Vexnews editor, Andrew Landeryou, has again ‘approached’ a female journalist of The Age.
He’s behind you!
Last Friday, the self-admitted female journalist ‘approacher’ without apparent warning advanced on The Age journalist Caroline Webb.
Landeryou committed the deed at the Melbourne Magistrate’s Court.
Landeryou is no stranger to ‘approaching’ female journalists of The Age. In 2007 he was caught in a late night incident involving another female journalist of the same newspaper. He has also undertaken surveillance of Leonie Wood, another The Age journalist.
Serial court pest
Landeryou was in familiar environs at the MMC and legal surrounds, and is often seen clogging up the court system.
In 2005, he was a frequent required attendee of the Melbourne legal precinct fighting off court based investigations into the location of his personal cash-stash.
Landeryou was last seen in public, exiting and laughing in the face of justice, after his legal counterclaims against Les Twentyman were summarily dismissed by the Sunshine Magistrate’s Court.
Then later he proceeded home to the Fat Cave and was filmed eating a snack of KFC.
Who knew Andy wore glasses while he ate
In line one above it's source, not sauce.
The Daily Planet is a brothel.
I hope the court was fumigated after Vexnews Stalker Landeryou left. Why didn't Webb call the coppers? Unfortunately, there will be more filth present in that court tomorrow and for a few more days to come.
More revelations expected in a revolting current case. Yuk!
I hope the court was fumigated after Vexnews Stalker Landeryou left. Why didn't Webb call the coppers? Unfortunately, there will be more filth present in that court tomorrow and for a few more days to come.
More revelations expected in a revolting current case. Yuk!
I hope the court was fumigated after Vexnews Stalker Landeryou left. Why didn't Webb call the coppers? Unfortunately, there will be more filth present in that court tomorrow and for a few more days to come.
More revelations expected in a revolting current case. Yuk!
Rita Randles (Landeryou),
There's not much point shooting a skeleton, is there?
This whole Vexnews thing is going to end in tears for Landeryou. Most of the 'stories' there are irrelevant suburban rubbish, but he is also irritating some big batters - this time including the ALP. Theo is a pariah for obvious reasons. His Brimbank and rape charge contibution recently has been utterly ruinous.
Landy, the madcap loose cannon, is going to be sacrificed very soon I'm told. Certain files have gained priority recently.
But not at ATO, where younger investigators still avoid the several fat volumes of Landeryou files.
"Too much work", "He is a nutter" are some of the comments I've heard recently. This is piss weak.
I did some of the early prelims and expected a quick result, but this has dragged on for years. There are ongoing investigations in Hong Kong apparently.
I'm a dead wombat with its ear on the ground outside parliament house.
I picked up that Brumby and Newnham ticked off the massive Landeryou sledge against Les Twentyman during the disgraceful Kororoit election in 2008.
But now, those two are wondering if Landeryou has gone way too far supporting sleazy sicko Theo. What part of Loose Cannon don't you twits understand?
3 stalking attempts! That's a trend.
Please don't ever approach me Landeryou.
An intellectually disabled woman has gone missing from Bendigo. Landeryou may be involved in that.
Landeryou was all over the race hate extremist blogs and message boards last night gloating that Julie, not Poh, won Master Chef.
"White Australians like me stopped Asian Catherine Ng from becoming Lord Mayor of Melbourne and pressure from White Australians like me has stopped an Asian being chosen as Australia's first Master Chef," he wrote on one site.
The more Rutherglen Rotgut he drank, the more demented and hate-filled his ramblings became.
By 11:00 pm he was posting rants like this: "We can exclusively reveal - because we have just made the smear up - that Poh, rather than being a Malaysian-born Chinese is actually an agent of North Korean intelligence sent to Australia to subvert White Christian Cuisine as part of a fiendish plot to sabotage KFC and make White Christian Volk, sorry, folk, eat kim chee."
Landeryou continued in this vein until his drunkenness made him lose control of his bowels and he stood up to try to shake a turd down his trouser legs but instead slipped and fell heavily onto the floor of the Fat Cave, knocking himself out.
Landeryou was following Master Chef Australia very closely.
I hear he is trying desperately to flog his own reality series concept "Ten Kilos Heavier in Ten Minutes" to Channel 10 to fill the gap in their schedule.
Whenever I read that Landeryou is stalking people the image of the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters rampaging through Manhattan comes into my mind.
I promise not to stalk Andrew when he comes to join us here at Barwon Jail. Instead, I will walk right up to him and.... well you can guess the rest.
Was Landeryou stalking this girl too?
"A teenage schoolgirl has been missing from her suburban Sydney home for almost four months, police say.
"Rista Chathavixay, 16, was last seen by her boyfriend on March 24 at Mt Pritchard, in Sydney's southwest."
Nothing new on Poxnews today - Andy MIA again?
Theo, accompanied by a male friend, refused a parliamentary security check in June.
What was 'friend' Landeryou hiding?
Maybe Theo is becoming ambidextrous!
News com reported "Mr Theophanous telephoned or texted the alleged victim 275 times after the attack".
He is almost as loquacious as his mate Landy.
Nothing new on Poxnews because Andy is too drunk to type.
No wonder Theo and the Fat Cunt are such good mates. They both share an interest in stalking and intimidation.
More misconduct from the Theophanous family today -
"Courtroom tension continued on Monday with prosecutor Michele Williams, SC, asking for Theophanous' wife Rita to be removed from court because she was laughing during evidence.
"Magistrate Peter Reardon urged Ms Theophanous to behave in court.
"On Friday, Ms Williams said she would apply for Theophanous to be remanded in custody if his behaviour did not improve."
It is interesting to learn from the video that Landershonk is now wearing a wig to cover his baldness. He must be very vain.
Will be very interesting if Andy mentions that "The woman who alleges she was raped by Victorian MP Theo Theophanous was placed on a good behaviour bond for lying to Centrelink".
Interesting because it will raise attention as to his own personal finances, and whether he is drawing a dole cheque. If he isn't, how does a bankrupt unemployed blogger get his money?
Landeryou is on a special kind of Work for the Dole project.
He stalks, smears and otherwise intimidates up the enemies of the Right and Stephen Newnham pays him a $50,000 allowance for his pains.
Many thanks to the patriots of Team Slanderyou for not linking to Part II of that video where Sergeant Sasha rectally pleasures Fat Andy with a KFC chicken drumstick
I am distressed to see from the video that El Gordo blogs naked. Perhaps he is sexually aroused by his disturbing and evil conduct online.
I watched that video of Fat Andrew blogging, eating KFC, consuming cheap but potent fortified wine and ranting while nude and was deeply distressed when he appeared to be reaching down during the last 20 seconds or so in an ill-fated attempt to find his genitals beneath all that flab.
The hate-monger is either sexually aroused by his hate blogging, sexually aroused by KFC, or more likely sexually aroused by both.
The only reason you would kiss Landeryou is that you ran out of napkins.
Just spotted this headline:-
Many mentally ill face choice of food or medication: study
We know what option Landeryou chooses.
I heard that Fiona of Toorak is actually Landeryou?? Is that true
Sad but true. Another fake female identity for the fat fraudster and failure.
Crafty Svengali Theo seems to have several women in his thrall. His wife, who disgracefully unloaded the victim earlier this year, was told to behave during the present proceedings. Other female friends of the defendant, including one who introduced the victim to the defendant, have amnesia.
I hope many perjury charges result.
Rapists in jail regularly get biffed. Most of us have wives and girlfriends.
Rapists are vile scum.
Here is a question for all Patriots:
How is Landeryou different from terrorists after his undemocratic blogs during the Kororoit election. His character assassination of the victim in a current case was akin to a terrorist throatcut.
If only he would strap 10 kilos of C4 to himself and blow himself away - Oh how much better this world would be!
The Brumby government has abandoned children in need. Micro-economic reform sacrificed the mentally ill, now it is attacking the most innocent of all, the children.
This is a fundamental duty of government. If children are abandoned we are all in terribly deep trouble.
My Super was ruined because pollies took off all the restrictions in favoour of laissez-faire economics. The result was the global financial disaster.
Bad though my family's situation is, it is nothing compared to kids in dysfunctional families now abandoned by the ALP.
This is criminal governmental neglect. It is unforgiveable. It is disgraceful.
"Cait" and "Jenny" and "Rita" and "Fiona from Toorak" were raving on the race hate sites last night "If it wasn't for the Asians and nigras our friend Andrew could be a woman!"
Brutus Beefcake has started mixing Viagra and ice. He gets hard, rough and ruthless for hours.
Have patriots seen these comments in an older thread: "vexnews has refused to post comments questioning their handling of an apparent pedophile trawling it's pages and leaving pro pedophile remarks. it seems mr landeryou is more interested in attacking cheap political targets than protecting children from abuse."
Landeryou is known to be a political paedophile. He likes them young. Does this spread into different areas?
The ABC reports "New research reveals the cost of living with a mental illness has forced many patients to choose between medical treatment and putting food on the table."
Landeryou is insane and has stolen millions of dollars but has chosen to spend that all on KFC, cheap red wine and jumbo-plus sized women's clothes he parades around his fat cave in rather than seek treatment.
"John Brumby's office is well known for meddling where they shouldn't" the fat crim says on Poxnews. Don't say they were involved in the $50,000 payment outrage too!!!!!
Barely anything new on Poxnews today. Landershonk must either be out cold or out stalking.
is there a KFC near the Magistrate's court?
It is quite a waddle from the Melbourne Magistrates Court to the nearest KFC, particularly if one is as fat as Fat Andrew Landeryou, but now I know why there was a B double trailer loaded with Family Feed Tubs parked down on William Street last Friday.
Lawyer describes Theophanous' unwelcome advances
July 21
A woman has described how Victorian MP Theo Theophanous brushed his hand on her thigh when she was a parliamentary intern 10 years ago.
The woman, who is now a practising lawyer, claims the MP also made unwelcome advances toward her in 1998, the same year he's alleged to have raped another woman in his chambers at Parliament House.
Theophanous is facing a committal hearing in the Melbourne Magistrates' Court over the alleged rape. He denies the allegation.
The former intern's statement to police was tendered to the court on Friday.
In a police statement of her evidence released to the media on Tuesday, she said she was having coffee with Theophanous near Parliament House when the first incident occurred.
``Mr Theophanous made some kind of reference along the lines that university students lead wild and free lives and as he did so he brushed his hand across my thigh,'' she said.
``It seemed to have been intentional, however, done in a subtle way.''
The lawyer said she awkwardly laughed off the moment and pulled her leg away.
She told Theophanous her boyfriend ``wouldn't be cool with that''.
The lawyer said that on another occasion at the MP's suburban electoral office he told her she was gorgeous and put his hand on her ``hip/arse area''.
She said on a third occasion at the same office the MP said he found her attractive and moved into her personal space.
The hearing before Magistrate Peter Reardon continues.
If Fatso wasn't drunk to the point of incontinence every day he might have managed to do this...
KFC devotee releases copycat recipe
MX July 21, 2009 02:20pm
A KFC devotee who ditched his Wall Street job in a quest to unravel the food giant's best-kept secret says he's finally figured out a recipe that is identical to Colonel Sanders' 11 herbs and spices.
And now a major book house will publish the recipe.
Ron Douglas spent years experimenting with different techniques in an attempt to reproduce KFC's Original Recipe.
At one point, he grew so desperate he tried to bribe a cook at the chain.
"(He) wouldn't tell me," Mr Douglas said.
But while trying to nail down KFC's ingredients, he discovered there were lots of people online trying to duplicate recipes from the US's most popular food outlets.
So Mr Douglas decided to start a website devoted to copycat recipes, relying on his discriminating taste buds and a growing community of amateur foodies.
It was such a hit that he ditched his job as a finance manager at JP Morgan in 2007 to manage the website full-time.
He also began hiring part-time chefs to work out dozens of recipes from popular chains.
Mr Douglas's self-published a book of do-it-yourself fast food recipes, which sold 50,000 copies.
His success eventually impressed a cookbook editor at Simon & Schuster, which recently released his book, America's Most Wanted Recipes featuring the KFC recipe.
KFC is deep fried but when Landeryou arrives here at Barwon I will have him on a spit.
So will I.
And so say all of us.
Guess what the spits will be?
(Clue: Viagra keeps them harder longer.)
Magda Szubanski has told the Women’s Weekly she has successfully lost 25 kilos and reached her goal weight of 85 kg.
“We live in such a fat-phobic society that I don't think I realised just how bad and shamed I felt by my size,” Szubanski says.
“Now, when I go into shops, I get really nervous and shy, but for a different reason.
“I get intimidated by all the choices that are out there and I don't really know what my style is yet.”
Szubanski, who was 121kg at her heaviest, said she was determined not to put the weight back on.
But she has denied that fat freak and fraudster Andrew Landeryou has asked for her old clothes.
“Landeryou weighs at least 400 kilos,” she said. “He wouldn’t have a hope in hell of squeezing into my glad rags.
“And anyway, what’s this about Landeryou asking? If he wants something he just steals it. Landeryou doesn’t believe the law applies to him.”
I hear Landeryou stole Magda's knickers from her line.
"They're way too tight," he told the Sarge inbetween hunks of KFC and skulling glasses of port, "but I like them that way."
I just saw this headline: "More education needed on cyber bullying: Brumby"
No more brown paper bags full of used notes from Newnham for hateblogger Andy!
Just to confirm, it was not Andy that blocked out the sun in China and India today - it was the moon.
The Theo Case: "The lawyer said that on another occasion at the MP's suburban electoral office he told [the intern, now a qualified lawyer that] she was gorgeous and put his hand on her "hip/arse area".
Since this is the area most lawyers speak from, this was a vile act of gross intimacy, and an attempt to silence the witness.
Theo must be thinking he wasted big dollars on Richter, and that his reliance on the earlier advice of courtroom amnesia specialist Landeryou was a waste.
Tough luck, Theo. We could have told you all that for nothing!
The grubby little pervert should have fessed up earlier, saving us taxpayers all those millions of dollars, and copped it sweet!
There is lots more to come.
Fasten your seat belts!
At the end of the day, she was a bloody good r*ot until that f*cking mobile rang and we had to desist. This whole committal is ridiculous. Landeryou has said so.
Fiona from Toorak has quietened down since patriots revealed "she" was Andrew Landeryou doing yet another drag act.
Us Hot Rod boys have stolen 420 kilos of lard from the prison kitchens.
We intend to unstitch some bean bags and then sew them up again in the shape of a man using the lard as a filling.
We've never had a 420 kilo man to deal with before and want to know the best way of tackling him.
I saw this headline on News.com.au "Corbys beg help for 'delusional' Schapelle"
Pity none of the Landeryou clan worry about delusional Fat Andy
As a fitness fanatic, I am very surprised that Andy can move at all. This video footage is very worrisome. It must be a hell of a load bearing chair he is sitting on.
Randy, it's not a chair. Its half a broom stick. He just sits on it, and pivots.
Where is Cait Catt? No postings from our feline friend for several weeks.
Interesting post for Cait on Facebook. She has one friend, and that is Ted Baillieu. She describes her religion as Catholic (she always says she's a good Catholic girl) and her political affiliation as National Party of Australia.
Seems Cait is all mixed up. Her mentor, the editor of Vexnews Comrade Andy does not like Ted Baillieu and is promoting the Great Terry Mulder. Why is Cait supporting Ted?
Where is Cait Catt? No postings from our feline friend for several weeks.
Interesting post for Cait on Facebook. She has one friend, and that is Ted Baillieu. She describes her religion as Catholic (she always says she's a good Catholic girl) and her political affiliation as National Party of Australia.
Seems Cait is all mixed up. Her mentor, the editor of Vexnews Comrade Andy does not like Ted Baillieu and is promoting the Great Terry Mulder. Why is Cait supporting Ted?
If Fatso wasn't drunk to the point of incontinence every day he might have managed to do this...
KFC devotee releases copycat recipe
MX July 21, 2009 02:20pm
A KFC devotee who ditched his Wall Street job in a quest to unravel the food giant's best-kept secret says he's finally figured out a recipe that is identical to Colonel Sanders' 11 herbs and spices.
And now a major book house will publish the recipe.
Ron Douglas spent years experimenting with different techniques in an attempt to reproduce KFC's Original Recipe.
At one point, he grew so desperate he tried to bribe a cook at the chain.
"(He) wouldn't tell me," Mr Douglas said.
But while trying to nail down KFC's ingredients, he discovered there were lots of people online trying to duplicate recipes from the US's most popular food outlets.
So Mr Douglas decided to start a website devoted to copycat recipes, relying on his discriminating taste buds and a growing community of amateur foodies.
It was such a hit that he ditched his job as a finance manager at JP Morgan in 2007 to manage the website full-time.
He also began hiring part-time chefs to work out dozens of recipes from popular chains.
Mr Douglas's self-published a book of do-it-yourself fast food recipes, which sold 50,000 copies.
His success eventually impressed a cookbook editor at Simon & Schuster, which recently released his book, America's Most Wanted Recipes featuring the KFC recipe.
More misconduct from the Theophanous family today -
"Courtroom tension continued on Monday with prosecutor Michele Williams, SC, asking for Theophanous' wife Rita to be removed from court because she was laughing during evidence.
"Magistrate Peter Reardon urged Ms Theophanous to behave in court.
"On Friday, Ms Williams said she would apply for Theophanous to be remanded in custody if his behaviour did not improve."
An intellectually disabled woman has gone missing from Bendigo. Landeryou may be involved in that.
Rita Randles (Landeryou),
There's not much point shooting a skeleton, is there?
This whole Vexnews thing is going to end in tears for Landeryou. Most of the 'stories' there are irrelevant suburban rubbish, but he is also irritating some big batters - this time including the ALP. Theo is a pariah for obvious reasons. His Brimbank and rape charge contibution recently has been utterly ruinous.
Landy, the madcap loose cannon, is going to be sacrificed very soon I'm told. Certain files have gained priority recently.
In line one above it's source, not sauce.
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