Monday, December 18, 2006


Today is an anniversary of sorts. Its 10 months since February 2006, when Andrew Landeryou was declared bankrupt.

The KFC munching sleaze blogger, was initially taken to court to recover $3.4 MILLION.

However, creditors had to settle for what Landeryou dismissively calls a “…comic total of $13,053.25”.

The court papers are here.

$13K is indeed ‘comic’ to Andrew. After all, he enjoys living in a luxurious penthouse, and travels to Sydney for AGMs of Australia’s top ASX listed companies.

Only Andrew Landeryou could comprehensively turn $3.4 MILLION into $13,053.25.


Anonymous said...

This is the sort of shite one would expect from Carbone and Money. We all go through hard times occasionally. Stop knocking Andrew while he is down. He will rise again and watch out Slanderyou. Landeryou is a good and decent human being and he won't be doing what people in the gangland do but watch out anyway. You might end up getting sued for libel. Andrew has done nothing wrong. He has been the victim of some of Australia's greatest corporate crooks, and people like Leonie Wood take their part. She's only a hack journo anyway and Fairfax will soon see her off to an address at a Fairfax Community Newspaper in Bullamakanka. Same with Carbone. Personally I wouldn't go near them.

Anonymous said...

Andrew is a great man and I love him.

Anonymous said...

We all love Andrew. Let's pray that he comes good. He's a fine journalist and his blog is one of Australia's best. That's why he won a blog award.

Anonymous said...

It really weird how he writes about himself in the third person. Even weirder when he starts referring to "we." Loopy Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

A$3.4 million to A$13.053.25. What a big-swinging-dick businessman! How dumb do you have to be to lose A$3.39 million?

Anonymous said...

Get with the times, Anon. 2:01:01 AM. Landeryou admitted last week on this blog he didn't have a real Walkley award.
Stephen Mayne has a Walkley. He has a successful and profitable internet publications. He has a hppay marriage and kiddies too.
Landeryou doesn't have a happy marriage or kiddies. His blog isn't profitable either. And he doesn't have a Walkley.
He's very jealous of Stephen Mayne's success.

Anonymous said...

A$3.4 million! "You only get one Andrew Landeryou in a lifetime" - one of Australia's greatest corporate crooks.

Anonymous said...

It's true, Landeryou now admits he doesn't have a Walkely award. He told me last week he was jealous that no-one would recognize his muckraking talents. He thought a fake award would generate respect from his peers Carbone & Money and Leonie Wood. He also thought that people would refer to him as "Walkley award winner" Andrew Landeryou, rather than "bankrupt online gaming spiv" Andrew Landeryou.
Then, he jabbered on about the "North Koreans are behind all the wars in the world" and muttered something else as he gorged himself on KFC.
I'm worried about his mental health. I think he's going to snap soon.
- Freedom Freddy

Anonymous said...

Freedom Freddy. With friends like you who needs enemies.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am a good friend. I'm worry about Andy's state of mind. Haven't U noticed how erratic he's getting? This blog is pushing him to the edge, dredging up all his past misdeeds and pointing out his foibles. You can imagine him red faced and spluttering KFC all over the keyboard as he fends off another attack on his being. Sad, innit? But it takes a friend to speak the truth.
-Freedom Freddy

Anonymous said...

What a sterling effort turning $3.4M into $13K! Not even Alan Bond or Warwick Fairfax could lose 99.6% of their capital. Take a bow, Andy. You are the biggest loser.

Anonymous said...

There is a big difference between being successful in business and being a good writer. Bill Farrow couldn't run Pyramid Building Society, but he was a good spin doctor. Alan Bond, too, as bad in business and lost a lot more than Andrew ever lost, but he was a good business teacher in jail, so the crims say anyway. Frank De Stefano couldn't win at the casino, and his accounting practice went bally up, but he was reputed to be a good Mayor of Geelong, although I wouldn't vote for him and I'm a Liberal voter.

Andrew is not a bad businessperson. He has benn conned by the greatest corporate crooks, including the likes of Solomon Lew. He does, however, write well and that's why he won a Walkely Blog Award, and that makes Stephen Mayne jealous.

Anonymous said...

Farrow was convicted and fined. Bond and De Stefano were convicted and jailed. Bond's back in business and Farrow now runs a successful film production company.
Perhaps Landeryou should be convicted and jailed if he wants to rehabiltate his reputation.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is a v. bad and careless businessman - lost the IQ Corp. books and loads of Solomon Lew's and other people's money.
Even Evan Thornley made money from the internet and he served his full term as MUSU president, now he's in the Upper House. (Andy's v. jealous of Thornley's success.) Landeryou skipped the country like Skase when he had to appear in court. At least Bond served his term.
Landeryou doesn't have a Walkely award. He admitted he didn't last week.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou doens't have a real Walkely award, but that doesn't mean he didn't win a blog award, which is after all a Mickey Mouse award given as a consolation prize to would be real Walkelys. The blog award is real. Its just that it isn't a real award. Sounds complicated?

Anonymous said...

I know its real. I read the site on the internet and I also heard Rev Nalliah talking about God's will or something a little over my head.

I agree a blog award is a minor award, but it sounds good and people love to hear all about it.

Anonymous said...

Don't invest your money with Alan Bond. It was in one of the Sunday papers yesterday. I'm surprised at one of the contributors to this blog singing his praises. Must have gone to Bond University and got a law degree there.

Where does Bond University stand in the University pecking order? I thought Sydney and Melbourne and Monash and ANU were at the top and places like St Albans Tech or Victoria Uni (Andrew Theophanous was on their Council) are at the bottom.

Then again the Chancellor of Melbourne Uni was once a director of the failed State Bank and didn't see what a disaster Tricontinental would be, and we're all paying for his mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's right, Andy doesn't have a Walkley award. He didn't win a blog award. His trophy cabinet is as empty and hollow as IQ Corp.

Anonymous said...

My God this is staggering.

Now that you put it this way Slanderyou, I am even left more gobsmacked.

Where did the $$'s go?

Anonymous said...

amazing I never knew and have been reading his blog and using it to source my own work

Anonymous said...

I spent it on Costa Rican whores.

Anonymous said...

Comments on Landeryou's blog have died off significantly.
Guess 'cause it's school holidays and the kiddies are out having summertime fun, oor was he just a nine-day wonder.

Anonymous said...

YEah - where did all the comments on Landeryou's blog go?

have his readers seen sense?

has he burned them off too?

Anonymous said...

All loyal citizens go to

to make your contribution to having Landeryou punished appropriately.

Landeryou is ex prisoner filth.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a very funny blog

well done

Anonymous said...

I just looked at the poll and found a majority of respondents won't visit the National Library in case they catch something. AIDS perhaps? I thought it was only Pauline Hanson who talked about that disease. This is a respectable blog. Time for some decorum. Readers shoud vote, and vote for some of the other alternatives. There are more adjectives than there are words in the Turkish language to describe Comrade Landerme.

Anonymous said...

The name Landeryou is a great name in Cornish history. It is not Turkish as the previous correspondent claimed. It is a confusion with the name of a Turkish bath in Istanbul, which is named after a Cornish person who used to be employed in the Sultan's harem in the days of the Ottoman Empire.

The following is from a Surname site on the net:

LANDERYOU, LENDERYOU lan-derow, enlosure of oak trees

So Landeryou means an enclosure of oak trees in Cornish. It is not German either.

Lander means state but the ending suggests it is not Germanic.

I always thought Cornish people were smart and of high intellect. This certainly applies to Andrew Landeryou, who is a blogger of the highest calibre.

Anonymous said...

for all of his faults he has nailed lefty this time not that Jermy Sear can do any thing about being named .

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