沒想到隔天送養肝茶給男方喝時,對方卻一直不開門、也不接電話,讓她越想越不對勁,於是乾脆站在門口守株待兔,從早上等到傍晚,直到外傭回來幫忙開門,一個女生突然從屋子裡衝出來,把她撞開後迅速離開現場,她才知自己被男方背叛,對方居然把酒店小姐帶到兩人的新房過夜。 李婉鈺透露,當時男方沒有解釋、也沒有感到抱歉,只是站在屋內對著她說「妳到底想要幹什麼?」讓她瞬間崩潰心死,什麼話也沒說就轉身離去,「哀莫大於心死,我覺得已經沒救了」,之後她也把婚戒退還給對方並解除婚約,放棄了這段感情。 李婉鈺說,「我後來輾轉知道他晚上都玩得很瘋狂,我就去拜託他身邊的好朋友,說拜託你們帶我去他常常去的酒店,然後叫他常常叫的酒店小姐出來,我想要知道她們到底哪裡好,我為什麼比不上她們」。事後還有媽媽桑向她透露,男方是酒店的常客,每次一定會帶一個女生回去,酒後還會做出失控舉動,讓李婉鈺不禁直呼,「很慶幸我那時候還沒有踏入婚姻這一步,就只是訂婚而已」。便服店: #王牌酒店 #香閣里拉酒店 #麗園酒店 #龍亨酒店 #香水酒店 #金典酒店 #威晶酒店 #威士登酒店。禮服店: #麗緻忠孝酒店 #麗緻敦南酒店 #維多立亞酒店 #百達妃麗酒店 #萬豪酒店 #金荷酒店 #大富豪酒店 #絕色酒店。制服店:#麗都 #淘寶酒店 #金碧輝煌酒店 #金昌酒店 #金聰酒店 #君悅酒店 #盛世酒店 #奧斯卡酒店 #龍昇酒店 #龍昌酒店 #百富酒店 #台北東區酒店兼職。

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