Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Andrew Landeryou anonymously speaks out, fat fingers and all

Last Friday was a bad day for Andrew Landeryou.

His fat fingers started to severely affect his typing, causing him to inflict a range of typos on his declining readership.

However, the affliction didn’t seem to affect him too greatly, with him commenting on your Blog of Truth here and here and here about the MUSU affair.

As usual, patriots were quick to hold Andrew “fat fingers” Landeryou to account.


Anonymous said...

Where is Cait when we need her? Why doesn't Cait or her sock puppet mates Rita and Catter8 comment on any of the previous stories? Just how many sock puppets does Landershonk use?

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy Andrew has very pudgy paws so he types his sleazy sh*t with his dick: its very small.

Anonymous said...

And no Quill Award nor nomination for fat fingers either!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kev, Andy didn't win or nominated, because he's not a journalist.

But also because of his typos.

Anonymous said...

Eat Shit Slanderyou. How dare you criticise someone who has courageously stood up to evil in all its forms, and who has suffered relentless inquiry from Leftards.

Eat shot indeed.

Anonymous said...

Hey Fat Fingers, when has El Gordo "courageously stood up to evil in all its forms?"
Doesn't he usually hide behind pot plants in the basement, bankruptcy or his wife's skirts when not fleeing to Costa Rica.

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt I want you back.

Anonymous said...

Where O Where is Cait Catt?

Nothing from her for days.

What is the matter Cait?

Why have you, Catter and Rita gone walkabout and joined your other sock puppet Delia?

I have to learn some new names now.

Please save me the trouble Miss Catt. I want you back.

Anonymous said...

the Blubbering Blogger is publishing the residential addresses of people, but won't publish his own address. Fat hypocrite

Anonymous said...

But didn't you see his story? Dean McVeigh has dropped the MUSU case! It was just a politically motivated witch hunt after all!

Anonymous said...

I remember Andrew hiding behind the potplant incident. He had just been sacked as MUSU President by the overwhelming vote of 89% of over 6000 voting students. Andrew lost the plot, was told to leave the building by security, refused then ran to the basement and hid behind the potplant. A more pathetic sight you will not see.

It explains also the Costa Rica jaunt. When Andrew gets afraid that he will be called to account for all his mad schemes, he has to hide.

Sad, sad Andy.

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy Andrew has very pudgy paws so he types his sleazy sh*t with his dick: its very small.

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