Monday, February 23, 2009


Vexnews, Andrew Landeryou’s recent attempt at online spivery is facing imminent collapse.
According to independent website auditor Quarkbase, Vexnews has no future.

Quarkbase has found that Vexnews’ traffic rank is down a staggering 26% off an already low base, achieving a minuscule blog rating of 4,754,569. The blog has only been bookmarked via Delicious on 5 occasions, Digg(ed) on 2 occasions, and Twitter(ed) once.

Given the horrible rankings and ratings, no person or website has bothered to associate themselves with the failing blog.

The audit of the website has identified some interesting information. The blog is hosted via a Hoisting Service with an IP Address: and IP Location: Melbourne, 07, AU. The auditors have identified the coordinates as Latitude: -37.816700 and Longitude: 144.966705.

Patriotic readers will be surprised to discover that the ISP is listed as “IQ Media", which shares a similar name to Landeryou’s failed venture, IQ Corp.


Cait Catt said...

This is the greatest load of nonsense I've ever read. Vexnews is in my opinion the best news site on the net. I read it for all the latest news. On the fires, for example, it was great. You are just jealous Slanderyou that your blog is not as good.

Anonymous said...

I hope you won't remove the previous item Slanderyou like you did for my previous rants on the previous topic.

You are just like you claim Landeryou is.

Anonymous said...

I've typed an email to Diane Anderson in America and asked her to complain to her Congressman about the lies Slanderyou is putting on his blog about Vexnews, and also the removal of contributions by Cait, Rita and myself that disagree with the company line.

Shame Slanderyou Shame

Cait Catt said...

Why is it if Vexnews is so bad it is the successor of a blog, the OC, that won the Inaugural Walkley Blog Award.

The proof of this was given by Pastor Danny Nalliah of Catch the Fire Ministries who said it was God's work.

The audit is rigged. It is nothing but any attempt by the enemies of Andrew Landeryou to close down his news site, the best news site on the net. Even Kevin Rudd goes to Vexnews to learn the latest news. Even ASIO reads Vexnews to learn who Australia's enemies are before its own agents even report.

Vexnews. Australia's greatest news source, whatever Slanderyou says.

Anonymous said...

Once again, a tsunami of meaningless waffle from fake Landeryou commenters.

Vexnews protects itself by banning comments from commenters from this site, particularly commenters to Landeryou's union blogs.

Landeryou's spyware cookies that monitor visitors' internet activity are under investigation by Google, and several other search engines. If you jettison the spyware, Landeryou, you might be able to escape shutdowns on most major search engines. That is imminent.

Anonymous said...

The bizarre nonsense of Landeryou's fake commenters Cait Catt, dead Voodoo woman Rita Randles, and Catter8 are just another trolling expedition to VEX this Blog.

Silly imbecile Landeryou, an arch criminal, stalker, corporate asset-stripper and nazi-Labor thinktank is an incredible bore. He is such a time waster and slum millionaire. Bugger off, you useless idiot!

Anonymous said...

Why haven't I read about this on Vexnews?

Anonymous said...

Vexnews is an amateur adventure in reckless internet libelling and smears. That's why!

Cait Catt said...

According to Quarkbase Vexnews is ranked 4000 or so among Australian sites and 98 per cent of page views are from Australia.

This is not so. Vexnews is much more influential than the Quarkbse dodgy figures suggest.

The CIA, for example, regularly updates its information on Australia from Vexnews. There could be no greater compliment. Also ASIO reads Vexnews because its own agents are not capable of finding out first who the real threat to Australia are.

If only Victoria had listened to Vexnews we would not have had a holocaust from the bushfires.

Anonymous said...

Last week fat failure Landeryou rehashed his failed OC site with a "Blast from the past" on Poxnews.

There could be no bigger sign of how close Poxnews must be to collapse.

Landeryou had to shelve the blog that bare his name as it had become synonymous with lies, smears and hidden agendas.

Exhuming it is a sign of desperation.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, El Gordo, yr reader are deserting.

Alexa reports a 25% drop in PoxNews visitors in the past 3 months.

Amazing, an another Landeryou failure. Am not surprised.

Still it's lasting longer than yr marriage, student political career and business attempts, but then again, you are doing it for free! What an investment!

Cait Catt said...

Lies, lies and still more lies.

Only to be expected from the blog of filth.

Vexnews, Australia's greatest news site, is growing in influence every day.

It is read assiduously by staffers in the offices of most of Australia's pollies.

Where does one have to go to get more factual information?

Certainly not on the blog of filth, a blog that now engages in the censorship it alleges in carried out by the great man.

No, Slanderyou is and continues to be filth, filth and still more filth.

Anonymous said...

Great Cait. Slanderyou now censors most of the things I write. He says I am dead. No. I am not dead. I am the only contributor to counter the evil of this blog apart from the defence team of Cait, catter and Henderson.

Anonymous said...

Show us some traffic figures, fat cunt.

You can't use the old IQ corp excuse that the landlord took the books. Show us the figures.

Anonymous said...

For some people, reading Vexnews gives them the shits; me, it's diarrhoea.

Anonymous said...

Crikey! Vexnews has lost just as much money as Fairfax. Who would have thought!

Anonymous said...

Fascinating Auditors report.

Anonymous said...

This report is very revealing. I thought at least the lawyers who were looking to proceed with libel actions would read Poxnews - but it looks even they can't be bothered.

Anonymous said...

I love this new format Slanderyou.

Watch out Andy doesn't copy it!

Anonymous said...

Andy is a poor mans version of fairfaxes former owner Conrad Black: a delusional crook who will go to jail screaming all the way.

Anonymous said...

Surely ASIC must now look at Vexnews, based on this auditor's report.

Anonymous said...

Fairfax is losing money at a rate of notes. It is just days, if not minutes away from liquidation.

We are fortunate that Vexnews is profitable and so popular. A reliable news source. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Henderson, so many self funded retirees are asking me, begging, how do they buy some Vexnews shares, and preserve their nest egg.

Anonymous said...

I am a self funded retiree. I bought heaps of Fairfax shares, and now I eat dog food. Am I too late to switch over to Vexnews shares?

Anonymous said...

This patriotic observation is almost correct - "Andy is a poor mans version of fairfaxes former owner Conrad Black: a delusional crook who will go to jail screaming all the way."

I would call Fat Andy (and Conrad Black) a megalomaniacal delusional crook.

Anonymous said...

"I am a self funded retiree. I bought heaps of Fairfax shares, and now I eat dog food. Am I too late to switch over to Vexnews shares?"

Be warned. Anyone fool enough to buy Poxnews shares will find that Landeryou eats all their dogfood.

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt (Landeryou) makes claims about censorship on this blog. Yet is the most prolific poster here.

Landeryou must be smoking KFC herbs and spices!

Anonymous said...

Vexnews shares - no such thing!

Vexnews cred - no such thing!

Landeryou's honesty - no such thing!

Anonymous said...

So Andy is running something called IQ Media - very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Delusions are irrational beliefs, held with a high level of conviction, that are highly resistant to change even when the delusional person is exposed to forms of proof that contradict the belief. Non-bizarre delusions are considered to be plausible; that is, there is a possibility that what the person believes to be true could actually occur a small proportion of the time. Conversely, bizarre delusions focus on matters that would be impossible in reality. For example, a non-bizarre delusion might be the belief that one's activities are constantly under observation by federal law enforcement or intelligence agencies, which actually does occur for a small number of people.

Cait Catt said "The CIA, for example, regularly updates its information on Australia from Vexnews".

By contrast, a man who believes "Vexnews, Australia's greatest news site, is growing in influence every day" holds a belief that could never come to pass in reality.

Anonymous said...

You can read all about IQ Media in this 2004 story from Melbourne's most reputable news service, The Age.

"IQ Media in the late 1990s was a fledgling company with a few ideas on supplying sports statistics to the media," it says. "For a brief period, it supplied sport stats to The Age.

"In 1999, according to Landeryou, IQ Media's business was sold to IQ Corp, both the IQ Media brand name and an online education business were sold to Isis Corp..."

So what is the company doing out of its grave? Yet more perjury from Landeryou? Or is IQ Media like Rita Randles: dead, but living on in Landeryou's deluded and criminal mind?

IQ records vanish: was it more than a dot-bomb?

August 14, 2004

When retail tycoon Solomon Lew invested $4million in a company controlled by Andrew Landeryou and his business partner Ed Dale in February 2000, there were big plans to use the funds to build a sports statistics and online gaming group.

Investors from Britain, the Channel Islands and Switzerland had committed a further $4million, in part fuelled by high hopes that the company, IQ Corporation, would win lucrative contracts to supply media outlets with detailed sports data from football matches in Australia and soccer games in Britain and Israel.

It was the peak of the sharemarket boom, IQ had plans to float and Lew wanted a piece of it.

His company, Jordanlane Pty Ltd, ended up with 23 per cent and his closest adviser, Michael McLeod was appointed to the IQ board. Then it all went sour.

Four years later it has degenerated into an unseemly, bitter fight between the powerful Lew interests and the high-profile Landeryou family as a court-appointed liquidator tries to determine what happened to IQ's funds, its books and records, and whatever operating assets it once owned.

But the liquidator's task is made more difficult because, as the Federal Court has heard, most of IQ's books and records have vanished. Judging by the paucity of documents submitted by IQ's former officers to a liquidator's examination this week, IQ's liquidator Gideon Rathner of Lowe Lippmann has quite a task in front of him to resolve the puzzle.

More information is likely to emerge when the examination gets into full swing on August 24. But so far there are far more questions than answers about the curious link-up between the Lew interests and the Landeryous, and how the $8million was spent.

Back in 2000, McLeod said the Lew empire was "very impressed with IQ's management, proprietary technology and their advanced development of a global strategy. We are also pleased with what they have achieved to date and, going forward, we are confident about their business plan."

IQ Media in the late 1990s was a fledgling company with a few ideas on supplying sports statistics to the media. For a brief period, it supplied sport stats to The Age.

In 1999, according to Landeryou, IQ Media's business was sold to IQ Corp, both the IQ Media brand name and an online education business were sold to Isis Corp and Landeryou and Dale toyed with plans to float IQ Corp.

Landeryou said he had known Lew and McLeod for some years and their interest in IQ's prospects evolved into a shareholding. What happened after that time is in dispute.

Troubles first surfaced publicly in mid-2003 when McLeod asked the Federal Court to force IQ's other directors and company officers to give him access to IQ's books and records.

His solicitors told the court then that McLeod was not getting any communication or information from IQ's officers, and that there was trouble locating either the company or its officers or fellow directors when serving court papers.

At the core of the stoush is Andrew Landeryou, the son of long-time ALP powerbroker and one-time Victorian minister Bill Landeryou, and Ed Dale, IQ's founder, shareholder, technical specialist and long-time director.

Andrew Landeryou owned half of IQ's shares and was managing director; Dale owned about 15 per cent.

Dale, who is expected to be called as a witness, yesterday declined to comment and denied any wrongdoing. He said the dispute was "best left to the big boys who are heaving it out".

Bill Landeryou joined the IQ board in mid-2001 when, under pressure from the Lew interests, Andrew Landeryou quit.

But the Landeryou connections to IQ do not end there.

Kimberley Kitching, a Melbourne City councillor, was the registered company secretary of IQ Corp from October 1999 to February 2000 and, according to documents filed with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, was a secretary of some IQ companies until May 2001.

Kitching's demeanour as a witness was belligerent and theatrical. Before counsel for the liquidator had asked even the first question, Kitching cut him off and asked for someone to explain the layout of the court because, she said, she had not been there before and wanted to understand who all these people - the solicitors at the bar table - were.

This caused some surprise in the court: Kitching is a qualified lawyer. She told the court that her duties with Melbourne City Council now took up so much of her time that she was not currently practising law, nor did she have a current practice certificate.

Kitching said she had been employed or contracted by IQ - the dates of her employment are not clear - and was paid about $50,000 a year.

But Kitching said she did not have any receipts, personal bank statements, nothing - not even income tax returns - that would show the payments.

Kitching said those sorts of documents about her personal finances would have been kept at the IQ offices by Andrew Landeryou's sister, Anne-Marie Landeryou-Mason, who earlier gave evidence that she was "a jack-of-all-trades" at IQ - the company book-keeper, receptionist and personal assistant.

Anne-Marie's husband, Matthew Mason, was not employed by IQ but the court heard that the company reimbursed him for certain expenses.

Precisely what Mason did for IQ and the nature of those expenses is not yet clear.

The Landeryou clan, Kitching and Mason plumped themselves into the witness box before Registrar Jane Mussett this week only after counsel for the liquidator asked the court to consider issuing arrest warrants because they declined to turn up under summons.

Andrew Landeryou followed his wife into the witness box.

His evidence was given with his face mostly turned away from the liquidator's counsel, and he prefaced every question - even when asked to state his name - by citing "privilege". Several times during Landeryou's evidence, the registrar threatened to refer him to a judge for contempt of court.

For his part, Landeryou said it was "contempt, utter contempt" that his wife had been "dragged" into the examination.

Asked what position Kitching held at IQ, Landeryou cited privilege and said: "I do not recall, or care."

Indeed, the evidence of the Landeryou family members was riddled with a surprising inability to recall or remember very much about the company.

Bill Landeryou on Monday pointedly and aggressively told the court that even though he had been a director of IQ he did not retain any financial records, any notes, floppy discs, CD-roms, emails, statements or correspondence that may have transpired between himself, IQ and several of the company's officers. Nor did Landeryou-Mason, nor did Mason.

The Landeryous insisted that they did not know what happened to the company's records after the landlord unceremoniously evicted IQ from its premises in Sturt Street, South Melbourne, in 2002.

Peter Brannighan, who was chief executive of IQ's subsidiary, Betworks, in late 2000 and was employed as a consultant until October 2001, handed the court his own cardboard box of company records, and said the last time he saw any other files they were in boxes at Sturt Street. He said Andrew Landeryou at the time had told him all the firm's records, furniture and computers would be placed in storage.

What happened to IQ's finances may be a story of what happened to a lot of dotcoms at the peak of the boom: money was burned on frivolous items and fruitless ventures and there was little or no accountability.

Or it may be a story of something else again. More will emerge after August 24.

McLeod has declined to discuss IQ's collapse or the liquidator's examination, saying the Lew interests preferred to leave everything in the hands of the court.

Andrew Landeryou, for his part, denies any wrongdoing.

This story was found at:

Anonymous said...

At last the truth can be told.

Landeryou is a Coprophiliac.

Vexnews is his way of telling all Victorians to 'eat my sh#t'!

Anonymous said...

What do you call someone up to their ears in that stuff?

Anonymous said...

That Age story sort of sums up the whole Landeryou "problem" - amnesia, arrogance and criminality!

"His evidence was given with his face mostly turned away from the liquidator's counsel, and he prefaced every question - even when asked to state his name - by citing "privilege". Several times during Landeryou's evidence, the registrar threatened to refer him to a judge for contempt of court".

Anonymous said...

Oh, and what happened to Ed Dale?

Who he? Where is he now? What is he up to?

Has the IQ case been abandoned by OPP because of the successful Lew civil proceedings? Kim and Dad are buggered, but what about Landeryou's part? What about MUSU? The money is still missing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Andrew Landeryou's business partner Ed Dale. I've been reliably informed from someone who was at Melbourne Uni during Landeryou's Presidency of MUSUi, that Ed Dale was a prominent member of Landeryou's grouping. Dale also ran with Cr Kimberley Kitching in the last Melbourne City Council elections".

"In 1999, according to Landeryou, IQ Media's business was sold to IQ Corp, both the IQ Media brand name and an online education business were sold to Isis Corp and Landeryou and Dale toyed with plans to float IQ Corp".

Anonymous said...

Channel Nine cricket viewers were shocked in late 2008 and 2009 to hear commentators spruiking for, and advertising around the grounds for Betfair.

Yup, you guessed it. The hand of Landeryou was right up this! What appears below was from the hate site OC:
Q: Could IQ have been salvaged if Solomon hadn't called in a liquidator?

A: It could have been salvaged if he had wanted it to. For example, we had an opportunity to invest and work with Betfair, a then small English betting company. Our investment at the time would have been worth tens of millions of pounds but it all depended on Lew’s co-operation and he was far more interested in kicking me around than remedying the situation. If you have questions about that I can put you contact with my former colleague Ed Dale who can tell you chapter and verse about how hard he tried, we tried, to salvage it. The Betfair thing was a huge missed opportunity for all of us and Solomon was too blind with rage to see it.

Anonymous said...

F#CK Betfair, Channel Nine, Landeryou, Ed Dale, IQ Corp - far too many people trying to screw ordinary Aussies for a buck.

Channel Nine: Stop screwing your viewers. Who can forget 'Quizmania' and 'The Mint'. You are an appalling bunch of crooks.

Anonymous said...

Ed Dale sounds like a pretty ordinary asshole who had some sort of fascination in fraud. But he seems to have completely disappeared. Ed, you seem to have been much smarter than Big Bill, Landeryou, and Kim who bankrupted. But not you. How did you survive?

Anonymous said...

"Ed Dale became famous as an Internet marketer because of his amazing story of selling 38 niche websites for 5 million dollars. He’s gone on to make over 9 million from website trading and it’s pretty clear Ed knows how to make money from buying and selling websites"

Anonymous said...

The revelation that Vexnews is owned by IQ Media has very serious implications for Landeryou.

The fat failure is an undischarged bankrupt. He is not allowed to run companies. If he is running IQ Media he is in breach of the law.

Landeryou being Landeryou, there is every chance he just lied when he registered the Vexnews site. He is already involved in online dishonesty with his cybersquatting/identity theft site.

But there is also another possibility. Landeryou has form in registering companies and signing official documentation etc using other people’s names as the 2004 article from the Age posted above shows. He may well have set up a new IQ Media this way.

A company search could yield some interesting results. Landeryou could have even established a new IQ Media using false names in an attempt to divert legal threats over Vexnews off in other directions.

Whatever the case it is clear that Vexnews has been a failure just like every other Landeryou venture and added to his ever snowballing pile of problems with the law.

Anonymous said...

The revelation that Vexnews is owned by IQ Media has very serious implications for Landeryou.

The fat failure is an undischarged bankrupt. He is not allowed to run companies. If he is running IQ Media he is in breach of the law.

Landeryou being Landeryou, there is every chance he just lied when he registered the Vexnews site. He is already involved in online dishonesty with his cybersquatting/identity theft site.

But there is also another possibility. Landeryou has form in registering companies and signing official documentation etc using other people’s names as the 2004 article from the Age posted above shows. He may well have set up a new IQ Media this way.

A company search could yield some interesting results. Landeryou could have even established a new IQ Media using false names in an attempt to divert legal threats over Vexnews off in other directions.

Whatever the case it is clear that Vexnews has been a failure just like every other Landeryou venture and added to his ever snowballing pile of problems with the law.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou was an incompetent businessman and is now an incompetent crook.

Anonymous said...

This story is rubbish. The real story concerns Rupert Murdoch moving his second-in-command on, setting the stage for the 77 year old to put his son James Murdoch in charge of one of the world's biggest media companies. Meanwhile its principal Australian competitor Fairfax Media continues to be rocked by plummeting sales and a very real prospect that it will breach bank covenants and be put into liquidation.

If I had shares in Vexnews, I would be delighted by this news. Murdoch will be running the ruler over Vexnews. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

As a self funded retiree who because I own too many Fairfax shares have to eat dog food, how can I get to buy some Vexnews shares?

Anonymous said...

And me too

Anonymous said...

A self funded retiree writes: "As a self funded retiree who because I own too many Fairfax shares have to eat dog food, how can I get to buy some Vexnews shares?"

Be warned! If you had a share in Vexnews Fat Andrew would come and eat your dog food. You would be left like his father and wife: bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou pimping for Vexnews shares again under assumed identities. We can forsee billions of spam emails sent out by the fat moron in the classic 'pump and dump' scams we have all come to know and hate. However, Landeryou's internet record is so appalling that a single Google search by even the most naive investor will reveal his dodgy background.

The Age has a long and proud tradition of making dividend and capital returns for investors. It will have ups and downs according to market conditions and this is such a time.

Landeryou has a long record of asset stripping. Vexnews will be no exception.

Anonymous said...

Surely it is illegal for Landeryou to talk about selling shares in Poxnews, and doubly illegal for him to tout them under false names. The man is an undischarged bankrupt who also bankrupted his wife and father.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is all another Landeryou fantasy achievable only in his head. No takers this time for the fat slug's scams.

An undischarged bankrupt with such a disgracecful record would find no broker underwriting anything to do with him.

Anonymous said...

Fat Andrew Landeryou says Rupert Murdoch hopes his son James will succeed to the empire.

If Big Bent Bill Landeryou ever hoped that his obese son would take over his various shonky enterprises those hopes were shattered when he was bankrupted because of Fat Andy's incompetence.

Cait Catt said...

I deplore the comments about Australia's greatest news site, read in Langley, Virginia by the CIA to keep up to date with Australia, and by ASIO in an unknown location in Canberra because Vexnews knows the location of Australia's enemies before ASIO's agents, which suggests the former OC Intelligence Unit, now swallowed up by Vexnews, was much better at intelligence gathering than ASIO ever was or is.

Comments on this blog refer to Vexnews shares. I have never urged anyone to purchase Vexnews shares because there aren't any. The comments on this blog are in fact meant to be light entertainment. I am entertained too, so I won't complain about them, but please Mr Slanderyou don't say they came from me. I have never urged anyone to purchase Vexnews shares. I am and remain, however a great fan of Vexnews.

Anonymous said...

..."the former OC Intelligence Unit, now swallowed up by Vexnews"...

An amoeba swallowed by a bacterium.

Anonymous said...

Beloved readers of this blog,

I am London based barrister Andrew Mugabeyou. I was retained by a family of Australian millionaires who, unhappily, are all now deceased. They directed me in this eventuality, to provide their millions to readers of this esteemed blog.

Readers must contact me at once with their bank account numbers, passwords, addresses, etc///

Cait Catt said...

Andrew Mugabeyou is no friend of either me, the great man Andrew, or our nemesis Slanderyou.

I advise all readers to have nothing to do with him.

This is just a Nigerian scam.

I am writing this in the public interest.

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt (Landeryou), by having a false identity, has taken the first step towards becoming a scammer like me.

Anonymous said...

The previous correspondent should know that unlike him Cait Catt is ethical and in no way would ever become a scammer.

Cait Catt does not ask for money, and Cait has never asked people for details of their bank account numbers or passwords.

Cait is honest. She is not a phisher or a scammer and never will be.

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou said so.

Anonymous said...

What about the phishing spyware cookies that Vewsnews uses to exploit its visitors.

These programs are loaded onto the computer without the visitor's knowledge.

They are capable of harvesting user data from personal machines, targeting personal and financial data destined for financial institutions as well as stealing personal details from the user's PC. Users can be infected simply by visiting certain websites (such as Vexnews).

But there are many alarming new trojans, worms and other key-logging software that can auto-infect Windows systems that haven't applied the MS04-11 patch issued last April 11.

On the technical forum of which I am a member, no-one has been able to find the more serious threats on Vexnews yet.

But given Landeryou's past, and that he probably knows people who are capable of designing software like this, visitors to Vewnews need to ensure their security is up to date and effective.

I am not suggesting for a moment that Landeryou would use crimeware like this for fraudulent activities. But his prior stalking antics do suggest he might be curious and interested in tracing who the visitors to Vexnew are, and their:

• general activities on the internet, sites visited, activities, comments, and page views, etc.
• geographical location information on country, state & city levels
• operating system, screen resolution, language usage, flash versions, cookie support
• browser name & version
• Individual visitor's clicks and IP statistics
• Unique individual & returning website visitor statistics

In the relatively recent past, on The OC, he published the ISP addresses of commenters he disagreed with. He is being watched closely. If any of the serious exploits show up, visitors to this blog will be among the first to know!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is certainly in the league of Nigerian scammers. He looted IQ Corp of millions, MUSU of at least a million stolen via a fraudulent leasing deal and whisked off to Hong Kong the next day (and tried to get MUSU to underwrite a property scam exposing MUSU to $46 million liability). He even sent his own father and ex-wife bankrupt, which no Nigerian scammer would ever do.

Landeryou is indeed the absolute bottom of the pile.

Anonymous said...

It is insulting to Nigerians scammers to be mentioned in the same article as Andrew Landeryou. We have high moral standards and only rip off complete strangers stupid enough to answers our obviously fraudulent emails. By all accounts on this fine Website, Andrew Landeryou has stolen from just about everybody he knows and bankrupted his ex-wife and father.

In Nigeria, such a criminal would be doused in petrol and set alight for such a henious crime. This man has no standards or morals.

Anonymous said...

As a figment of Andrew's imagination Cait Catt is also a scammer.

Attempting to tell us that Landeryou won a non-existent Walkley award for the internet.

A lie.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Danny Nalliah said that it was God's will that Andrew won the Inaugural Walkley Blog Award.

It wasn't only Cait Catt who made that claim.

Also my mother is going to run for the Queensland Parliament. Do you think Andrew will support her? What about Slanderyou? She needs every vote she can get and an endorsement by Vexnews and Slanderyou would be great.

Also don't forget Rosa Lee Long. She's the One Nation MP for Tablelands but she lost her seat in a redistribution. She needs support too.

Cait Catt said...

To accuse me and say I am a Nigerian scammer is defamatory and if I hear it any more I'll sue.

Also I have no intention of supporting either Pauline Hanson or Rosa Lee Long in the Queensland elections.

Anonymous said...

Sue, Cait. Sue. We'd love to see how your puppet master goes under cross examination.

Anonymous said...

No updates from Andy this morning?

Anonymous said...

As a fictional character invented by Andrew Landeryou for the sole purpose of annoying the many readers of this outstanding Blog, Cait Catt has no standing in a court of law.

The above stated that Landeryou was WORSE than a Nigerian scammer, but did not imply that he was one.

Obviously, after 3 flagons of cheap red wine, Landeryou was incapable of seeing the difference.

Anonymous said...

I checked today, the blog ranking was 4782727.

Cait Catt said...

I am not a fictional character and I am recognised by the courts of law.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou Crime List

• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)

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梁爵 said...

2020.05.04酒店工作因為一名酒店S女公關的確診,造成全台酒店、舞廳無限期停業,收入靠酒客的酒店上班坐檯小姐頓失每月數十萬元的收入,紛紛開始找副業度過難關。據八大行業透露,不少酒店小姐轉行當foodpanda(空腹熊貓)、Uber Eats的外送員,因收入不夠支出,還會再兼職當傳播妹,上月底有酒客到台中市KTV時,找熟識、現在酒店PT失業的酒店小姐外送到包廂坐檯,該酒店打工小姐進包廂時,還穿著熊貓制服,也讓酒客莞爾,小姐致歉兼撒嬌「工作難找啊!」知名八大行業酒店經記梁曉尊說,他旗下有130多個坐檯小姐,這次「被停業」後,小姐急著找副業拚經濟,有人當起超商店員,有人花了兩千多元跟熊貓買了相關的制服、設備,兼差當起美食外送員,還有人變成網拍業者,忙著拿貨,上網拍賣,擔心一個不小心就喝西北風,但也有人乾脆當放長假休息,不過每天都會有小姐打電話詢問「老闆,什麼時候要開工?」。梁小尊說,這次停業對酒店業造成的影響真的很大,他有個小姐是高雄人,年紀才20多歲,2年前才到台中工作,當酒店小姐的收入不錯,每個月都有10幾、20幾萬,今年初才剛買千萬的房產,準備在台中定居當台中人,每月要繳的房貸要5萬多元,現在突然沒工作,只能趕快找兼差,期待政府趕快想開,宣布讓酒店等特種行業復業。酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊說,現在不少酒店的坐檯小姐都轉行當傳播妹,外送到各個知名KTV,因為此次政府宣布停業的是酒店、舞廳跟有男女陪伺的視聽業,一般的KTV不受到影響,不過酒客沒了酒店,還是要喝酒,有包廂的KTV就變成最好的去處。梁曉尊/梁小尊說:上月底才跟朋友去台中市一家KTV唱歌,因為知道認識的酒店小姐沒工作,打電話聯絡小姐到包廂坐檯,小姐出現在包廂時,他跟朋友看到都笑出來,因為小姐已經兼差當起熊貓外送,沒空換上漂亮的禮服就衝到KTV,擔心客人找別的小姐,所以連衣服都不換,趕緊衝到包廂內上工。

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