It looks as if Andy has been playing around with Vexnews since July 2006!
Why so long to bring to market Andy?
According to Internet archives, he had two stabs at it in 2006.
Plus it seems readers on Vexnews were reading the TS blog before Andy stopped it. (Courtesy Patriot Kevin)
Slanderyou is up to his old tricks. is an outstanding source of news.
Why is this so?
Slanderyou evidently agrees. That's why he places a link to on the Slanderyou web site.
Go Vexnews.
Go Andrew Landeryou.
Why no Walkley this year? Slanderyou rigged the contest to prevent Andrew from winning the prestigious Walkley Blog Award.
Why is it we first learn about any breaking political news first from Vexnews?
Who told us first about the Labor disgrace in NSW?
Who told us first the ALP would go close to losing the Northern Territory and Western Australia elections, and may still lose the latter?
Who told us first about Brian Burke, the great WA Premier and his fight for justice?
Who told us first that Peter Allan was a rogue?
Read for the greatest Australian news service.
Cait Catt. Please come back.
catter8, please keep purrrrring.
Rita Randles. Please come back from the dead like Jesus did.
Where have you all gone. The Liberal Party used to place their press releases on Slanderyou because Cait was so popular people read them. Now Cait is gone the Liberals are gone too.
Shame Baillieu Shame.
Shame Baillieu Shame.
El Gordo, those posts says like you are really, really, desperate.
You live in a fantasy world. Do yourself a favour, and get some psych help.
I forgot that fat failure Landerflop invented a Walkley Award for himself.
I'm surprised that he didn't claim last weekend that he had been declared Father of the Year.
Brilliant investigate reporting Slanderyou. Again, first with the news.
landeryou also claims to have won miss australia
i wish i had seen the swimsuit part of the competition
Buddha Boy is trying to suck in a few more silly Young Liberals yet again with a Malcolm Fraser story on Poxnews today.
Why haven't you mentioned this before Landeryou? Your spruking of Vexnews is 2 years old!!!!! What gives? What happened in the interim? Lots of questions Andy, that of course you won't answer!
Debt Man Waking is following Jon Faine's progress to London. Why? 'Cause he still hasn't gotten over Faine's smackdown before the 2006 Vic election? Or because he's jealous of Faine and son's adventure. The only things Fat Boy and Bent Bill do together is appear in court and dodge process servers.
No mention of any of this on Vexnews. No surprises I guess
What a scoop for the patriots of Team Slanderyou! Poxnews is El Gordo's greatest failure by a mile.
The fat flop took two years to get his scuzzy site up and running yet the project tanked in about two weeks.
Tanked in two weeks - being a bit generous there! 2 days more like it
I am reliably informed by an insider that the traffic to vexnews is on a downward spiral and is a bit depressing - in more ways than one.
They just hope that Kimberley does well at the polls, but even that is looking a bit wobbly.
I can reveal here at long last that Peter Costello's new book neglects to mention that Andrew Landeryou was his personal trainer and personal confidant during most of his Treasurership. Landeryou thus was driving the Australian economy up to November 2007.
My Landeryou biography will reveal the whole truth, and nothing but the Truth. Costello, for example, is said to be a major KFC investor...
Sasha Uzunov
The real Sasha Uzunov
Joking aside, I've been watching SBS Dateline and ABC Lateline Business. It looks like we're all buggered and that my Super (and your's) is evaporating as we speak.
Unregulated corporate greed has crashed the world economy. Pollies are saying "don't blame us - we know NOTHING"!
No wonder Cossie doesn't want the top job in the Liberal Opposition.
In the coming blame game, he wants to be invisible at the back of the crowd.
Like $ 33 million a year Macquarie Bank CEO Allan Moss, he has taken a flit before eveything unravels...
But history won't forget you, Pete!
There has been a report this week that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il has been dead for several years and replaced by lookalikes. Other sources say that the hated dictator is gravely ill due to his unhealthy habits.
Has this happened to Andrew Landeryou? Patriotic folk have often remarked on the similarities between the Big Bent Bill and his fat failure offspring and the North Korean father and son team.
Landeryou junior consumes several hundredweight of KFC each and every week. This has left him impotent and physically and mentally enfeebled.
Perhaps he is in a diabetic coma. Perhaps this is why his original Blog of Sleaze has been mothballed. Perhaps Sasha Uzunov and three unemployable fat Young Liberals are putting Poxnews together.
It all seems strange but anything is possible in the bizarre world of Andrew Landeryou.
the costello time bomb has finally detonated
the cleanskins in new south wales have been exposed as bigger perverts than troy buswell
but there is nothing on poxnews
I thought George Seitz was Landeryou's real father, 1.40 PM.
El Gordo has finally got out of bed, picked a few chicken bones out of what is left of his hair, wiped some of the KFC grease of his hands and updated Poxnews.
It is clear why he has not hurried to "report" on the latest disaster for his mates in NSW. According to El Gordo the drunkard and sex pervert Matt Brown is "a well regarded rising star of Labor’s moderate faction".
That makes it all alright apparently.
Only Andrew has exposed Malcolm Fraser as a tool pigeon of the Liberal pro-Communist Left, with fuhrer Red Ted Baillieu.
Where does Andrew get his leaks from?
I know a journo who worked for the Herald Sun until recently when he went overseas and he said their journos were as jealous as hell of Andy. He seems to beat them all the time with his great scoops.
Please be a bit kinder to Andrew Comrade Slanderyou. Andrew is a great man.
"Where does Andrew get his leaks from?" That's easy. He either makes them up or steals them from other media outlets while loudly claiming he had them first.
Remember how Landeryou intimidated MUSU Farrago student newspaper editors?
And what of the "sleazy Landeryou fabrication machine "?
Landeryou, did you ever go through with your plans to counter-claim Lew for his lawsuit against you?
Fuck me! That looney Sargeant Sascha has a blog of his own. It is a laugh a minute job too. Click on the link above to read it and enjoy stories by the nutbag like this:
"A former Australian Army corporal who saw action in Rwanda in 1994 is trying to organise a return to that African hell hole to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide next year but has received no response from the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd... Mr Pedler said he had contacted the Prime Minister’s Office and RSL and had not received a response. 'There was no media interest from Channel 7 and 9 or ABC TV,' he said."
Of course not Sascha. Nutters demand money from the government day in and day out. There is no news in that.
Then there is is this masterpiece:
"The Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB) has today hosed down concerns from some of Melbourne’s Central Business District (CBD) traders by saying that an alleged increase in fire call outs were not due to training runs but were the real thing.
"Three CDB traders, who did not want to reveal their full details and business names for fear of being branded paranoid, had over a two month period noted an alleged 'increase' in the number of fire trucks driving along Swanston Street..."
Have you noticed an alleged increase in the voices in your head, Sascha ? Are any of them kind enough to tell you that there is no way on God's earth that this sort of thing has any news value whatsoever?
There is of course a serious side to all of this. Run Sascha's name through Google and you will find his "articles" turning up in all sorts of odd places.
This lunatic's delusions are taken as serious statements on Australia's defence and foreign affairs policies and capabilities in some circles. Sascha Uzonov's "journalism" and "commentary" are damaging our national interest.
Landeryou must have moved out to Cranbourne. CFA said to him "The levels of methane gas we have detected in various parts of the estate are twelve times the safe limit. We had no choice but to recommend to residents they leave. It isn’t safe there. This could be Victoria’s version of Chernobyl".
Landeryou is a well-known source of methane (and other) gas. MFB had him removed by force last weekend from the Fart Cave "to save the CBD from a horrendous Hiroshima-style melt-down".
Cranbourne residents have been warned about sulfurous smells "with a hint of decaying KFC left overs". CFA have a prime mover available to whisk Landeryou to rural Victoria should the situation worsen.
[War Correspondent Sascha Uzonov]
Good point from that patriot at 5:49! By talking up Uzunov's garbage Landeryou is giving comfort to our nations enemies.
I hear that Landeryou likes to "tittie-f..k" women old enough to be his mother just like Matt Brown.
In tomorrow's Australian, there is news of a Turnbull/Abbott push by the Liberal Right. I suppose this is marginally better than the 'Abbott and Costello' horror scenario that still gives me nightmares. Turnbulldust and Abbott are both inveterate pontificators. Tweedledum and Tweedledee? You guess who is who...
Landeryou has abandoned servicing the OC. His Cranbourne methane gas emergency story was only on Poxnews. Until now, Poxnews has been shared on the OC.
Looks like the OC is going to disappear altogether. Phew!
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
The recent performances of federal, state and local council politicians has been so woeful that I'm becoming an anarchist!
Anarchy: Absence of government; a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder. Joy!
I hear that Landeryou likes to "tittie-f..k" his mother while his father George Seitz watches.
Landeryou loves being morbidly obese as it means people can "tittie-f**k" him
Anon 2:10:00 PM - i don;t know anything about that, but sounds like stuff he did to hi creditors!
He might have tittie-f@@ked his creditors but when Landeryou was in remand the other prisoners ass-f@@ked him. Now he hangs out on Peel Street in Collingwood and environs in an attempt to recapture the moment.
Who else has noticed that Landeryou stole the methane story from the Cranbourne Leader suburban newspaper?
In Saturday's Age:
Mr Costello also admitted he wrote an acceptance speech in case his Liberal colleagues called on him to take over from then prime minister John Howard before last year's election.
"I nutted out a speech just in case the phone call came, but it never did," he said.
Peter, that 'phone call will never ever come! You are history, you poisonous elitist scumbag!
In fairness, all your struggling Aussie battler victims should be getting equal time. They won't, of course, and will have to swallow your loathesome political ideas again for weeks to come. Isn't life unfair?
Landeryou's new Vexnews (or Poxnews as Slanderyou calls it) has at least one scoop that is original and cannot be claimed as being lifted from somewhere else.
That is the story about Rae Perry, the CEO of the Victorian Local Governance Association, an organisation currently being infiltrated by the Kroger group in the Liberal Party. It was possibly a Krogerite who leaked about Perry to Landeryou. Anyway, it doesn't matter where Landeryou got his leak from. No one else has run the story, and I would have thought it an entirely newsworthy one. Perhaps we might hear about it from Carbone or Money. Landeryou doesn't like them.
Rae Perry is hospitalised after a traffic accident. We don't know the story yet. Only Landeryou has told us about it. We'd like to know.
"An extract from former federal treasurer Peter Costello's memoirs has revealed he prepared a speech in anticipation of becoming Prime Minister..."
Bet the fat failure has prepared several harangues and rants he will deliver from the dock when he gets sent down for a long, long time for his many dishonesty offences -- or criminal libel.
Just remember 5.22 that there is a difference. Costello will never get to make that speech but Landershonk will go to prison sooner or later.
His speech should be a hoot. It will probably result in him getting another five years for contempt.
Peter Costello, the dud former treasurer, couldn't even write his own memoirs. His father-in-law is listed as co-author. Hmnn. I wonder if 'Dad' wrote the book?
Landeryou's memoirs will be a very slim volume indeed (ghost written by Sgt. Uzunov). In it, he will have to admit his many failures (although he picked up tidy sums along the way) and the attempted character assassinations on his blog. Some of those he maligned probably know someone who knows someone who could make the Landeryou problem 'disappear'. It is to their credit that option has never been implemented. Besides, there would be far too many suspects...
Landeryou is already claiming his memoirs have won the Booker Prize. Trouble that is for fiction.
six comments on poxnews since friday
perhaps a cloud of methane gas has enveloped the sleazy site and kills all those stupid enough to visit it
poxnews is definitely landeryous biggest failure and that is saying something
There is more talk in Melbourne's legal precinct that Solly Lew is gearing up for a new assault on Landeryou.
Fat Andy really is fucking useless. He has quite a funny little yarn about Jackie Kelly today but is so bitter and twisted (or maybe just so clueless about journalism) that rather than just letting us laugh at at her he tries to score some ideological point. The whole story ends up being overlaboured and dull. No wonder Poxnews has tanked within weeks of its launch.
No matter the outcome of the Liberal leadership ballot no one could be a bigger failure than landeryou.
Just in from Poxnews:
***Military affairs expert Sasha Uzunov says then Defence Minister Brendan Nelson's decision withdraw Australian special forces from Afghanistan let Osama bin Laden "off the hook".***
'Mad' Mal Turnbulldust must be hoping Sasha doesn't have any dirt on him!
Fat Boy has failed to post anything on the Liberal leadership. Presumably this means all his silly little Young Liberal 'pals' have already been sacked because of their Landeryou links.
In the vast desert wasteland of the OC a plaintive little voice was heard:
Andrew Landeryou: I feel like visiting vexnews
Silvertail Mal TurnBulldust is claiming today to know what it is like to be as poor as us. The real problem is that this guy has the brains to really f*ck us over big time.
The Liberals at federal and state levels are conniving back-stabbers with no policies and evil intentions.
That loathesome, toxic worm Tony Abbott is on ABC-TV's Q and A again on Thursday.
I'm looking forward to the day he is muzzled in a Dr Hannibal Lecter-style leather mask and banned by Liberal leaders from ever besmirching television again. The guy is whacko; an empty, posturing scumbag.
Ps: Has this site been abandoned too? Or has Landeryou taken it over?
Cait Catt. Please come back.
catter8, please keep purrrrring.
Rita Randles. Please come back from the dead like Jesus did.
Where have you all gone. The Liberal Party used to place their press releases on Slanderyou because Cait was so popular people read them. Now Cait is gone the Liberals are gone too.
Shame Baillieu Shame.
Shame Baillieu Shame.
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