Monday, November 03, 2008

Vexnews - ha ha ha

Vexnews is widely considered to be a joke. If only it was funny.

Please spend the week in active consideration.


Anonymous said...

Poxnews, just like its lardass criminal founder Andrew Landeryou, is regarded with utter contempt and derision.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou: You are a liar, a thief, a fraud, a forger, a serial defamer, a hate blogger, a corporate asset-stripper, a stalker, a courtroom amnesiac, a corrupter of Australian democracy, a bankrupt and a general human failure.

Aside from those criminal traits, you are also a detestable, crashing bore. Poxnews is poison served up neat.

Anonymous said...

Is Landeryou becoming happier - even GAY? He called senator Xenophon a 'stool pusher' and this:

He doesn’t know the gay fun he is missing.

Maybe he should he should spend an evening with Chris Pearce, Chrissy Pyne and myself playing leap frog.

Posted by Ollie | November 2, 2008, 20:11

If nothing else, Landeryou is seriously offending the Homos with flippant remarks and brown trade secrets. Landeryou, of course, couldn't play leap frog unless he was the stool pigeon!

That's one galactic super-massive black hole that I wouldn't like to fall into.

Anonymous said...

Maybe stoolie Landeryou is planning to turn Poxnews into a gay blog? He could be onto a winner!

Gays love public blood-letting, hate campaigns and outing high-profile poofs. Landeryou's weird fascination with wayward sexuality will provide endless fun for all the weirdos Poxnews now attracts.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou acts a bit heavy in the cot. I felt rather deflated afterwards! But his ding-a-ling is laughably small. I will post this expose on Gay Poxnews shortly.

Anonymous said...

I am Landeryou's big secret. If it wasn't for me, Melbourne would be awash with unmentionable stuff.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou loves my song "I'm Comin' Out"

Anonymous said...

El Gordo going gay to double his chances? But double fuck-all is still fuck-all!

Anonymous said...

All of Landeryou's problems can be blamed on his toilet training.

Many psychologists from Freud onwards have believed that toilet training is among the most formative events of the human psyche because it is the child's first introduction to the fact that social imperatives can take precedence over bodily desires.

They believe a child can have problems later in life if the toilet training does not go well.

Landeryou’s toilet training was clearly a disaster. In his twisted psyche bodily desires take precedent over social imperatives, be they theft or gluttony.

Landeryou’s toilet training has also left him scarred by a disturbing obsession with excrement that is clear in every aspect of his life. Landeryou eats shit (KFC), writes shit (poxnews), looks like shit (fat and bald) and is a shit (demonstrated by all his dishonest and unethical conduct).

Anonymous said...

Blocked posting to El Gordo's Bog of Sleaze so I'll post there.

Thursday, 12 May 2005

"But first prize for a bold and unprecedented theft of student money must go to my old university—to the Melbourne University
Student Union, the extravagant arrogance of the union and the saga that is still unfolding
in the courts.

"In 2001, the student union entered
into a contract with a company called Optima.

"The contract purported to bind the
university as guarantor for a $44 million apartment complex.

"Two Labor Club members— the signatory to the contract, Darren
Ray, and the student union president, Scott Crawford—kept this contract a secret from
the union executive.

"Of course, the fraud squad and the liquidators eventually moved

"The matter is now in the courts.

"No doubt we will be hearing from Mr Landeryou, apparently the main beneficiary of this contract, who fled to Costa Rica but who has
recently returned.

"Who is Mr Landeryou?

"None other than a former Labor club president at the Melbourne
University Student Union.

"When he was president, he so outraged students that he was the first ever student union president at the University of Melbourne to be sacked—sacked by an overwhelming majority of students.

"I take great pride in having
been involved in that campaign, in a crossparty coalition to rid Melbourne University Student Union of Mr Landeryou and his general
secretary, Keir Semmens.

"He was sacked amid allegations of corruption and misuse of power.

"Under the system of compulsory unionism, political decisions were made to cut funds to organisations that did not align with the Labor club.

"Bullying and intimidation were an integral part of the arrogance with
which the Labor club dominated at the university of Melbourne.

"Some things never change.

"Obviously Mr Landeryou could not keep away from his former student union."

Anonymous said...

Looks like POONews is gong the way of the biggest Loser TV show.

"The Biggest Loser reality television fat-camp has been turfed from its location in an exclusive northern Sydney suburb.

More than 100 submissions made by residents to Warringah Council included complaints about odours from the on-site sewerage systems, lighting, traffic and an overall disruption to the leafy residential area of Duffy's Forest, west of Mona Vale.",26278,24592687-5016681,00.html

Click through my name for more

Anonymous said...

Andy has written some nonsense about the new university student levy.

Through crocodile tears Andy is crying for struggling students.

Here is a solution; hand back the MUSU money Andy. UMelb students will be pleased.

Anonymous said...

Patriot Kevin observer The Biggest Looser has generated complaints to Warringah Council.

Bet Melbourne City Council gets complaint after complaint after complaint about the constant smell of deep frying coming from the Fat Cave, let alone the disturbance cuased by all the different raids by all those different laws enforcement bodies, process servers and bailiffs on Fat Andrews.

No wonder Fat Andrew tries to corrupt its democratic processes. He is fighting an uphill battle. Sooner or later Council will declare him a health threat to the City and force him elsewhere. Perhaps that toxic dump in the burbs would suit Fat Andy?

Anonymous said...

The Poxnews story about the compulsory new student levy fails to mention that it was the systematic pillaging by Landeryou and his organised crime mates of MUSU that ignited the whole schmozzle. Kleptos like Landy can't keep their hands out of the till. Unfortunately, there are other sociopaths like him who can't be trusted anywhere near a fistful of dollars.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 2.04 pm!

That's a 'first' noone would want. Landeryou the first ever student union president at the University of Melbourne to be sacked by an overwhelming majority of students.

Now he's running a dishonest blog that trumpets FREEDOM but forges, blocks and bans comments.

Stupid, fat, dishonest Asshole!

Anonymous said...

He's talking up the fags in a rerun story on Poxnews today.

Anonymous said...

Hell is where you have to read Poxnews for the rest of eternity.

I'm going to be good from now on.

Anonymous said...

Why is Andy so homophobic?

It seems that his basic form of attack is to accuse someone of being gay.

What is with such an immature outlook?

Anonymous said...

I used to read the OC very regularly. Most of it was crap, but i still read it.

But Landeryou has really lost it with Vexnews. Even the "crap" is crap.

Anonymous said...

Patriots, I am puzzled by Poxnews's poor graphic design.

Did Landeryou elect to move to a website that nobody in their right mind wanted to look at in order to disguise the fact that it only intermittently features new content, which is of uniformly poor quality?

Isn't it about time Andy climbed into a shirt and tie and got himself a job?

Can Henderson Ross explain?

Anonymous said...

Is Vexnews that bad?

I haven't seen it. I used to read Andy's other blog, before my PC was corrupted by spam and IP tracking cookies.

I dare not go to Vexnews.

Is there a way of viewing it with attracting all the spam stuff?

Anonymous said...

Because Landeryou strangely posts here all the time, I cannot reveal all. Suffice to say that Poxnews has earned a security alert on a well-regarded advisory site. The reviewers weren't amused to find that a visit to Poxnews resulted in a malware browser exploit. More to come on this one, Patriots!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha indeed.

What is interesting is that Slanderyou stole this idea straight from Vexnews.

Mr Slanderyou has breached Vexnews' copyright.

Criminal proceedings I am sure are pending. I am Henderson Ross

Anonymous said...

Over a period of time, I've noticed that Landeryou steals juicier words and phrases from this blog. They later appear on Poxnews often in story headlines or intros.

This isn't quite plagiarism, but it is spooky having Landeryou looking over your shoulder and muttering 'That's nice. I'll nick that'!

It's still intellectual property theft of course, but noone here can claim to be surprised.

Anonymous said...

What on earth is 12:15:00 AM talking about? The whole Henderson Ross thing is weird and whacko.

It means something to Landeryou but I don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou has lost the plot.

He's a mad, Mad, MAD timewasting crook!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou on the OC was very devious in his blog about his appearances under the stalking provisions of the Victorian Crimes Act in the Sunshine Court. The Les Twentyman family sought an AVO against Landeryou who photographed their home, and published their address online in the OC.

The deviousness involved the details of what he described as his self-engineered 'agreement' to observe the order. In fact, it was a hearing for him to appear and contest or consent to the making of a full order being granted to the Twentymans. His 'agreement' was in fact consent to the order. He therefore got comprehensively 'done slow'. Liar and wimp!

Anonymous said...



If you are in debt and are considering bankruptcy, you should know that bankruptcy is your last resort.

Bankruptcy has very serious consequences for the rest of your life. Do not take this step without speaking to Fox Symes.

There are alternatives.

Do I Need to Become Bankrupt?

With creditors pressing you for payment, bankruptcy may seem attractive, however it should be avoided if at all possible. Once bankrupt it is difficult and expensive to undo if you change your mind.

Before going bankrupt it is important to consider first speaking with Fox Symes to see if there may be other options available to you.

If you would like one of our staff to contact you to discuss bankruptcy or for guidance about alternatives to bankruptcy please fill in our short contact form.

How do I become Bankrupt?

You can become bankrupt voluntarily or you can become bankrupt on the actions of a creditor. Once you have spoken with Fox Symes and after reviewing your options you have decided that voluntary bankruptcy is your best option, Fox Symes will assist you in taking the necessary steps to become bankrupt.

Is there a minimum amount I need to owe before I can go Bankrupt?

No. You can become bankrupt voluntarily owing any amount. A creditor cannot make you bankrupt unless the debt is $2,000 or more.

Who would handle my Bankruptcy?

ITSA will administer your estate if no registered trustee has provided a consent to act.

How long would I be Bankrupt?

The period of a bankruptcy is 3 years from the date a statement of affairs is filed. This period may be extended by an objection entered by the trustee.

What objections will extend my Bankruptcy?

To 5 years if a bankrupt:

* fails to disclose all debts and creditors
* fails to disclose any beneficial interest in any property
* fails to attend an interview or examination
* fails to notify a change of address
* fails to attend a creditors' meeting
* continues to manage a corporation
* engages in misleading conduct and amount exceeds $3000
* any transfer is void against the trustee because of Section 120/122 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (under valued transactions and preference payments)

To 8 years if a bankrupt:

* fails to pay mandatory contributions
* fails to provide details of property and income when requested
* fails to adequately explain how money was spent or assets were disposed of
* leaves Australia and does not return
* after the date of bankruptcy, the bankrupt deliberately provided false or misleading information to the trustee
* fails to return to Australia when requested
* any transfer is void against the trustee because of Section 121 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (transfers to defeat creditors)
* fails to disclose to the trustee, a liability that existed at the date of bankruptcy
* fails or refuses to sign a document when required
* intentionally failing to disclose to the trustee, a beneficial interest in a property

Note: The bases for an objection have altered from the 5th of May 2003 to include additional provisions. The changes will include 'special' provisions that cannot be overturned by a review of the Inspector-General.

Can I get an early discharge?

The early discharge provisions are not available for bankruptcies that are registered with the Official Receiver on or after the 5 May 2003.

What happens to my debts after Bankruptcy?

Unsecured Creditors

Unsecured creditors can take no further action against you to recover the debts. Your creditors may lodge claims in the bankruptcy.

Very important exceptions are fines for breaches of the law, debts arising from fraud, maintenance payments and debts due to the Department of Social Security.

Bankruptcy does not protect you from payment of these debts, and you are still liable for these. The other exceptions are secured creditors.

If you have unpaid accounts relating to essential services such as electricity, telephone or gas the supplier may require payment of the account or a bond for the service to be maintained.

Anonymous said...

That is not the way I remember it!

I just happened by at the Sunshine Court, and was as aghast as Andy about what happened there!

Sasha Uzunov

The Real Sasha Uzunov.

Anonymous said...

Bankruptcy, in Landeryou's case, is the last refuge of an organised criminal. He counts on the fact that, being bankrupt, no-one will bother to sue him.

But, for a bankrupt, he has an ultra-swanky lifestyle. That's the conundrum facing investigators. C'mon guys, this isn't that hard. Landeryou has an income stream you haven't figured out yet. Get on with it! Get him in the slammer.

Anonymous said...

He's got protection from Spring Steet. Big story building up.

Anonymous said...


November hours
Open Mon - Fri 12 - 7, Sat 1 – 5
Closed Sun and Melbourne Cup Day

To all our NIBS supporters

T-shirt sale. We have many T-shirts on sale for $5 and $10 with a wide range of colours, sizes and ideologies. Check them out for your summer wardrobe or as a present for someone who likes to proclaim their beliefs..

In this bulletin
1.Extended opening hours until Christmas
2 NIBS events
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2 NIBS events

At 6 :30pm on Thursday 6 November, there will be discussion on The Future of Public Transport., with Kenneth Davidson ( Dissent, The Age) and Nick Low ( Director, Australasian Centre for Governance and Management of Urban Transport)
This will be held in the new meeting room at NIBS, 54 Victoria Street, Carlton South
Entry $5/$3.

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Anonymous said...

I have heard the sad story of Andrew Landeryou's ongoing unemployment from some of Kevin's colleagues.

I am here to help Andrew - I can help you write a CV, perfect your interview techniques, and even take you to a tailor who specialises in suits for larger-framed men.

The struggle with the long-term unemployed sometimes is that they do not want to work. Do you want to work, Andrew?

I will help you look for a job that reflects your interests - something in fast food, perhaps, or maybe you could use your own insider knowledge in the debt collection industry.

Perhaps Slanderyou or Henderson Ross could pass my offer on to Andrew Landeryou, the unemployed "blogger".

My name is Therese, I am from Queensland, and I'm here to help.

Anonymous said...

Here is a medical theory - Andy was dropped on his head very often when he was a child.

Anonymous said...

Do you think because of Andy's man boobs, he is worried about his cleavage??

Anonymous said...

Here is another medical theory. As a child Landeryou sexually abused and tortured his dolls. He also scammed his parents to get more food and pocket money.

Anonymous said...

Therese Rein kindly wrote "I am here to help Andrew - I can help you write a CV, perfect your interview techniques, and even take you to a tailor who specialises in suits for larger-framed men."

Now we know why Landeryou's Fat Cave is in Little Collins Street. It's just a brief waddle away from the Big Man Shop.

Anonymous said...

Just held my nose and visited poxnews and discovered that the long-term unemployed take Melbourne Cup Day off!

Anonymous said...

Did Andy really take Melbourne Cup day off???

I am stuck here at work, all day.

Not happy!

Anonymous said...

I was moved by Therese Rein's offer of help to find employment for Landeryou.

My researchers, however, quickly came across the MUSU and Lew criminal disasters.

As a result, I believe it is better for Landeryou to be unemployed. It keeps him away from cash-boxes, tills, share portfolios and other sources of cash.

He is one untrustworthy SOB. Even though he is unemployed, I still say 'YOU'RE FIRED'!

Anonymous said...

Drunken Landeryou disgraced himself at Flemington by joining in the great race at a fast waddle. He has been reduced to a slow crawl on all fours, and is still 700 metres from the finishing line. And that's five hours after the race was run. Police have been called.

Anonymous said...

ZZzzz Lazy people of Melbourne reject free commute before 7am (The Age, borrowed by Poxnews).

What a joke. Landeryou is never up before midday.

KFC for breakfast.

Anonymous said...

Is Landeryou advising Amrozi, Mukhlas and Imam Samudra, the cowardly Bali mass murderers of women and children?

Their supporters say the Aussie Bali 9 drug couriers should be executed first, and that Australia is funding the push to have the Bali bombers done away with.

It sounds like the usual weird Landeryou legal diversions. Conspiracies, endlessly switching ground, talking nonsense to baffle and obfuscate. I'm somehow expecting Amrozi, Mukhlas and Imam Samudra to suddenly declare 'We are Henderson Ross'...

Anonymous said...

How wacky is this:

Haruka Nishimatsu, CEO of Japan Air Lines, cut his salary to $US 90,000 in 2007, eats in the staff canteen, and works in an open office area with other staff.

Qantas CEO autocrat Geoff Dixon, whose salary has been 7 Million dollars a year, retires this month with a handsome multi-million dollar golden handshake.

Geoff loves union bashing, slashing staff and neglecting air safety maintenance.

Bugger off, Geoff! Go and drown in your misbegotten millions, you useless prick!

Anonymous said...

As usual Slanderyou is offensive. Geoff Dixon is in my Top Ten of Australian businessmen lawfully raking in millions in the government deregulated wonderland which allows people like him to guzzle corporate profits.

Mark my words. I stake Vexnews's reputation on a resounding victory tomorrow by McCain and Palin. I have repeatedly voiced support for the Republican candidates. Cait Catt and Rita Randles, and many of my other 'personalities' have urged support by US citizens living in Australia to vote for them. I know McCain and Palin WILL win!!!

Anonymous said...

Hail to the Chief, PRESIDENT JOHN McCAIN!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is running his own "Operation Cook County" again.

Just imagine how you would feel if a fat felon from the other side of the world tried to tell you how to vote in an election.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou held a chicken and champagne luncheon for Melbourne Cup Day, or anyway got up at two in the afternoon and spend the rest of the day sitting in the Fat Cave in his underpants eating KFC and drinking from a 40 litre catering cask.

Anonymous said...

Watch out people! Landershonk is gambling with things he doesn't own again.

"I stake Vexnews's reputation on a resounding victory tomorrow by McCain and Palin" the fat fraudster says.

Everyone knows that the only reputation Poxnews has is entirely negative.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's latest sock puppet is called "Eddie Groves". Does he think all he and all his fellow failures should stick together?

Anonymous said...

The ineffectual Christine Nixon is stepping down as the head of the Victorian Police. Will her successor signal a "get tough" approach and protect the citizenry by getting the criminal Landeryou off the streets?

Anonymous said...

Andy has ridiculed Morgan's poll numbers.

Therefore, expect Morgan to win the melbourne City election.

Anonymous said...

Just checked the early results from the US of A. Poor John McCain! A decent man who seems to have fallen victim to the curse of Landeryou. His failure rubs off.

Cait Catt said...

Slanderyou is a disgrace. A national disgrace. Slanderyou has ridiculed the Republican National Committee for posting on the Vexnews site.

Slanderyou has directly influenced the US result by its continued attacks on the Republican ticket and its suggestion that Landeryou support for that ticket suggests Americans should not vote McCain-Palin.

It says something bad about American voters that they can be influenced in such large numbers by the lies that appear about the Republican ticket on the Slanderyou blog. Truly the blog of filth and American voters who fall for Slanderyou lies, as large numbers and possibly a majority have, are cretins.

No Slanderyou. You have the world a great American President in John McCain. I don't like to plagiarise Lawrence Money of the Aged but as he said this morning about an opponent of Wayne Swan how can you sleep at night Mr Slanderyou. Your lies have influenced millions of American voters.

Anonymous said...


Landeryou (Cait Catt) are great election callers - half right and half wrong. Phew!

Anonymous said...

You can fool some of the people some of the time, but... These posts to hand from Poxnews:

I am disgusted at that way you twist words and meld them to fit what you want them to say.

I am appauled at how you defame people.

Do you call yourself a journalist??

I don’t think so mate … very weak.

Very weak indeed.

Posted by Disgusted | August 29, 2008, 22:23

I think either your research is completely wrong or your sources are pulling your leg! I know Simon upset many of your right wing Labor pals on the council during the Sunshine Pool protest so maybe that’s what this crap is about?

You should have tried something else though because calling him a racist is hilarious. You obviously haven’t met him nor know very much about him.

Posted by Nicola | November 4, 2008, 22:10

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Kiss of Death, Landy! Please, please don't back me in 2012.

Anonymous said...

And if you ever come to Alaska while I'm out hunting moose, just watch your fat ass!

Anonymous said...

I'm an Aussie working in New York.

Fox news has just said that "bizarre and threatening interventions into the presidential campaign by a convicted felon in Melboure Australia" are being blamed for McCain's loss.

I'm told this site is the home of the best-informed political discussion back home. Can someone please flesh out the Fox News story for me?

Anonymous said...

If you put lipstick on Landeryou, you still get a fast talking, shonky, crooked - Dyke!

Anonymous said...

As a constant Vewnews reader who has been at work all day, I just got home and switched on the news. I was just in time to catch the McCain concession speech.

Landeryou managed to call the election 100% wrong. What's more, I bet on what he said. So I'm out of pocket as well as being pissed off with his lack of political know-how.

Anonymous said...

Most people who listen to Landeryou end up being out of pocket. His wife ended up being out of house.

Anonymous said...

'Ronnie' lost his life by letting Landy get too close with the brew of 11 herbs and spices!

Anonymous said...

Three - just three - comments on today and an Obama presidency. Fat Boy fails on every front yet again. No wonder he has probably already passed out drunk.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou 0
Democracy in a landslide!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Fat Boy just throw himself under a train?

Anonymous said...

because he is so fat it would bounce off his blubber

Anonymous said...

Genuine question: has Andy ever been right at anything? Surely there must be something?

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is good at being:

a) fat

b) hated

c) in debt

d) er...

e) that's it.

Anonymous said...

Obama wins, and still no mention of it on Vexnews!

Vexnews is beyond a joke Slanderyou.

It is utter s$%t.

Anonymous said...

Landerpooh got it wrong -- again! What a surprise!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:45:00 PM, don't you mean NO SURPRISE!

Anonymous said...

I suppose the One Man Crime Wave will have to return to what he does best -- corporate theft.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:59:00 PM - you're right. 'Henderson Ross' doesn't understand irony!

He's also out of step with US political realities, and the fact that 73% of Aussies were expecting an Obama win. He and fellow 'personality' Cait Catt are now sitting in the dunces' corner.

Anonymous said...

Deep gloom in the Fat Cave: The curtain falls on another disastrous day. Landeryou is in his jocks, chewing on comfort food. There's an intravenous needle in his arm from a wine cask. There's a strong smell of loco weed... There is a babble of angry mutterings:

Landeryou: 'That freakin McCain couldn't organise a freakin teddy bears picnic'.

Cait Catt: 'Sarah Palin turned out to be a total freakin liability'.

Henderson Ross: 'I am Henderson Ross'.

Anon: 'Lord Les Twentyman is as frickin obese as me'.

Byron from Deep Space: 'I heard that Lew bankrolled Obama-lama-ding-dong'.

RealPolitik: 'He's a freakin Blek'!

Rita Randles: 'I'm dead. So I wasn't able to vote for McCain'.

Sasha Uzunov: 'It's not often that a one-man media army is completely outnumbered by imaginary characters. So fug youse all'!

Anonymous said...

We are extremely proud that irishman Barracks O'Barmy has been elected 44th President of the US of A!

Eat human waste, Landeryou!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There is a link from Poxnews to a story headed "Election Night Sex". Fat Boy Landeryou has invested hours and hours over the past few months trying to jerk off over photos of Sarah Palin but has never been able to get it up.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Andrew Landeryou's inability to call obvious election results considerably narrows down our options for finding him employment. Still, a new size 68 suit, a good wash and a good trim of his CV of criminality and we might be able to get him an interview at Sunshine KFC - there's an Assistant Manager's position going.

Call me, Andrew!

My name is Therese, I'm from Queensland, and I'm here to help Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

We know you are trying to help, Therese but letting Landeryou run a KFC is Dracula and blood bank stuff. Landeryou would attack the customers. "Mine! All mine!" he'd scream as he tried to eat everything in the store.

Anonymous said...

Checked my internet security software then logged on to Poxnews. It doesn't look like Landeryou could be arsed updating it at all yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy wouldn't have considered the MYEFO outcome news. $40 billion out? Sounds like one of his business ventures!

Anonymous said...

Look at the race hate being spewed out on Poxnews. Fat Boy immediately removes anything that says he might be a little less than honest then bans the poster but is happy to leave this racist shite up there:

So the slave porch monkey won, america will suffer.
Posted by Anonymous | November 6, 2008, 9:49

Indeed. Gunna be trouble for the US.
Posted by Anonymous | November 6, 2008, 11:16

Watch Obama govern for the minorities:
Slave repartitions - how many billions will the blacks want?;
Allowing more Mexican and African immigration and weakening border security;
Negotiate with terrorist groups like Al Qida rather than showing them the boot of democracy;
Going on a tax and spend doctrine, punishing those who are the most successful to hand over to those who are least successful - otherwise known as “Robin Hood” policy;
Appoint minorities to positions within the Government based on race rather than merit;
And so the list can go on, and on, and on…
Posted by Anonymous | November 6, 2008, 11:35

The massive drop last night on the US stock market shows the financial system has no faith in Osama Obama - a rocky road ahead for the world markets now.
Posted by Anonymous | November 6, 2008, 11:44

Black voters in one poll voted for Obama at a rate og 95%.
Who’s the real racists? Simply voting for Obama because he is black and McCain is white.
Posted by Anonymous | November 6, 2008, 11:55

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is contemptible!

Anonymous said...

'OBAMA: The Great Inspirer will not govern to satisfy mad leftistes' yells Poxnews. Landeryou has created a record by penning ALL of the seven racist comments so far.

It's easy to spot Landeryou's fake comments. There are obvious spelling mistakes, 'repartitions' instead of 'reparations', (which show contempt for his few readers). Then there are familiar phrases, fanciful 'commenter' names, the usual shit.

Newcomers to Poxnews, blissfully ignorant about the blogger's notorious and lengthy criminal past, probably think they've landed in a fun mental asylum where anything goes.

I hope Therese Rein can find Landeryou as outside job with the Antarctic Division.

Anonymous said...

Even by my standards, Mr Landeryou is a racist madman!

Anonymous said...

The whole world celebrates President Obama's historic win.

Out of step, as usual, with anything joyful or positive, Landeryou's deadly Ebola Blog spreads its poisonous hate.

Luckily, his pathetic racist posturings are laughable nonsense.

Andrew Landeryou: You are a liar, a thief, a fraud, a forger, a serial defamer, a hate blogger, a corporate asset-stripper, a stalker, a courtroom amnesiac, a corrupter of Australian democracy, a bankrupt and a general human failure.

Anonymous said...

Racists go wild on PoxViews with El Gordo away lodging his dole form.

Anonymous said...

Just incredible! When you think Landeryou couldn't go any lower, he goes lower.

Anonymous said...

That's because he is SUB-human!

Anonymous said...

(Age) Maria Esther Castillo, 45, was on a United Airlines flight from Puerto Rico to the United States when she is said to have struck a flight attendant on the buttocks and repeatedly pulled the hair of a blind passenger seated near her.

No wonder Landy enjoyed holidaying in this part of the world.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's racist Obama muck today is essentially his way of admitting he has absolutely no reputation left and just has to go for shock value to try to get some attention. That's all he's ever wanted.

Anonymous said...

The race hate threat on Vexnews keeps getting longer.

Anonymous said...

Posted (and blocked) on PoxNews:

Can Landeryou host a failing racist website with 95% of comments posted by his fat self?

Yes We Can

Your comment is awaiting moderation.

Posted by Yes We Can | November 6, 2008, 15:24

Anonymous said...

If Landeryou thinks his Obama slurs are funny how much must he be drinking nowadays?

Anonymous said...

LAnderyou drinking? you mean he drinks litres of the sugary pepsi that KFC serve up

Anonymous said...

The Fat Stalker is at it again!

Kanis, Jennifer Michelle 407 Racecourse Road

Posted by Anonymous | November 6, 2008, 17:08

Isn't this against the Crimes Act and Privacy Act? Are the cops asleep?!?

Anonymous said...


YES, WE CAN supply the US Navy with the GPS coordinates of the Fat Cave.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Landeryou is so devious, fat and stupid that he could probably survive a direct cruise missile hit.

But, like Al Capone, ATO could bring the serial fraudster to book.

Anonymous said...

ABC Learning's Eddie Groves has done a Landy - buggared the business and gone bankrupt. Lots of millions missing...

Anonymous said...

Greed is Good!

Anonymous said...

A Melbourne man posed as a rich Arabian prince to con investors out of more than $7 million to finance his luxury lifestyle, a court has been told.

Was it Prince Con Landeryoussef?

No. But it shows there are some imitators out there.

Anonymous said...

Poxnews keeps falling behind, even in its niche market of small time news and wacky comments. This in tomorrow's Australian:

I WAS present at the tragicomical Senate committee hearing last week into Medicare funding of late abortion, when we learned that senator Clare Moore’s submission on behalf of the Parliamentary Group on Population and Development was identical to the submission from the lobby group Australian Reproductive Health Alliance.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is one LAZY BITCH!

Anonymous said...

Now it can be told:

Landeryou's share portfolio consists of AIG, Allco, ABC Learning, Babcock & Brown, Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch, as well as some Icelandic treasury bonds.

Seems the portfolio is as worthless as its owner.

Anonymous said...

Deep gloom in the Fat Cave: The curtain falls on another disastrous day. Landeryou is in his jocks, chewing on comfort food. There's an intravenous needle in his arm from a wine cask. There's a strong smell of KFC and loco weed... There is a babble of angry mutterings:

Catter8: 'Jeez, you really f*cked up on on the presidential erection didn't you Andy'?

Choo Choo: 'Choo-Choo'!

RealPolitick: 'Shouldn't we all be writing racist comments on Vexnews about the new chief nigg*r'?

Audio lost because Landeryou slumps over the microphone. Strange human stomach and loud gas sounds follow...

Anonymous said...

More taxpayer billions disappear. ABC Learning got a million a day. Is this government nonfeasance? If Julia Gillard can prove the Howard government stuffed this up, let her do so now.

Indemnities for politicians need to be very closely re-examined. Airheads shouldn't be running the country. Private companies like ABC are supposed to stand on their own two freemarket feet, and not rely on parasiting the public purse. Not one more taxpayer dollar until the nation (as it always should have) owns ABC Learning.

There is so much evidence of poor decision making, disastrous public policy including PPPs, and mad pork-barreling to hold the pollies accountable.

Australia needs much bigger gaols to hold the white collar crooks, stupid pollies and people like Landeryou who are relatively small fish (although pioneers in corporate crime and without a shred of morals).

The electorate is dealing with people (politicians) who don't understand what is going on; people (corporate crooks) who do know what is going on and are exploiting it; and people (like Landeryou) that are just crooks.

Anonymous said...

The poster for The Australian today reads "Brian Burke faces lying, corruption charges". When will it be Landeryou's turn?

sarah palin also said...

If you put lipstick on Landeryou, you still get a fast talking, shonky, crooked - Dyke!

Anonymous said...

Blocked posting to El Gordo's Bog of Sleaze so I'll post there.

Thursday, 12 May 2005

"But first prize for a bold and unprecedented theft of student money must go to my old university—to the Melbourne University
Student Union, the extravagant arrogance of the union and the saga that is still unfolding
in the courts.

"In 2001, the student union entered
into a contract with a company called Optima.

"The contract purported to bind the
university as guarantor for a $44 million apartment complex.

"Two Labor Club members— the signatory to the contract, Darren
Ray, and the student union president, Scott Crawford—kept this contract a secret from
the union executive.

"Of course, the fraud squad and the liquidators eventually moved

"The matter is now in the courts.

"No doubt we will be hearing from Mr Landeryou, apparently the main beneficiary of this contract, who fled to Costa Rica but who has
recently returned.

"Who is Mr Landeryou?

"None other than a former Labor club president at the Melbourne
University Student Union.

"When he was president, he so outraged students that he was the first ever student union president at the University of Melbourne to be sacked—sacked by an overwhelming majority of students.

"I take great pride in having
been involved in that campaign, in a crossparty coalition to rid Melbourne University Student Union of Mr Landeryou and his general
secretary, Keir Semmens.

"He was sacked amid allegations of corruption and misuse of power.

"Under the system of compulsory unionism, political decisions were made to cut funds to organisations that did not align with the Labor club.

"Bullying and intimidation were an integral part of the arrogance with
which the Labor club dominated at the university of Melbourne.

"Some things never change.

"Obviously Mr Landeryou could not keep away from his former student union."

Anonymous said...

Poxnews, just like its lardass criminal founder Andrew Landeryou, is regarded with utter contempt and derision.

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