Friday, July 25, 2008

Landeryou’s interest in East Timor KFC Franchise

Andrew Landeryou has expressed an interest in a new KFC franchise in East Timor.

Though Patriot Kevin has asked “Hopefully KFC hasn’t made it there yet!”

Andrew did express an interest in Costa Rica, some time back. But we guess it involved too much running around what with the need to provide HOME DELIVERY . All that running around can be tiring! See here for more..

Happy weekend.


Anonymous said...

Asia bird flu may get the fat failure yet!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is threatening journalists again today, leaning on his old Crikey colleague Christian Kerr. Is he jealous that Kerr is now a columnist for a national newspaper while the Blog of Sleaze only gets read by people preparing prosecution cases against him?

Anonymous said...

From that Costa Rica site you refer to above comes another reason not to touch Buddha Boy with a bargepole...

"The daily Spanish newspaper Al Día reported that there are now about 9.000 prostitutes plying their trade in Costa Rica. The number of prostitutes has increased mainly to the increasing numbers of Dominican, Nicaraguan and Colombian women. Medical authorities are concerned because they have under their medical control only one third of the prostitutes, meaning there are about 6.000 prostitutes out there who are outside the system."

Anonymous said...

Landy knows all about THAT! He's an old political prostitute well outside the system.

Anonymous said...

Check out the big brain on Landy!
A KFC franchise in Asia's poorest nation? No wonder IQ Corp went belly up.
Being a former Portuguese colony a Nando or Oporto franchise would have a better chance.
Anyway Buddha Boy'll just eat the profits, burn his investors and lose the books when the landlord evicts the non-rent-paying business.

Anonymous said...

Peri Peri is possible fastfood too. Is Andrew now a discharged bankrupt by any chance? If so, Les Twentyman and Sol Lew can sue him for visible assets including the Russell St luxury apartment. Kim might want a part of the action too.

Anonymous said...

And from the same website - half way down the page - "Burger Kings here taste just like Burger Kings in the US. MacDonald's do not. Colonel Sanders are better here."

Mmmmm no wonder Landeryou enjoyed Costa Rica so much

Anonymous said...

The Landeryou blog has keeled over. No update today and Boss Hog isn't on line...

Wonder if he's in the slammer?

Anonymous said...

If Landeryou is Boss Hogg (the TV version) - and I must say the resemblance is uncanny, who is Rosco P Coltrain - the sherrif?

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's croaked. Is it possible to OD on KFC?

Anonymous said...

Don't tell me Elvis has left the blog of blether at last!

Anonymous said...

Sol says: 'If Andy has carked it, I bags the bod'! He reckons a couple of cwt of KFC spices could be recycled and sold back to the Colonel. A fitting epitaph for the gross, mad stalker.

Anonymous said...

Even though Landy is 'missing' and the blog has collapsed, a nutcase is filling in for him:

Lord Les Has The Bottle alright!
The obese pig has spent most of his life gurgling bottles down into his fat guts.
anon | 07.26.08 - 8:45 pm | #

Wherever he is, I hope Landy is in heaps of trouble.

Anonymous said...

Ten AM Sunday and nothing on Fat Boy's sleazy site since Friday. Has the coward done yet another runner or is he so short on imagination that he can't come up with another one of the toxic lies and distortions he tries to pass off as 'news'?

Anonymous said...

I hear that the federal government is trying to establish this morning if Landeryou is still alive. If he has carked it they plan to compulsorily acquire the corpse and sell it to Japanese whalers. They reckon there's enough blubber there to stop the Nips hunting whales for the best part of a decade.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Japanese whalers have already got Landershonk and thats why his sleazy site isnt getting updated. Perhaps they sailed up the Yarra and saw a vast behemoth wallowing in a luxury apartment on the corner of Little Collins and Russell Streets and shot a few explosive harpoons into its fat ass.

Anonymous said...

I reckon Andrew has disappeared up his own butt!

Anonymous said...

Andy's butt certainly is very big but is there room to hide up there? The bloke is full of shit.

Anonymous said...

There are already several former MUSU staff hiding up there. As well, there is a large safe, seven skeletons and a KFC outlet.

Anonymous said...

There is plenty of room up Landeryou's arse cos he dumps all his shit on his blog

Anonymous said...

Bad News!

The Big, Boring, Bully is Back!

Anonymous said...

Bad News!

The Big, Boring, Bully is Back!

梁爵 said...

日本稱坐檯小姐為俱樂部孃(キャバ嬢)。她們的主要工作是陪客人唱歌、跳舞、口交、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、喝酒、聊天等,雖然一般不可以提供性服務,但容許客人稍微撫摸身體或親吻臉頰。少數知名的俱樂部孃在當地社會上會有相當地位,除了一些有機會進入演藝圈外,更有人獲委任為市觀光大使和成為暢銷書作者的特殊情況。

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