Friday, June 06, 2008

News you won't read on the Blog of Sleaze

The Financial Review printed a story about Robert Ray (on Thursday). Sorry no link was available patriots, so a jpg is provided. (You may need to open in a new tab to read the text).

The basis of the story - Robert Ray has found a job working for Erik Locke. Goes to show, Landeryou is completely isolated.

See here for our earlier tribute to Robert Ray. Why Landeryou hates Locke, read here.


Anonymous said...

Adam Kilgour says CPR gives "strategic counsel".

I bet they would advise anyone who could be bothered to ask that there are turds drying out the footpath with more relevance to political life and the media than Landeryou.

Anonymous said...

When did Fat Boy last have a job, a proper job, not just burning through other peoples money?

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Seems that Landeryou has been telling porkies for such a long time. Also, it reveals Landeryou isn't as close to the political hotspots as he always suggests. He is even know suggesting he is close to Conroy. I wonder how long it will take for Conroy to publicly deny that!

Anonymous said...

Still no mention of this item on Landeryou's "Bog". Why the silence Andy? Don't know how to spin out of it? This news is totally explosive, and knocks Landeryou for six!

Anonymous said...

Still no comment from Andy about this story!

I notice he is paying lots of attention to some underage students in Queensland. Mmmmmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Underage students and dwarves?

Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou ... just proved Henry Kissinger’s observation that university politics is vicious because the stakes — and the people involved — are so small."

see for more or click my name

Anonymous said...

Just as flies gather on shit Landeryou has to report student politics, even when the news value is zilch.

Anonymous said...

Saturday morning and still no mention of this story by Landeryou.

Just more cutting and pasting from various newspapers. yawn. Is the cut and paste the extent of Landeryou's alleged journalistic skills?

Anonymous said...

Fat Andy's skills also extend to making up vicious and vindictive lies and inventing bizarre conspiracy theories - all directed against him.

Anonymous said...

Is Landershonk trying to give the Blog of Sleaze a makeover and turn it into some sort of news aggregator site in an attempt to boost his falling hit rate?

Anonymous said...

Is Landershonk trying to give the Blog of Sleaze a makeover and turn it into some sort of news aggregator site in an attempt to boost his falling hit rate?

梁爵 said...


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