Sunday, December 17, 2006

MANIC MONDAY & Andrew Landeryou

Join us on Manic Monday when we join Andrew Landeryou in a special event.

Clue: $13,053.25, which equates to 1,866 KFC buckets.


Anonymous said...

Monday is manic because that's the day Carbone and Money write their first dirt column for the week.

Lay off Andrew Landeryou. I love Andrew and I love his blog. Don't you.

Of course he doen't have as many hits as Slanderyou. 71 plus hits. But what Landeryou lacks in numbers he gains in quality. That's why he won a Walkley award. That's why Rev Nalliah regards his site as sacred and offers forgiveness and invites Landeryou bloggers to his next prayer meeting.

Long live Andrew Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

yeh if you count rehashing what the newspapers have said

the only scoops he has is from richardson and her husband and that will dry up pretty soon because there is a lot of unhapiness about it

he's being used like a tool but doesnt know it the poor bugger

Anonymous said...

They'll no doubt ditch him in the end which is the sad story of his life - but then again what's he got on them - he is a pretty good standover merchant.

He's already had some very 'nice things' to say about Fiona to people who will listen - which is probably just a warning shot - but wait for a Monday Madness on her when he decides he's had enough.

I actually think from many acounts that she is better than that and we hope that Kimberleys's fate doesn't await her.

It will only end in tears.

Anonymous said...

well a source 'close to the couple' have it that andy and kimkit have been out and about about town.

maybe she just loves her man

Anonymous said...

oh god no - how can she do that her - her story
seemed so true

maybe he has something on her that is more terrible than going back to him

scary thougt

Anonymous said...

Hiss Hiss

She could go back to where she did articles

I hear they have a bit to say


Anonymous said...

you morons

everyone has heard how bad he was to her - where she bought things, what she wore , what she said , who her friends were - there is no way she wiiiiill go back to him.

she is sooo much better without him and she knows it - but whether she can dooooo it is another question.

Anonymous said...

Monday is manic because that's the day Carbone and Money write their first dirt column for the week.

Lay off Andrew Landeryou. I love Andrew and I love his blog. Don't you.

Of course he doen't have as many hits as Slanderyou. 71 plus hits. But what Landeryou lacks in numbers he gains in quality. That's why he won a Walkley award. That's why Rev Nalliah regards his site as sacred and offers forgiveness and invites Landeryou bloggers to his next prayer meeting.

Long live Andrew Landeryou.

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