Tuesday, December 19, 2006


In 1999, Andrew Landeryou wrote to the Unions NSW e-journal about republicanism and the qualities of Labor great Neville Wran. See here for details.

We don’t have any problem with the content.

Our issue is with his signature block.

When was Landeryou a member of the AWU?

Given his background before IQ, why was he a member of the AWU?

Does this have any consequence for later when Landeryou, dressed as Delia Delegate, did a hatchet job on National Secretary of the AWU, Bill Shorten?


Anonymous said...

A rumour going around at the time was that Delia Delegate was Lyle Allan

Anonymous said...

Tim Holding is another name that was mentioned

Anonymous said...

Australian Workers Union?!

What a laugh

I don't think Andy has ever worked one iota in his life!

Anonymous said...

of course andy was delia - that's why he hacked into Mayne so much for revealing his secret

i don't know what Lyle Allan has done but andy and his friends must be worried about something with all this where's lyle stuff and saying he was delia delegate

it's all a bit sick and twisted

Anonymous said...

Yep, sick and twisted. We all know how much Landeryou can hold a grudge. Landeryou had no problems with Stephen Mayne until he exposed him as Delia and now he goes on and on spewing his hate. V. childish.

Anonymous said...

Does seem odd that Landeryou was a member of the AWU

He worked for a short time for his dad as an electorate officer, but wouldn't that have meant being a member of the CPSU?

so why was he a member of the AWU - can't think where the industrial demarcation arises

Anonymous said...

was Landeryou a delegate to labour party conferences from the awu? That probably accounts for his awu membership.

Anonymous said...

you give your occupation as a dunny man as they are covered by awu rules and are allowed to be members. there the peple who clean the latrines in the awu building.

Anonymous said...

Anon Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:07:45 PM

perhaps that is so, but then was that the case going back to 1999, and then why would he cite AWU as part of his post nominals?

Anonymous said...

Lyle was Delia Delegate

Anonymous said...

and caroline church who wrote supporting diane anderson in che's church

Anonymous said...

It's pretty clear that Landeryou was was Delia Delegate.

If you do even a summary comparison of his writing style and Delia's they are identical, down to the typos.

Mrs Alice Idris said...

Does pork halal sausage maker come under the coverage of the AWU?

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