Monday, June 09, 2008

“He Who Stands For Nothing” smoking gun

The Australian over the weekend revealed the content of the Liberal Party’s inquisition into the “He Who Stands For Nothing” scandalously controversial ‘Bloggate’ imbroglio.

A copy of the article follows. Please click into a new tab to read the text.

It seems that Landeryou has been clearly implicated by the inquisition.

The report does not name the temporary employee (the Liberal Party blogger) who “now works in a different field” – (same field actually!) The question is why not?

The Australian in March 2007 first revealed that Andrew Landeryou wrote a Liberal Party blog.

The Liberal’s own inquisition has revealed that the Liberal traitors were perpetuating a vindictive culture via their blog, which was technically mirrored by the Blog of Sleaze.

Meanwhile, Andrew Landeryou continues to taunt the review.


Anonymous said...

In the past, before the exposure of the anti-Ted Baillieu blog, the very first rant would have been from a Cait Catt aka Landershonk.

It is fitting that Moscow has a cat circus. Don't think it's Cait however.

Thank you Bill Shorten for your comment within hearing range of our snout. He Who Stands For Nothing is clearly the real reason for no more Cait, and the Australian is too silly to expose it.

Anonymous said...

It still amazes me how the Little Liberal boys were seduced by Fat Andy. How dumb were they?

Landeryou belongs to the most thuggish Labor Party faction imaginable . Liberal matrons don't care if its left or right. They hate it.

Anonymous said...

There had been rumours around town for weeks that somehow Landeryou was involved. I was skeptical, simply because why would anyone get involved with someone as politically poisonous as Landeryou. But reading this article, I am utterly convinced that Landeryou is mixed up in it. Good riddance. May be Ted should pop down the road from Parliament House to Russell street and pay the Fat Man a courtesy visit and explain things!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is Busted!

Anonymous said...

I thought the story above was about Landeryou when i saw the headline.

I thought he had got a Russian bride from that squalid sex site Anastasia International that he promotes on his blog of sleaze as part of a contra deal

I don't believe the story now. If it can't get basic details like who the fattest man in the world is then the rest of it can't be accurate.

Anonymous said...

Fat Boy isn't going to get married, but he keeps writing love poems on his sleazy site to Belinda Neal. He really does have revolting taste in women. First Dimberley, now Mrs Della Bosca.

Anonymous said...

Why still no denial Andy?

worlds fattest man marries said...

I thought the story above was about Landeryou when i saw the headline.

I thought he had got a Russian bride from that squalid sex site Anastasia International that he promotes on his blog of sleaze as part of a contra deal

I don't believe the story now. If it can't get basic details like who the fattest man in the world is then the rest of it can't be accurate.

Anonymous said...

I do not create a comment, but after reading a few of the
remarks on this page ""He Who Stands For Nothing" smoking gun".

I actually do have a couple of questions
for you if you tend not to mind. Is it simply me or do some
of the remarks appear as if they are left by brain dead people?
:-P And, if you are writing at other places, I'd like to follow everything new you have to post. Would you list of all of your public pages like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?

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