Monday, April 07, 2008

Balding Andrew Landeryou talks to sock puppet on bad hair day – not an April Fools Day Joke

In September ‘07 we featured an exclusive on Andrew Landeryou’s express, chronic, hair-shedding baldness. In fact at one point we had to apologise for his comb-over.

Medical evidence suggests it is not related to anal-leakage, though the court system’s anal-probe of Landeryou may be a significant contributor.

However, we were nonetheless surprised to read that on the 1st of April, that the renowned Celebrity Hair Care website had featured Landeryou.

The website said that Andy has “...reputation of providing reliable and awe-inspiring information”. But to our relief we soon realised that the comment was posted on April Fools Day. Also, Andrew is a celebrity of sorts. He is a celebrity failure at most things, MUSU, IQ Corp, his bankrupt blog, his Liberal Party blogging.

In other developments, another blog has been established inquiring into Andy Landy’s records. Landeryou Files joins very credible Coalition of Truth web based resources, including Landeryou & Company, Make Landeryou Pay, Charge Landeryou, Landeryou Watch, and we trust Team Slanderyou as well.

PS: to those that emailed us over the past week, we will reply shortly. And NYC & LDN was, as always, great. Though we didn’t salute anyone!


Anonymous said...

I had a look at the Hair Care website - yes, I agree with it that Landeryou is an April Fool.

Cait Catt said...

Slanderyou is nothing but a joke. Falsely accusing the great man of talking to sock puppets and anal leakage. That means depositing you know what on his blog. A disgusting thing to say about anyone. I've never heard the great man talk about anal leakage. He's far too dignified for that.

Read Andrew's OC for real news.

Read Slanderyou for vile entertainment.

Slanderyou is and remains the blog of filth. (Remember my phrase is copyrighted before you filthy cretins who comprise most of the readership of this blog plagiarise my phrase).

Anonymous said...

Alexa reports a 40%-plus drop in El Gordo's readers in the past three months. Blog now ranked 690,079th in the world, 10,910th in Australia.

Another successful Buddha Boy business!

Anonymous said...

Hey, what do U expect. Landeryou's blog nowadays is just a Young Liberal bulletin board. Another example of a bankrupt, balding, ex-online gaming spiv back the wrong horse a la last year's bet that the Coalition would win the Federal Election.
Landeryou - didn't he used to be somebody? Oh no, that was his dad.

Anonymous said...

The eighth annual weblog awards were held last month.
These are real awards - not some fictional gong dreamt up by dough boy in the interests of self aggrandisement

Best Australian or New Zealand Weblog

Milk and Cookies
The Breakfast Blog
Tokyo Girl Down Under
Reasons You Will Hate Me


Reasons You Will Hate Me

No mention of Andrew Landeryou...

Anonymous said...

Hypocritical moraliser Andrew Landeryou has reached a new low and the Blog of Sleaze has got even sleazier.

Click on the name above and it will take you to the homepage for Anastasia International Inc, a company who are advertising on Fat Andy's Blog of Sleaze.

The Anastasia site says "Chose your bride from thousands of Beautiful Russian Girls".

However, it also offers a "Quality international dating service" - code for prostitution.

Mail bride service or online brothel? Or simply yet another web-based con?

It does not matter. It is sleazy: sleazy and giving money to Andrew Landeryou, unless he has struck a contra deal. That would not surprise anyone. A fat balding bankrupt cannot get much of the old in-and-out and Russian girls can warm up the coldest nights.

We all know that Fat Boy has visited Russia and that his debt-dodging old man has Russian business interests. Is this one of them? Has Landeryou tuned pimp?

The whole thing is like Landeryou himself: sleazy, sleazy, sleazy!

Anonymous said...

Why no posts on those other websites for over a year? Are you running out of steam?

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt is one of the greatest contributors to Slanderyou, at all hours of the day and night.

Why oh Why is she IGNORED on the Slanderyou blog? An article about Andrew talking to sock puppet fails to mention Cait, whom Slanderyou has previously made accusations about being a sock puppet.

Cait is rightly indignant. The blog of filth is certainly the blog of filth when it ignores Cait (and I don't mind breaching Cait's copyright).

Anonymous said...

"Why oh Why is she IGNORED on the Slanderyou blog? "

She is ignored because SHE is Landeryou. Simple. Why is Landeryou hiding behind one of his personalities?

Anonymous said...

Yes, that’s what annoyed me the most. Landeryou is an arsehole making a clearly partisan, pro-Liberal Party posts on this website.

What an arsewipe.

Anonymous said...

Clearly this so-called “Landeryou” is an anal-maggot.

Anonymous said...

There’s been a lot of press about this anal-leakage recently. I predict it will turn out to be diagnosed as Andrew Landeryou of the Young Liberals!

Anonymous said...

Slanderyou is FILTHY. I say filthy and not filth so that I will not offend Cait's copyright, if such copyright in fact exists which I doubt.

I am not interested in undergraduate nonsense like anal leakage. I am interested in real news.

Anonymous said...

So Anon, I take it you don't read landeryou's blog of Sleaze either!

Anonymous said...

The Landeryou Files has been updated with more than 8,000 words of reporting from Landeryou's favourite newspaper, the Herald Sun, spelling out his sad, sleazy story. Just click on our name above and you will be taken to the site.

There is also more than a decade of Financial Review articles on the fat flop at the Landeryou Files.

The Age's coverage of Landeryou should be posted within the week, but there is page after page to edit!

Anonymous said...

So where landeryou's news? All of it appears to be scuttlebut and gossip, which would be safe to say he invented.

As per news, I think Slanderyou is particularly news worthy, especially if you count the number of people who comment here, compared to hardly anyone that does on Landeryou's.

the landeryou files said...

The Landeryou Files has been updated with more than 8,000 words of reporting from Landeryou's favourite newspaper, the Herald Sun, spelling out his sad, sleazy story. Just click on our name above and you will be taken to the site.

There is also more than a decade of Financial Review articles on the fat flop at the Landeryou Files.

The Age's coverage of Landeryou should be posted within the week, but there is page after page to edit!

梁爵 said...


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