Monday, April 14, 2008

Andrew Landeryou: Interngate Scandal – fair minded patriots shocked

Scandal prone bankrupt and Liberal Party blogger Andrew Landeryou has been implicated in a developing imbroglio involving questionable employment practices.

Landeryou has advertised on his Bog of Sleaze, for an “intern” to join him on his Sleazy Blog endeavours.

The advert raises a number of significant questions.

Is Landeryou so lonely that the needs to advertise for ‘friends’ with mutual benefits?

Where is Freedom Freddy?

Where is Joe Klein?

Where is Cait Catt or Catter8 for that matter?

If all of the above are real, why not just appoint them?

And how can an unemployed bankrupt pay the intern for services rendered?

The picture of Monica Lewinski accompanying the advert clearly reveals his real motivations for the intern. As identified by reader Anna:

“If you notice the Landeryou's accompanying picture, it's of Monica Lewinski. Landeryou clearly wants an intern who will give him head. Isn't there some sort of law against that? I for one am sickened. This goes to the very heart of Landeryou's loneliness' complex.”

Andrew Landeryou is not new to sexual scandal. He has a history of heavily featuring photographs of footballer’s penises and those of political candidates. Though with the second example, the jury of public opinion is still out on whether the photographs were actually of Landeryou himself masquerading as a half naked Family First candidate.

Patriots have recently raised the issue of Landeryou’s loneliness.

Suggestions are that Landeryou’s search for a female intern and his loneliness are connected.

Landeryou ‘s most recent Facebook escapades suggest his is very lonely; but resorting to employing people so they will be your friends has shocked fair minded patriots.


Cait Catt said...

Rita is upset Andrew didn't appoint her, but she shouldn't be. I can imagine no harder job, dealing with all the filth that appears on Slanderyou.

Anonymous said...

Interesting admission Cait, that you Landeryou reads this blog. Obvious, since no one reads yours.

Anonymous said...

Well said Monica

Anonymous said...

Prima Facie, he has overstepped the Transition to Forward with Fairness Bill

Anonymous said...

Interngate is even more disgusting that patriots realise.

Landeryou has revealed the depths of his perverted lust with his Monica Lewinsky illustration.

Remember his comment on the Blog of Sleaze either last year or the year before "some people like breakfast burritos"? A breakfast burrito is a crude expression for getting a blowjob while taking a dump.

This is clearly what Landeryou wants, though. Some lackey who will suck his cock while he chokes a darkie. How disgusting! Just imagine what KFC bogs are like!

None of the Russian girls at the escort service he is involved with, Anastasia International, as desperate enough to demean themselves with this perversion.

His all-night sessions trawling the web for sleaze haven't turned up any willing partners either.

So the sicko Landeryou has been forced to advertise. Yuk!

Anonymous said...

There is a real, serious issue of exposure to defamation actions and other legal risks here.

Fat Andy hides behind his backruptcy and lies, defames, misrepresents and smears as he pleases.

Unless they are also bankrupt, anyone foolish enough to intern at the Blog of Sleaze will find themselves in the dock double-quick.

They would not just be at a great risk of defamation actions but may well find themselves risking prison time for contempt of court.

Journalistic employers indemnify their staff. As a bankrupt, Fat Andy cannot do this.

His past record shows any assurances he gives are worthless.

Interns, beware!

Anonymous said...

Andy thinks I'm too nice, Cait told me, and that was why he rejected me for an internship, even apart from the fact that he couldn't pay me very much owing to his financial position, which is not very good. I've never found Andrew anything other than decent. The comments on this blog sicken me. Ordinary words and phrases converted into things they are not.

Grow up Slanderyou. Grow up Slanderyou commentators (Cait and catter8 excepted).

Anonymous said...

Rita, you should press on El Gordo your superior communication skills. Communicating beyond the grave is quite impressive. Just how do you connect a ouija board to the internet? And you'll be dead cheap too; no need to eat, all you need is just a few coins for the ferryman.

Anonymous said...

All power to the patriots at Slanderyou>

Anonymous said...

Fat Cave dweller. Where is the Fat Cave Dweller. At least he would have to declare his address for PAYG reasons

Anonymous said...

Rita Randles? Another pseudonym? Another fictitious friend of the lonely Landeryou. Sad, crazy, mad man.

Anonymous said...

yes, just had cause to reread this. Where is Freedom Freddy?

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

2020.04.21武漢肺炎(COVID-19、新冠肺炎)4月8日公告一名酒店工作酒店公關因為與客人親密接觸酒店S確診,中央流行疫情指揮中心隨即宣布9日起有男女陪侍的酒和舞廳無限期全面停業,酒店業進入大蕭條時代。酒店打工酒店小姐轉述常載客的老司機說,現在八大行業林森北路鬧空城,景象「四十年來第一次見到」。據了解,現在許多公關為求溫飽被迫轉入地下,到各種其它場所從事酒店PT傳播妹,或靠存款苦撐,處境艱難。4月8日北部一名酒店公關確診,中央流行疫情指揮中心隨即宣布9日起有男女陪侍的酒店和舞廳無限期全面停業,酒店上班進入大蕭條時代。酒店小姐轉述常載客的老司機說,現在林森北路鬧空城,景象「四十年來第一次見到」。據了解,現在許多公關為求溫飽被迫轉入地下,到各種其它場所從事傳播妹,或靠存款苦撐,處境艱難。酒店停業 小姐、泊車小弟都沒頭路。因應疫情,指揮中心日前勒令全台497家酒店、舞廳停業,相關從業人員一夕失業,北市的酒店公關和酒店經紀人哀嘆,政府說停業就停業,現在她們只能「吃土」。酒店經紀人芸芸(化名)底下有大約十名公關,政府宣布酒店停業後,除了她自己失業,底下的十名公關也瞬間沒了工作。「政府不瞭解酒店業運作」,芸芸說,她們固定是每週五發當週薪水,但政府9日(週四)逕自宣布停業,導致酒店公關的會計延遲發薪,小姐拿不到6日到8日的薪水。在酒店失業人群中當中,包括有近四年酒店小姐經驗、26歲的禮服店公關明明(化名),她直呼自己是「第一線受災戶」,抱怨政府無預警宣布停業,而且還沒有期限,「真的太過分」。明明說,她最近剛搬新家,剛繳了大筆房租和押金,停業五天,已經損失一萬八,接下來靠存款頂多只能再撐一兩個月,短期內也找不到其他替代工作,直言政府害她拿不到薪水,再這樣下去她可能也要去做傳播。芸芸說,其實早在停業前,生意受疫情影響已經很差,有的底層公關一週賺不到三、四千塊,加上公關要負擔較高的工作成本,髮妝費、治裝費都要自己出,也因為工作需要喝酒,常常得叫計程車,一天可能就要花掉一千塊。她指出,公關中還有很多獨自撫養小孩的單親媽媽,她們面臨更大壓力,但現在的相關補助都不夠。另外,像是酒店相關的經紀人、泊車小弟等行業人員也面臨失業困境。芸芸表示,她特別擔心從事少爺、泊車小弟的勞工,因為他們一部分是「道上兄弟」,處境最糟糕,薪水來源靠每天小費,一天沒工作就拿不到錢。「洗妹」亂象 轉入地下化風險更高更令人擔憂的是,政府勒令酒店停業後,酒店相關行業並未因此消失,而是轉入地下化。芸芸說,這陣子酒店經紀圈出現「洗妹」的亂象,很多經紀人利用這次疫情創造各種飯局和傳播的機會,在八大行業的討論板上標榜「想做快錢,疫情嚴重請私我」等語,挖角其他經紀公司的公關到自己旗下,結果現在很多小姐都去接各種飯局、陪酒,做傳播妹。「這是很嚴重的問題」,芸芸表示,相對於酒店小姐是在固定場所工作,常常有熟客來光顧,傳播妹面對的是陌生客人,去約好的KTV包廂、旅館或私人場所會面,不但造成防疫破口,還構成社會安全問題,因為沒有人可以保護這些公關的安全,確保她們拿得到薪水;一旦公關喝醉,被性侵的機率也很高,「現在這個狀況是非常非常不安全的」。

梁爵 said...

2020.05.23酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容八大世界的融資邏輯在性交易不合法、陪侍業遊走於法律邊緣的情況下,酒店公關與我在酒店上班的日子性工作者常被屏除在社會安全網與信用制度外,幾乎不可能和銀行等金融機構借貸,辦房貸、車貸時需要人頭,這時就會向恩客或經紀人求援。經紀人除了確保酒店打工小姐們工作時的安全、陪上下班跑店接送、情緒低落時灌心靈雞湯外,也經常是她們的債主甚至信用保證人,要放貸酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金必須自己口袋夠深,也有不少經紀人酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?被借錢借到倒。「我會借出去的款項,基本上都是我覺得沒有還也還好的數目,當然也要評估妹仔有沒有這個產值,正妹優先。」一名酒店經紀這樣談自己的借錢哲學職場須知 【酒店PT 】:「一個相貌普通的妹仔開口就要借個十幾萬,是不會有正常人想理她的,何況有的妹仔連上一任經紀人的錢都沒還完呢!」在顏值與人頭都能變現的世界,經紀人除了用各種管道開發有意進八大淘金的新血,有的也會從同行手中「洗妹」,像洗牌一樣把屬意的小姐洗到自己旗下,或是用妹海戰術賺錢。一個酒店小姐的經紀約平均交易價格是三萬元,有債務的則另議前後任經紀的償還比例,越弱勢的就會面臨越嚴苛的勞動條件。在肺炎疫情餘波未平、政府宣布八大全面歇業之際,手上銀彈多的經紀能「危機入市」,然而,洗妹要不犯江湖忌諱是一門大學問,擋人財路如殺人父母,事小的道歉包個紅包做結,大者是會動拳腳刀槍來拼命的。酒店、養生館為了店內秩序,禁止小姐們交流薪資與經紀人抽成比例,也難防耳語傳聞「唉呦你的公司怎麼這麼苛?我一節就拿多少多少說!」「你這麼正,怎麼在這邊上不好?你經紀人都不想辦法的噢?」「我可以幫你介紹某某,某某會幫你如此這般……」知道水深的老鳥不是幾句甜言蜜語過個水就洗得動,但在無限期停業的政策推一把後,頓失生計的八大基層會衍生多少糾紛、呆帳與治安問題?這些問題又會如何反饋到「光明社會」的這一面,恐怕不是此一時能夠斷言的。八大因疫情停業並不會讓情慾需求消失,一名應召站幹部說,「如果大家能滿足在家裡打手槍,那一開始就不會來了。」除了多與嫖客喇賽疫情的五四三,他依舊周休一日每天值班十二小時,整理新的花名冊,戮力為客人仲介各式各樣的溫柔。站在道德的相對高點,質疑他人的職業選擇、想像做八大一定日進斗金、要求紓困補助都是貪婪很容易,深入了解不同族群的苦衷、共同承擔困境永遠是最艱難的,希望在這波尚無配套的八大歇業命令後,大家可以思考:膝反射式的傲慢是否和瘟疫一樣致命?

梁爵 said...

酒店經紀(爵尊聖日耳曼)影音⬇️三井壽|梁曉尊|三分球|灌籃高手|直到世界盡頭|燃燒的男人 炎之男

新聞報導酒店經紀(爵尊聖日耳曼)影音⬇️新聞報導 酒店經紀





酒店兼差|酒店兼職(爵尊聖日耳曼)影音⬇️梁曉尊 如沐春風|梁小尊 紙短情長

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