Sunday, October 12, 2008

October Madness

As you will appreciate Patriots, this past week has been staggering. This week promises much of the same.

And again, you’d appreciate it is going to be a very busy, hectic, stressful and heavy-coffee consumption time for TS staff.

We will hand the blog over to the Community of Patriots this week to comment at will.

Take care.

See you next week.


Anonymous said...

Still no news on this blog.

Anonymous said...

As a casual reader of many media sources, I will be turning all most first thing to Vexnews tomorrow morning. Just a hunch, but there will probably be another exclusive. Great stuff.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:59:00 PM I couldn't agree more. Planned on doing the very same thing. Great minds!

Cait Catt said...

No news on Vexnews about Peter Allan. That suggests he will not be a candidate for the Whitehorse Council.

Got to hand it to Vexnews.

Fantastic, Fast, First.

Not like Slanderyou

Feeble, Filth, Froth

The perceptive nature of Vexnews is that it picks up where others fear to tread. Why didn't we get the full story about Peter Allan in the Fairfax media?

Anonymous said...

Peter Allan was a great Vexnews triumph.

Anonymous said...

Five - five - comments from Fat Andrew Landeryou in 35 minutes. So much activity! All the growth hormones they put in KFC are clearly doing weird things on him. Someone so fat had better be careful. He might have a heart attack.

Anonymous said...

If you visit a brothel you should not claim the amount you spend on your council allowance.

How many councillors do it and do not get caught out?

We cats are honest. There has never been a false expense claim at my cattery.

Anonymous said...

The three catts have a different writing style to 9.49 and 9.59.

Have you checked the IP numbers Slanders?

Anonymous said...

Presumably Landeryou now has NO readers at all at Poxnews. Presumably he has to keep crashing this community of hard-working, law-abiding patriotic folk for anyone to see his rants.

Anonymous said...

Us cats are offending by the filthy lies told by Slanderyou.

Remember Slanderyou is feeble filth froth and I could also add false.

We don't like being accused of being sock puppets or that sort of thing.

We are decent hardworking cats who prefer the honesty of the ethical blog Vexnews and its author, a decent Australian. We don't like the blog of filth.

Cait Catt said...

Sock it to them catter8.

Slanderyou peddles old stale news.

Vexnews is first with the latest scoops.

Anonymous said...

The sort of story Landeryou and Poxnews covers is a broken street light in Cherub Court, Taylors Lakes; utter irrelevancies from the Melbourne burbs. He steals most of these from suburban papers. Everything else he publishes is just lies or smears. No wonder no-one reads Poxnews. No wonder he has to come here if he wants an audience for his psychotic ranting.

Anonymous said...

We have a cat here at our cattery who was skeptical. She wondered. Why is Peter Allan so important? Why is Peter Allan the most read story on Vexnews? Surely what happens in Whitehorse has no relevance to the rest of Melbourne, let alone the rest of Victoria.

Peter Allan is an important person. He has been a member of the ALP, the Greens, People Power and now the Liberals. Only Vexnews exposed this. Only Billy Hughes has been a member of so many political parties.

To say this is copy plagiarised from the burbs is not fit for a so called reputable blog (at least that's what Slanderyou tells us but I think it's the blog of filth).

The Peter Allan story is important and it sends some important messages to all of us. We have to be very careful what expenses we claim or we'll end up being forced to resign, like Peter was, and being unelectable in a future election, like Peter is.

No, Peter is electable, but not this time. The Liberals are likely to win the next state election and they might want to make Peter their candidate for the upper house. He might beat timeservers like Brian Tee, and that would not be any great loss.

Anonymous said...

The Liberals might endorse Peter Allan to run against Jacinta Allan in Bendigo East.

Anonymous said...

In case you missed these gems:

Anonymous said...

Landeryou must have stepped out for a shopping cart of KFC 'Hot Rods' and dipping sauce. Peace reigns on the Slanderyou Blog of eternal truth and scalpel sharp analysis of the fat madman.

Monday, October 13, 2008 3:55:00 AM

Anonymous said...
Landeryou is not mad and neither am I. I just wish someone would undo my strait-jacket. It is very hard typing comments with my nose.

When I am released, my one man media army will blitzkreig all the oafs here. Remember, I have contacts in Croatia!

Sasha Uzunov
The real Sasha Uzunov

Monday, October 13, 2008 4:07:00 AM

Calamity Cait Catt said...
I don't want to play here any more, Andrew. These people are far too smart for the likes of us. Poxnews was a rather nice try, but found wanting in the end. Better luck next time, Darls, if there is one.

Monday, October 13, 2008 4:13:00 AM

Rita Randles said...
You're right Cait! Poxnews is as dead as the OC, and me. But I enjoyed being a Landeryou 'multiple personality' while it lasted. Now I'm going to rest my weary bones.

If it wasn't for 'Ronnie' ghosting Poxnews for Andrew, he would have nothing. Despite being a dog, Ronnie far outshines Nick Mack and Sasha as a first rate reporter of public affairs.

Monday, October 13, 2008 4:26:00 AM

Anonymous said...


For Gawd's sake change the cats' litter. They stink!

Anonymous said...

I object to the racist anti-cat comments by previous commentators on this filthy blog.

Slanderyou is filthy, not my cattery.

Cait Catt said...

I'm going to complain to the police about 4.43 and I'll sue. I am not the Cait Catt who allegedly wrote that nasty piece.

Vexnews continues to be the best news source on the net, and it WILL win a Walkley unless Slanderyou uses his evil influence.

Anonymous said...

thanks for leaving us a surplus Mr. Howard - you're helping us even now you're gone - we miss you

(Not you by the way Slanderyou - good riddance)

Anonymous said...

Andrew is in good company:
" The more you screw up, the greater the disaster over which you preside, then the more money you get. There's no accountability. Just gouge as deeply as you think you can and then make a run for the door. "

"Geoff Dixon, the head of Qantas, certainly won't be taking a pay cut as he heads into retirement even though the airline's share price has been slashed in the past six months. Mr Dixon, who steps down next month, will take home $11.92 million this year.

This makes him the second-highest paid airline executive in the world, not a bad deal when you consider that Qantas is a small player on the aviation stage and that the man who runs the biggest airline in the world, American Airlines, only earns $6.1 million.

Last year, Mr Dixon made only $6.5 million so his pay has increased by as much as the share price has fallen. Nice work if you can get it.

In Queensland John Mulcahy, head of local banking and insurance giant Suncorp, has watched as earnings per share have tumbled from $1.59 to 60 and profits have fallen by half.

While this happened, his salary rose from $5.3 million in 2007 to $6.2 million in 2008.

Try telling your boss that because the company is making half as much money as it was a year ago, he should give you a 20 per cent pay rise.

The chief executive of shopping centre owner Centro, Andrew Scott, who distinguished himself by running the worst-performing property trust in the country - well done, Andrew - was finally shown the door at the beginning of the year. He left, however, with $3 million tucked under his arm.

The trust's units, priced at $7.50 a year ago, are now all but worthless.

Mike Tilley, who did a fantastic job for his shareholders by driving the Challenger Financial services group to a $44 million loss, left after serving 10 months of a five-year contract. The pain of unemployment, however, was leavened by the $10 million he took with him when he left.

Macquarie Bank shares have fallen from their once lofty heights, which isn't likely to bother chief executive Nicholas Moore overly, given that he pocketed $26.7 million this year, small change when compared with the $50 million package gifted to his successor, Allan Moss.

National Australia Bank's John Stewart, who oversaw the bank's disastrous exposure to the American mortgage market, left after four years in the job with $10 million in his bulging briefcase. And Foster's boss Trevor O'Hoy, who sat in the big chair while the company wrote the value of its wine business down by $700 million, left with $3.7 million."

Anonymous said...

Kevin of Southbank,

Thanks for the exposition of the obscenely rich carpetbaggers and their disgusting payouts even when things went bad. This was white collar crime, aided and abetted by shonky boards. So much for Australian banks being well regulated.

I quess the three amigos at Telstra should get a mention. Sol is rarely in the country, so rumour has it, and probably has two or three jobs. He's just about to lose my Telstra account.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with white collar crime?

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't the crook CEOs be paying reparations instead of being rewarded for woeful performance?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to think that I was right.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is talking about "Walkleys" today. He has finally got his story straight and remembered the name of the award he lies about winning. Perhaps he has "borrowed" some of Sergeant Sasha's medication and perhaps it has helped his psychosis.

Anonymous said...

No. What Landeryou is talking about is a WANKLEY award. He IS the winner of this award in perpetuity - even if it is only an imaginary 'award'.

Anonymous said...

It's a huge day over at Poxnews with the site jam-packed with must read yarns of national if not international significance... well with one story... one story with very little detail and clearly poorly sourced... one story about faction fighting in a state opposition zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Anonymous said...

Most bank heists these days are inside jobs by senior staff. Handing out shares and giving themselves big fat salaries - open slather for dodgy operators.

Royal commission?

Anonymous said...

so far 28 comments on one Slanderyou story.

Anonymous said...

After deep analysis of the Poxnews site, here is a summary of my findings:

Puff pastry by the Grand Poobah of Piffle!

Anonymous said...

How about a Royal Commission into Landeryou. His multiple transgressions cross so many different jurisdictional boundaries it might be the simplest way of gathering all the evidence against him.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou may need to be tried in The Hague given the supranational nature of many of his crimes.

Anonymous said...

I hear that the ratings agencies have confirmed Landeryou's ZZZ minus rating.

Anonymous said...

I want an apology Slanderyou.

Shame on you.

Us cats are decent. We pay our debts.

Stop saying we have a bad credit rating.

Veda Advantage gave my cattery a rating of 15.3 above the average in the category of risk.

People can invest safely in my cattery.

Stop trying to talk them out of it Mr Slanderyou.

Anonymous said...

I have shares in catter8's cattery and it has always paid a big fat dividend.

True, the shares are down this morning at $0.08, down from $36.85 three weeks ago, but the whole market is down.

In any event the constant carping by Mr Slanderyou is destroying the share price. Too bad if I wanted to sell my shares. I'd be wiped out.

Wipe your bum Mr Slanderyou. Not the price of my shares.

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy Landeryou took the name "Rita Randles" from an obituary in a clear cut case of identity theft. He also illegally registered the domain name in breach of international protocols.

Does this mean that Landeryou is planning further frauds?

At this time of global financial crisis decent, hard-working and law-abiding citizens deserve protection. The sooner Landeryou is charged and taken into custody the better.

Anonymous said...

Hear, hear, 6:45! Charging Landeryou would be a good sign that the authorities are doing everything they can to maintain confidence in the financial system.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Something very fishy with Vexnews and especially the comments to the current story about the Libs

There are comments sure. But check the frequency of them - they are in clusters of 3, and within a few minutes of each other. Same person writing them maybe?

Geoff Leigh was and is c__t.
He did nothing for Mordialloc and he is just a bitter, nasty little adulterer with a huge ego.

Posted by anon | October 13, 2008, 10:09

Inga Peulich - now there’s a picture of beauty.

Posted by Anonymous | October 13, 2008, 11:15

You naughty boy you’ve been peaking up my skirt at my lace g-string havent you?

Posted by Inga Binga | October 13, 2008, 11:33

The reforms are great. Richmond branch Members will not ever get to vote at a preselection. Prodos will never win a preselection for Richmond.

Posted by DJ DJ Spedding | October 13, 2008, 11:37

The vote is actually a huge endorsement for Kemp, Snell and Pesutto - the main architects of the reform package.

Ted’s erratic behaviour always surprises. His parliamentary supporters must be shaking their heads in disbelief after his earlier opposition.

Posted by Higgins Lib | October 13, 2008, 11:41

‘Higgins Lib’ is just another wild throat-slasher in the Liberal bloodbath. Despite Labor being at a policy and performance standstill, the Libs just don’t get it - never have, never will - just stuck up swill!

Posted by Chook Checker | October 13, 2008, 12:00

There were speakers for the package queuing up 6 deep. richard alston in the chair repeatedly had to call for speakers against several times. The speakers for included many members of Team Ted (well team Davis anyway), such as Tim Wilson & Louise Staley. The very few speakers against were embittered losers like Geoff Leigh & Bev Macarthur. There was a claque of naysayers heckling the speakers for & applauding the speakers against, but the rest of state council good-naturedly treated them like the joke they are.

Posted by evil bastard | October 13, 2008, 14:29

apologies to Richard Alston for not giving him the capital letters he deserves

Posted by evil bastard | October 13, 2008, 14:30

DJ D.J. Spedding is anti-Prodos and hates freedom.

Posted by Prodos Fan | October 13, 2008, 14:39

As one of the speakers against the motion - a few comments. The bundling of some very worthwhile features with some very far reaching and poorly explained proposals was great politics and poor long term thinking. As the editor has pointed out the likeness to ALP structure is a worry as factions flourish in that environment. As the package has been passed it now down to the electorates most affected to make the structure work. The probable selection of candidates by the Admin Committee is the most regrettable and has a high risk of being as electorally unappealing as the system in the ALP has - see Gippsland as a case in point.

Posted by Tim Warner | October 13, 2008, 15:08

You have your facts wrong.

Posted by RE: The Truth Is Out There | October 13, 2008, 16:01

Tim Warner Bros. is a Prodos fan and therefore a patriot of the highest order. He would vote for Prodos over Gladys. DJ Spedding would vote the other way however. He is not a patriot.

Posted by Prodos Fan | October 13, 2008, 16:02

Yes, the line of people to speak in favour was often very deep. But there were lots of people who only joined the speaking line when they knew they would have no chance to actually do so. Then they could simply claim that they tried but didn’t get the chance.

The only speakers who deserve any credit are those who got up early and actually did say something, like David Kemp, Tony Snell, Paul Nettlebeck, Robyne Head, Louise Staley, Tim Wilson, Philip Davis etc.

The result was very non-factional. Team Ted was out in force as much as Team Kemp. A lot of Team Kemp’s people were the ones who joined the lines late.

Many of the advocates against didn’t do themselves favours. The procedural junk at the start was never going to go down well. And while some points from opponents were well made, they were not sufficient to argue for the status quo.

This was not a victory for or claimed by anyone. It was a victory for and should be claimed by, the Liberal Party.

Posted by Anonymous | October 13, 2008, 17:35

it is a victory for democracy

Posted by evil bastard | October 13, 2008, 17:45

I had the chance of being a Delegate and was a supporter of the package. i have only been a member of the party for a short time but have made myself know. the reason why i supported the changes was because i know many members of the party who aren’t given the chanve to be involved and has been a clear reason to why we have lost members.

Posted by Delegate | October 13, 2008, 17:49

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou has lost me as a reader.

Thanks to Slanderyou, I am aware of Landeryou's shonky past. I now realise that Andrew Landeryou should be held to account by the state.

To think I ever believed anything on his shameful website. No more.

Thanks, Slanderyou.

Anonymous said...

What a hoot! That fat crim Landeryou is posting comments on Poxnews under the name "Delegate". Delia Delegate lives again!

Anonymous said...

Victorian Minister Theo Theophanous is set to stand down. The story is everywhere except for Poxnews.

Anonymous said...

Buddha Boy has missed the big Theo Theophanous story but no doubt it will be up on Poxnews labelled as an exclusive when he finally returns from the KFC at around 11:30 tonight.

Anonymous said...

What does it matter if poxnews missed the Theophanous yarn. No one reads it anyway.

Anonymous said...

What's with Theophanous? Is it because he is some 18 months behind in producing an Industry Policy?

Anonymous said...

What's with Landeryou? He says he has a news sites but only offers irrelevancies and lies.

Anonymous said...

There is more news about the Theophanous story on Vexnews than anywhere else. Also a revelation in the comments re what it's about.

Read between the lines Slanderyou readers. That's what us cats do.

Both Andrew and Theo are cat lovers. We love them too.

Anonymous said...

On Landeryou's irrelevant blog, the hate for Les Twentyman just goes on and on, and on and on:

Supposed champion of the western suburbs, image obsessed property millionaire and serial candidate pest Les Twentyman has reportedly got himself on the voters roll of the inner-city based City of Melbourne despite not living in the municipality and is in talks with Liberal party member Ann Peacock about a combined bid. Wags suggest possible ticket names include "Beauty and the Beast", "Class and Arse", "Fake Tan and Fake Westie". #

Looks like complete looney Landy needs another dose of western justice at Sunshine Court.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's feline 'personalities' both need treatment for rabies. Their ravings here are weird and embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

The Age had to fill in the blanks on the Poxnews Theophanous non-story:

"SENIOR state cabinet minister Theo Theophanous has stood down pending the results of a police investigation into an allegation that he sexually assaulted a young female worker at Parliament House".

Anonymous said...

Landy is no good as an ambulance chaser. He can't keep up!

What kind of 'news' blog is forever way behind the news? Poxnews is like reading last week's suburban rag.

Anonymous said...

Macquarie Bank chief executive Allan Moss, in accepting the award of BANKER OF THE DECADE (last March), said he was "very positive" about the future of the Australian banking industry and that he had "no reservations" about the industry being "well regulated" and "part of a very strong economy."

Allan, the $33 million a year CEO, did a runner shortly afterwards having off-loaded 322,857 shares in Macquarie Group over four months. When Mr Moss retired from the bank on May 24, the shares were worth $18.6 million. Allan lasted as Banker of the Decade for a mere two months! What an incredible joke! The banking industry left with egg smeared all over their loathesome, overpaid faces!

The Prime Minister and his finance ministers keep on reminding us about how well regulated the Australian Banks are. Multi-multi millionaire Allan Moss is one of many examples that show we are being fed a crock of sh*t!

In many ways, the banks in recent years have been totally unregulated.

Anonymous said...

Strangely, nearly every final trace of last March's 'Banker of the Decade Award' has been eradicated from the internet.

Allan Moss should be serving a 30 million year sentence!

Anonymous said...

Poxnews has failed and the bad news just keeps on coming for Landeryou. reports "A 121kg male prisoner is not too obese to be executed, the US Supreme Court has ruled..."

Anonymous said...

Landeryou today ridiculed the Theophanous police investigation. What is the legal position for that? In that any way contempt?

Cait Catt said...

catter8 told Slanderyou readers last night what it was all about. Anyone who read between the lines could tell instantly.

I know of women who make allegations up when they fall out with their boyfriends and even men they like who reject them. Us cats are loyal and we never do things like that.

I think comments by Jack Jones on Vexnews today are apposite:

My mother used to warn me about the danger of women making rape claims. All men are vulnerable, and the female lobby is now so powerful.

I cannot believe the claims about Theo. He is one of the best members of the Brumby Cabinet. The only person to benefit from this is Red Ted.

Anonymous said...

Good God! Landeryou's sock puppets are now quoting his sock puppets. Wheels within wheels.

Anonymous said...

In a clear case of professional jealousy Fat Boy Landeryou has attacked Age journalist John Silvester on Poxnews for getting a good story.

Anonymous said...

Does Labor Unity pay Landeryou a retainer? Does he declare it to his trustees in bankruptcy?

Anonymous said...

A COMMONWEALTH public servant was busted faking illness to avoid work after telling his bosses he was suffering from lung cancer.

What's Andy's excuse to avoid work for the dole?

Excessive fat?

Anonymous said...

Anon seriously asked: "Does Labor Unity pay Landeryou a retainer?"

LU disowned him like a rash years ago. There was a big falling out, largely based on the fact that LU esp Conroy and Richardson realised they were dealing with someone who had gone completely off the rails. Despite Landeryou's repeated attempts to get back in the fold, his approaches continue to be ignored.

Cait Catt said...

What a pack of porkies Slanderyou.

Andrew is a journalist. To be a member of a political party would jeopardise his independence. How else would he get such leaks from the Libs? As well of course as from the ALP.

Vexnews is a great news site. It is my major source of news.

Anonymous said...

My ex wrote this on Vexnews:

Disgraceful conduct by the enemies of freedom.

Long live Theo. A great Minister. A great MP.

Posted by Jack Jones | October 14, 2008, 17:46

Anonymous said...

Theo is a great man. I am still on good terms with my ex, and I agree with the previous comments by my ex about Theo totally.

Anonymous said...

A shyster is someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical or unscrupulous way.

I'm surprised no-one has nominated Landeryou for 'Shyster of the Decade Award'.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou voodoo personality 'Rita Randles' is one of his weirdest offshoots yet. I don't like arguing with the dead.

Anonymous said...

The cats at my cattery have unanimously nominated Slanderyou, owner of the blog of filth, for the shyster of the year award.

Slanderyou will never win a Walkley award, but he will win the shyster one.

Anonymous said...

I'm watching Les Twentyman on Insight (SBS). When comparing Les with Landeryou, Les is a tireless, worthwhile contributor to society. Landeryou is not. He is a tireless public serial pest.

Anonymous said...

Jack Jones, ex of Rita, has just posted this on

The owner of the other blog has been nominated by a feline friend and her cohorts for shyster of the year award.

The disgraceful conduct of the other blog towards Theo, our great friend and benefactor, played no small part in this.

Posted by Jack Jones | October 14, 2008, 20:00

Cait Catt said...

Great work Jack Jones in the defence of freedom. Great work Rita and catter8 in the same cause.

May freedom reign and may the enemies of democracy like Slanderyou be eliminated from our planet.

Anonymous said...

Since Landeryou is a madman, it follows that all his multiple personalities are mad also.

They all seem to be using this blog for theraputic relief.

Anonymous said...

11.17 you are a nutter.

Anonymous said...

11.17 you will never win a Walkley.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou won a Walkley. The inaugural Walkley Blog Award. I saw the documentation on the net.

I read earlier Slanderyou won an award for sleaze. Very fitting. Slanderyou is, was, and always will be the blog of filth.

Anonymous said...

11.17 theraputic is spelt therapeutic and means of or relating to the treatment and cure of disease

Anonymous said...

The disease is filth and the spread of lies. That is Slanderyou.

We cats are ready and willing to help all contributors seeking to expose the filth and lies of Slanderyou and to support the great man in his search for truth and justice.

Anonymous said...

Read Vexnews. The best news site on the net.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm dumb, but I'm trying to work out WHY whacko Landeryou is commenting here at all. Putting his head in the lions' den doesn't make sense. His fathead keeps on getting bitten off.

Is he trying to impress an unknown readership of surfers coming here? But if so, why include posts from his multiple personalities like 'Cait Catt' who is even more irrational and boring than him?

Go figure.

Poxnews is kids' journalism. It is irrelevant here, where the predominant interest is seeing Landeryou brought to justice. Whether his blog is wonderful or not is of no interest to anyone on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou and his cohorts of imaginary commenters have heaped support for Theo Theophanous on Poxnews and here.

Theo Theophanous is obviously entitled to the presumption of innocence, but Landeryou's support went way beyond that. He is interfering in the judicial process by declaring Theophanous innocent, although ignorant of the Vicpol case, and even more ignorant of the original complaint.

Landeryou should speak his mind more forcefully and unequivocally. One way or another, we want him in the slammer!

Anonymous said...

Pownews is a sub-prime blog!

No news, empty-headed comments - a dreary desert of dross.

Anonymous said...

Judging by news reports today about growing anger about the role of overpaid bankers in the calamitous global financial crisis, the Victorian government should be building much bigger jail annexes for white collar criminals. If space is being allocated for the likely imprisonment of Landeryou in due course, space should be allowed for his 30-odd 'multiple personality' commenters also. This will probably be the world's largest prison cell and will be featured on the Discovery channel's megastructures show.

Anonymous said...

No wonder former Treasurer Peter Costello shunned belated elevation to leadership of the benighted Libs.

He was the globalisation guru, the champion of competition, the deregulation leader. Hide your head in shame you useless twit!

Anonymous said...

"My ex wrote this on Vexnews..." Rita Randles said.

So Landeryou's sock puppets are now having sex. Talk about galloping psychosis.

Anonymous said...

Remember the case of the loopy UK political wannabe who gave a rival candidate the full Landeryou treatment? He was in court yesterday for sentencing.

Patriots will be distressed at the outcome, particularly since it seems that Landeryou will be in court pretty soon charged with contempt for ignoring the orders made to stop him stalking and otherwise distressing the Twentyman family.

Here is a report from the British loop's local paper. No doubt some judicial official will have a similar message to that corrupter of democracy Landeryou:

"Shamed Watford Conservative Ian Oakley was spared jail this afternoon by St Albans magistrates.

"Oakley, who perpetrated a three-year hate campaign against leading Liberal Democrats in Watford, has been handed an 18 week suspended jail sentence this afternoon.

"He also received a 12 month supervision order.

"Magistrates heard Oakley had a history of mental health problems but declined to send him to prison, as they had threatened to previously.

"In passing sentence, chairman on the magistrates, Mr Barry Northrop, told Oakley his offences had been 'planned' and that he had 'completely ignored the obvious distress they would cause to his victims'."

He said his vicious campaign had been especially serious because it had taken place within a “political context” and because he had attempted to “subvert the democratic process”.

Mr Northrop said: “The abuse you used in some cases was particularly vile and we can not ignore the fact that it was your motivation to interfere with the democratic process.”

Anonymous said...

Isn't Pentridge in Brunswick?

Anonymous said...

I have to say, if it wasn't for Vexnews, I wouldn't know what was happening in Melbourne. No wonder Vexnews is Melbourne's most referred to news source after the Herald Sun.

Us Vex-addicts are growing.

Anonymous said...

Well said Anon above. I was going to write the same thing!

Anonymous said...

So where is Mr Slanderyou? Has he become bankrupt?

Anonymous said...

Forget about allegations against Theo Theophanous - it's a fact that Landeryou rapes decency and democracy, over and over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Bad luck comes in threes, they say. So do the postings on this Blog of Truth by Andrew Landeryou.

The fat failure, freak and fraudster was at it again only 15 minutes or so ago.

It is yet more proof that no one visits Poxnews and that Landeryou has to post here if he wants anyone to read his psychotic rants. Here are his latest contributions to this reputable site.

Anonymous said...

I have to say, if it wasn't for Vexnews, I wouldn't know what was happening in Melbourne. No wonder Vexnews is Melbourne's most referred to news source after the Herald Sun.

Us Vex-addicts are growing.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:49:00 PM

Anonymous said...

Well said Anon above. I was going to write the same thing!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:50:00 PM

Anonymous said...

So where is Mr Slanderyou? Has he become bankrupt?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:51:00 PM

Anonymous said...

What about us cats?

Anonymous said...

Since you are here so often Andy, i will ask you here. When are you going to write about the financial meltdown - be interested in your take!

Anonymous said...

Sorry Slanderyou.I plugged in Andy's daily calories on your calculator - and i think because of the volumes - I broke the calculator


Anonymous said...

Landeryou's spray against the woman who has made rape allegations against Theo is probably one of the most vile things he has ever written (and that's saying something).

I totally agree with Theo's right to a presumption of innocence but I also believe that this woman has a right to an equal presumption of credibility until it is proved or disproved in a court of law.

He may believe that he is helping Theo in this matter but his extreme and outrageous posturing achieve the exact opposite. Who knows, maybe that's his intention.

Anonymous said...

"Bad luck comes in threes, they say. So do the postings on this Blog of Truth by Andrew Landeryou."

Could that be because El Gordo weighs as much as three men?

Anonymous said...

If, and I stress IF, the lady was raped by Theophanous, it is no wonder she is seeing both psychiatrists and psychologists. He is a slack worm of little merit, whose meagre repution has been overblown by Landeryou.

Poxnews has gone troppo on this story. Dr Landeryou is posing as a media analyst and shrink in unravelling it all. What a hoot! Having Landy rooting for you is the kiss of death. He has done far more damage to Theophanous than the Age.

Landeryou has attacked people like Les Twentyman, for thirty days in a row, like a raging, homicidal maniac. But now he rages madly against a normal news item in the Age. Of course, every Victorian NEEDS to know, who their leaders are - and if they are up to the job. We don't need Landeryou telling us what to think. His opinion is worth nothing.

Anonymous said...

I just skimmed - there is never any news on the hate site so its not worth reading in detail - and saw a mention in a headline of a "mentally ill accuser". Is Landershonk coming clean?

Anonymous said...

In championing a person being investigated for a serious crime (once, in our legal system, a capital offence second only to murder), and declaring that person innocent, Landeryou must be very sure of his facts.

What facts? He hasn't presented any. The Pownews story doesn't possess any facts. It rants about the dangers of false rape claims. It extols the merits of Theophanous that Landeryou perceives. It rubbishes the complainant who is receiving mental health care. But facts there are none.

This is dirty blogging gone way, way too far. Poxnews is a toxic news blog. Landeryou is a toxic blogger. The DPP should shut Landeryou up before he causes a fatality.

Anonymous said...

les twentyman has a mentally ill accuser

Anonymous said...

Latest from The Age:

"Labor insiders say Mr Theophanous is "politically dead meat", as police investigate a formal complaint from a former friend of the minister that he raped her in Parliament House in September 1998.

Looks like Landeryou isn't a Labor insider after all!

Anonymous said...

The postings by El Gordo's sock puppets reminds me of the work of recent Republican bloggers.

One month ago they were talking up Sarah Palin and trying to sway undecided voters. Now as defeat seems imminent, they seem to be trying to convince themselves they have backed the right horse.

The change to PoxViews hasn't done much in terms of traffic from the morbid Blog of Sleaze.

Anonymous said...

"The postings by El Gordo's sock puppets reminds me of the work of recent Republican bloggers."

Note that "bloggers" -- plural.

Poxnews and all its comments seem to be the product of just one vicious, cruel, unscrupulous, psychotic individual; Andrew Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

The change to PoxViews has left no doubt that Landeryou is utterly deluded.

Anonymous said...

Re a current rape investigation: If a conviction results, the defendant should donate his 'member' to the Museum of Victoria as a historical relic.

The offending organ will have become the first to have been used in such a crime inside a pre-eminant state institution (that we know of), and having brought that institution into further disrepute.

Anonymous said...

With friends like Theophanous and Landeryou, who needs enemies?

Anonymous said...

I really did not think Landeryou could get even more hateful and viciously partisan until I read his "blame the victim" rape stuff today. He is a really nasty piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Cut n' paste blog Poxnews has been loud, grating and shrill in supporting Theophanous:

“A great effort was made . . . to obscure or obfuscate the truth” (Robert Conquest).

The strategy is to hopelessly confuse the issues. Theophanous was tipped off about the police investigation and jumped in first. The propaganda on Pownews, judging by the comments, is working. It is, however, a very high risk tactic for Theophanous and the fat fraudster.

Anonymous said...

Have Landeryou's cats been put down?

Good riddance!

Anonymous said...

Some Poxnews posters are total airheads:

"People who have really been raped go to the police, not to the press. This is full of crap and we all know it".

Posted by Anon\'s other half | October 15, 2008, 22:57

Actually, the lady did contact the police. They sent an officer to Greece. The Age reported the results. Simple. Game over. Result:

DUMB (Landeryou)
DUMBER (Anon\'s other half)
DUMBEST (the Poxnews blog)

Cait Catt said...

Any more of that 2.29 and I'll sue.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, shit has a habit of bobbing back up. Bugger off, Cait Landeryou!

Anonymous said...

The thought of Cait Catt or any of Fat Boy's sock-puppets and imaginary friends threatening to sue is pants pissingly funny. The proceeding would be guaranteed - absolutely guaranteed - to go just the same way as Oscar Wilde's action.

Anonymous said...

Who would trust Landeryou with a cat? It would end up deep fried in crumb mix as part of an improvised Five Piece Feed.

Anonymous said...

2.33 is disgusting. Andrew is a decent God fearing man. He would never harm any living creature.

2.33 is obviously an Obama supporter. I've been watching the debate and McCain is the clear winner.

Americans patriots living in Australia should support the McCain-Palin ticket.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that Landerfat and his sock puppets have decided John McCain won the presidential debate in its first few minutes. It says plenty about Landerfat's judgement and how he exercises it.

Anonymous said...

"THE AGE: Sorry seems to be the hardest word for beseiged newspaper," hate-filled failure Andrew Landeryou screams today on

A few weeks ago the same hate-filled failure Andrew Landeryou was caught by the Age telling lies about David Hicks.

Hate-filled failure Andrew Landeryou did not apologise to Mr Hicks. Instead he attacked the Age for catching him out.

Sorry seems to be the hardest word for the perpetually beseiged hate-filled failure Andrew Landeryou.

PS Hate-filled failure Andrew Landeryou also has problems with his spelling. "Beseiged" is actually spelt "besieged".

Anonymous said...

4.22 is concerned with a typo. There are more important things to be concerned with.

One is the presidential debate. I watched all of it and so did my cats. We unanimously think McCain won and we unanimously condemn the cat killer author who wanted all of us put down.

Andrew is a lovely man. A decent man. The lies this blog perpetrates about him are sickening.

Anonymous said...

Deluded chatterbox Landeryou is still yelling unfair on Poxnews, the blog of Hate. He demands that police put up or shut up. That's why Theophanous leaked the story in the first place. It's on page one of the 'Politician's book of dirty tricks' and I quote:

"If caught with your pants down and a police investigation is underway:

1. Stand aside.
2. Scream blue murder.
3. Try to win public opinion.
4. Spook the police investigation.

Anonymous said...

I do hope all the visitor records, including guestbooks, at Parliament House, are all present and accounted for.

(My bet is the records for the night in question have already disappeared, or are about to. ON NO ACCOUNT should Landeryou's dog 'Ronnie' be allowed near them. He has a habit of chewing up evidence).

Anonymous said...

While screaming loudly for a 'fair go' for Theophanous, Landeryou found a moment today to give Les Twentyman a sound kicking:

Fatty I should be your running mate.
I am very well qualified for Local Government my skills are:
1) Alcoholism
2) Laziness
3) Taking credit for others toil
4) A lust for media attention and self-promotion
5) I am a good talker, but I never get my hands dirty
6) I love dining and living the life of a Lord

We should have a glass at Walters and discuss?

Posted by Sir Lesley Twentytonneguts HRH | October 16, 2008, 11:32

It looks like Landeryou cut and pasted from his own CV for this juvenile attack. So much hate, so little spine.

Anonymous said...

What about Parliament House CCTV records for the night in question? It might all be on tape!

Anonymous said...

If El Gordo is a decent man and this blog lies, how come when you type "Andrew Landeryou" into Google you get these newspaper stories and ABC reports about missing millions, abandoning his wife to deal with creditors while fleeing to Costa Rica, and Buddha Boy's numerous court appearances?
Also no references to a mythical Walkley award, and no nomination yesterday either.

Anonymous said...

Crikey Holmes, I trust the plods have already thought of this!

Anonymous said...

In reply to the issues posed by this patriot at 6:26 -- "If El Gordo is a decent man and this blog lies, how come when you type 'Andrew Landeryou' into Google you get these newspaper stories and ABC reports about missing millions, abandoning his wife to deal with creditors while fleeing to Costa Rica, and Buddha Boy's numerous court appearances?" -- I understand that the fat man in person is prepared to offer chapter and verse on the extreme-left bias of Google.

Fat Boy Landeryou

Anonymous said...

He does have a case to answer, he raped me.

Anonymous said...

I only logged on Slanderyou today, and isn't nice to see the Reuters plugin thingy. Nice to read a real news blog for a change, and not delusional smut passed as news on other websites, like Vexnews.

Anonymous said...

The only McCain Landeryou is qualified to speak about are the frozen chip manufacturers, whose products he scoffs in staggering quantities. No debates about it.

Anonymous said...

McCain Palin is the Choice of the catter8 cattery.

A good team.

A good choice.

Country First.

This is an unpaid advertisement of the Republican Party for the benefit of US citizens registered to vote who live in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's imaginary cats are the closest that the Fat Fraud gets to pussy these days.

Anonymous said...

Poxnews's all out defence of an alleged rapist isn't very smart. Rape has no excuses. Of course, no charges have been laid - but the question has been publicly raised. Landeryou declares the alleged rapist completely innocent. Let's hope he's right.

But this is familiar territory for the Master of Obfuscation and Amnesia. Baffle or bewilder your opponents with clouds of words, 'jokes' and relentless attacks. The best part is he is leaving a paper trail of questionable, bizarre behaviour. It will all come back to haunt him!

Anonymous said...

At last Landeryou has come up with a 'personality' name that really works for him. His new commenter is ... wait for it ... wait for it:

H u g h J a r s e

Anonymous said...

Can anyone figure out what this gobbledigook means?

Nerdy beetroot head Donnelly failed at his first hurdle. If he can not get that right then maybe beetroot head Donnelly should go. If I was a NSW Delegate I wouldn’t let nerd boy into my meeting either.

Posted by Hugh Jarse | October 16, 2008, 20:19

Anonymous said...

It took a 1960s serial killer to recognise that Poxnews is a nasty waste of bandwidth:

This is why we love vexnews
Posted by Alex White | October 16, 2008, 15:51

Jess Walsh is an uppity little biatch.
Posted by disgrace | October 16, 2008, 17:12

Another brilliant VexNews exclusive.
Posted by nice work | October 16, 2008, 17:29

Vexnews breaks the stories the others wish they could.
Posted by Anonymous | October 16, 2008, 17:45

Good to see the pisso’s r having fun
Posted by Charles Manson | October 16, 2008, 22:14

Anonymous said...

Re Landeryou and Theophanous:

In politics, if you're explaining - you're losing.

Cait Catt said...

Theophanous has not been charged with any offence. There is a presumption in law that you are innocent until proven guilty. The Age conduct is as disgusting as Slanderyou.

Anonymous said...

Dear Cait Landeryou,

You say 'Theophanous has not been charged with any offence'.

So why are you saying Theo is innocent?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou says Theophanous is innocent. Labor insiders, as quoted by The Age, say he is 'politically dead meat'.

Who to believe?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou has removed a vital comment tonight from Poxnews. I didn't copy it but the gist was this:

'Anyone who has seen Rita would think he coulda done it'.

As usual, Landeryou is editing the evidence. Lock this away as this story plays out!

Keywords are 'Rita' and 'He coulda done it'.

Anonymous said...

Let's see how long this post lasts on Poxnews:

Rootin’ Rita was a Rave!

Posted by Theo | October 17, 2008, 0:13

It's all unravelling for Landeryou and Poxnews.

Anonymous said...

Poor old grand Parliament House, Melbourne.

Now a crime scene.

Anonymous said...

Why did i think of a certain hate-filled failure the minute I saw this headline...

'Man charged over $7.3m bank fraud'

Anonymous said...

All mentions of 'Rita' in relation to the Theophanous affair have disappeared from Pownews.


Anonymous said...

Poxnews has no readers, Landeryou is despised by the nation for his "women ask for it" approach to rape and now this item appears on

"OBESE people may have a diminished ability to experience the pleasure of eating, prompting them to overindulge to boost their satisfaction, according to a new study..."

Landeryou might as well top himself. It's only downhill from here.

Anonymous said...

Political interference in a police investigation is disgraceful. Brumby shouldn't be encouraging a rush to judgement.

The premier knew about the dirty tricks during the Kororoit election. They were OK with him apparently.

Now interference in the Theophanous affair!

Anonymous said...

Just to add to the Vexnews comment deletions imbroglio, I simply posted a very polite comment stating that Andy could stand to lose some weight. That comment was deleted!

Anonymous said...

Is Landeryou claiming his obesity as some sort of disability explaining why is is not on the work for the dole scheme?

Anonymous said...

Can Andrew Landeryou sink any lower?

I used to read his shameful website as news, but Slanderyou has helped me see that he is not to be trusted.

And now I find him monstering an alleged rape victim with a hate campaign.

It can't be long before he suffers the consequences of his contemptible deeds.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou could never be charged with rape. His weiner is miniscule.

The worst he could be suspected of is frotteurism.

(Jeez, it's fun being a Landeryou 'personality'! You can say anything you like, tell lies, be deceptive, and endlessly mislead your readers).

Anonymous said...

The Theophanous family tells Pownews to 'Shaddup'!

"We want to again inform the media that it's inappropriate for anyone to make any public comments about this case as it would amount to interfering with a police investigation".

Premier Brumby - pull your head in too!

Anonymous said...

Seems as though the Landeryou and Theophanous families are chummy - according to various hansard reports I've peeked at this arvo.

Anyone know any more?

Anonymous said...

Seems as though the Landeryou and Theophanous families are chummy - according to various hansard reports I've peeked at this arvo.

Anyone know any more?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou and his cohorts of imaginary commenters have heaped support for Theo Theophanous on Poxnews and here.

Theo Theophanous is obviously entitled to the presumption of innocence, but Landeryou's support went way beyond that. He is interfering in the judicial process by declaring Theophanous innocent, although ignorant of the Vicpol case, and even more ignorant of the original complaint.

Landeryou should speak his mind more forcefully and unequivocally. One way or another, we want him in the slammer!

nonfeasance said...

Macquarie Bank chief executive Allan Moss, in accepting the award of BANKER OF THE DECADE (last March), said he was "very positive" about the future of the Australian banking industry and that he had "no reservations" about the industry being "well regulated" and "part of a very strong economy."

Allan, the $33 million a year CEO, did a runner shortly afterwards having off-loaded 322,857 shares in Macquarie Group over four months. When Mr Moss retired from the bank on May 24, the shares were worth $18.6 million. Allan lasted as Banker of the Decade for a mere two months! What an incredible joke! The banking industry left with egg smeared all over their loathesome, overpaid faces!

The Prime Minister and his finance ministers keep on reminding us about how well regulated the Australian Banks are. Multi-multi millionaire Allan Moss is one of many examples that show we are being fed a crock of sh*t!

In many ways, the banks in recent years have been totally unregulated.

Anonymous said...



ramsay's kitchen nightmares said...

After deep analysis of the Poxnews site, here is a summary of my findings:

Puff pastry by the Grand Poobah of Piffle!

Anonymous said...


For Gawd's sake change the cats' litter. They stink!

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