Friday, November 20, 2009

Vexnews ratings show steady collapse

Vexnews recorded 161 readers in October, as tabulated by independent ratings provider

Vexnews lost just one reader in October, having recorded just 162 readers in September.

The ratings are even more puzzling given that Andrew Bolt tried to push readers Vexnews' way.


Cait Catt said...

It is some time since I last commented on this blog of filth. The standard continues to deteriorate and this latest posting is a great example. To say that Vexnews has few readers, and to name me as one of them (and of course I am one of them) is a gross exaggeration. To say Andrew Bolt is responsible for an increase in hits is equeally an exaggeration. People read Vexnews because of its uniqueness. It provides access to information nowhere else obtainable in Australia. That's why Vexnews is the news site of choice for both ASIO and the CIA for all intelligence news about Australia.

Jenny Jensen-Hansen said...

And don't forget Andrew as the OC won the inaugural Walkley Blog Award.

Anonymous said...

The laughable madness of Landeryou appears above! Too many personas. Too much twaddle.

Whacko Jacko said...

Us Western Suburbs Hoons are gearing up for tomorrow night's Stephen Newnham ass-kissing festival.

I haven't eaten all day, and won't tomorrow. We can't wait to get our free Chinese feed, free beer and brothel vouchers tomorrow night at the Dragon Boat at 7.30.

I am expecting Andrew Landeryou to be there. His disgusting criticism of Les Twentyman OAM has fired me up! If I see him there, I will give him a terrific biff from Les!

Bloodbath said...

Will nutty Sgt Sasha Uzunov be present at the Dragon Boat taking happy snaps tomorrow night - Landeryou kissing Shorten's, Conroy's or Theo's hairy asses - or tonguing Newnham's tight right-wing ass?

I'm betting we will get heaps of smug photos of the sickening event on Vexnews. But I also think there will be big TV news coverage of the fight that breaks out when it is announceed there are no free brothel vouchers.

Somali Boys fron Sunshine said...

We will be there in large numbers too. We want to kick big fat white arses. We don't know what Andrew Landeryou looks like, but we will be attacking all white trash we can find!

Federal and State Ministers. Fire up the cooking pots!

Obvious said...

If there is a problem tomorrow night at the Dragon Boat, only Vexnews can be blamed. Another disastrous blog from the Prince of Darkness.

Hell's Angels said...

We too are expecting regal treatment from those overpaid Labor faggots tonight!

But there are tears and a few bruises for the political lepers stupid enough to be there.

We do happen to know what Landeyuou looks like after his libels on Geelong bikies and the West Gate Bridge. Those were particularly silly blogs you wacker!

At long last we know where you will be tonight at 7.30!

The Night Stalker said...

There will be quite a crowd of photographers at the Dragon Boat tonight. I will be among them. I even have a wide-angle lens in case I get close to the fat crim!

Somehow, I don't think Conroy, Shorten or Theo would like to be seen with Landeryou in public.

Newnham is history, thank you Lord, and is consigned to political purgatory.

Spider Pig said...

When Andy goes to the KFC or Maccas for that marter, when he orders he is always asked "Can he afford fries with his meal?"

Vexnews Sucks said...

Landeryou persona "Pissy Cryne" is having a field day on Vexnews. You see him here, you see him there, you freaking see him everywhere.

It all goes to show that Landeryou has the mind of a ten-year-old idiot with a toilet fixation. He shouldn't be running a blog. He should be writing 5000 lines - "I must stop telling barefaced lies about people I don't know, and I must stop using fake names to try to pep up my boring blogs and cretinous commentaries"

Vexnews Stinks said...

It's raining Piss on Vexnews:

Sex with Mike Rann . . . hmmm. . .

Posted by Pissy Chryne | November 21, 2009, 19:16

former parliament house barmaid said...

No wonder the pollies didn't see the world financial crash coming.

They were too busy bonking moi!

Anonymous said...

We're even paying for them when they are sound asleep on the job. Nice one Frannie!

Snip Snip said...

The Pollies should all be neutered to cut down illicit porking. There are several health benefits to neutering too. Of course there are several parliamentary eunuchs who could, so to speak, still get it up. I am not referring to forgetful Tony Abbott who couldn't remember if he had a son, or Cheryl K. who jumped ship and partners with sleaze Gareth. Oh, there are so many of these wasters.

They lie their heads off, behave like alley cats and greedily milk the public purse.

Why Belinda Neal wasn’t Enough said...

John Della Bosca was up to his groonies in some tart for six months before wife Belinda Neal twigged! Hmmn. Wives usually figure these things out quite quickly. Voters don't, because they are force-fed media hype through many filters.

Chop the Coqs off these twits to save them and apply a bit of wasabi ointmnet to help them remember to keep to themselves.

My guess is that Belinda is a bit coy on Saturday nights!

Newnham update said...

Photo journalist and army clerk hero Sgt Sasha Uzunov has some fantastic snaps of Stephen Newnham washing off butt lipstick stains from Shirley Landeryou in the bog at the Dragon Boat tonight.

As anticipated, this was a "sincere" ass-kissing sendoff masterminded by Mine Host Bill Shorten who "did" Stephen proud.

A large contingent of police kept Somalis, Hells Angels and Kororoit Voters at bay during festivities.

Ancients of Mu Mu said...

So with one less reader, does that mean that one of Andy's personalities has bailed on him?

Proctologist to the Stars said...

Hmnn. Nothing on Vexnews yet about the venal ass-kissin' sendoff for dirty tricks practitioner Stephen Newnham.

I guess the Sarge is still in the darkroom processing the piccies.

Noah said...

Patriots will recall that Fred Nile used to pray for rain each and every Mardi Gras.

The Lord God Almighty himself opened the heavens in Melbourne yesterday and sent down mighty torrents in the hope of drowning Stephen Newnham (who is yet to explain his $50,000 brown paper bag payment to fat fraudster Andrew Landeryou) and the various bums, crooks, toadies, timeservers, placemen, spivs and shonks who gathered to praise him last night.

Jenny Craig said...

Wow! It is lucky for him that Landershonk did his bunk to Costa Rica rather than Peru. These bad dudes would have thought all their Christmases had come at once. He would have given them 30 years worth!

Killers harvested human fat for 30 years

From correspondents in Lima
Agence France-Presse

November 21, 2009 08:38am

A PERUVIAN "brotherhood," accused of murdering at least 60 people and selling victims' fat to foreign cosmetics traders, carried out its grisly work undetected for 30 years, Peruvian police said.

The gang used abandoned buildings in the Amazon jungle and high Andes to clandestinely butcher victims and "formed a network, or brotherhood that carried out criminal activities," police general Eusebio Felix said.

Peruvian authorities have taken three men and a woman into custody and are hunting two unnamed Italians suspected of buying human fat for as much as $US15,000 ($16,300)a litre - to be used in European cosmetics.

"Those detained have confessed that after assassinating their victims, they slit their throats, hung the torsos and limbs on 'S' shaped hooks," Gen Felix said.

"Later, to extract the fat, they lit candles to heat the room."

The fat would seep out of the thorax of the decapitated bodies and "fell into receptacles for three days and was later decanted."

Jorge Sanz Quiroz, a prosecutor in the case, told AFP two Italians were implicated.

"They have been identified but their names cannot be released until they have been captured," he said.

"These people apparently bought the fat from the detainees to sell in European laboratories."

One of the Italians is said to have left for Europe.

So far police have found the remains of just one of their victims, but one of the suspects, 56-year-old Hilario Cudena, is said to have told police he committed "various" murders since he was 20 years old.

He is accused of being part of a gang which called themselves the "Pishtacos of Huallaga," a reference to an Andean bogeyman said to kill and dismember victims in a region of central Peru.

The gang was uncovered earlier this month when police arrested one person in the possession of 17 litres of human fat, with an apparent value of $US255,000 ($277,000).

But at least one expert has doubts there is a large market in illicit human fat that the gang could have tapped.

Julio Castro, head of the Medical College of Peru, pointed out that plastic surgeons extracted fat from their patients every day, but it was not sold.

The fat extracted by the "Pishtacos", he said, would have been riddled with impurities and rendered useless because of their artisanal methods.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see Landeryou's attack on Mike "The Rogerer" Rann's little bit of fluff from the parliamentary dining room Michelle Chantelois when it appears on his hate blog.

She apparently made $200,000 for her interview with Channel 7. She should easily make the same amount from Landeryou "analysis".

Anonymous said...

Well informed sources whose patriotism has never been in doubt say that the office space occupied by Shirley's fellow fat right wing thug Senator David Feeney is leased by the Commonwealth from a company owned by Big Bent Bill Landeryou. Is this the case and if so does his trustee in bankruptcy know of the arrangement? Was the office space for Senator Feeney put out to tender? It is odd that a Labor Senator should feel the need to put their office in such safe Labor territory. A marginal seat would surely be a much better location. The office location suggests someone is rewarding a political patron who has fallen on hard times.

A Proper Journalist said...

Landeryou did not win the inaugural Walkley Blog Award as he did not know how spell the word 'Walkley'.

Instead the drunken and obese transvestite and failure insisted he had won the inaugural 'Walkeley' blog award until his humiliation became so great that even one as deluded as he dropped the pose.

Michelle Chanteloins said...

Is it prostitution to talk about me shagging the Premier, for heaps of TV money?

"I would come and pick him up from the casino. He would get in the car and… direct me on where to go. [We would go] just on the side of the road at the golf course. And I'm ashamed to say intimacy was involved".

So many Holes in one! Well done Mr Premier!

Resign and refund taxpayers, you scumbag!

The Sounds of Silence said...

Getting responses from the Brumby government about anything is becoming almost impossible:

The Sunday Age reports: "But Premier John Brumby - who championed establishment of the cutting-edge research facility and regularly boasts of its ranking in the top 10 of the world's 43 synchrotrons - refused to respond to questions about the crisis from The Sunday Age.

"Asked at a press conference on Monday about the damage being done to the synchrotron's international reputation, Mr Brumby said: 'There is an independent board in place and they have to make judgments about how best to run the facility.'

"Mr Jennings refused to respond to questions from The Sunday Age".

The Synchrotron Board is Mum too!

After three months I received a wholly unsatisfactory reply to a complaint to Minister Kosky. It came, not from her, but the agency I had complained about. The agency's reply relied on legal advice that is abviously wrong.

Where to go from here?

An unresponsive government needs to be kicked in the butt - and FIRED!

The Sounds of Silence said...

Getting responses from the Brumby government about anything is becoming almost impossible:

The Sunday Age reports: "But Premier John Brumby - who championed establishment of the cutting-edge research facility and regularly boasts of its ranking in the top 10 of the world's 43 synchrotrons - refused to respond to questions about the crisis from The Sunday Age.

"Asked at a press conference on Monday about the damage being done to the synchrotron's international reputation, Mr Brumby said: 'There is an independent board in place and they have to make judgments about how best to run the facility.'

"Mr Jennings refused to respond to questions from The Sunday Age".

The Synchrotron Board is Mum too!

After three months I received a wholly unsatisfactory reply to a complaint to Minister Kosky. It came, not from her, but the agency I had complained about. The agency's reply relied on legal advice that is abviously wrong.

Where to go from here?

An unresponsive government needs to be kicked in the butt - and FIRED!

Breakfast at Kosky's said...

Kosky has been politically dead for three years. Why did you complain to her?

Agencies can't be bothered anymore waving her arms around, and moving her chin.

There is a lot to be said for her being declared officially dead and replaced. On the other hand, a new replacement might create even more chaos!

Brumby' Mutes said...

We are deaf people unable to speak.

Anonymous said...

I hear Newnham gave El Gordo another 50k to stay away on Saturday

Dr Freud said...

Landeryou's reaction to the Michelle Chantelois interview has been to attack a woman yet again.

This raises deep psychological issues. Landeryou hates women yet he has lived as a woman under a range of various female false identities for many years.

Only one conclusion can be drawn: Landeryou hates himself. It follows. His efforts to eat and drink himself to death and make himself as hated as possible are all part of this. His transvestitism and simultaneous hatred of women fit into this pattern of behaviour.

Anna F said...

Landeryou uses the following descriptor "The bimbo Michelle Chantelois".

So, I guess it is acceptable to call him "The Fatso Andrew Landeryou".

Anonymous said...

Now for the legal showdown that will judge who is lying out of Mike Rann and Michelle Chantelois. Oh for something similar to test all the tatty, sordid and malicious allegations wheeled out day after day on Fat Andrew's Blog of Sleaze (AKA Poxnews).

Fraud Sqaud said...

What’s the betting Landeryou and a few other Labor criminals will be behind bars before the next election? As a good Labor man Shirley won’t mind helping the re-election of the Brumby Government.

Integrity and corruption watchdogs under review

MELBOURNE, Nov 23 AAP - Victoria's integrity and anti-corruption watchdogs will be reviewed as the state government moves to clean up its image.

Victorian Premier John Brumby announced on Monday that Public Sector Standards Commissioner Peter Allen would review the bodies that hold the public service to account.

Mr Brumby has appointed special commissioner Elizabeth Proust to assist with the review, which will report to the government in May.

The review will include an examination of the powers and functions of the ombudsman, auditor-general, Office of Police Integrity, Victoria Police and the Local Government Investigations and Compliance Inspectorate.

The opposition has long called for the establishment of an independent anti-corruption commission in Victoria.

The calls were given further impetus this year when an Ombudsman's report identified misconduct and high level political interference at a Labor-dominated western suburbs council.

``As part of our commitment to an open, honest and accountable government, our systems are from time to time reviewed and refined to ensure they are performing effectively,'' Mr Brumby said in a statement.

``It is important to continue to review the performance and effectiveness of the system and make improvements if necessary.''

Ms Proust has previously served as secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Attorney-General's Department and CEO of Melbourne City Council.

Larry Lamb said...

The Sun reports today

"A BOY was last night backed by his mum as he begged to begin sex change treatment on the NHS - at the age of just FOURTEEN.

"Georgie Smith, who dresses as a girl and wears make-up, insisted: 'I'm old enough to know what I want. What I want is to be a girl.' "

If only Fatso Andrew Landeryou's mum and Big Bent Bill had been so understanding, Victoria and Australia as a whole may have been spared a one man who wants to be a woman crime wave.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the 161 people whose computers have now been infected by the Fat Man's malware and hate to think what he will do with their personal information

Anonymous said...

Very good function at the Dragon Boat on Saturday night. Well attended by over ninety patriots. No mention of the function on Vexnews. I must admit there were too many people there to say if any particular patriot was there or not, but I believe Andrew would have been there, so that he could report the excellent speeches by Bill Shorten and Noah Carroll on Vexnews. Just waiting for them to appear. That man's news site is tremendous. Just where does he get his information from? He is so good. He is always first with the latest news.

Richterd QC said...

Vexnews's last three blogs have been about Michelle Chanteloins. All three blogs contain defamations. The latest blog is a detestably boring piece in which Landeryou comments on each of Michelle Chanteloins' claims. Landeryou is rooting (so to speak) for Rann, and rubbishing Michelle!

Of course, Rann is just 'doing a Theo'.

Anonymous said...

Fat failure Andrew Landeryou links to this story on his hate site "David Cameron faces more unrest over women candidates". What the f**k is his problem with women?

Look out Landy said...

AN Adelaide man has been convicted of criminal defamation after posting material about a country police officer on social networking site Facebook.

Defamation experts believe the case, involving Christopher James Cross, 19, has set a legal precedent and should serve as a "wake-up call" for all Facebook users - which number more than six million in Australia.

Experts declare this is a legal precedent for bloggers too.

little Theo said...

Hey Theo!

Didn't you use this line during our recent spot of bother?

"It was based on malice, it was deliberately designed to do me damage both personally and professionally." (The Age)

I think you should give Mick a call, and tell him to get his own script-writer.

Class Action said...

The Michelle Chanteloins blogs on Vexnews are crawling with Landeryou fake commenters like daffy Right Said Fred, and, you guessed it:

"Had Rann been with a man no one would have cared, in SA that is normal".

Posted by Pissy Chryne | November 23, 2009, 13:26

Pyne and Chanteloins should link up in a class action against Vexnews. There are scores of people who have been libelled.

Flirty Mike Rannderyou said...

I wish Vexnews would stop trying to help me. I am not a Cronulla Shark. I'm just a fresh, flirty, fun type of Premier!

I think she took my 'popcorn surpise' joke far too seriously.

It's all a bit grotty said...

State parliaments have taken a bit of a hammering in recent years. A recent rape case that failed and now this allegation involving a serving premier. Over the years, ministerial desks seem to have had a real workout. If I was a secretary or PA, I would be swabbing my boss's desk and office furniture with dettol morning, noon and night!

Are we to infer from this that politicians are over-sexed, libidinous and lascivious? Or is it just a power thing? Pollies have to be good at something. They are useless legislators, completely missed the warning signals for the world financial crash, and have weird dogmas that offend 50% of the population. That's the two-party system for you, I suppose...

Put bromide in their morning teas. That should settle the buggers down a bit. In several serious, recent cases, chemical castration carefully should be considered.

The Delta Force said...

Fat freak, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou is ranting about the fact that Michelle Chantelois' lawyer once briefly acted for David Hicks.


Fat freak, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou was sprung from jail after his attempted flight to Costa Rica by one Rob Stary.

Stary acted for self-proclaimed Muslim cleric Abdul Nacer Benbrika, convicted last year with four of his followers of planning to launch a terrorist strike on the 2005 AFL Grand Final between the Sydney Swans and the West Coast Eagles at Melbourne's packed MCG.

When ASIO and police raids disrupted these plans, the target was switched to the final of the AFL pre-season competition or Melbourne's Crown casino during Grand Prix weekend in 2006.

The trial was told that Benbrika had tried to obtain up to 500kg of explosives made from ammonium nitrate fertiliser from an undercover police officer and some of his followers had tried to buy guns, including AK-47 assault rifles.

Stary has also acted for a number of other convicted terrorists.

The Footscray based barrister has also attacked the legislation that lead to the trials -- and prevented terror outrages from being wreaked upon the Australian population.

Andrew Landeryou is the grossest of hypocrites.

Guy Fawkes and the big bang said...


I was right wasn't I? It's just that the gunpowder didn't get ignited in a timely fashion.

Parliamentary democracies once sort of worked, but now need to closely examine their navels. Parliamentary whips don't help. That is very 18th century! Dividing communities with the two-party system is ludicrous. Modern communities have several levels of people who are non-particiapants in any of that political process.

Perhaps onerous, a new political system comprised only with independent members who actually represent their own communities, and the national interest, is the go!

Simple, huh?

Aladdin's Cave of Criminality said...

Delta Force,

Landeryou has many contacts on the Dark Side as regularly shown on his foul blog. He must have completely broken his poor mother's heart! The MUSU mafia he once led, if not jailed (in a couple of cases), probably think he is OK. He didn't dob them in. But wait, guys, Landeryou has no morals, he could turn 'Queen's evidence' at the drop of a hat. You could be in the clink real soon.

What an extra-ordinary crook!

Anonymous said...

So... Landeryou associates with apologists for terrorism. That comes as no surprise. Many patriotic people believe that Landeryou himself is some sort of terrorist, an agent of an unfriendly power on a mission to destroy public confidence in our political and economic and justice systems.

Concerned said...

I hear that the North Koreans paid for terrorist lawyer Rob Stary to spring Landeryou from behind bars.

The Inglourious Basterds said...

Landeryou has no visible means of support. Who supports his terror campaign? Who pays for the Fat Cave, the frocks and all the Rutherglen Rotgut and KFC?

Is it Beijing?






Spider Pig said...

Re: Landeryou's plagiarized stories and rants about Rann et al, if you substitute "Rick Phillips" name with "Andrew Landeryou" you get a true telling of Andy's life.

Try it.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou may bring Rick Phillips and his estranged wife Ms Chantelois together again when they join to sue.

Monica Mayhem said...

I have nothing to add about Andy.

Ronin QC said...

There are several extremely serious defamations against The Ombudsman in the commentary to a new Vexnews blog. Some, in my opinion, amount to criminal defamation.

Landeryou does not seem to comprehend that he cannot expunge those comments that are his. When the coppers come to take away his computer, Landeryou will have to quickly jet away to Costa Rica again.

I think Ms Chantelois and her husband have several torts against Vexnews too.

Chugs said...

All it would take is one determined lawyer to find the rock Landeryou lives under, kick it over and squash him flat.

Little Nipper said...

Obese, drunk and deluded transsexual thief Andrew Landeryou continues his grossly defamatory and utterly unfounded conspiracy theorising about the motivation of the couple at the heart of l'affair Rann, Rick Phillips and his estranged wife Michelle Chantelois:

"It relates to events Phillips imagines occurred several years ago... you would have thought even the most psychiatrically disturbed would have got over it by now. Yet he continues his obsession."

This is even more hypocritical and bizarre than terrorist-lawyer defended Landeryou's attack on Chantelois' "David Hicks links".

Poxnews and its predecessor site of sleaze, the OC, are all about events Landeryou imagines occurred several years ago where he sees himself as the victim.

Landeryou's online spivvery operation IQ Corporation went broke five years ago when he stole all its capital, he was rolled as Melbourne Uni student president for sleazy and unethical conduct 20 years and his nasty bent old man was thrown out of the Cain ministry for exactly the same reasons a quarter of a century ago.

"You would have thought even the most psychiatrically disturbed would have got over it by now." Not Shirley Landeryou.

"He continues his obsession."

What a useless loon.

Anne Frank said...

No wonder I am banned from commenting in Vexnews. Landeryou's has created a safe mini-world where he is safe from criticism. He just blocks adverse comments. We are left with:

"VEX is right"... "Keep up the good work Andy"... "Andrew big thanks for questioning the methods and process employed by Victorias most powerful public servant"...

It would all just be amusing and sad if Vexnews wasn't such a shocking Nazi Hate Site.

The mad babblings of a fool said...

It is travesty of justice for a person with the criminal proclivities of Landeryou; a vile libeller, stalker and standover thug to be making pronoucements about the Victorian Ombudsman, his duties and his staff.

"Many believe his staff run amok", argues the frothing nutcase. And there are the usual nameless nobs that Landeryou claims supplied him with information, and legal and political opinions. Most of these, if not all, are figments of Landeryou's imagination. Then he writes comments on his own blogs using fake names.

He should be locked up in the Ararat Gaol wing for the criminally insane.

Guide Dog 'Ronnie' said...

At the head of this very blog, Landeryou (as "Cait Catt") says: "People read Vexnews because of its uniqueness. It provides access to information nowhere else obtainable in Australia".

This is delusional tosh. Landeryou makes up information. Often this misinformation is madcap. But, as in the Kororoit election, Landeryou's deceptions were deliberately and obviously malicious. His long-running defamatory campaigns against the Victorian Ombudsman, Gavin Jennings (and many other public officials) are bizarre, creepy and overstep the mark.

To successfully recover damages for a defamatory falsehood, a public official must prove "actual malice."

That would be very easy to prove because Vexnews is obviously a Hate Blog.

Justice delayed said...

Successful businessman Sol Lew looked great on ABC-TV's Lateline Business tonight.

Unsuccessful businessman Andrew Landeryou struggles for survival in his media minnow Vexnews.

Hey Sol! Do the right thing and ring the OPP for a big VicPol posse to follow up on the IQ Corp fraud.

Climate Clamydia said...

If ordinary Aussies understood the ALP's ETS, the Rudd government would have been lynched by now! It is the daftest, most barmy idea any Australian govenment has ever come up with.

Give polluters billions, and double electricity prices for Aussie families - yeah, that's going to work...

The Libs have imploded (they were a useless government, and now even more useless as an opposition).

If my (privatised) electicity bill doubles, whatever the reason, I won't be voting ALP again.

This is Nuts!

Frad Squad said...

Vexnews isn't even a media minnow. It is the equivalent of the mutterings of madmen you hear talking to themselves on the street. Landeryou has to present these utterings as a blog because he's too fat to leave his apartment (and wouldn't be able to go outside even if he wasn't so obese as he is wanted by the police).

Anonymous said...

This report reminded me of Landeryou. It has everything we associate with him: bizarre and extremist political views, race hate and transvestitism.

Germany finally recognises Jewish athlete's record

Posted 7 hours 4 minutes ago

A 95-year-old former athlete banned by the Nazis from representing Germany in the 1936 Olympics because she was Jewish has had her high jump record recognised by the German athletics federation.

"We know that it can't compensate. But it is an act of justice and a symbolic gesture of respect for Gretel Bergmann," the DLV federation said in a statement.

Bergmann fled to Britain when Hitler came to power and became national high jump champion in 1934.

Concerned that the United States might boycott the 1936 Berlin Olympics, which Hitler hoped would prove to the world the superiority of the Aryan race, the Nazis pressured Bergmann to return and compete for Germany.

She returned and duly broke the German high-jump record in the run-up to the 1936 Games.

But when the Nazis were sure the ship bearing the US athletes had already left dock, Bergmann was dropped from the team and her record was not recognised.

"I would have won gold, nothing else," she told Spiegel magazine recently.

"I wanted to show to the Germans and to the world that Jews were not these terrible people, not fat, ugly and disgusting as we were portrayed."

She emigrated to the United States in 1937 with the equivalent of four dollars in her pocket, where she continued to compete and where she married Bruno Lambert, who is 99 today, becoming Margaret Bergmann-Lambert.

The two 'Master Race' athletes in the 1936 German team, Elfriede Kaun and Dora Ratjen, came third and fourth respectively in the high jump, and Ratjen turned out to be a man.

I am Henderson Ross said...

Meanwhile in the real world, Vexnews was the first to raise the Kevin Andrews candidacy for the Liberal Party leadership.

Vexnews is firing on all cylinders at the moment. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

100% agree with you Henderson.

Ben Mohammed said...

Yes, real news Henderson, while Slanderyou concentrates on leftard stories promoting jihadism.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Anonymus (Wed., 1.54pm), how did you know what Henderson was going to make the same minute you posted your agreement to his comment? Spooky.

Colonel Sanders Culinary Academy said...

Andrews' candidacy was screwed the minute Landeryou backed him.

Anonymous said...

Minute - try second.

ShamWOW said...

Henderson Ross (aka Landeryou) falsely claims Vexnews was the first to raise the Kevin Andrews candidacy for the Liberal Party leadership today.

It was on ABC Lateline last night and I think several earlier news breaks on commercial channels.

Joe Pulitzer said...

It's Landeryou's usual problem - logic. Often, what he says just doesn't make any sense.

Is it extremely unlikely that Liberals would tip off Landeryou about the weather in Canberra, the time of day and least of all, what strategies and tactics they are pursuing.

Landeryou can easily prove me wrong by providing credible proofs.

Don't come bleating to us later said...

New Zealand has beaten Australia to set up an emissions trading scheme ahead of the Copenhagen climate change meeting next month, 63 votes to 58 after months of controversy. Amazingly, Labor in NZ is in opposition and opposed to the ETS.

"It is economically irrational, socially inequitable, environmentally counter-productive and fiscally unsustainable," said the opposition's climate change spokesman Charles Chauvel. [NZPA]

Smiling assassins said...

The Age reports "But a defiant Mr Andrews, who launched his campaign for the leadership on the back of his opposition to the trading scheme deal, said while he accepted the result, the seven-person margin carried a message for the Liberal Party and its response to critics of the deal".

Disneyland said...

They brought us the world financial crash. Some of them brought us Workchoices. They have all privatised valuable public assets and sold them to corporate crooks. Now they want to save the planet by giving us a NEW TAX!

My solution? After an election, all members of Australian parliaments must go on extended offshore holidays. This will prevent them from:

1. Enacting stupid new laws.
2. Devising stupid new taxes.
3. Nannying the entire population.
4. Telling monstrous porkies.
5. Gorging on perks.
6. Selling off public assets.
7. Bonking in their offices.
8. Deregulating corporate crime.
9. Betraying their electorates.
10. Betraying their leaders.

Anonymous said...

Alexa confirms VexNews slide - now ranked 6,546th in Australia.

I am Henderson Ross said...

Vexnews predicted the Kevin Andrews challenge, and also Tony Abbott's resignation from the front bench.

Thank the Christian God that Vexnews is around keep us right up to date with emerging developments, well before any other media outlet. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

You beat me too it Henderson. Great Stuff Vexnews.

Ben Mohammed said...

The Age is the jihadist journal of choice. I didn't read anything about Andrews or Abbot in The Age!

Anonymous said...

(Age headline) Farting pig triggers emergency response

Smiling Assassins said...

Everytime Tony Abbott opens his mouth a new weevil policy comes out.

Andrews, Minchin, Abbott, Tasmanian Cro-Magnon senator Abetz...

As Landeryou will say when he gets to Barwon Gaol "Et Tu, Brutus"!

Obvious said...

The ALP and Mal Turnbull just don't get it. Climate change can't be fixed with taxes, or helping ravenous privatised electricity companies rob their customers.

For God's sake send billions to stop ignorant peasants chopping down forests every day!

Anonymous said...

Joe 'Shrek' Hockey has just proclaimed he definitely won't stand against Turnbull whatever happens... UNLESS there is a spill and Turnbull abdicates.

Breathtaking treachery and gob-smacking guile this week from our, ahem, 'honourable' 'leaders' and former leaders.

The Howard remnants are to the fore. They learned insidious cunning, artful deception and duplicity from a Grand Master.

What a loathesome rabble!

Madame Therese Defarge said...

ABC-TV's Lateline, although an extreme ultra-Green program, mentioned tonight that the ALP intended to guillotine debate on the ETS bill in the senate.

I must say I am 100% in favour of applying the guillotine to all members of the senate.

Baa-baa-raa from Auckland said...

The Kiwi government has passed an ETS but won't be going to Copenhagen next month, because it considers it just a photo opportunity.

Sheep promoting climate change activism just wouldn't look good on the TV News either.

This lunacy is just getting worse, not better!

I am Henderson Ross said...

Vexnews has declared that Joe Hockey will be the next Liberal Party leader. With its great track record in forecasting these things, Hockey should be pleased with receiving this important editorial backing from such a major news source. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

100% Agree with your comments Henderson

Ben Mohammed said...

Nothing about this on The Arse! (Age)

Dr Phil said...

161 Vexnews readers is consistent with both Andrew Landeryou's multiple personalities and his offshore companies where he has stashed the proceeds of his crimes. The 162 Vexnews readers last month were an anomology and it is likely a Slanderyou reader stumbled upon the site as a result of Landeryou's black hat SEO techniques.

161 imaginary friends in Landeryou's F%$^&d up brain.

The man is a total failure in everything.

Shadrack said...

Kerry O'Brien earnestly asked Nick Minnchin on the ABC's 7.30 Report tonight if there was something deeper dividing the Liberals - was it a fight to gain control over 'The Soul' of the party?

This was an utterly absurd question. Everyone knows that the Liberal Party has no soul.

It does have a large cash-register with many lights and bells. It reminds me of a gaming machine, but a neon sign on top says 'WorkChoices'! Liberals, whether or not in government, are expected to worship this cash-register.

But it is just a cash-register and not a Soul..

Bones The Fortune Teller said...

Peter Dutton, the Ronin Liberal MP searching for a sustainable safe seat, will be Joe Hockey's running partner next Tuesday.

Ditton would thus become the hunch on Quasimodo's back.

All the Howard remnants who have so far put up their hands are unelectable. If Abbott got in, it would be the fist time 'preferred Prime Minister' polls would go negative.

Landeryou's Travel Agent said...

Photo-journalist Nigel Brennan's story warns free-lancers to stay home. I have emailed Landeryou several times with tales of huge journalistic scoops and unimaginable treasure. I even sent him a treasure map.

I hope he will will recruit looney Sgt Sasha, and set off to the turbulent tribal region along Pakistan's Afghan border which I have assured him is:

* Completely safe
* welcoming to western crims
* Rewards fifth column journos
* where fat is admired as a sign of wealth and intelligence

I hope Patriots here won't mind if I have bent the truth a tiny bit in Australia's national interests.

Thanks UNHCR and DOI said...

The Age today says: He has already served his sentence on those counts.

The court heard Getachew migrated to Australia in 2002 as an Ethiopian refugee.

Judge Allen took into account his severe psychiatric illness and the impact this had on his lack of remorse and denial of guilt.

The judge described the rape as opportunistic, "ugly and vicious" on a vulnerable woman.

Fark said...

If political pissants Hockey and Dutton are the best the Liberals can offer the Nation during the Liberals' Armageddon, we are all buggered!

Spider Pig said...

The Libs are running out of candidates. It may well be that they have no one else but to promote Landeryou.

No wait, he's a member of StormFront!

Stop ripping everyone off said...

The recent ABC-TV series 'Addicted to Money' suggested the world financial crash was very far from over.

The crash was white-collar crime on a monumental, global scale. And they are still at it.

My Super has been halved and now, with the Dubai debt debacle will shrink ever further.

Krudd and Col. Custer Turnbull are distracted, as usual, prattling away about a new tax that won't solve climate change in a trillion years.

My family will be sleeping under a bridge a lot sooner than that!

Thanks for nothing Kev said...

Globalisation, if you flip it around, is going to get us all in the end.

We may, inadvertently, have had our Super invested in schemes to lend money to the the poor in America who could never pay their debts; or to the Royal Family in Dubai who have erected opulent buildings on the foreshore they couldn't afford.

Not one piece of paper was sent to me OK'ing this crap. Even a Kindergarten kid would have walked away from those leprous deals.

The OZ government has bailed out the corporate crooks but not their victims.

Eventually, I will be Knock Knock Knocking on Centrelink's door.

Anonymous said...

Fried butter.....enough said.

Anonymous said...

Jenny Hansen in The Mercury (Hobart) today says Abetz should be Liberal leader and not Turnbull or Rudd. Rudd? Well as Jenny puts it Rudd is acting against the interests of the class that put him there, the workers, by pandering to the big end of town in increasing the age pension age to 67. Turnbull agrees with this and Jenny tells us they both should go. Why don't we read this in Vexnews?

Anonymous said...

Is Jenny Hansen from Tasmania (the Mercury tells us she lives at Taroona, the home town of Princess Mary of Denmark) a reincarnated version of Pauline's daughter Jenny Jensen-Hansen?

Anonymous said...

Is Jenny Hansen from Tasmania (the Mercury tells us she lives at Taroona, the home town of Princess Mary of Denmark) a reincarnated version of Pauline's daughter Jenny Jensen-Hansen?

Ben Mohammed said...

The Age is the jihadist journal of choice. I didn't read anything about Andrews or Abbot in The Age!

Climate Clamydia said...

If ordinary Aussies understood the ALP's ETS, the Rudd government would have been lynched by now! It is the daftest, most barmy idea any Australian govenment has ever come up with.

Give polluters billions, and double electricity prices for Aussie families - yeah, that's going to work...

The Libs have imploded (they were a useless government, and now even more useless as an opposition).

If my (privatised) electicity bill doubles, whatever the reason, I won't be voting ALP again.

This is Nuts!

Monica Mayhem said...

I have nothing to add about Andy.

The Delta Force said...

Fat freak, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou is ranting about the fact that Michelle Chantelois' lawyer once briefly acted for David Hicks.


Fat freak, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou was sprung from jail after his attempted flight to Costa Rica by one Rob Stary.

Stary acted for self-proclaimed Muslim cleric Abdul Nacer Benbrika, convicted last year with four of his followers of planning to launch a terrorist strike on the 2005 AFL Grand Final between the Sydney Swans and the West Coast Eagles at Melbourne's packed MCG.

When ASIO and police raids disrupted these plans, the target was switched to the final of the AFL pre-season competition or Melbourne's Crown casino during Grand Prix weekend in 2006.

The trial was told that Benbrika had tried to obtain up to 500kg of explosives made from ammonium nitrate fertiliser from an undercover police officer and some of his followers had tried to buy guns, including AK-47 assault rifles.

Stary has also acted for a number of other convicted terrorists.

The Footscray based barrister has also attacked the legislation that lead to the trials -- and prevented terror outrages from being wreaked upon the Australian population.

Andrew Landeryou is the grossest of hypocrites.

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