On Monday we wrote that as if proof was needed, Andrew Landeryou had revealed that he was utterly mad, as he launched an 'interactive criminal trial' (whatever that is!) of Jeremy Sear. Now even Landeryou's supporters are seriously concerned over Landeryou's actions.
The Right Call writes:
"Now, normally there would be many sites defending Landeryou, but like The Right Call, they seem to think that this time is different. Where is Tim Blair, Andrew Bolt or any of the others? Oh, wait, I know. The Right Call believes that making up false charges against others based on the scarcest possible evidence is wrong. Tim Blair believes that false charges are wrong and seems to believe that even based on the falsest of evidence that Landeryou is wrong, and Andrew Bolt is on holidays, but he's a big fan of actual facts, not whispers of fact." (red emphasis added)
Looks as if Andy is all alone on this one. Tim Blair seems to have washed his hands of Landeryou.
Every day Andy is getting wackier and wackier - the latest being his attacks on Sear and Landeryou's transvestite personas.
He's alienating, boring and losing his readers with his vindictive attacks.
Like the Landeryou of old, it's only a matter of time before his own games catch up with him and he'll be hiding among the pot plants or dashing off to Costa Rica.
Why Mayne do you sprout such banalities. Do you keep company with the far left at Melbourne Uni? My spies are there and the OC investigations unit will expose you if you dare set foot inside the Socialist Alliance meeting. Should be good entertainment but not for you. Read about life behind the latte curtain below:
MOCKED: Let's Laugh At Lefties
Kevin Rudd has disavowed socialism, which is probably a bit like the OC or Margaret Thatcher disavowing it. It's kinda assumed.
Although he has said he is a Christian socialist, not unlike Anglican bishops who profess agnosticism. Basically it's an old geeky term for Christian lefties of the kind that the DLP were are.
But the Left seem keen to infuse the quietly conservative, family values pro American with qualities he probably doesn't have so they can whip themselves into being enthusiastic for his election. But he's no Mark Latham so they probably don't have much to be excited about.
Check out the above sign. What a thrilling night of summer fun entertainment it threatens to be.
Game on.
PS Thank you to the observant patriot behind enemy lines at Melbourne Uni for sending in the image. Please keep them coming so we can maintain our constant vigil of life behind the Latte Curtain.
posted by Andrew Landeryou @ 10:33
Andrew, I'm not Stephen Mayne and don't keep company with far left at Melbourne Uni.
Also you have slipped up. You have just exposed yourself as Cait Catt.
Now go and get a job if, that is, anyone will employ you.
I am not Andrew Landeryou
Cait Catt
No, Cait, I understand you are just one of Andrew's multiple personalities like the OC investigations unit and Freedom Freddy. Now going away and have your Prozac or whatever you have for paranoid "Reds down the beds" delusions and calm down.
Twelve Angry Men - and one raving ratbag.
Anonymous said...
Every day Andy is getting wackier and wackier - the latest being his attacks on Sear and Landeryou's transvestite personas.
He's alienating, boring and losing his readers with his vindictive attacks.
Like the Landeryou of old, it's only a matter of time before his own games catch up with him and he'll be hiding among the pot plants or dashing off to Costa Rica.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 11:29:27 AM
So utterly utterly concise! well done
Andrew "Cait Catt" Landeryou hates Slanderyou because the one thing charlatans can't cope with is ridicule.
I hear that Landeryou escaped from the country by dressing as a woman. Sources close to the OC also say that Landeryou's travestitism was also the cause of the foundering of his marriage to Dimberley. Auditors also speculate that his financial ventures have ended in ruin because of his reckless expenditure on ladyboys, who he paid to dress up as court officers and try him before finding him guilty everytime and subject to gross physical indignities as a punishment.
All this is puerile. I want to hear some genuine news about Mr Landeryou. Not "catt-calling"!
Who is Cait Catt anyway. I looked in vain for a C Catt in the telephone book and there's no Cait Catt or anything like her on the electoral roll.
Purrhaps (sic)she's not a naturalised citizen, and perhaps she either doesn't have a phone, uses a mobile phone only, or she has a silent number.
Of course she could also be a nom de plume, like Delia Delegate.
Andy seems fond of alliteration when he makes up names
Delia Delegate
Freedom Freddy
Cait Catt...
This is a quite damning indictment.
Well done Slanderyou for bringing this to the public's attention.
Anonymous said...
All this is puerile. I want to hear some genuine news about Mr Landeryou. Not "catt-calling"!
This is genuine news!
It provides a mirror to Landeryou and his smear tactics.
These two items appear on the Landeryou blog comments. It appears there are two Cait Catts writing for Landeryou. I suspect the second is the same person who is contributing homilies to Landeryou on this blog:
I just realised how stupid I have been, thinking that the Landeryou contributed to this story, when it was actually published in The Age. I have been called a moron before - and for good reason!
Cait Catt | Homepage | 01.17.07 - 5:54 pm | #
Gravatar There is another Cait Catt. I am not a moron and I did not contribute someone else's story. The link in the item purportedly from me comes from a site in the Brimbank area critical of Ken Capar. I can take any criticism, no matter how slanderous and rude, but I think it over the top that someone else is trying to copy my good name.
I did NOT write the item above. I am NOT Andrew Landeryou.
Cait Catt | 01.17.07 - 6:33 pm | #
There have also been several people looking for Lyle, not the same person. Lyle has been previously outed as Delia.
I did NOT write the item above. I am NOT Andrew Landeryou.
Slanderyou, I feel I need to inform you that I have added an update to my post which I hope has changed the context of Tim Blair's statements. Please read them, and if you feel it necessary, please update your own post.
All of the original text is still in the post.
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