It appears that Andrew Landeryou has been up to his usual tricks. Select this external link for details.
Meanwhile, times are a little tough at the moment for Melbourne’s own Mr Creosote, what with his chronic unappeasable hunger for “fatter-than-fat” fried chicken.
So we thought it was time to humanise Andrew Landeryou, and take you on a tour of his personal life.
Last year (April 2007) we reported that Landeryou took delivery of a new car. He has since grown into it! With the import tariff loaded onto the price, it may explain Andy’s recent rant against the automotive industry review.
Patriots might also take note of Landeryou ‘hard at work’ on his Blog of Sleaze, in his Fat Cave. The picture is a study exploring all that makes Landeryou who he is. You might want to consider amongst yourselves all the various paraphernalia that he has surrounded himself with, such as the obligatory KFC family bucket. The portrait truly tells a thousand words.
Plus take a look at an early “Spot the Similarity” game.
Utterly disgusting. No wonder no one is looking at the blog of filth. A blog with no readers. Go away Slanderyou. Read a real blog. Read the OC. The best blog on the net.
Whatever chance you ever had of winning a Walkley Blog Award in the past you won't win one now. Even with the support of Lew Carbone Money and Wood it won't do you any good. No selection panel worth its name could ever choose someone who prints something so outrageous.
Slanderyou is and continues to be the blog of filth. Not even Filthia, the disgusting entertainer at Draculas Theatre Restaurant, is as filthy as the Slanderyou blog.
poor, sad, sad, sad, sad landeryou.
continually perpetuating some myth about a non existent Walkley award and trying to distract people from the real issue - the missing millions
divide and conquer just doesn't work with Slanderyou readers fat boy
So where is Landeryou this morning. 11 am and he hasn't published on his blog of sleaze!
Doing another disappearing act Andy?
MAybe he is in Ireland with the glove puppets in the Eurovision!,26278,23270668-7484,00.html
Landeryou seems to have really let himself go since he moved into the Fat Cave.
I no longer respect him.
"A British man has died after taking part in a contest to see who could eat the most fairy cakes," AAP reports.
"Adam Deeley, 34, collapsed after five of the cakes became lodged in his throat in South Wales..."
Will this be a setback to Landeryou's new career in competitive eating?
I have yet to see anything on this blog that is of any use to anyone except to the moronic mind of the authors.
I have yet to see anything on Landeryou's blog that is of any use to anyone except to those who wish to use it as a case study of someone living in denial.
and shortly about to discover the joys of having big bubba in the bunk above him
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