Siteanalytics, the independent website audience measurement provider, has revealed that only 142 people were bothered to read Vexnews in November.
It seems the only thing that 'Editor in Chief' Andrew Landeryou really wants for Christmas is readers.
While Vexnews slips away into obscurity, everyone at Team Slanderyou wishes Patriots everywhere a safe holiday season, and all the best for 2010. We will return from mid January.
1 – 200 of 441 Newer› Newest»I have to admit I am a visitor to Vexnews to find out what libels bozo blogger Landeryou has been creating. I suppose several poster here do the same.
Considering the high number of fake comments on Vexnew blogs, perhaps no-one except him and us account for the pathetically poor figures for Vexnews site traffic.
A lot of us Catts spend heaps of time apologising for the wacky activities of Cait Catt. She has always been the black sheep of the family. Her support for madman Landeryou has surprised and disappointed us.
In the spirit of Christmas, all of us Catts say to the the Slanderyou Team "Have a really great Xmas! Take a few well-deserved days off. Landeryou will continue to post vile libels over the Festive Season because he doesn't know any better.
Catts during 2010 will ignore Vexnews altogether. Sadly, we have concluded poor old Cait is a hopeless case and badly contaminated by contact with Landeryou.
Signed by,
Fatt Catt; Mummy Alley Catt and Dad Sylvester P. Catt; Auntie Kitty & Uncle Cheshire Catt; Sam Speyed Catt; Feral Catt; Manx Catt (on behalf of all UK Catts); Pushy Katt (representing the USA relatives) and China Catt Sunflower (the Asian Catts).
Andrew has asked me to provide this public apology. He has suddenly and wierdly decided to go straight:
"I want to say again to everyone that I am profoundly sorry and that I ask forgiveness," he said. "It may not be possible to repair the damage I've done, but I want to do my best to try."
Couldn't agree more, Henderson.
Hmnn. Looks like Landeryou is now stealing Tiger Woods's contrition. If Landeryou was to apologise for all his malefactions on The OC and Vewxnews, it would probably result in hundreds of pages of forelock tugging, craven, humility.
The Age reports that Victoria's prisons are becoming overcrowded. That's no surprise, because Victoria itself is already packed to the rafters.
But the lazy ALP pollies and their disgraceful, privatised prison system will HAVE to find space for the loathesome crim Landeryou.
He owes every Victorian 125 hours of prison time.
I don't think he will see his Southbank luxury apartment again until July 2097.
The ALP will be in opposition well beyond then.
Slanderyou have you checked these figures? Surely (or should I say Shirley) these are too high?
Surely the fat thief can make up readers in the same way he makes up all of Poxnews' "stories" and comments?
Red Ted's revelations of prison overcrowding in Victoria are worrying. If the prisons are full now what will they be like when the 1500 pound Landeryou is behind bars? His waistline is more than 15 feet round and he takes up the space of six to eight normal sized people.
There will be no long-term overcrowding problem with Landeryou. He will top himself within weeks of meeting me.
It's surprising Landeryou hasn't killed himself given the failure of Poxnews. Everything that guy touches has turned to shit.
I'm sorry that other members of my family have fallen for the Slanderyou filth.
Fatt in particular I always had a good relationship with, despite her employment at the Daily Planet, which if readers to this blog are unaware is a Melbourne brothel.
Andrew has always exposed filth. Like brothel head honcho Bill Albon who writes in Diane Anderson's rant Higgins News. If Albon writes for a publication it is not a suitable publication to read in front of your children, and Andrew is to be commended for bringing this to the attention of all patriotic Victorians.
Vexnews continues to be the best news site on the web.
Vexnews continues to be the news site of choice for both ASIO and the CIA for Australian news.
Vexnews has high readership figures. The figures given by Slanderyou are fake.
Go Vexnews.
Cait Catt (Landeryou himself) foolishly claims that "Vexnews continues to be the best news site on the web".
His latest blog about 'Indian' student Gautam Gupta is being busily corrected by real Insian comments as I write this! Wrong again, eh Andy!
I have offered Andy as a Xmas Turkey to three charity organisations. He would feed at least fifteen needy families once he is properly dressed and stuffed. As much bile and venom as possible will be removed from 'The Fat Bird' before delivery. I can't garuantee that everyone will be fooled, but I will rub real turkey all over his bloated carcase!
Landeryou says "Vexnews has high readership figures". This is true, but not in the way that the fat criminal is trying to suggest.
The truth is that Vexnews' readership is apallingly low but Vexnews' few readers are high. You would have to be drunk or stoned to bother with the blatant and evil lies and distortions dished out by Landeryou.
I am with Ancient Slanderyou.
142 is about 141 too high
Closer examination of the Siteanalytics' results shows 141 of Vexnews' 142 readers were the results of errors by Google. The other reader must have been El Gordo himself.
Further to my post above there is another possible explanation for Vexnews' implausibly high readership. It may be calculated by weight. El Gordo weighs close to the same amount as 142 normal people.
Great Highland Bagpipes are said to be one of the most difficult instruments to master. Many things have to be coordinated.
This is the fundemental problem with Vexnews. Landeryou is not a journo and running a regular blog is beyond him.
Landeryou is driven by hate. I have never met a real journo driven by hate who was any good. Andy's big problem is that he hates nearly everyone.
You have to pick your battles, Andy. By hurling shit at everyone, you are dissipating energy and end up looking like a nutter.
It would take me a decade to correct all the faults on Vexnews, and to imbue Landeryou with the integrity, news collection skills and ticker to run a great, worthwhile blog.
My prediction for Vexnews in 2010 is that someone (maybe as mad as he is) will sue his ass off. Suburban lawyers think Landeryou can't be sued because he had no visible means of support.
We know better.
Landeryou must be in a drunken stupor. He hasn't gloated about Gavin Jennings' heart attack on Vexnews yet! He can rarely resist an attack on the EPA Stasi* under Jennings' kontrol.
* I still don't get the Stasi connection.
I'm watching a late night ABC-TV programme about people whose pathetic lives are so uninteresting that they go online to operate their Avatars in an imaginary world much more interesting than their own.
This got me to thinking about the 100 odd fake commenters run by Landeryou. He is a failed politician, a crook, stalker and political disruptor. Are these fake personas the only way Landeryou can participate in modern life?
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That's interesting. Not only does Landeryou flood this patriotic Blog of Truth with hundreds of asinine remarks from his army of fake commenters, but he is now advertising his latest scams here.
Landeryou's postings have slowed down over the last few days as he is busy discovering just which charities are offering Christmas dinners.
Last year with the help of a few basic disguises he managed to get more than 420 free feeds from a dozen locations across the Melbourne CBD on Christmas Day.
Landeryou also has the Sergeant hard at working plotting route maps for the day so he can stop by every location serving Christmas cheer to the down and out and lonely three to four times on the day.
So Landeryou now thieves from charities! Disgusting!
Dear Saint Nick
I thought Andrew still had plenty of his chicken halal sausages, which he substituted with pork meat, in his pantry. Granted they would be well past their used by date, but there have been reports of him eating them recently.
The fat man tried a scam last year when he contacted every KFC store across Victoria asking if they would supply free Christmas chook to help local charities. I hear he gained 17 kilos in just two days from the proceeds.
Me and my hot rodding men all have large meat sausages that we will slip Landeryou when he comes to stay.
There is no pork substitution racket here at Barwon Jail.
Large, hard sausages
Landeryou, like Adolf Hitler, has realised there is a lot of mileage in racism. His current Blog about Gautam Gupta, with all its mistakes, has excited divisive comments among Indians and others. There are the usual Landeryou fake comments tossed in too. But formenting racial hate is likely where Vexnews is heading.
The Young Libs are daft, and the Unionistas don't always rise to Landy's bait. Exploiting the ethnics could provide readership for stagnating Vexnews.
Someone on Vexnews posted: "I get the feeling that some people who comment on this blog live on a completely separate planet".
Maliciously, Landeryou is backing Tony Abbott - which is kind of like betting on an elephant to win the Melbourne Cup.
Tony may be Australia's nastiest Christian! But Landeryou is Australasia's nastiest blogger.
They belong to each other!
An earlier commentator referred to references to Gavin Jennings as the EPA Stasi Minister, and wants to know the connection.
It's simple, and Brutus Beefcake might be able to help out with it.
Both the EPA, which is the organisation Gavin Jennings is the Minister for, and the East German secret police, the Stasi have this in common. The EPA is, and the Stasis when it existed was, a dob in operation.
Many people have been fraudulently complained about for throwing cigarettes out of their cars.
A gangland lawyer, perhaps the lawyer of Brutus Beefcake, got a private detective to find out the registration numbers of prison officers at the Barwon prison. These cars were dobbed in to the EPA for littering. It took the union to get the infringement notices withdrawn, as all were fraudulent.
The EPA sends out infringement notices to anyone who is subject to a dob in for littering. The onus is then on the alleged litterer to prove he or she did not litter. A true Stasi operation.
I do not wish Minister Jennings any ill will, but he is in charge of a Stasi operation and it does the Brumby government little credit.
Tony has selected a shadow front bench of tired Howard remnants. These were the very people emphatically voted OUT in 2007.
As a Nazi Hate Blogger, I suppose it was natural that Landeryou - the Mad Skunk - would support Abbott, the Mad Monk!
Tony Abbott will get squished shortly.
Landeryou, like Adolf Hitler, has realised there is a lot of mileage in racism. His current Blog about Gautam Gupta, with all its mistakes, has excited divisive comments among Indians and others. There are the usual Landeryou fake comments tossed in too. But formenting racial hate is likely where Vexnews is heading.
The Young Libs are daft, and the Unionistas don't always rise to Landy's bait. Exploiting the ethnics could provide readership and comments for rapidly stagnating Vexnews.
But venturing into taunting ethnics could get Landeryou into terminal trouble.
A previous correspondent wrote
Landeryou must be in a drunken stupor. He hasn't gloated about Gavin Jennings' heart attack on Vexnews yet! He can rarely resist an attack on the EPA Stasi* under Jennings' kontrol.
* I still don't get the Stasi connection.
Jennings is not a good minister, but he is not a lazy or incompetent one. Unfortunately he runs the East German secret police type Stasi outfit the EPA. Mick Bourke, hailed Victoria's best bureaucrat by the Sunraysia Daily but in actuality a pen pusher who ran with the Brumby government's Stasi defence and wrote condescending letters, has been moved to run the CFA. I wish him well.
Brumby needs to get rid of some of his worst ministers like stuff up transport Kosky do nothing Cameron and the niece of brothel client Peter Allan (exposed in Vexnews before any of the dailies picked it up). I'd go so far as to say that Peter Allan, now a hearse driver (and Vexnews published it first), has more brains than either his niece Jacinta or his nephew Lyle have put together.
I look forward to the "Downfall" video of Fat Andrew in his Fat Cave raving about Vexnews' readership in the same way Hitler directed phantom armies from his bunker when to everyone else his failure was clear.
A digital effects whiz could make the Landeryou "Downfall" video quite fun. They could enlarge Hitler to Landeryou-like size (1,800 pounds, I understand) and cover the floor of the bunker with empty bottles of Aldi Sweet Sherry and discarded Family Feast tubs from KFC.
Are you sweaty at all in the fat cave today Andy?
I don't know the truth about Gautam Gupta, the subject of a nasty blog on Vexnews. But it seems that Gupta was President of Swinburne Student Union which teetered. A commenter on Vexnews had this to say:
"New president of SSU tried to sue him and the litigation went on for at least 1-2 years and he was almost bankrupt (I heard). I wished SSU had continued the litigation and taught him a good lession of honesty".
Posted by Eddie | December 15, 2009, 22:32
I find it uncanny how many of Andy's blogs seem to parallel his own past shady activities.
MUSU had a very bad run of luck with several dodgy presidents around Landeryou's time. I think he may even have been one of them.
Landeryou was elected as President of MUSU in 1990. His support for the Australian involvement in the Gulf War and for Israel aroused the opposition of far left-wing student groups. After a campaign by the Education Action Group alleged misconduct by Landeryou and general secretary Kier Semmens, including the intimidation of Farrago student newspaper editors, they were removed from office by a vote at a student general meeting. Following the collapse of MUSU he was sued by the liquidator, Dean McVeigh, along with other former MUSU presidents, Darren Ray, Ben Cass and Scott Crawford.
Mr McVeigh said security guards patrolled his home 24 hours a day. Photos of his house, cars, dog and backyard had been put on a website operated by Mr Landeryou. He told of a threat he said Mr Landeryou made during an adjournment of the liquidator's examination into the collapse of the student union. Mr Landeryou allegedly said he would "do you slowly".
Landeryou's alcohol consumption must go through the roof at Christmastime.
Just think what it must be like for him. Landeryou bankrupted his old man through his incompetence as a businessman and criminality and forged his brother-in-law's signature as part of one of his frauds but was so dumb he misspelt his name.
There is not much love under Andy's Christmas tree.
So many SUITS at the Copenhagen climate change conference. Not a single taxpayer in sight!
The suits are the bovine herd of slick, well fed, bureaucrats who graze on public purses and interfere in public affairs representing noone but themselves.
These pollies and bureaucrats brought us the global financial crash. Now they rabbit on about nutty 'carbon credits' and demand that taxpayers pay for emitters.
It is so mad that it sounds like a Landeryou blog
I wonder if we will see something similar happen to that well known dumpster diver and grease trap diner Fat Shirley Landeryou
Wild dogs turn green after scavenging at illegal dump
• Up to 20 green dogs spotted on town outskirts
• Seen scavenging in toxic illegal dump
• Police order council to clean up site
PHOTOS have emerged of wild dogs in Russia that are reported to have turned bright green.
The pack of some 20 dogs were spotted roaming the outskirts of the Urals city of Yekaterinburg.
While wild dogs aren't unusual in the area, this pack in particular were reported to the police after fears they had become contaminated scavenging for food near and illegal dump.
"I go past those dogs every day," villager Alexei Bukharovsky told Russian news agency RIA Novosti.
"They are usually reddish ... but then I saw, running along the white snow, an almost completely emerald dog.
"At first I thought someone had been playing a joke."
A police spokesman told RIA Novosti the local councils had been ordered to clean up the site.
Hey Frosty! Check out Landy's dumbass union president mate Dazza Ray!
"The magistrate was handed a copy of an email sent on May 27 by Mr Ray to Nick Fletcher, a solicitor acting for Mr McVeigh. Ms Goldsbrough said she shared Mr McVeigh's disbelief at the "infantile way of threatening Mr Fletcher". She issued an interim intervention order against the three, saying their behaviour was unacceptable. She said she did not necessarily accept that Mr Cass or Mr Ray started any violence at the campus on Friday".
"Fletch, I'm gonna knock your bloody head off with my Teddy. Mr Landy says you are a tool of the proles. I don't know what they are, but I know what a tool is. I have one. I will use mine to cause you harm"!
Darren Ray was released from gaol at the end of 2008.
Do your own research.
There has been only one judicial opinion about The OC, precursor to today's Vexnews.
Victorian Supreme Court
Master Evans said the internet weblog entry "conveys a very misleading impression of what took place in this court this morning".
That was years ago, but Vexnews today continues this proud moment in its history. Vexnews is as misleading, duplicitous and deceiving as ever.
Thank God he never made it as a pollie. He would have screwed the electorate 'slowly' and effectively.
Mrs Alice Adris, have you reas the story about the wild dogs turning green? Do you think they may have eaten certain discarded sausages?
Guess what I will make Landeryou swallow.
Those who make fraudulent dob ins to the EPA Stasi should be treated to a few nights in Barwon so that Brutus Beefcake can deal with them.
I saw this report on the ABC:
"Santa is promoting an unhealthy lifestyle of overeating, drinking and lack of exercise, says an Australian academic.
"Published in today's British Medical Journal, public health researcher and study author Dr Nathan Grills of the University of Melbourne says childhood obesity, teenage smoking and infectious disease outbreaks could in part be blamed on the jolly old man in red..."
Andrew Landeryou promotes a physically unhealthy lifestyle of overeating, drinking and lack of exercise.
He also promotes a socially and psychologically unhealthy lifestyle of theft, fraud, perjury, asset-stripping, tax evasion, corruption, nepotism, vilification, misrepresentation, spreading of lies and calumnies, transvestitism and entrapping mentally backward former members of the Australian Defence Forces into virtual slavery.
I am reliably told that Landeryou viciously exploits the Sergeant in a perverse sexual manner
El Gordo will have to do something fast to remain anything close to relevant.
The Age hasn't mention him since the David Hicks Hoax in Sept. 2008 and the last mention of a Landeryou in The Herald-Sun was Bent Bill's bankruptcy a year ago.
Why are these Landeryous always in trouble?
Here's hoping Fat Andy gets a mention in the papers soon -- in the Courts lists.
Is Landeryou out of bankruptcy yet or still pretending to be bankrupt in the hope he doesn't get sued?
Last I heard, he was actively considering exporting live pigs, draped in wool, to Muslim countries.
Remember those weird hate blogs on Vecnews about Evan Thornley?
Click the link to find out why.
Thornley must have figured out Landy was up to no good.
Back in 2000, McLeod said the Lew empire was "very impressed with IQ's management, proprietary technology and their advanced development of a global strategy. We are also pleased with what they have achieved to date and, going forward, we are confident about their business plan."
...Landeryou said he had known Lew and McLeod for some years and their interest in IQ's prospects evolved into a shareholding. What happened after that time is in dispute.
...[Lew's] solicitors told the court then that McLeod was not getting any communication or information from IQ's officers, and that there was trouble locating either the company or its officers or fellow directors when serving court papers.
...Investors from Britain, the Channel Islands and Switzerland had committed a further $4million, in part fuelled by high hopes that the company, IQ Corporation, would win lucrative contracts to supply media outlets with detailed sports data from football matches in Australia and soccer games in Britain and Israel.
...But the liquidator's task is made more difficult because, as the Federal Court has heard, most of IQ's books and records have vanished.
Landeryou in his Shirley persona has been frantically trying to Twitter Tigger Woods, the priapic golf sex guru:
"Tigger, I have been a huge fan of yours forever! I am a very sexy plump lady from Melbourne, Australia. You make me terribly excited. I suggest we get together pronto. And please bring a few million so we can have an extra good time.
"In case you're not interested in me, I have several femme pals - Cait Catt, who is a good catholic gal who puts out, Voodoo dead woman Rita Randles, in case you're interested in necromancy - and dozens of others! If you bring, say, twenty million, you could have us all!
Think about it, Tigger!
Mr Landeryou claimed that as IQC was in liquidation at the time the Sale Agreement was executed, the purported sale of shares to Ms Kitching was void pursuant to section 468(1) of the Act as:
1.there was no consideration provided by Jordanlane;
2.the Sale Agreement was a 'harsh and unconscionable bargain' that should be set aside pursuant to either the Trade Practices Act or the ASIC Act; and
3.the consideration expressed for the Guarantee was void.
That Landeryou was Bent Bill and not amateur Andy.
Andrew has put up a pathetic plastic Christmas Tree in the Fat Cave. I have already urinated on it. He has placed 70 extravagent presents under the tree which I have pissed on too. These are for his fake commenters. So he will open them all himself on Xmas Day.
But he has a special pressie for Sgt Sasha. It is a GPS of Afghanistan in 2003.
Watch out Ronnie you don't end up in a sausage or two
Only Vexnews published the latest hot news from Sweden. An activity by a Swedish MP that would make even our socialist leftistas and Brutus Beefcakes blush. Vexnews is always ahead of the dailies. Read below the latest Vexnews scoop:
MP makes indecent Christmas party proposal
Published: 18 Dec 09 07:03 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.se/23920/20091218/
A Social Democrat member of the Swedish parliament awoke shamefaced this week after making lewd advances in a state of undress to a female colleague at a Riksdag Christmas bash.
A number of independent witnesses reported seeing the member of parliament, a man in his forties, stripped down to his underpants and banging on the door of the woman's office, where she had reportedly taken shelter from his repeated unwanted attentions. Standing out in the corridor in his underwear and shirt, he continued to plead with her for sex.
The renowned political blog's report from inside the Social Democrats' Christmas party was later confirmed in an interview with the guilty parliamentarian.
"I went through a gastric bypass a while back, which means that alcohol goes straight into the blood stream. But I'm not going to excuse what happened, I was simply too drunk," he told Politikerbloggen.
Filled with regret after Tuesday's excesses, the MP later called his colleague to apologize. The woman did not appear to hold a grudge against her harasser.
"I understand that he's repentant because this can't have been his intention at all," she told Politikerbloggen.
She explained that she was not afraid at any point as her door was locked but she decided to phone one of her colleagues, Jörgen Hellman, when the man continued to knock on her door. Hellman in turn alerted a security guard who came up to the floor on which the party was held and led the MP away to his own office in his underwear and shirt.
Social Democrat parliamentary group leader Sven-Erik Österberg said he had spoken to the man and received his version of events.
"I'm not going to demand that he step aside at this point. At the same time I've told him this absolutely has to be a one-off occurrence, otherwise we can no longer have confidence in him," Österberg told Politikerbloggen.
What Andrew wants for Xmas is real friends, rather than the imaginary Cait Catt (Andrew fantasising himself in drag), the abominable 'I am Henderson Pox' etc etc.
Andrew has no friends. He is 40, unemployed, living off stolen property looted years ago, divorced, childless and disowned by his family.
It will be by some miracle if he doesn't kill himself over the Xmas period from the sheer horror of his personal situation.
While the man has a thick skin, it would take a thick hide to miss the fact he is alone from Xmas day until well into the New Year...
What a fat flop of a human being. A tragic failure of epic proportions!
A trip down memory lane. The corporate crimes of Andrew Landeryou revisited below:
• Multicenter Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• Betworks Pty Ltd
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were improperly awarded to this company by MUSU. Illegally removed $215K from MUSU).
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd 103 691 336 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in March 2006 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd CAN 105 456 068 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in Nov 2005 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd 097 384 408
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd NATIONAL 105 808 642 (Andrew Landeryou was a shareholder and Director. Deregistered in Nov 2005 by ASIC for failure to file legally required company reports.)
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd A.B.N. 87 102 717 028. (Andrew Landeryou operated this business with nominal directors. Deregistered in Nov 2006 by liquidator)
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
• Invest with Integrity Pty Ltd (a company Landeryou’s brother-in-law, Mattew Mason, was made a Director with without his knowledge and who testified to the Supreme Court of Victoria that he believed Andrew Landeryou to have done this).
With this number of peope ripped off by the fat corporate thug, no wonder he is alone at Xmas...
The Nig Nog pollies and their bureaucrats buggered the Copenhagen conference. Not a single taxpayer was to be seen or heard.
What part of the word deforestation don't the blacks, Asians and South Americans understand?
They are all waiting for a few billion bucks from penitent Western nations which their corrupt politicians can pocket, misuse and thrive on for years.
I don't want to give them a single cent! Stop your natives chopping down forests daily, you silly, useless bums!
I hate the ignorant comments about me on this blog. I republish real news from Sweden and not one comment. My namesake from southern Tassie does better in the Mercury than I do on this blog.
For example the comments about Reggie Bird from Big Brother. The Mercury readers from the posh suburbs of Hobart don't like your namesake Cait. They are almost as feral about her as Brutus Beefcake is about you.
The Tassie Cait is a right wing Abbott supporter. I take it you are not Melbourne Cait? I wish you would say nice things about my mother and Rosa. My mother is going to be a Senator from Queensland at the double dissolution this year if Slanderyou keeps his mouth shut.
My urinary infection has got a lot worse. Today I urinated on Andrew's Christmas Halal turkey and Halal Xmas pudding.
The best thing was that Andrew accused Sgt Sasha who got in a huge rage. "If I wanted to do you harm, Porky" he yelled "I would have nuked your toilet"!
Andrew has rewrapped those 70 presents under the Xmas tree. They are for his fake commenters like the three above. I am just biding my time...
Since Andrew forced me to make the IQ company papers 'disappear', I have developed a taste for christmas cards. I expecially enjoyed chewing up the ones from Theo, Newnham, Shorten, Conroy, Andrew Bolt, etc - and deliberately left the cards from Sol Lew, Brutus Beefcake, Kosky, Jennings, Phil Clearly, Les Twentyman and Dean Mighell!
Looking forward to your Christmas KFC Andy?
In the next few weeks I expect to the the horrible 'Arbeit macht frei' sign stolen from Auschwitz to appear atop a Southank luxury apartment block - where a well known Nazi Blogger happens to reside.
I forgot to mention there are no Chrissy cards from bent 'Dollar Bill' Landeryou, Kim Kitchen, or even Pissy Chryne.
The Age: SENIOR executives of the authority that manages Victoria's public sector superannuation will keep their big pay bonuses, despite a Government inquiry finding they should never have received them.
The board of the Victorian Funds Management Corporation will also escape punishment, despite awarding million-dollar wage and bonus packages in breach of Government guidelines.
I begrudge every single cent those white collar criminals continue to steal from Victoria taxpayers, aided and abetted by lazy, shonky pollies.
They are all beneath contempt! Like Landeryou, they should be in jail.
I've got four TVs at my place, and am wondering if it is worthwhile shelling out hundreds of bucks to get set top boxes for them.
Free TV Australia IS technically free but comes at a social cost. The cost is that viewers must suffer excruciating, ever-larger megablocks of advertising.
Julie Flynn, chief executive of Free TV Australia is as much of an airhead as Westpac CEO Gail Kelly. These ladies prove that men aren't as daft as first thought...
Julie Flynn's Free TV Australia has dreamed up new guidelines THAT ALLOW AN EXTRA 30 MINUTES OF ADVERTISING for commercial TV stations. Are they mad? Many programmes are already almost unwatchable.
These people, like Landeryou, live on a different planet where greed, exploitation and endless fibbing are OK.
As Media Watch showed Free TV Australia is the fox in charge of the henhouse. The new guidelines also exempt general food marketing reports, and:
"Promotions for coming programs on the main free-to-air channels will not be counted towards the average 13-minutes-an-hour limit on "non-program'' material, so long as they run for 30 seconds or less. Nor will any material promoting digital broadcasting, so long as it does not mention any brand by name, other than the industry body Freeview".
This all sounds a lot like the deregulation that preceeded the global financial crash.
Hey Avalanche, things could be a hell of a lot worse. The government could force you to watch Foxtels's repeated repeats of repeats, plus Insuranceline burial adverts, until you go stark, staring mad!
Then there is Penny Wong and Peter Garrett's ten hour, four DVD set, explaining the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).
Landeryou is finalising his new cookery (should that read crookery?) TV program - '101 Super delicious recipes for pig anuses'. He has sent pilots to all the commercial channels.
Corrupt Channel Nine, who reckon they could sell anything, including after 11pm porn and the Australian Medical Institute's premature ejaculation cure that doesn't work*, want a big slice of the action. A spokeswoman said "Nearly all our viewers are assholes, and that's what they should be eating".
Channel 9 is no worse than any of the other channels. I read the program recommendations on Vexnews. Funny how all the news that's fit to print (in the old days of newsprint) ends up on Vexnews. No wonder the CIA and ASIO look it up all the time.
Jeez, it looks like I'll have to fork out for a digital antenna too. Another $120. Are these Free TV Australia crooks for real?
Australia's poor have a shit deal anyway. Now they will be stuck watching their wallpaper forever and a day. Nice one Kev!
Kev, stop supporting the commercial TV stations, advertising agencies and the top end of town in favour of voters, taxpayers and down and out Aussies!
We as as entitled to swags of TV advertising as anyone else.
The mute button on my TV remote is getting a huge workout during advertising blockbusters. Cait Catt (Landeryou) is wrong. Channel Nine is a crooked organisation so far as advertising is concerned, but Channel 10 is catching up. They even clip the punchlines of 'Mash' to squeeze in another ad.
Landeryou (Cait Catt) loves Channel Nine because it is besotted with Betfair. The recent cricket tests have been overdosed with Betfair Ads. Our former star cricketers, now commentators, shouldn't be required to spruik for this exploitative crap.
It's a tad short of criminality, but only just.
Landy is a Labor lad isn't he? So why is he backing Tony Abbott as Krudd's biggest ever headache? And why is he suggesting that tennis player John Alexander could trounce experienced journo Maxine in Bennelong?
I guess the answer is in his laughable support for Terry Mulder (Choo Choo) versus Ted Bailleau. That never happened and won't.
Landy lives in a fantasy world where the impossible is plausible.
We're still trying to figure out where Landeryou's weird hatred of Les Twentyman, OAM and former Victorian of the Year, comes from.
We have concluded that Mr Landeryou is a dangerous madman who needs urgent psychiatric treatment. The Victorian goverment so far has been impervious to our many warnings about this nut.
We do monitor Vexnews because it is of interest to my legal section. So many libels and misleading rubbish. It provides us with a lot of laughs though.
Landeryou has told his reader (no typo, reader it is) of his belief in a traditional Christmas.
A traditional Landeryou Christmas involves the fat thief first casing neighbourhoods to see who has gone away on holiday and then later sending the Sergeant through their windows to rob them blind.
The backwards Sergeant is told that this is "research".
We wonder how many kilos Landeryou will gain over the festive season
Guess what sort of stuffing Landeryou will get at Barwon Jail?
No Andy today? Andy are you starting your Christmas holidays or should I say, starting your Christmas feasting on KFC early
It's Christmas in the Fat Cave... and fat fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou is surrounded by cards he has sent himself using the names of all his false identities.
Vexnews is not updating this week as El Gordo has got stuck into the Christmas cheer early.
So...it looks like that even Andy has given up on Vexnews
I was right and I was spot on. ASIO and the CIA do read Vexnews as the comments from their duty officers correctly point out.
ASIO and the CIA monitor Vexnews because it is the best source of Australian news. They obviously don't want to say so, but it is true, very true.
Vexnews is a truly patriotic site.
The fat freak has sobered up enough to type, but clearly lost his tinfoil hat when he passed out on the floor. He thinks the CIA and ASIO are reading his mind. Back to the seasonal sherry, you drunken, deluded fool!
I am not Landeryou. I am an admirer and I think Vexnews is great but Andy Landy I am not. Andy once criticised me for saying the CIA read Vexnews, but it is true. Comments on Slanderyou prove it.
You tell them Cait. Of course you are not Landeryou. You are too independent minded to be a sock puppet. When Slanderyou mentioned sock puppets once he omitted your name after calling you all the names about the place. I think Slanderyou admires you Cait. Perhaps he has been a client of your sister Fatt at the Daily Planet.
The Daily Planet is a brothel. It is located at Horne Street in Elsternwick. I suspect a photo of Slanderyou has been taken outside there when he last visited Fatt for a "special."
Good Catholic girls shouldn't work at such places Rita.
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Do other Patriots ever watch the Man v Wild series on SBS?
Tonight host Bear Grylls was dropped in the rainforest of Costa Rica and had to make his way to civilisation.
He braved many dangers but fortunately did not encounter the greatest of them all, the 1500 pound drunked, deranged and deluded cross-dressing fugitive from justice, with its plaintive (albiet slurred) cries of "Leftards done me down!", "Melbourne? Never heard of it!", "Privilege! I claim privilege!" and "I miss my ickle dog Ronnie."
I'm so sorry to reveal just before Christmas that, in 2010, Landeryou is venturing into the online Porno business. Vexnews is going down the tubes, so Landy now wants to exploit his new trans-sexual credentials and gay pride.
One man media army Sgt Sasha Uzunov is going to be the chief shoot photographer.
This is disgusting. But I fear Landy has underestimated Stephen Conroy's new anti-porno filters:
* The snuff movies featuring dead Rita Randles - featuring Landy trying to BONE Rita will be banned immediately.
*Even the porn industry will oppose Landeryou's new sites. They are concerned that if porn sites feature naked images of the fat crook it will turn people off porn forever.
These are some of the absurd sites planned by Landy:
* Teenage Nympho Nurse Transvestites
* Buggering Shirley
* Rock Bottom
* UP Your's Baby!
* Lick my big fat hairy [censored]
* Cait Catt Does Dallas
* Theo's sexual adventures
* Buttocks Predator
* Is it in Yet, Darling?
Jeez Theo,
I hope we are going to get a cut from Landeryou for 'Theo's sexual adventures'. How did he get copies of so many of our Butt Cam movies?
Where is our cut too?
Those unemployed bitches deserved everything they got!
Landeryou is a sex pervert and has tired of the Sargent's anal ministrations so he went to Myers in Burke Street and asked to play Santa Claus as he wanted children sitting on his lap.
"Santa is fat and jolly," he was told, "not morbidly obese and consumed by hate."
Patriots will have notice how Fat Andrew's evil hate blog is being updated at weirder and weirder times of the day and how his comments on this site appear as frenetic outbursts. Clearly he is heading fast downhill as his physical state and mental condition continue to unwind.
I once asked Dean Mighell what did he think of Andrew Landeryou.
He replied, "Who?"
Anonymous you asked Dean Mighell the wrong question. You should have asked him, does he read Vexnews.
I expect he would have quivered. I am Henderson Ross.
Lovely retort Henderson
I never read Vexnews, as I am too busy reading the Jihad how-to-manual called The Age.
Does alcohol exacerbate schizophrenia? I ask because the fat freak, fraud and failure Shirley Landeryou is always drunk before noon (unless he is still sleeping off previous excesses) and has been posting on this well-read and patriotic site this morning using a number of different identities.
My psychiatrist told me that the majority of comments on Slanderyou are from schizophrenics. He gave some examples. These were Brutus Beefcake and Little Theo. I hope she doesn't think I'm one.
She (my psychiatrist is a she) told me I spend too much time reading blogs and replying to the garbage on Slanderyou.
She is wrong. There is much evil on Slanderyou, the blog of filth. I must help to redress the balance so that Slanderyou readers are informed that there is a great blog on the net, and it is called Vexnews.
You made a typo Cait. Your shrink is a she. It should be she gave some examples and not he gave some examples.
This is a fascinating story. Buddha Boy has stolen much, much more and spent it all on KFC, flagons of sweet sherry and female attire from the Big Beautiful Women Boutique at Cragieburn.
Bank fraud criminal spent proceeds like ``Monopoly money'
David Barbeler
BRISBANE, Dec 22 - A Brisbane employee who stole almost $3 million from the Bank of Queensland (BOQ) and then spent it like ``Monopoly money'' on cars, jewellery and holidays has been sentenced to nine years' jail.
Reecson Wentworth Denford, 24, of Ascot, pleaded guilty in the Brisbane District Court on Tuesday to one count of fraud over a 20-month period totalling $2.935 million.
The court heard Denford illegally made hundreds of transactions between November 2006 and August 2008 while working for EDS Pty Ltd, a company employed by BOQ for onsite accounting and computer services.
Prosecutor Julie Aylward told the court Denford discovered a loophole where he could make unchecked credit voucher transactions under $10,000 to a body corporate sinking fund looked after by his wife, then forward the money to his personal account.
She said he would then purchase depreciating items with the money, most of which lost half their value the moment they left the store.
Some of the more lavish purchases included a trip to the world's only seven-star hotel, in Dubai, a $100,000 BMW, a $70,000 Mini Cooper, $450,000 worth of French champagne and $320,000 worth of jewellery.
From the $2.935 million, only an amount of $536,374 was recovered through the sale of his purchases, Ms Aylward said.
``It seems he has low self-esteem and the need to purchase friends was behind the spending,'' she said.
``He really spent the proceeds as if it were Monopoly money.''
Ho ho ho ho ho! That loser got nine whole years for stealing less than three mil. Landeryou has stolen or obtained through fraud three times that. Me and my hot rodding men will have at least 15 years to make him repent.
That is if he does not kill himself first, Brutus!
Or succumb to haemorrhage
Cait, what does your shrink say about Landeryou's kleptomania? Or his compulsive lying, let alone his transvestitism, his addictions to fatty fried chicken and cheap yet potent fortified wine and his ambition to become the first person in recorded human history to weigh more than one tonne?
What does Cait's shrink say about the fat man's copraphagia?
The Dean Mighell expose just before Christmas has been a revelation.
While the drunkards at The Age booze up before Christmas, the hardworking men and women at Vexnews keep up the good fight. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, again you were too generous with your description of The Age staff.
Alcohol is allowed as long as it is for Jihad, so I can understand why The Age allows this.
What "hardworking men and women at Vexnews"? Everybody who is even a little less retarded than Sasha Uzunov knows Vexnews is the sole invention and product of a single grossly obese and slothful drunkard.
True, he weighs as much as several men and dresses as a woman and has several female false identities, but there are no "hardworking men and women at Vexnews".
Landeryou is not even hardworking when he commits theft and fraud.
He was too lazy to check the correct spelling of his brother-in-law Mat Mason's name when he forged it on company documents and his "the dog ate my homework" excuses when dragged before the courts over the collapse of IQ Corporation were risible.
Another year goes by and Landeryou still hasn't faced court.
Justice delayed. Shame!
Landy must be on holiday.
He is spending all his time here.
The guy should be serving time for extensive fraud and not free running a hate blog which libels decent Aussies.
The appalling libelous hate blog Vexnews continues to rubbish Ted Bailleau, Dean Mighell and malevolently supports mad monk Tony Abbott - the climate change fucknuckle.
Although 'Byron from Wahroonga' was exposed long ago as a Landeryou fake commenter, he still persists:
"Dean meet me in the Wahroonga Gentlemens Public Lavatory and we will make our own she-male DVD".
Posted by Byron from Wahroonga | December 22, 2009, 22:59
Ordinarily, this would be a criminal libel if published in print. But since the telecommunications watchdog hasn't done a single thing about internet abuses, Landeryou seems free to continue his vile defamations ad absurdum.
Foul stuff!
Time for overdue, thorough reviews of all those 'watchdogs' that just don't work.
Public service jobs are a gravy train for lazy nincompoops...
A massive fraud on the public purse.
Hmnn. I'm five months into a Moral Rights matter against Public Record Office Victoria which has been duckshoved by Minister Kosky to Arts Victoria to PROV. What part of Ministerial and departmentmental accountability don't these overpaid clowns understand?
Ombudsman Victoria say they can't pursue the matter because of its legal issues. Nearly all complaints to the Ombudsman involve a legal issue. But mine appears to be far too difficult.
But I would sure hate Landeryou to ever bat for me against the Ombudsman after his extended, groundless hate campaign against the office of the Ombudsman.
Drunken sot Landeryou is too far gone most days now to be able to invent anything that even he can try to pass off as an item for his hate blog so instead he comes here and leaves a few short and incoherent comments.
Landeryou is so drunk most days that he loses control of his bowels.
Landeryou is so drunk most days that he loses control of his bowels.
A video posted on YouTube questions the December 13 attack on Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi by hinting it was staged to create sympathy for the embattled leader.
Andrew Landeryou is an object of derision and contempt. How long before the obese transvestite criminal stages a Reichstag-fire like fake attack on himself in an attempt to win sympathy?
The repulsive blob reported on Newspoll 24 after everyone else. That's a long time to be unconcious in a pool of your own piss on the floor surrounded by KFC wrappers and empty bottles of Aldi booze.
There's a keen sense of anticipation building in the Fat Cave. In a little over 24 hours Operation Christmas Stuffing Recipe swings into action.
For months now Landeryou has been contacting food and liquor outlets falsely claiming to represent charities and looking for donations of Christmas cheer. He's conned dozens of decent, honest Aussies and now has enough food for a full scale Christmas dinner with all the trimmings for 500 people - or enough for an Andy snack.
He has also plotted on a chart the location of every charity in Melbourne that will be dishing out food to the down and out and friendless on Christmas day and the detail of when they will be serving it up. Not only has he worked out routes between them all so he will be able to stop for a feed at each and every one. He has assembled a van full of disguises so he can get multiple meals at each one. The Sergeant is ready to chauffer him about and help with quick changes. Landeryou is reckoning on getting at least 350 servings of Christmas dinner this way.
If he still feels peckish he plans to stop off in the evening at the Feeding Melbourne's Homeless all you can eat vegetarian feat at the Hare Krishna temple.
He will then head back to the Fat Cave and drink himself unconscious on Rutherglen Rotgut bulk port.
When Landeryou comes to Barwon Jail on December 25 I will give him Christmas stuffing of a different kind
The Age: A foreign resident was the mastermind behind the theft of the infamous Nazi German "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign from the former Auschwitz death camp, says a Polish investigator.
Who the hell is Landeryou's new pet 'journo' John Ironmonkey?
He wrote a pretty lame piece on the Copenhagen babblefest - but it was enough to stir up Landeryou fake commenters like Pissy Chyrne.
Vexnews is becoming a leading nazi hate blog.
If a gathering of ravens is called 'an unpleasantness of ravens', what would you call a group of Landeryous?
A. A Skulldugery of Landeryous.
I hear that the fat man wants to weigh 1,000 kilos by the end of February. This is his greatest goal.
That little red retraction notice on TV for a cough medicine that doesn't work. I'm lovin it!
Does this mean there is a government watchdog that is actually doing its job?
WESTPAC boss Gail Kelly has sold about $7 million of her almost $40m worth of Westpac shares, giving one of the nation's highest paid executives a sizeable chunk of spare change for last minute Christmas pressies.
The nation's second-largest bank by market value said today its boss had sold 242,580 shares at $23.5398 on Monday, worth about $5.7m, "as part of the management of her personal financial affairs" [The Australian].
CEOs who accept millions like this are corrupt.
I hope the stupid airhead chokes on her Christmas stuffing.
Shadup, I'm still counting my 33 mill - Alan Moss.
Shut up! I'm still counting my $14 Million - does the airline have any serviceable aircraft left - Geoff Dixon.
Shut the f*ck up! I am still counting my three mil - Landeryou
Growl, grr...growl - I'm still guarding the only can of Black and Gold dogfood in the Fat Cave - This is going to be the Xmas from hell - Ronnie
The unimaginable wealth of the white collar crime CEOs is sickening, while the rest of us have a daily struggle on a fistful of dollars and cents.
I wonder if Ken Henry's review of the tax system has worked out a way of moving the tax burden from Aussies in poverty to the stinking rich directors, CEOs and Mandarin public servants who pay little if any tax.
ATO meanwhile is just another device to help keep the poor in their place.
'Malfeasance', you must be a nut.
Treasury's Ken Henry is a bureaucrat. He isn't going to review himself out of a job. If anything, his review will have found new ways of taxing PAYG taxpayers and giving free kicks to the bloated top end of town.
Vexnews is again the nation's greatest news site. This time the focus is on Sweden. A great story from a great news site. Read on:
Young Swedish women more likely to have sex with each other: study
Published: 23 Dec 09 13:39 CET
Young Swedes have ever more fluid definitions of sex and sexuality, according to a new study from Mälmö University in southern Sweden. Women in particular are more likely to pursue sexual activities with others of the same gender.
“We are seeing a greater openness among young people, particularly among young women. There is an increasing interest in experimenting and pushing boundaries, and a growing resistance to defining oneself as heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual,” Sven-Axel MÃ¥nsson, a Mälmö University sociology professor, told Dagens Nyheter (DN) newspaper.
MÃ¥nsson and colleague Kristian Daneback surveyed 855 young people between the ages of 18 and 24 via an online questionnaire.
The survey showed that 31 percent of young women and 7 percent of young men said that they were most often sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex, but sometimes they were attracted to people of their own gender.
Thirty-nine percent of the women and 8 percent of the men reported having sexual fantasies about both genders.
Young women were also far more likely than their male counterparts to act on their same-sex fantasies, with 13 percent of female respondents and 3 percent of male respondents reporting that they have had sex with both men and women.
“Girls are less bound by norms than guys are; it is not as taboo for them to have sex with (other women),” MÃ¥nsson told DN.
He added that the figures for women having sex with other women were "strikingly high".
"Many no longer wish to be tied in to rigid sexual identities, they want to be open and free as people and as sexual beings. That is my interpretation," said MÃ¥nsson.
Where does Andy get his news from? That's a great story. I'd rather read Vexnews than Brutus Beefcake's rants any day. Perhaps Brutus could comment on the story, given his experiences of homosexuality at Barwon Prison.
Why don't you kill yourself Andrew. Your life is a wreck and it is the perfect time of year for suicide.
I am a big believer in assisted suicide Andrew.
Merry Christmas everyone
Becuase of Andrew's halal chicken sauasages, in which he subsituted pork, I can no longer offer sausages this Christmas, no thanks to Andrew
I never eat pork. Let this Christmas be a pork free Christmas. Pork is poison. It is full of salt and it is bad for blood pressure. It is bad for hardness in you know where. It is not kosher. For the sake of your health Brutus Beefcake do not eat pork this Christmas. You won't have the strength to do what you do to certain inmates if you keep eating pork.
Mr Landeryou,
Give us back our investments you lousy fat crook. You are pigging out this Xmas Day. We are still counting our losses. Nowadays, we have to go through the rubbish bins at St Peter Port to get a feed of disgusting scraps.
We are building a vessel that will take us to Australia as boat people. Once accepted there, we will locate the rotten crim and skin him alive!
Landeryou is still incognito - illegal for a news blogger who constantly libels worthy Australians.
He MUST supply an address for service on his horrendous blog. The relevant government watchdog is failing all Australians by remaining idle and thumb twiddling.
"Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, has urged people to give to those who are having a hard time this festive season," media reports say.
This does not include 1500 pound freak, fraud and failure Fat Andrew Landeryou who despite resembling a drunken and demented bum has millions and millions in stolen loot stashed in secret accounts overseas.
Merry Christmas everyone!
My name is David and I live in Fitzroy and do charity work locally at St Mary’s House of Welcome on Brunswick Street.
As we were getting ready to serve Christmas dinners up today to down and outs and some of the locals who live in the tower blocks I was surprised to see a low loader with an incredibly fat man on the back pull up outside. A very sadly backwards guy who was drooling and twitching and wearing mismatched camouflage trousers and shirt and a colander on his head winched the fat man off and they vanished.
Lo and behold first in the queue for Christmas food was the same fat man. He reeked of alcohol but so did many of the people we were feeding. I would swear he appeared shortly after, but in a frock and a blonde wig. And again, with black shoe polish on his face and affecting an African accent. It kept on happening: an incredibly fat person reeking of alcohol but dressed differently kept coming up for food.
When what appeared to be an incredibly fat woman dressed head to toe in full Islamic garb yet reeking of booze came up and asked for a plate of Christmas ham I asked “Don’t you think you have had enough sir?”
The person turned to me and said in an Australia male voice that in her country infidel dogs were stoned to death for speaking to the wives of the faithful, wolfed the plateful of food quick smart and then hot-footed it to the door. The person yelled “Quick, quick, Sergeant! We must away!” and was winched back onto the semi and it sped off.
Oddly enough a friend who does charity work with an outreached in Collingwood had a similar experience not that much later.
We Googled “grossly obese transvestite scammer in Melbourne” and were directed to this site and are both firmly convinced that we saw Andrew Landeryou and Sascha Uzunov.
Happy Xmas to you too David! That was a hoot. The best laugh today.
The nuggeted manifestation you met would have been Andrew Mugabeyou. He interferes in elections, manufacturing lies about candidates he doesn't like. But as you now know, he also gorges on free feeds for the needy at Xmas.
Landeryou is still in his alcohol induced Xmas coma, and hasn't updated Vexnews for five days.
It's either that, or he has finally given up on his nazi hate blog... We can but hope.
Vexnews is published so infrequently that it doesn't really qualify as a news blog - more of a badly-produced monthly student mag. Such a presentation allows Landeryou to offer tedious, pretentious, badly researched essays. These are often so long and full of digressions that they end up making no sense.
Self-proclaimed editor-in-chief Landeryou is an inelegant, undisciplined, amateur writer.
Amateur writers who libel people and organisations are unwelcome in real media outlets. Those outlets are usually solvent and proprietors dislike losing costly civil actions.
Although those libelled in Vexnews often seem entitled to reparations and apologies, their lawyers hesitate because Landeryou's precise circumstances, current address and electoral details, and other variables are unknown.
Landeryou can be reached by mobile 'phone, where he is in control. He gets your 'phone number and probably an illegal recording of what was said.
VicPol, and many other agencies, can quickly pinpoint the exact location of Landeryou's mobile number. Those agencies may or may not have that information already. But no prosecutions have resulted. Someone isn't doing their job!
Landeryou is a complete crumb. Why are we wasting time discussing a kindergarten-level blog?
The thing that shits me is if I 'phoned Landeryou at Vexnews, I could be talking to 'Byron from Wahroonga', 'Pissy Chyrne', 'Phil Clearly', etc. The guy is a NUT!
Landeryou isn't even a cadet journalist's toilet paper.
Ed Bernstein I'm pleased you never mentioned me for a change. I'm always being called a Landeryou sock puppet when I'm not.
Andrew is not a nut. He is a great man.
A Christmas gift to the Liberal Party from Vexnews. Peter Allan from Whitehorse for Premier. Read on:
Peter Allan the former Whitehorse Clowncillor would make a good leader of the Liberal Party. Ted could resign and Peter could then replace him in Hawthorn, then Peter could lead the Libs to victory at the next state election. Peter has the gift of the gab and sound Liberal credentials. He supported Phil Baressi federally last time. He’d be a great state leader for the Libs.
Posted by Anonymous | December 25, 2009, 22:14
Who posted that shit. Peter Allan would be a terrible member for Hawthorn. Stay there Red Ted. Only two people would be worse Premiers than brothel man Peter and they are his niece Jacinta and his nephew Lyle. Both have about the IQ of a pea.
During 2009 Landeryou became incontinent and now he wears BabyLove Poo-Poo Pouch Nappies while he composes Vexnews, the nazi hate blog.
You know the cretinous TV advert where an SUV is filled with excrement - "Only BabyLove's new Poo-Poo Pouch nappies can handle a poo explosion or number threes as we politely call it" rubbish.
Some Googling tonight showed Mums are far from impressed. Leakages and explosions continue as before apparently.
Perhaps this explains why I frequently see Melbourne City Council sanitation trucks outside Landeryou's luxury apartment block. There are often crowds of fellow residents screaming abuse. "Stop shitting us you rotten scumbag"! they yell. "Put a big cork in it"!
That is one mighty big CORK they were yelling about!
Cut out all the middlemen, and sh**t the fat c*nt!
There has been nothing new on the little-read smear site Vexnews for days now. Did all decent, hard-working, law-abiding Australians get a Christmas present and is Landeryou now behind bars?
It's amazing! David who posted on Christmas day is spot on! Google the words “grossly obese transvestite scammer in Melbourne” and the third site you are directed to is Slanderyou. It's really good to see the citizenry protected from criminals like Andrew John Clyde Landeryou in this way. Well done to all at Team Slanderyou for your patriotic and public spirited blog.
Bubba and several other Hot Rodding men went into meltdown on Christmas Day at the thought of Landeryou escaping justice for another year yet again. They rioted and were tasered, slapped in straightjackets and put in solitary.
But I am calm and controlled and waiting and planning.
Like many people at this time of year I got a shock when I stepped on the scales this morning to check out the Christmas damage. Like many blokes in their mid thirties my waistline has been expanding, but I was disgusted to come in at just under 100 kilos. I need to lose between 10 and 14 kilos to be healthy again. That's as much as my toddler weighs.
Then I thought of Andrew Landeryou. Even if he lost my entire weight five times over he would still be classed as morbidly obese.
I am sick of the shit continually being posted on this blog of filth.
Cait (Landeryou) - I guess that's nature's way of telling you to f*ck off and stop posting here!
The Nigerian rich kid with mass-murder terrorist intentions looks like Tiger Woods.
But then, Landeryou looks like two tonnes of elephant shit. What conclusions can we draw?
Unless you can charter a private jet, you will be forced to travel with swarthy middle-eastern types or bloated crooks like Landeryou.
I'm staying home!
Various Archbishops and others urged Aussies to gladly accept refugees over Xmas.
Not a lot of choice really! UNHCR sends the buggers here. We have to accept them. We are such softies that some misguided local groups roll out the red carpet.
The Rudd government, as usual, says nothing!
Cait Catt AKA Fat Andrew Landeryou used a bad word on this site and said "shit". The patriotic work of Team Slanderyou is clearly getting to the drunken and delusional crim.
Vexnews has not been updated for close to a week now.
Its obese tranvestite author Andrew Landeryou is either behind bars, unimaginably and incoherently drunk or preparing some particularly vile new criminality.
This can't have been Landeryou. He does not leave anything behind when he breaks into premises to steal food.
Police in Alice Springs are looking for hungry thieves who broke into someone's house and cooked a steak on Christmas Day.
Watch commander Peter Dash says the burglars climbed into a house in Telegraph Terrace through an already broken window.
He says the owner arrived home at 8:00pm on Friday night to discover the remnants of a T-bone steak that someone had cooked and eaten in the house.
Police are continuing their inquiries.
This story from The Age today has been the highlight of my holiday reading. It sounds like bad news for Buddha Boy and all his corrupt friends in the state government and Labor councils.
umours of singing jailbird set legal tongues wagging
December 28, 2009
THE build-up to the Christmas break is filled with office functions fuelled with cool drinks and hot gossip, and the criminal justice system is no exception.
Police, lawyers, judges and prison staff all like an excuse to down tools to down drinks before they head to the beach, cricket or, for the unlucky ones, back to work.
The venues vary from exclusive clubs, not-so-exclusive pubs, strip joints and restaurants but the conversations rarely stray from shop talk on what has happened during the year and what will happen in the next.
At several of these functions one intriguing whisper has been shared. In bars, and behind them, word is that a Mr Big is set to sing to avoid a monster jail sentence.
The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has long claimed he can identify up to 50 corrupt police he has bribed. He brags his "insurance policy" is a list of their names locked in his lawyer's safe.
The criminal, the story goes, was moved from his maximum-security division to a more comfortable and isolated facility far from prying eyes, wagging tongues and former associates.
In the new prison, the story goes, a makeshift hessian screen was draped around an exercise area to hide the figure's identity. But one man who should know said from within the facility: ''He's singing like a bird.''
He has returned to his maximum-security division and the Groundhog Day grind of prison life, hoping to make a deal to cut his sentence.
Yet, if the story is true, who is he talking to? It could not be Victorian police as they have their own safe houses. When they have dealt with serious crooks wanting ''a chat'', the informers are usually taken out of prison to one such secret location.
Perhaps it is the Office of Police Integrity, which does not have the same resources. Inquiries to that office have resulted in blank stares and carefully worded denials, but several prison system sources say the man was moved without explanation for a time. It is unlikely this would happen without reason. Others, meanwhile, insist the main ''source'' for the rumour is spiked Christmas punch and that it has as much credibility as the jokes inside a bonbon. Investigators say that if the man opens up (and it remains a big if), he could also implicate state and local government officials, lawyers, bank managers and financial advisers who protected him outside.
Perhaps it was just a preliminary discussion - more an afternoon tea than a hot date - but the story has raced through the criminal justice system. One criminal lawyer suggests the man has named 200 police - but lawyers can rarely be accused of understatement.
One thing is certain: if the heavyweight crook ''flips'', he will join a growing group of underworld identities who have traded information for reduced sentences and improved jail conditions.
The group that has broken the code of silence includes two hitmen, a syndicate boss, a trusted lieutenant, a former policeman and a well-known professional adviser.
The adviser is not facing criminal charges but has agreed to testify to break all ties with the underworld and start a new life.
Landeryou said "shit"? I don't like bad language, Andrew. I believe it must be punished harshly and a rigorous program of aversion therapy embarked upon. I will undertake both when you join me and the hot-rodders here at Barwon Jail.
Fat freak, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou says "I am sick of the shit continually being posted on this blog." How on earth must he feel about Vexnews?
Hope Landeryou isn't heading for Detroit anytime soon! He would be a major security airline scare.
911 nearly crashed major airlines and the Western economy. Those mad peasant fanatics continue with their sick plot. Why are they still alive? Why can they still destroy totally innocent people, including Muslims? They don't really care who they kill. They are despicable criminals who should be exposed to international law.
The 1500 pound cross dressing, deranged and deluded drunkard Shirley Landeryou is also a despicable criminals who should be exposed to international law
It is a week now since the little-read hate blog Poxnews was updated.
Has Landeryou admitted its failure and abandoned the site, just as he was forced to do after the earlier failure of the Blog of Sleaze, the OC? Maybe -- but some patriotic people believe there may be another factor invovled.
Rumours have been circulating for months of a secret Landeryou project that combines three of his favourite things in life: criminality, KFC and alcohol.
Landeryou is said to have purchased an illegal backyard still from a Serbian slivovitz distiller and installed it in the Fat Cave with the intention of creating a fried chicken based brew.
The obese recidivist is understood to have mixed week-old KFC, shoe polish and paint stripper in the still and let it ferment away.
If he has drunk the byproduct of this process, experts warn, Landeryou may been blinded or driven totally insane or placed in a coma with little hope for recovery.
This may explain the situation with Poxnews.
Some people make New Years' resolutions to lose weight.
El Gordo plans to gain more.
I keep seeing a disgustingly fat bald man in a stained and smelly dress who reeks of alcohol on my way to and from the cricket at the MCG. He goes through the bins and eating any leftover food he finds. I assume it is Landeryou. I'd like to take a photo but the individual is aggressive and abusive and regularly threatens passers-by.
Google "grossly obese transvestite scammer in Melbourne" and the 4th and 5th rank are Slanderyou posts about Landeryou. Andrew is gaining a certain fame for his cross gender habits. He has constantly refused the psychiatric help that he desperately needs. He refuses to come to terms with his crimes and the impact they have had on innocent people (excluding his bankrupting his father, who was not an innocent victim). He is deluded and insane and now beyond help.
Landeryou is a tragic figure. He hasn't gotten over his sacking as MUSU President by 89% of student voters in 1991. Everything since then has been a replay of the potplant incident. A failure of a human being.
Hey Dr Phil, tweak your search slightly. Google "grossly obese DRUNKEN transvestite scammer in Melbourne" and warnings on this blog to the community about Landeryou come up at No 1. Google "grossly obese drunken transvestite CRIMINAL in Melbourne" and exactly the same thing happens.
I spent Christmas with a prison warder and he told me Brutus Beefcake is the most obnoxious prisoner at Barwon and that Brutus's lawyer, a female, was behind the EPA dob ins of warders cars for littering.
What a naughty man. No wonder the screws hate him.
2010 will be the Year of Landeryou; IQ Corp and poor MUSU; the crook finds himself in a stew; up to his ears in heaps of poo.
Not updated for well over a week, the Vexnews News Blog has fallen over. Here are some possibilities:
1. Landeryou is under arrest in Detroit.
2. He is dead after an alcohol and food binge.
3. He has abandoned Vexnews as a failure.
4. Cait Catt has converted him to Catholicism.
5. Voodoo Woman Rita Randles has changed him into a Zombie.
6. He has flown to Byron Bay for dirty weekends with Henderson Ross.
7. He has joined the Al-Qaeda in Yemen.
8. He has been appointed a political advisor to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran.
9. He is working as a shoeshine boy in the Block Arcade paying off Sol.
10. He has joined Cronulla Sharks as a money-launderer and gang-rapist.
Anything is possible...
The Brumby government has decided to rename the MYKI ticketing system FURPHY because it is a pathetic DUD.
My local provincial rag promises huge GREEN electicity hikes in 2010. I have already refused to pay a new mad Water Charge. I fear that we will be squeezed like an empty toothpaste tube!
Brumby is sending us all broke out here.
Yet another day has dawned without an update to the Vexnews site by obese thief Shirley Landeryou.
It is pretty clear what has happened. The fat man, clad in nothing but jumbo sized women's underwear, is lying somewhere in a pool of his own piss and excrement and KFC regurgitations.
He may have even choked on his own vomit - if patriots are lucky!
I would be heartbroken if Landeryou was dead. My Hot Rodding Men would all feel the same.
We have invested so much time devising an active, hands-on and intensely physical intervention program to assist with his rehabilitation that it would be tragic to see it wasted!
Let me second those remarks above by my friend and colleague Mr Beefcake. He spends hours in the gym with a punching bag every day followed by hours more with a penis enlarger (not that he needs either!) preparing for Landeryou.
Perhaps Vexnews has not been updated as Landeryou is in Tasmania:
Police warn of fake $50 notes
Several counterfeit $50 notes have been circulating in Launceston, Tasmania Police warn.
Police have seized several of the notes passed to a number of Launceston businesses in the past fortnight.
The paper notes are slightly smaller in width and at first glance look genuine.
But police say when they are compared to a genuine note, there are noticeable differences in the clear plastic window which features the stars of the Southern Cross.
Launceston Detective Senior Constable Shaun Cackett urged businesses and members of the community to be observant when dealing with money.
``If you suspect you are in possession of a counterfeit note, retain the note, minimise your handling of it and contact police immediately,'' he said.
``The $50 notes are similar in appearance to genuine notes but feel different as they are made of paper rather than plastic.''
Police urge anyone who comes into possession of a suspected counterfeit note or has information about their production to contact them.
Landeryou may well be in Tasmania. He has form as an incompetent forger. He forged his brother in law Mat Mason's signature on company documents, but got the spelling of "Mat" wrong.
Fat cunt was probably drunk when he tried that little bit of criminality
You will find an amazing collection of documents detailing some of Andrew Landeryou's many efforts at theft, fraud and forgery like the Mat Mason letters if you follow the link above.
I saw this story today and thought it might mean Vexnews is not getting updated because Landershonk is in Sydney and busy robbing KFCs. Then I realised he is far, far, far too fat to even fit through a window the size of the windows in Myers in Burke Street let alone a drive through window of a takeaway. Plus money was stolen in this case when Landershonk would steal food.
Man climbs through drive-through window to rob restaurant
December 30, 2009 - 8:49AM
A man has climbed through a window at a drive-through restaurant in Sydney's southwest and threatened staff with a large kitchen knife, police say.
The man demanded cash from staff at the Cowpasture Road, Hoxton Park restaurant about 8.30pm (AEDT) on Tuesday, police said.
Cash was taken from a number of registers and a safe.
The man then climbed back through the window he had used to enter the restaurant.
He was last seen running south towards Fifteenth Avenue.
I am a false identity created by a morbidly obese, deranged, deluded, deeply criminal, booze-sozzled, bankrupt, bald, cross-dressing wreck of a man who is regarded by all and sundry as an object of both derision and contempt. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, you are spot on as always.
Perhaps Vexnews has not been updated for so long because Landeryou has become so incredibly obese that he cannot get his arms around his gut and use a keyboard.
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