Wednesday, June 17, 2009

KFC flavours its new grilled—chicken with beef

Andy will be pleased: two flavours for the price of one.

We have also discovered why the marketing for Andy's chicken halal sausages didn't work. Too honest!


Brutus Beefcake said...

I will give a big beef injection to Landeryou.

Rita Randles said...

Brutus Beefcake is a terrible man. Nothing but filthy talk. He is a real sleazebag. I think Julian Knight might be paid off to do something awful to Brutus if he keeps up his threats. The Police should investigate him pronto.

Cait Catt said...

KFC products are wonderful. It was at a KFC outlet that I last met that great man and outstanding news site publisher Andrew.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou, I've heard, is launching Halal Pork P/L shortly. The racist, religiously intolerant loon has formulated kosher recipes for the product. It will be sold to our muslim friends as 'Crispy Possum Strips', 'Wombat Family Feasts' and 'Kangaroo Spare Ribs'.

The sickening imbecile is determined to start WW III with his hate blog and associated business ventures.

Bubba said...

We have a new prisoner here who would strike terror in Landeryou's bloated heart. Hannibal Lecter is a pussy compared to this guy.

This man - who we call Goliath - is a giant in every way, and is rigid from dawn to dusk. For some reason he hates Labor right-wingers and obese people in particular. He says that he prods for God!

Unfortunately, he will do you very, very slow.

little Theo said...

T H E O !

For God's sake beg your ALP buddies to help us get off the forthcoming tsunami of charges.

That guy Goliath sounds like major trouble. Brutus Beefcake, Bubba and Flogger are nasty enough. But I am puckering up so bad thinking of Goliath in a leather mask, and a leering grin, promising me redemption, I can barely walk in a straight line.

For God's sake Theo - DO SOMETHING!

First Class Perks said...


Theo and little Theo swanning around the world in first class, champagne, leg room and luxurious comfort.

Slugfest said...

I had to move my burgeoning file on the Landeryou, Theophanous, Shorten, Feeney, Conroy NEXUS to a bigger shed!

OK! Most of that stuff is old hat! Shorten and Conroy would nowadays say "Landerwho"?

But their past connections are all here in my shed.

ANY and all connections to Landeryou are extreme political poison. Conroy and Shorten would look like shit if they were associated with libellous stalker and crim Landeryou.

Bad luck guys, you are already dags stuck on Landeryou's big fat ass! Mal, over to you!

Do them all very slowly!

Wakey Wakey said...

Landeryou and Bill Shorten. Anathema!

Landeryou and Theopanous. Yuk!

Landeryou and Conroy. Repugnant!

Landeryou and Kitchen. Hmmnn.

Ancients of Mu Mu said...

How old are Andy's sausages anyway? Five plus years?

Surely they can no longer be edible now?

Maybe Andy is eating all that left over stock, and may partly explain his weight

Court reporter said...

Fat Andrew's fellow thief, jailbird and destroyer of equity Brian Burke is in the dock in Perth again today.

The clamour is building for Fat Andrew to face the full force of the law.

Anonymous said...

With all the Morans dead or behind bars Victoria Police will now have to turn their attention to the Landeryous.

catter8 said...

Brian Burke is a decent man. He has done enormous good for WA. He is good also to us cats.

Anonymous said...

It's nine in the morning yet Landeryou/catter8 is drunk!

Brian Burke is not a great man.

He cost Western Australian taxpayers billions.

He stole from his own party.

He continues to exercise an unhealthy influence over weak-willed and corruptible public figures.

Mrs Alice Idris said...

Like Ancient, I too am worried about the age of these sausages.Public health should be paramount.

Anonymous said...

Buddha Boy would attempt to eat the exhibits in the Museum of Prehistoric Sausages if he ever makes a visit.

It is well known that he waddles down Russell Street from the Fat Cave to Chinatown where he proceeds to spoon fat out of the grease traps of various restaurants and wolf that down.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is often too drunk to waddle the two blocks from his luxury apartment on the Russell Street/Little Collins Street corner to Chinatown.

Instead he goes halfway and stops outside the Hungry Jacks on the corner of Bourke and Russell Streets and eats the food scraps he finds in the bin.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou was once so drunk he ate a dog turd on the pavement after mistaking it for a sausage past its use-by date

Mrs Alice Idris said...

Andy won't answer my questions on Vexnews.

Does anyone know if he actually slaughtered the chickens? And did he really use the halal slaughter technique as he claimed?

Chief Justice Barwick's number one fan said...

Today, landeryou is talking about Bob Brown's 'bankruptcy'.

At closer inspection, Landeryou asks plenty of questions, many of which should be directed to himself.

I quote:

- "technical bankruptcy’—by which I assume he means not actual or real bankruptcy"




Anonymous said...

Landy discovered he couldn't eat dog turds but he picked them up off the footpath and tried to sell them as halal chook.

Anonymous said...

Is Landeryou still bankrupt?

I think we should be told.

Anonymous said...

June 17, 2009 3:22:00 PM raises an interesting point. I've noticed that many of Landy's blogs could easily refer to him too.

Maybe he just hates himself. Who knows or cares?

Sam Speyed Catt said...

Landeryou has taken the emergency 'Go bag' idea for CBD residents to heart. Just saw him dragging a huge sack of KFC in Southbank. The bag was nearly as big as him. The trail of fat should lead to his front door.

Left, right, left, right said...

Theophanous, as I understand it, used to be ALP left but is now right. Slugfest's file would make fascinating reading.

Anonymous said...

Guess who I thought of when I read this opening line to a story: "Two people have been arrested for fraud after dawn raids on three charities…"

Someday the law will catch up with the fat man!

Deep fat fryer said...

Anon Wednesday, June 17, 2009 5:35:00 PM, its an easy error to make "Two people have been arrested for fraud after dawn raids…"

Andy is large enough to be mistaken for two people. Though, to his credit he is trying to go for the hatrick!

Anonymous said...

Bet one of the charities was called "Citizens Against Poverty".

A patriot said...

Andy is so fat he is often mistaken for Siamese sextuplets with just the one head and just the one pair of arms and legs.

Private Investigator said...

Is Landeryou out of bankruptcy? His three years have expired.

It is in his interest for people to assume he is bankrupt as it may dissuade them from taking legal redress against his lies and slanders.

Spider Pig said...

Lots of questions Andy. Care to answer a couple. Come on. It's not like you are working or anything like that!

Anonymous said...

On the sausages packaging it says "Prick with a fork" which is, of course, an apt description of Landeryou.

little Theo said...


Last night, I woke up screaming after dreaming about the Landeryou sausage six pack. For some reason it reminded me of the fate that awaits us in Barwon Gaol.

Anonymous said...

Brutus and Bubba and all the Barwon Boys have big bratwursts!!!!!

Prof Maku Dong Long said...

Landy, you're going to need a full piles rebore when you finally get released from Barwon. Newnham has told me he will pay for the surgery and six-month aftercare program in due course.

Anonymous said...

The newswires reprot "A gunman is still holed up in a McDonald's restaurant, after keeping police at bay since early Wednesday morning..."

It's not a KFC, but will can still live in hope that the police might shoot the fat crook or at least give him a good Tasering.

Anonymous said...

Re 8:00 pm - The chances of Newnham ending up in Barwon too will be good if the claims about the $50k are true

The voice of reason said...

Having given due and deep consideration to Andrew Landeryou's self-absorption and obsession with the consumption of the maximum quantities of deep fried foodstuffs and cheap but potent fortified wines I have concluded that frequent vicious anal rapes and bashings would prove to be a healthy and positive distraction for him.

Anonymous said...

Did any patriotic folk notice this headline in the Courier Mail earlier this month

"Cash problems plague the obese"

How true, how true!

Anonymous said...

A bad news headline for Andrew-Rita-Cait-Jenny...

Criminals barred from sex changes

Anonymous said...

Crime scene and low end suburban news blog Vexnews has missed ALL the big political stories of the past few days.

No-one should be surprised. Vexnews's mad, self-proclaimed 'editor-in-chief' is not a journalist. He is an opinionated corporate asset-stripper, stalker and libellous hate blogger. He is long overdue in court to answer for several major frauds. He has ruined his own family. He has ruined the reputations of many positive Australians.

catter8 said...

9.58 failed to mention me.


Sewer Inspector said...

Landeryou was the Capo de tutti Capi of the Melbourne University Student Union Mafia which pilfered anything that wasn't padlocked, developed sophisticated scams and frauds that bankrupted the union and nearly buggered the University - and stood-over and menaced any opposition.

He next went on to an online gaming swindle that left major investors scint.

He has an ALP background and thought he had a political career ahead until arrested after his return from Costa Rica to which he had fled because of some of the above.

His Vexnews hate blog is a laughable, childish rant that is becoming a huge 'in joke' on the net.

Anonymous said...

The Danes loved Vexnews because it was the only blog in the world they could find run by a crim. But even they have fallen off because Vexnews is boring and incomprehensible because of its village-pump political, suburban, and union coverage.

Anonymous said...

Vexnews is also unique by not providing a publishing address for service as a purported 'news source'. The address is required by law and is just another indicator that Landeryou is an outlaw whose whole life over recent years has been devoted to circumvention of the law.

The OC and Vexnews mean that Landeryou can never have a political career. Too much parliamentary time would be spent dwelling on his libels, stalking, undemocratic electoral interference, etc., etc.

Landeryou spew said...

Vexnews may well be becoming an increasing internet in-joke, but it is consistently and deliberately ignored by the Liberals, ALP, Ombudsman's Office, unions, parliamentarians et al.

The only people who seem to care about Vexnews are Landeryou's countless fake commenters who ruinously infest Vexnews and this blog.

Anonymous said...

The thick Landeryou file is creeping to the top of the ATO backlog, but I've noticed that junior staff avoid it and pick easier investigations.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou should be cramming up on tax laws. No 'privelege' escape clauses there. ATO never lets go.

Ancients of Mu Mu said...

Hey Andy - you must be feeling pretty good - who could ever have thought that a story about your sausage would have attracted 50 comments.

Byron in Wahroonga said...

What is the point of this? meaningless drivel from meaningless people.

Anonymous said...

Byron, well said.

Ben Mohammed said...

What is the fuss all about slashing the throat of an animal and eating it. It was written in the Koran.

Cait Catt said...

You are a great contributor Byron in Wahroonga. One of the very few contributors of quality to this down-market blog totally lacking in anything but filth.

I agree with you totally Byron. Keep up the good fight.

The wonders of IT said...

Henderson Ross has morphed into Byron in Wahroonga (the famed OC fake commenter). Henderson Ross's yapping blind poodle 'Anonymouse' hasn't spotted the cast changeover yet.

Bubba in HM Barwon said...

Our buddy 'Jigi Jigi' says he is looking forward to giving the Landeryou's persona 'Ben Mohammed' a good talking to. I think this means Ben (Landeryou) might have to sleep on his stomach, no, scratch that, it's impossible, standing up for a while.

Brutus Beefcake in Barwon said...

I intend turning Landeryou into the world's biggest Whoopee Cushion with the prison workshop's air compressor. Then, whenever I kick him or jump on his head, I expect to hear very loud and amusing B B-B-R-R-R-rr-Puft-Ttt sounds!

Lamb Chop said...

Liberal senator Eric Abetz is one of NZ's most vile and noxious animal exports. He loves to denigrate political opponents almost as much as Landeryou. Which is why Landeryou is quoting Abetz 'the NZ battering Ram' to backstab and smear senator Brown on Vexnews, the blog of hate.

Fush and chups said...

If only Abetz could get rid of his Kiwi twang, he would seem just like a normal stone age Tasmanian liberal.

Baa-Baa-Raa in NZ said...

Eric abandoned me in Manawatu to pursue a Merino floozie he saw on ABC-TV's Landline.

Girls, he is all bleat and bluster - and very little bang.

A Cronulla Shark said...

Nuthin on Vexnws aboat Justen Maddernz leedershop asperaatons!

Byron in Wahroonga said...

An anonymous contributor called 'The wonders of IT' alleged I and Henderson Ross are the same person. It is a great compliment to be considered in the same sentence as Henderson, but alas we are two humble citizens of truth, wading knee deep in filth of which this blog is drenched.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully put Byron. Poetic. Will of course go straight over their heads.

Ben Mohammed said...

The Koran is the purest poetry, especially the bits about halal, haram and infidels.

Mrs Alice Idris said...

When the photo of the sausages was taken, how long were the sausages outside the refrigerator? Sorry to harp on this point.

Cait Catt said...

Well said Byron. You are indeed a contributor of truth. Wish there were more. The majority of people who write for this blog are contributors of filth, as you so correctly allude.

Well said Byron.

catter8 said...

If I ever get my paws on Brutus Beefcake I will claw him to death. If I get my claws into some other contributors and then on to Brutus I am certain he will contract AIDS.

Anonymous said...

Vexnews has missed the latest Mirabella staffer scandal. If you were a paying subscriber, you'd want your money back from the world's laziest blogger.

Bubba in Barwon said...

Just a word of warning to Landeryou when wearing his Ben Mohammed mantle. 'Jigi Jigi' says he will make Landeryou quote large chunks of the Qur'an in arabic and, if unable to do so, will punish him for all his vile religious slurs on Vexnews.

Rats in the Ranks said...

Slimy sycophant Landeryou is busily sucking up to unsavory MP George Seitz on Vexnews. Seitz and the Theophani were up to their undemocratic snouts interfering in Brimbank.

Trust Landeryou to idolise scum while he libels ordinary hardworking Australians like Les Twentyman every week.

Ancients of Mu Mu said...

Earlier I said "Hey Andy - you must be feeling pretty good - who could ever have thought that a story about your sausage would have attracted 50 comments."

I was wrong. 60+ comments now!

Anonymous said...

Feckless blogger and crime blunderbelly Landeryou is a waste of space, time and oxygen.

Its amazing that the Landeryou-era MUSU Mafia haven't tracked him down and demanded their share of his offshore loot...

Mrs Alice Idris said...

Ancients of Mu Mu you may find these are not Andy's sausages. They are in fact Andy's little wieners.

What a Twat said...

It seems that Anthony Scrinis (Guiness Book of Records: 'Most tits groped at a ball') is a true imbecile. By clicking through you will some of his speech notes which are remarkable for their naivete.

But I fancy he is a man after Landeryou's own heart!

Now It Can Be Told said...

Drunken Tony Scrinis was subjected to a cruel prank by fellow Mirabella staffers at the Ball. They told him if he stuck a woman's boobs in his ears he would pick up Canberra's 'Feel Good' Mix 106.3 radio station. "I can't hear anything", he complained to his mates after groping six women.

"That's because you're not plugged in yet!" he was told, amidst guffaws and tittering.

Another Cronulla Shark said...

Boob groping is a team building group activity. Is Tony any good at rugby?

Anonymous said...

What type of office is Sophie running? She just got rid of Luke Barnes who was doing something naughty alone in an office cupboard. Now would-be pollie and staffer Tony Scrinis groping hooters in parliament house.

Lateline News Editor said...

Theo might be able to cast some light on the subject of groping in a parliament house.

Parliamentary Cleaner said...

Yerr, but he was usually 'plugged in" too.

I saw what I saw.

Better Late Than Never said...

Vexnews FINALLY has got around to doing a story about the perverts working for Dame Sophie Mirabella MP.

Editor-in-chief Landeryou seems to have managed the impossible. He's buggered up the story. He claims Scrinis groped the breasts of a "dozen" women. Most reputable news agencies are saying six.

My money is on the news agencies.

Bollocks said...

Landeryou put the Scrinis story on his news blog more than four hours after Slanderyou broke the story - and this blog is NOT a news source.

Vexnews should be renamed 'The Vexnews Old News Archives'.

Theo said...

I wonder if Mirabella staffer and video producer Tony Scrinis has any good boob movies for sale? Helen Coonan (wide angle)? Fran Bailey? Amanda Vanstone? Joe Hockey?

Cait Catt said...

You are totally wrong 2.47. The difference between news source Vexnews and filthy vile gossip blog Slanderyou is that Vexnews is credible. Vexnews got it right about Sophie Mirabella's staff member. Slanderyou went in with a publish and be damned attitude. That's why ASIO and the CIA regard Vexnews as their news site of choice. That's why ASIO and the CIA rarely look at Slanderyou.

Anonymous said...

Nothing on Vexnews about looney Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young who took her two year old child into the Australian Senate. Her crying child was taken from her arms and ejected from the chamber…

Sarah must be a complete idiot. But worse, she took her child into a place where it was exposed to lies, deceits and misrepresentation.

Yes, I know it sometimes seems our country is run by two year olds - but this is ridiculous...

Mrs Alice Idris said...

Hanson-Young is an idiot.

No one but elected Senators (and attendants) are allowed on the floor of the Senate. She knew that.

Also, why then did she allow her child to be taken from her. She should have just walked out of the Senate. Any decent mother would have run through brick walls to be with their child.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! Vexnews is so behind the times. Blogwise, it it like taking a trip to New Zealand and stepping back into history.

No wonder Vexnews is becoming the internet's biggest in-joke.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sarah thinks that baby Hanson-Young was also elected to the Senate. Poor old Bob Brown has to deal with clods like this all the time. But he, like Landeryou, is not flying with the other ducks.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Mal's parliamentary nightmares said...

Soph has refered to Mr Scrinis as a 'probationary member' of her office in the Sydney Telegraph.

I'm not going to touch that with a fifty-foot barge-pole.

Mal Turnbull must be hoping there are no more 'probationary members' in Sophie's office that are going to cut loose soon.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou's fake commenters are really getting into Sophie Mirabella now. The comments are even more libellous than earlier efforts.

Sophie Mirabella is a HERO in my book. She tackled Landeryou (now the self-proclaimed editor-in-chief of toxic blog Vexnews) back when he was corrupt president of the Melbourne University Student Union. Sophie twigged that he and his repulsive, crooked mates were milking the union dry.

Dr Who said...

Given that Scrinis got the sack from Sophie's office, as redemption, may be he cold come clean on dirt on Landeryou. All would be forgiven!

The following information is publicly available:
0414997955 334 Ross St Port Melbourne 3207

Call him!

Daleks said...

Landeryou provides low grade blather, at best. At worst, take you pick.

Ancients of Mu Mu said...

Who would have believed it: 90+ comments on Andy's wiener.

F U Landeryou said...

Landeryou's blitzkreig on Democracy continues today with yet ANOTHER defamatory attack on the Ombudsman's office.

Yes, there's all the usual rubbish. The Ombudsman is a buddy of 'disgraced' former Premier Cain. He's 'unqualified' for the job being a lowly former public servant. He is a 'shonk'. His office employs Lachlan McCulloch, who Landeryou has seriously defamed in several earlier blogs.

This is very serious, perhaps criminal misbehaviour. I would have thought there are protective mechanisms for the Ombudsman and the VEC, two pivotal democratic processes that are endlessly attacked on Vexnews by a shocking crim, libeller and stalker who is living in a big glass house.

A Dangerous Madman said...

Landeryou is becoming an increasingly dangerous, deranged nutter. He needs urgent psychiatric help. His attacks are misleading and deceptive, usually based on little or no evidence. He froths and babbles hate daily.

Anonymous said...

Vexnews is as credible as El Gordo's credit rating - zip, zilch, nada.

Anonymous said...

Vexnews is a criminal cesspool of libel. It is a blog that demonstrates that politicians are not fair dinkum about dealing with misuse of the internet.

The law is not dealing in favour of public concerns. There are several frauds that need further investigation.

It also needs to be established if Landeryou now has the means so he can be sued for defamation.

Anonymous said...

Vexnews is a criminal cesspool of libel. It is a blog that demonstrates that politicians are not fair dinkum about dealing with misuse of the internet.

The law is not dealing in favour of public concerns. There are several frauds that need further investigation.

It also needs to be established if Landeryou now has the means so he can be sued for defamation.

Better Late Than Never said...

Vexnews FINALLY has got around to doing a story about the perverts working for Dame Sophie Mirabella MP.

Editor-in-chief Landeryou seems to have managed the impossible. He's buggered up the story. He claims Scrinis groped the breasts of a "dozen" women. Most reputable news agencies are saying six.

My money is on the news agencies.

Rats in the Ranks said...

Slimy sycophant Landeryou is busily sucking up to unsavory MP George Seitz on Vexnews. Seitz and the Theophani were up to their undemocratic snouts interfering in Brimbank.

Trust Landeryou to idolise scum while he libels ordinary hardworking Australians like Les Twentyman every week.

Cait Catt said...

You are a great contributor Byron in Wahroonga. One of the very few contributors of quality to this down-market blog totally lacking in anything but filth.

I agree with you totally Byron. Keep up the good fight.

The voice of reason said...

Having given due and deep consideration to Andrew Landeryou's self-absorption and obsession with the consumption of the maximum quantities of deep fried foodstuffs and cheap but potent fortified wines I have concluded that frequent vicious anal rapes and bashings would prove to be a healthy and positive distraction for him.

Anonymous said...

June 17, 2009 3:22:00 PM raises an interesting point. I've noticed that many of Landy's blogs could easily refer to him too.

Maybe he just hates himself. Who knows or cares?

Pallisterkfoh said...

Oh dear! Vexnews is so behind the times. Blogwise, it it like taking a trip to New Zealand and stepping back into history. No wonder Vexnews is becoming the internet's biggest in-joke.

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