Wednesday, October 08, 2008

An excuse - it was someone else's fault!

Andy said:

"Mr Landeryou left Australia in December, shortly before he was due to appear at a liquidator's hearing into the collapse of the $14million Melbourne University Student Union Inc.

He told the Victorian Supreme Court on Friday that he had not been aware of the summons, which was served to him via his wife's email and fax, and that when he read that a warrant had been issued for his arrest, he flew back to Australia.

In an affidavit to the court the 35-year-old said he had travelled to San Jose in Costa Rica via Los Angeles on December 8 -- the night before he was due to appear at the MUSU liquidator's hearing.

"My marriage at this time was strained and communication between my wife and myself was poor. This matter and other personal and business difficulties have caused me substantial distress," he said."

But hang on:

"Ms Kitching blamed her financial collapse on her missing husband, Labor Party powerbroker Andrew Landeryou, who has skipped town leaving a trail of debt."


Anonymous said...

"There were three of us in this marriage; myself, Fat Andy and Colonel Sanders."

Anonymous said...

Why is news like this ever featured on Poxnews?

Anonymous said...

None of them was finger-licking good!

Anonymous said...

The money trail led to Hong Kong, and then to parts unknown. But the mystery has come back to the top of the queue in ATO's cold cases.

Anonymous said...

Landy should do a blog on money laundering. With all the online crime these days, he would have a ready-made audience of hundreds - and a thousand per cent rise on the present Poxnews readership!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou seems to have been very hands on at times though:

"The missing Melbourne businessman and prominent Labor Right figure Andrew Landeryou yesterday made a surprise return to Australia - and an astonishing move to stay in custody indefinitely - as he prepares to give evidence about his curious business dealings...

"Ms Landeryou-Mason's husband, Mathew Mason, this week told a liquidator's examination that he believed it was Mr Landeryou who slotted him on the boards of two companies without telling him and forged his signature on a letter to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission."

Anonymous said...

Thank you Slanderyou for bringing this to public attention. Until now I was one of Poxnews' few readers. But now I have read this, why would I believe a word Andy says?

What kind of man leaves the country and lets their wife deal with their debts?

Shame, Landeryou, shame.

Anonymous said...

So Shocked - you're the reader!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that Shocked has stopped logging on to Poxnews I gather it only has one reader left -- Fat Andy.

Not even Sergeant Sasha visits the site. His therapist is keeping him away from the internet in the hopes that it might address some of his issues.

Anonymous said...

Every so often, Landy takes a big swing at himself. Is this behaviour healthy?:

Deep fry that big lard-ass hippy homo

Posted by Deep fry | October 8, 2008, 12:10

Anonymous said...

"Why is news like this ever featured on Poxnews?"

Are you serious?

Anonymous said...

So Cait? This is news. Comment on this!?!

Anonymous said...

Oh, jeez! I'm starting to run out of puff. It's very tough being a personality invented by the great man. There are 30 of us altogether. Sometimes I think the Great Puppet Master gets it all wrong. But who am I to criticise. I'm just a figment of his imagination...

Anonymous said...

Looks like Iceland is doing a Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou has FAR many more creditors than he has multiple personalities.

Anonymous said...

hey Anon, maybe Iceland could follow Landeryou's lead and run a blog?

Anonymous said...

Landy is busily blocking critics from Poxnews. Defending the indefensible is impossible, dipstick!

Anonymous said...

Flush... flush... FLUSH!!!

Down goes Poxnews!

Anonymous said...

Still no cait?????

Anonymous said...

Bankruptcies in Australia have just increased by 12.8%. Landeryou beat the queue. Smart, Huh?

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:23:00 AM - so does that make Landeryou the first for a change?

Anonymous said...

this guy landeryou is a joke. he wants to pretend he is the objective independent commentator. I think he's jealous of mayne because he doesn't have the intelligence, knowledge or gravitas of mayne.

Anonymous said...

Hey fat fraudster! Where are all your sock puppets? Perhaps you run them as well as you ran IQ Corporation. This article from The Age of August 14 2004 shows just what a Keystone Kops-style operator you are:

"Kimberley Kitching, a Melbourne City councillor, was the registered company secretary of IQ Corp from October 1999 to February 2000 and, according to documents filed with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, was a secretary of some IQ companies until May 2001.

"Kitching's demeanour as a witness was belligerent and theatrical. Before counsel for the liquidator had asked even the first question, Kitching cut him off and asked for someone to explain the layout of the court because, she said, she had not been there before and wanted to understand who all these people - the solicitors at the bar table - were.

"This caused some surprise in the court: Kitching is a qualified lawyer. She told the court that her duties with Melbourne City Council now took up so much of her time that she was not currently practising law, nor did she have a current practice certificate.

"Kitching said she had been employed or contracted by IQ - the dates of her employment are not clear - and was paid about $50,000 a year.

"But Kitching said she did not have any receipts, personal bank statements, nothing - not even income tax returns - that would show the payments.

"Kitching said those sorts of documents about her personal finances would have been kept at the IQ offices by Andrew Landeryou's sister, Anne-Marie Landeryou-Mason, who earlier gave evidence that she was 'a jack-of-all-trades' at IQ - the company book-keeper, receptionist and personal assistant.

"Anne-Marie's husband, Matthew Mason, was not employed by IQ but the court heard that the company reimbursed him for certain expenses.

"Precisely what Mason did for IQ and the nature of those expenses is not yet clear.

"The Landeryou clan, Kitching and Mason plumped themselves into the witness box before Registrar Jane Mussett this week only after counsel for the liquidator asked the court to consider issuing arrest warrants because they declined to turn up under summons.

"Andrew Landeryou followed his wife into the witness box.

"His evidence was given with his face mostly turned away from the liquidator's counsel, and he prefaced every question - even when asked to state his name - by citing 'privilege'. Several times during Landeryou's evidence, the registrar threatened to refer him to a judge for contempt of court.

"For his part, Landeryou said it was 'contempt, utter contempt' that his wife had been 'dragged' into the examination.

"Asked what position Kitching held at IQ, Landeryou cited privilege and said: 'I do not recall, or care.'

"Indeed, the evidence of the Landeryou family members was riddled with a surprising inability to recall or remember very much about the company."

Andrew Landeryou - fat failure, fat fool and fat fraudster.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Where are the fat boy's sock puppets? He loves false identities as this Age article from 2005 explained...

"There is a bank account in Melbourne that authorities are watching very closely. Every so often, someone draws off a few thousand dollars. A bit gets sent here, a bit there. And once the money runs out, the authorities believe that runaway businessman Andrew Landeryou will return to Australia.

"The Arrowhead Media bank account, and the way it is being managed, bear all the hallmarks of Landeryou's curious business dealings. There are front men, false names, bogus directors and a chain of money transfers that crisscross the world...

"Money has been drawn electronically from Arrowhead's account to pay individuals in Melbourne. Landeryou is the only signatory to the account but has no apparent legal connections to the Arrowhead business. His brother-in-law, Matthew Mason, is listed as Arrowhead's sole director, company secretary and shareholder. But when he enters the Supreme Court next week, Mason is expected to deny all knowledge of it. Mason has told investigators that he did not know he was involved in Arrowhead and that what appeared to be his signatures on documents were forged.

"Investigators have uncovered a pattern of forgery and falsification in the MUSU affair. It is not the first time that people linked to the union have been plumped into the role of company director without knowing it. And there are a surprising number of fictitious people wading around the MUSU perimeter, signing documents, corresponding through emails, making phone calls and, in one case, having a meeting in Collins Street with former student union president Darren Ray."

Anonymous said...

Talking of Ray, he was sentenced to 20 months jail with a minimum of six months for fraud back in February. Does anyone here know if he is out?

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt often leaves derogatory comments on Poxnews about the 'other blog' (this one).

Not today, I bet. Even Landeryou is keeping his head down. No wonder. It is a deeply disturbing story of unlawful behaviour by many people, all of whom suffered from courtroom amnesia.

Anonymous said...

So what did Cait write on Poxnews?

Anonymous said...

How they are winning!

Anonymous said...

The unemployment rate is up as well as bankruptcies

Landeryou has been ahead of the curve there too.

Anonymous said...

The world financial markets are in crisis but no story about it on Poxynews.

Unlike Slanderyou's blog that consistently has stories about insolvencies, credit crises, bankruptcies, defaults, share trading, property investment.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou = credit crunch

Nuff said!

Anonymous said...

Well said Anon 4:09:00 PM

But my worry is that Landeryou sees the credit crunch as a new snack bar.

Perhaps we could get him to eat all the toxic debt!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou eating toxic debt? Well, he will certainly put anything in his mouth. The question is does he swallow. The new 'friends' he makes when he finally goes to prison will be keen to find out.

Anonymous said...

But surely, convicts have standards! But I could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of something I once heard: If you f*&k that, you are too lazy to wank. Fits Andy perfectly.

Anonymous said...

hey - Andy has just posted a story about the economic meltdown. he only did it after the goading of patriots on this Blog.

Anonymous said...

I hope he likes the game Soggy Biscuits!

Anonymous said...

Was Buddha Boy's story headed "The global financial meltdown: my contribution"?

Anonymous said...

Gordon Brown tipped $1.23 trillion into Britain's banks overnight our time. Landeryou dreams of losing those sorts of amounts.

Anonymous said...

Landy's contribution to the CIA is far from insignificant. He lent them 'Ronnie' to help eat through the sub-prime papers. You wait! George W will probably be on the news tomorrow: 'An Aussie dingo has destroyed all the evidence'.

Anonymous said...

While the financial world crashes around our ears and Al Qaeda jumps for joy, the one man media army, Sasha Uzunov, is intrepidly exposing vandalism to the Matthew Flinders statue outside the state library!

Landeryou should be unleashing Uzunov's one man media army on the ASX...

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is a classic contrarian. Do the opposite of his advice and you'll make money. We should all be taking careful note of whatever Landeryou says, and DO THE OPPOSITE.

Happy investing.

Anonymous said...

Would if I could. My Super is already rooted.

Anonymous said...

Australian governments introduced globalisation and deregulation of the financial markets. Now the backflips begin. The present Federal government is trying to suggest everything here is fine and dandy. Like hell! Like the previous poster, my Super is a third gone, and that was before the monumental crashes of this week. My Super, like your's, cost 9% of my previous salary. The meltdown has cost me me bigtime with more to come. Skulls on poles in the Melbourne CBD would be a welcome sight.

Anonymous said...

Allan Moss of the Macquarie bank, the 33 million dollar a year CEO, did a Landeryou. He grabbed the millions and did a runner two months ago. CEOs like Allan considered that they were entitled to grab the assets of the company. They were aided and abetted by boards, whose duty was to investors and not themselves. This used to be called white collar crime. I hope that one day soon Allan will be sharing a cell with Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

I fear we may be all joining Andy in the unemployment lines soon. My super too has been hammered.

My job looks precarious. How will I service the mortgage. And the kids need feeding.

I am utterly depressed. I see you way out of this for us all.

Thank you for listening. Need to let off steam.

Anonymous said...

Chin up, 1:12. It could be worse. You could be Andrew Landeryou.

You could be obese, balding, bankrupt and unemployable; a liar, libeller and fantasist; facing a string of criminal, corporate, tax and bankruptcy law charges and both despicable and risible simultaneously .

That's our Fat Boy. Thank Christ he's one of a breed!

Anonymous said...

1:47 has been entirely unfair to Landeryou. They made no mention of his achievements in stalking. Landeryou is a most accomplished stalker.

Anonymous said...

Where is Fat Andy? He and his multiple identities aren't turning up on this Blog of Truth. All he has posted on his own failed site in the last few days has been some Victorian Young Liberal gossip and yet another story cut and pasted from the Cranbourne Leader Melbourne suburban paper. Has the fat flop been 'busy' in meetings with the ATO or ASIC... or maybe his trustees in bankruptcy

Anonymous said...

"Where is Fat Andy?" At least Andy has had a few years practice skimming the periphery of society.

As the economy collapses, he will have the advantage over all of us of about how to scrape food together from the back alleys of Russel St.

Anonymous said...

Buddha Boy only moved into the city and the corner of Little Collins and Russell Street in particular because there were so many restaurant bins within waddling distance.

Anonymous said...

i have a mate who catches the number 96 tram up bourke street every day

he says he regularly sees landeryou eating from the bin outside the kfc there just around the corner from the fatcave

Anonymous said...

Landy has ordered three tonnes of the Colonel's secret spices to tide him over during the coming recession. He reckons Kentucky fried rat is a hell of a lot better than fried rat by itself.

Anonymous said...

Vexnews is claiming the item below as a scoop, before both the ABC and News Ltd.

RESIGNED: Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff to leave
By VEXNEWS ⋅ October 10, 2008

epsteinout The Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff David Epstein has resigned and will be replaced by young gun Alistair Jordan.

Epstein had been a very successful consultant prior to being tapped for running Rudd’s office when he was Opposition Leader.

The timing of the departure is a big surprise although it has been widely known that Epstein did not consider running the Prime Minister’s office a long term opportunity for him.

Around twenty-eight years old, the new Chief, Alistair Jordan emerges as possibly the most powerful twenty something in the history of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Anonymous said...

Where has Cait Catt been all this week?

I suspect Mr Slanderyou has frightened her off and sent her back to the cattery.

Congratulations Mr Slanderyou.

Anonymous said...

If that fat fraudster Landeryou is claiming the Epstein story as a scoop then he is telling lies yet again. Not just one but two press releases have been issued by the Prime Minister's office on the subject this afternoon. These have gone to all Caucus members and god knows how many journalists around the country. Some low ranking fool somewhere has simply forwarded one on to Landeryou. It is a well known fact that the only powerful people in Canberra who speak to him are investigators from ASIC and the ATO.

Anonymous said...

the appointment of Alister Jordan is a joke. he has absolutely no experience, especially in these troubled times. Epstein jumped from a sinking ship. Australia is in trouble now if a blown up 29 yo is running the joint.

Cait Cant said...

Oh, jeez! I'm starting to run out of puff. It's very tough being a personality invented by the great man. There are 30 of us altogether. Sometimes I think the Great Puppet Master gets it all wrong. But who am I to criticise. I'm just a figment of his imagination...

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