Monday, August 04, 2008

Landeryou’s Soviet Era inspired Labour for Hire

Patriot “M” filed the exclusive picture of obesity-deformed Andrew Landeryou oozing out of the Sunshine Magistrate’s Court.

Patriot “M” also filed this picture of Landeryou’s chauffer and photographer.

As Patriot “M” reported: “Victoria Police confronts a "freelance photographer" who funnily enough drove Landeryou to court. As Twentyman left court, this guy pulled out his camera with zoom and started taking photos of Twentyman, wife and supporters. The photographer was supervised by the police officer as he deleted the images from his camera, which were a breach of the I.O that Landeryou had just promised to uphold minutes earlier”.

The lackey possessed a hairstyle popular in totalitarian Brezhnev’s USSR in the 1970s.

Bankrupt Landeryou can apparently afford to employ contracted staff.


Anonymous said...

I presume that civil-minded young copper in the photo is warning Andrew's colleague against consorting with criminals.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's paparazzo is the 'Stalker's Apprentice'. Looks like Landeryou was the driver. Look out Melbourne pedestrians!

Anonymous said...

This weekend on the Blog of Sleaze Landershonk boasted of his "relatively recently obtained drivers' licence".

If he has only just got his licence and is behind the wheel of that vehicle in the picture as the patriot from 12:30:00 suggested, then he should be displaying P plates.

Oh dear. It appears thant Landershonk has broken yet another law.

Anonymous said...

Some of us who were out at the Sunshine Magistrates Court saw that nice young policeman and heard what he said to Landeryou's chauffer.

He warned the bloke that the vehicle would be unsafe carrying Landeryou's weight and that VicPol could not let it travel on any road as the public would be at serious risk.

He very kindly referred Landeryou's manservant to a nearby heavy haulage company. Fortunately it turned out that this very firm had supplied a low loader used to transport a 17 tonne whale washed up near Lorne in 2001 to the Victoria Museum.

With the help of a few cranes - and the many, many locals who wanted him removed from their area as soon as possible - Landeryou was hoisted up and made ready to travel in only a little over 18 hours.

The trucking firm deposited him as directed to the corner of Little Collins and Russell Streets in "Greater Brunswick" and Landeryou told them to forward the bill to Victorian Legal Aid.

Anonymous said...

Jeeveski nearly got lumbered with a 'casting offensive matter in a public place' charge. The offensive matter, apparently, was his Master.

Anonymous said...

Was that Landeryou's new car that be bought over 12 months or so ago???

Anonymous said...

An undischarged bankrupt buying a new car?

Dearie, dearie me!

Anonymous said...

No update from Landeryou this morning. He must have read this and been struck dumb!

THE South Australian Government will push for a national ban or tougher controls on the use of trans fats in foods.
The Government will use the next meeting of national food and health ministers in October to push for tougher regulations controlling the use of trans fats which have been linked to heart disease, strokes and diabetes.

Most trans fats consumed today are created by the hydrogenation of plant oils, a process that adds hydrogen atoms to unsaturated fats to render them more saturated, making them attractive for baking and extending their shelf life.

"These really dangerous fats are in everyday foods that people eat and particularly in junk and processed foods," said SA Premier Mike Rann.

"Trans fats offer no nutritional value whatsoever and indeed are linked to serious health issues."

Mr Rann said the state government also wanted restaurants and food manufacturers to label their menus and products to allow consumers to know exactly what they were eating.

He said the Government was about to start working with other states on a national survey to determine how much trans fats were in common foods.

"We believe the time to act on trans fats is now," Mr Rann said.

"We need to regulate these fats and protect Australians."
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Anonymous said...

The "obesity-deformed" blogger is claiming Faine has now broken the law! Is Landeryou proposing that as a criminal he can police others?

Anonymous said...

"Trans fats?" That was Landeryou frocked up as Caitt, wasn't it?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this is a picture of the intern Buddha Boy said he wanted to employ a couple of months ago.

Anonymous said...

Does Fat Andy realise just how hilarious his hypocrisy can be at times?

"Now we're no experts on this kind of thing, but an economy class airfare to South America cannot be cheap," he opines on the Blog of Sleaze today.

Not expert? Ah. Not expert in economy class airfares. Fat Andy flew first or business class when he skedaddled off to Costa Rica

Anonymous said...

Here's one airline Landeryou won't use when he flees the country next time. reports that: "Airasia X is considering charging passengers depending on their weight in a bid to fight rising fuel prices..."

Anonymous said...

I don't think Landeryou will be able to leave the country by air next time he does a runner. I don't know of any airline offering passenger services out of Australia using a Boeing Super Guppy aircraft. Take a look at it:

Patriots are bound to agree that it must be the only way Landeryou can be transported by air.

Anonymous said...

Patriot M you are a very brave person.

Landeryou has been known to eat people whole! I can only think he was not that peckish that morning.

Go in peace!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rev; Andy thinks Fat is the new thin!

Anonymous said...

type "latent masturbatory gratification" into google and Landeryou's name appears! nice one

Anonymous said...

I bust myself laughing at several of the recent posts. They were VERY funny. Thanks everyone! But now back to business. I don't want the Twentyman attempted assassination to become a cold case. Can anyone think of a way to get a copy of Landy's recent agreement?

Anonymous said...

Sol Lew's Premier Investments seems to be doing rather handsomely according to tonight's ABC's Lateline Business. I'm no great supporter of the Lew Empire, but I'd rather be sitting next to him than 'failed Melbourne businessman' Andrew. Sol could probably inject a few bob into various legal options currently available to Les Twentyman. A determined counsel might be able to tickle Landy's memory about all kinds of things.

Sol Lew and Dean McVeigh, among many others, are probably ignorant of this unique opportunity to bring Landy to justice. All the victims of Landy's depredations are contactable via email on company websites. Posters here can, with a bit of research, start to spread the story! I'm targetting Sol first!

Anonymous said...

Good point, 3:55. I have always wondered why Solly didn't just crush Landeryou like a worm.

It would be pretty easy. A few days private detective work would establish exactly where he lives and the status of his bankruptcy.

That should generate enough material to either do the turd for defamation or make him too busy explaining his affairs to various legal authorities to have much time for his hate blog - or both!

梁爵 said...

2020.06.02酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容武漢肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎)疫情趨緩,全台各縣市陸續解禁我在酒店上班的日子酒店等行業,台中知名酒店,不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因金錢豹今(1) 酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金日恢復營業,酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?門口可見名車一輛接著一輛,酒店小姐下車後也都戴上口罩,並乖乖在大廳量體溫、酒精消毒,落實防疫政策。
等待已久的酒客們也紛紛來到職場須知 【酒店PT 】金錢豹尋歡,不過警方仍不敢大意,在金錢豹恢復營業第一天進行臨檢,確認酒店有落實實名制;而一名等待載客的計程車司機則表示,過去一晚可賺進2至3千,酒店因疫情衝擊停業後,計程車沒生意就跑去打零工,如今酒店終於復業,司機希望計程車生意能夠慢慢回復到以前的榮景。

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