Monday, September 17, 2007

Andrew Landeryou caught out

Andrew Landeryou caught out: "In the meantime, I am left to think that there is someone out there who thinks OC has overstepped the mark and convinced AL that he should withdraw the post".

As one of many readers has noted: "Ooops. Poor little Landy's banned me for the following post (which he edited a couple of times). Good to see he's refreshingly predictable...And calling me 'Alex White' of all things...'And again, you've edited the post. What would you know about being a 'decent Australian'? Most 'decent Australians' don't flee overseas leaving their families to deal with their extensive debts. Nor do they stalk women in the inner suburbs (as you've gleefully admitted to). No amount of deletion on Halo Scan, nor an attempt to rebadge your blog (through what's laughably been described as a 'hacking incident') as something other than an ALP shit-sheet will cause anyone to forget your lack of ethical credibility. Although it's nice to see you finally realising the swamp you've created for yourself...'

Our readers also make a number of other important points in the same commentary space.


Anonymous said...

I'm relucant to write anything on Andy's blog 'cause he'll track down me and start stalking by aged mother.
Still, she and her croquet buddies are pretty handy with their mallets so Andy would come out of it worse for wear.

Anonymous said...

I hear Andy has been stalking a Green MP!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is a living, waddling DSM IV textbook example.

Mad is a too board and subjective term so I suggest narcissistic personality disorder - extreme focus on oneself.

- has a grandiose sense of self-importance,
- is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
believes that he is "special" and unique and can only be understood by other special people,
- requires excessive admiration,
- strong sense of entitlement,
- takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends,
- lacks empathy,
- is often envious or believes others are envious of him,
- arrogant affect.

Don't know where masquerading as various women fits in so we might be able to coin a syndrome -
"Transvestite Landeryou Syndrome."

Anonymous said...

Hey Cait

do you reckon that Mayne is scared of Andy?

Mayne is ultimately succesful, would appear to be financailly well off after selling Crikey, and has a great family.

Andy is ultimately unsuccessful. His finances are at best dubious, and the rest is public knowledge

Anonymous said...

In Landeryou news just in...

In a private briefing, Centrelink officials have revealed that Andrew Landeryou is on a disability support pension as OH&S legislation prevent him from holding down a job as his extreme weight would pose a threat to the safety of his colleagues and may cause structural damage to any building he worked in.

In a second briefing, law enforcement sources have said that Landeryou remains at large because he cannot fit into any prison facilities as he is too fat.

Anonymous said...

In Landeryou news just in...

In a private briefing, Centrelink officials have revealed that Andrew Landeryou is on a disability support pension as OH&S legislation prevent him from holding down a job as his extreme weight would pose a threat to the safety of his colleagues and may cause structural damage to any building he worked in.

In a second briefing, law enforcement sources have said that Landeryou remains at large because he cannot fit into any prison facilities as he is too fat.

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