Wednesday, September 17, 2008

So what's news Patriots?

So what's news Patriots?

No news so far on Vexnews.

At least Andrew Landeryou is attracting the interest of the Liberals. And why shouldn't he, what with him being the Liberal Party blogger, and subject to the Victorian internal Liberal Party inquisition (see Label below).


Anonymous said...

I hear Malcolm Turnbull privately pledged to immediately sack any Liberal found consorting with Landeryou. No wonder he got the leadership.

Anonymous said...

Still no news from Andy!

Anonymous said...

Oh well, while U wait enjoy fearless paparazzo Sgt. Sascha's portfolio of cats.

I sleep easier knowing he out there defending this great nation.

Anonymous said...

Pretty ordinary holiday snaps!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou has been strongly influenced by the new Liberal leader. One day he hopes to lose as much money as Turnbull has made.

Anonymous said...

Given that Landeryou has given up on his sleazy blog, does that mean that Slanderyou has won, by outlasting Landeryou?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is like Toshiro Mifune in the final scene of 'Throne of Blood'. He staggers out of the castle riddled with arrows. He turns to the ramparts and asks in the sub-title 'Guys, what did I do wrong'?

Of course Slanderyou has won hands down! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

I agree: Congratulations Slanderyou

Anonymous said...

The fat failure Landeryou comes up with the most extraordinary lies and distortions but they are boring as batshit.

By contrast Slanderyou is written with elan. It is a far, far, far more entertaining site than anything the fat failure has put online.

No-one read his Blog of Sleaze and no-one is reading Poxnews but Slanderyou is powering on

More power to your pen, patriots!

Anonymous said...

had a look at poxnews this morning and landeryou seems to have given up altogether

Anonymous said...

Buddha Boy has turned over a new leaf and has decided to earn an honest dollar. You know those services that remove the used cooking oil and deep-fryer fat from restaurants, cafes and take-aways? Buddha Boy is going something similar but is able to undercut their prices because he drinks it on the spot.

Anonymous said...

Sargeant Sasha writes "The Day Dutch Soldiers Saved Me."

....One man grabbed me by the shirt and starting pulling me towards the ground, whilst another tried to take my camera. I would have been in for a severe beating or worse. Four Macedonian Police officers stood nearby and watched the whole incident and didn't intervene to help me. Luckily for me there where two Dutch NATO military observers close by and as I struggled free from my attackers, I ran like lightening towards them. The protestors chasing me then backed off and disappeared......"

OK so the Macedonian soldiers were watching in delight while he had the landeryou kicked out of him, and from his account so were the Dutch soldiers. They did Nothing!!

HE ran towards THEM!! Sounds more like the cat of soldiers who didn't give a shit than good samaritans. Can't say I blame them.

It is clear Landerou has a hand in this spoof-like blog of Sasha's, probably payback for having his name dragged through the mud for being Fat Boy's Papparazzo at Sunshine Magistrates Court.

Seeing those two Dutch soldiers was a godsend. I could not thank them enough. To this day I still do not know the names of these two good Samaritans.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear that Landeryou has got a job he can really put his heart and soul into.

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy is still finding enough time to write shite for How can we tell? The crap 'Christian Lyons' post today refers to the Manuka Starbucks. There hasn't been a Manuka Starbucks for years, since about the time Fat Boy did his Costa Rica flit. Any real Canberra type would be able to tell you that. But Fat Boy Landeryou is completely out of the loop and doesn't know.

Anonymous said...

The link to Sasha on Poxnews leads to a page with a photo of the intrepid war reporter with this big caption:


Hmnn... a one man Team... The Age could employ Uzunov and sack ALL its editorial staff...

Anonymous said...

The Federal government could save millions of taxpayer dollars by sacking media unit flunkies and ministerial spin doctors. By employing Team Uzunov, the one man media army, they would get a one stop shop, non-stop action and heaps of imaginative 'bulldust baffles brains' media releases.

[Malcolm 'Volcano' Turnbull]

Anonymous said...

Sasha calls himself "a one man team"? That is deeply concerning news. Clearly the man not only has some form of Munchausen's syndrome but is a schizophrenic as well.

Victorian Police must immediately act to protect the public and ensure that this madman with military training has no access to weapons of any kind.

Anonymous said...

Anyone reckon that John Murphy was lobbied by Landeryou to increase the portion sizes in the Parl House Cafe??

Anonymous said...

Landeryou has boasted that he has written political speeches but he cannot have done Murphy's. There was nothing in it about giving all the parliamentary catering contracts to KFC.

Anonymous said...

I remember reading somewhere about the night that Andy ate $1000 worth of food in one sitting.

Anonymous said...

Then he went off for his main meal of the evening.

Anonymous said...

I think the story goes that Landeryou walked into the Cafe and thought all the food laid out in the Bai Marie was for him. To his surprise it wasn't.

Anonymous said...

I love Pvt Sascha's claim: "I'm probably the most versatile media man in Australia as I can report, write, photograph and shoot video footage."

Then, why is this journalist with "more than 20 year's experience" unemployed?

Anonymous said...

Poxnews couldn't get it and Sergent Sasha was otherwise detained in a secure mental health facility but Slanderyou has obtained the Landeryou's first draft for John Murphy's speech on parliamentary catering in canberra. Read on, patriots:

Mr Speaker

I want lots of food. Lots and lots and lots and lots. Deep fried. For free. Now. Gimme.

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

(Fall onto the ground, scream, kick, froth at mouth, wet pants etc. until Speaker concedes.)

Landeryou then came up with a Plan B:

Mr Speaker

It is vital to the good governance of our nation that the 150 Members of the House of Representatives and our 76 colleguaes in the Other Place be properly nourished.

I therefore call for 226 meals to be delivered thrice daily to be kept in trust for the nation by a great Australia who is above approach, Andrew Landeryou...

Anonymous said...

"A contrite Labor MP has apologised unreservedly for using the House of Representatives as a platform to complain about the size of a portion of beef stroganoff served to his wife in the parliamentary cafeteria".

John Murphy has apologised. But not Landeryou I notice

Anonymous said...

El Gordo apologize? Fat chance. Been waiting three years for an explanation about Buddha Boy's flight to Costa Rica and still waiting.

Anonymous said...

TROY Buswell, the former WA opposition leader and chair-sniffer, has been appointed Treasurer in the new state Government.

OMG! What are the Libs thinking? The world is in financial turmoil, and they appoint this twit as TREASURER!!!

Anonymous said...

It could be worse. Landeryou could be Treasurer. He'd make Jim Cairns look like Sir Otto Niemeyer.

Anonymous said...

Re Sargeant Sasha...

A patriot asks if Sasha really is, as he claims, "the 'most versatile media man in Australia'... why is this journalist with 'more than 20 year's experience' unemployed?"

The answer is easy. Sasha is not a journalist. He is a mad fantasist. Perfect company for Andy!

Anonymous said...

Micro economic reform hasn't worked for three hundred years, and never will. Once known as laissez-faire economics, it was always a right wing Fool's Paradise. If we somehow survive the present global finance meltdown, unlikely as that now appears, some nut like Margaret Thatcher or John Howard will emerge again in the future with a brand new idea - Micro-economic Reform'!

Freemarkets were a fantasy. Competition in any meaningful way never actually occured. Deregulation killed the economy! Dig out your sleeping bags and kerosene cookers.

Anonymous said...

Osama Bin Laden hoped for this catastrophic economic disaster on 9/11.

He failed, but only just. Our own multi-millionaire corporate CEOs have managed what Osama only dreamed - the complete freefall crash of the Western economy.

You unregulated, unelected, unrepresentative swill!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou has put in a sterling effort to destroy capitalism. Just look at his track record in business. The fat failure turned Solly Lew's millions into just $13,000. We are yet to see Macquarie Bank shares tank as badly as that.

Anonymous said...

How funny! The balding, obese and limping-thanks-to-gout Andrew Landeryou is attacking someone over at for being "ugly".

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is triply ugly. He is physically ugly, his views are ugly and his conduct is ugly too.

Anonymous said...

It is now pretty clear reading Poxnews that Landeryou fully supports John Murphy's call for upsizing of meal servings.

Anonymous said...

Why has Landeryou never explained why he killed off his Blog? What's the story there?

Anonymous said...

For the patriot at 2.49.

It might be rather hard for Landeryou to admit that his name is inextricably linked with lies, bias and malice.

Anonymous said...

"Otto Niemeyer" - Haven't heard that name since Yr 10 History class.

Anonymous said...

"Andrew Landeryou" - Haven't heard that name since I did the roll calls when I worked as a prison officer at the Melbourne Remand Centre.

A nasty piece of work. Bet he got put away for a long, long time.

Anonymous said...

Does Landeryou still turn up for multiple free meals from all the different charities each night?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is like Toshiro Mifune in the final scene of 'Throne of Blood'. He staggers out of the castle riddled with arrows. He turns to the ramparts and asks in the sub-title 'Guys, what did I do wrong'?

Of course Slanderyou has won hands down! Congratulations!

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