Monday, March 12, 2007


On February 12 we revealed that Liberal Party blogger Andrew Landeryou lives in multi-millionaire luxury.

And today we can reveal that Andrew Landeryou is currently embroiled in a real estate scandal.

Sources have revealed that the body corporate that manages the Sentinel building – the palatial residential building with million dollar views – is closely monitoring its most infamous resident, Andrew Landeryou, for unauthorized rebranding of the building as the ‘Tower of Power’.

A resident, who asked to have their identity hidden, told Team Slanderyou that residents have been worried for some time about the smell emanating from Landeryou’s lavish apartment. The resident said the smell of KFC was often overwhelming, and regularly was so intense that it frightened little children and frail old pensioners and patriotic war veterans.

Story developing….


Cait Catt said...

Andrew Landeryou is not a Liberal blogger and he does not live in luxury. He lives in quite modest circumstances.

Please stop you slanderous untruths Slanderyou or you might find yourself at the end of the great man's writ.

Anonymous said...

Nonsense Cait

Anonymous said...

How's a bankrupt, unemployed Liberal blogger going to fund a libel suit? I doubt legal aid will be available.
If Andrew-Delia-Cait does, imagine the flurry of suits he'll have to defend.
"All tip and no iceberg."

Anonymous said...

Does Dean Sherriff like KFC?

Andrew does, but he doesn't eat as much as Slanderyou claims. Perhaps Dean is the champion KFC eater.

If so they might like to contribute to his legal expenses now that Wayne Phillips has refused to do so. Dean can't ask Andrew though. Andrew is bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

Where does he get the money???? A bankrupt like Andy in such a posh building? A very nice apartment. Andy, perhaps you could tell us about the financing? Or is it owned by some off-the-shelf company headquartered, no doubt, in Costa Rica or HK, the ownership of which is shielded by a host of nominees, and leased on very favorable terms to Andy. C'mon Andy, 'fess up. What's the deal?

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