Sunday, June 21, 2009

Utegate – try Vexnewsgate

While Utegate attracts some attention, patriots will focus on Vexnewsgate.

In August 2007 patriots were alarmed to learn that the entry about Andrew Landeryou in Wikipedia was conspiratorially hacked. As reported at the time

"In recent days, there have been many reports of people tampering with Wikipedia articles.

In June we reported that at the beginning of that month that Landeryou’s biography on Wikipedia was vigorously scrubbed clean of anything remotely critical of Andy.

A case in point was the deletion of the many links to serious critics of Landeryou, including this humble blog.

But it seems, the ‘scrubber’ left their
indelible fingerprints all over their nefarious activity."

Further patriots have reported that their comments to Vexnews were scrubbed clean off the Vexnews site, with patriot’s IP addresses being tracked and many reported later receiving un wanted ‘malware gifts’ from Vexnews.

Vexnews is not new to ‘gate’ type controversies.

As reported in April 2008 it was reported that “Scandal prone bankrupt and Liberal Party blogger Andrew Landeryou has been implicated in a developing imbroglio involving questionable employment practices.

Landeryou has advertised on his Bog of Sleaze, for an “intern” to join him on his Sleazy Blog endeavours.

The advert raises a number of significant questions.

Is Landeryou so lonely that the needs to advertise for ‘friends’ with mutual benefits?

Where is Freedom Freddie?

Where is Joe Klein?

Where is Cait Catt or Catter8 for that matter?

If all of the above are real, why not just appoint them?

And how can an unemployed bankrupt pay the intern for services rendered?

The picture of Monica Lewinski accompanying the advert clearly reveals his real motivations for the intern. As identified by reader Anna:

“If you notice the Landeryou's accompanying picture, it's of Monica Lewinski. Landeryou clearly wants an intern who will give him head. Isn't there some sort of law against that? I for one am sickened. This goes to the very heart of Landeryou's loneliness' complex.”

Andrew Landeryou is not new to sexual scandal. He has a history of heavily featuring photographs of footballer’s penises and those of political candidates. Though with the second example, the jury of public opinion is still out on whether the photographs were actually of Landeryou himself masquerading as a half naked Family First candidate.

Patriots have recently raised the issue of Landeryou’s loneliness.

Suggestions are that Landeryou’s search for a female intern and his loneliness are connected.

Landeryou ‘s most recent Facebook escapades suggest his is very lonely; but resorting to employing people so they will be your friends has shocked fair minded patriots.”


Cait Catt said...

There is no filth on Vexnews. Slanderyou is using incorrect information. Anna, for example. Vexnews and its predecessor publication the OC have a sound record of reporting truth and fact. Vexnews always prints verifiable information, and when it makes the occasional typo, given the pressures of producing a quality news source, it always corrects that information.

The OC won a Walkley. Slanderyou never will. Vexnews is read by ASIO and the CIA as their first source for Australian news. For example the Frydenberg preselection in Kooyong was reported first on Vexnews before anyone else. A real scoop. Its no wonder our spooks use it regularly. Our spooks ignore Slanderyou.

Oh no, not another scandal said...

Nothing on Vexnews about strong evidence of mismanagement and misbehaviour at a Richmond community health centre. It is part funded by the State government using taxpayer dollars.

An independent investigation of the North Richmond Community Health Centre, handed to the Government in January and obtained by The Sunday Age, recommended the sacking of board chairman Stephen Kerr, and a review of the position of chief executive Demos Krouskos.

Another Brumby government scandal!

Anonymous said...

Don't be too hard on flim-flam man Andrew. He is a hopeless, long-winded writer. He is lazy and part-time. And he is too riddled with hatred to be able to make rational judgements.


He is also a dangerous liar, fake commenter, stalker, crim, libeller and larger-than-life Shonk.

The coppers, OPP, ATO and others need to get off their butts and get him into the slammer pronto!

Anonymous said...

Freak, fraud and failure Fat Andrew Landeryou says (using one of his many false identities) "there is no filth on Vexnews."

Too true. There is nothing at all there whatsoever.

Landeryou is a Shonk said...

The ONLY reason Landeryou and his fake commenters appear here is that he realises that any critical mentions of vexnews here pop up in search engine searches.

He can edit his Wiki entry as often as necessary, but this blog provides critical comments he can't edit or block. Hence the endless absurd chatter of Cait Catt et al (all Landeryou) and the cutting and pasting of boring 'stories' from vexnews posted here to throw us off track.

Golda Meir said...

Landy hasn't twigged that if you spend your whole life making enemies, there is no time for making friends...

Sucker for Punishment said...

Churchill said: Politics is more dangerous than war, for in war you are only killed once.

Landeryou gets skewered, skinned and butchered on this blog every day, but he keeps coming back.

Anonymous said...


Why did the Victorian State Secretary of the ALP pass on $50,000 of party funds to a thief, fraud, perjurer, stalker and serial libeller who claims bankruptcy and has no visible means of support but seems free to spend his days engaging in reckless internet defamation?

KororoitGate said...

... and KororoitGate ... with Newnham and Brumby OKing the dirty tricks attached to that disgraceful and undemocratic episode.

Dr Who said...

KororoitGate! Even the Daleks were not as nasty as that!

Daleks said...

We do take notes from Andy, however!

Anonymous said...

Did Newnham's 50 grand fund Landeryou's Kororiot crime rampage?

That is something the electoral commission should investigate.

Mrs Alice Idris said...

I nearly spilled my tea when I read this. Very disturbing.

Far too many Shonks said...

Landeryou has demonstrated on Vexnews, and here on this blog, how easy it is to create fake comments. He demonstrated during the Kororoit election last year that he could undermine political and democratic processes by lies, deceptions, libels, stalking and other unlawful activities.

It's a wonder Chris Pyne hasn't been on the phone offering him a parliamentary office job in Canberra.

Cait Catt said...

I resent being called a fake commentator. I am a real person. I deserve to be taken seriously. Just because my sister Fatt works at the Daily Planet (and it was Slanderyou who exposed this) doesn't mean my serious comments should always be taken so disrespectfully on this blog of filth.

For the nth time I am not Landeryou

Ministry of Public Enlightenment said...

Landeryou is the Josef Goebbels of Australian blogging. He is a loud-mouthed propagandist for the ALP Far Right, although his pronouncements are often laughable and excruciatingly absurd.

It's all a bit bizarre. He supports the sleek, neo-Liberal Right suits - but they spurn him officially. It seems, however, that occasional under the counter cheques reach the nasty fat GRUB!

The ALP Right shudder about the unwashed battalions of workers and their Unions. They worship dollars. They sell off public assets faster than the crook Howard and Kennett governments. Their doctrine eventually is un-Australian and anti-ALP.

Get back to your ROOTS you loathesome scum! Start supporting those who mistakenly voted ALP thinking it was fighting for them.

Empty Words said...

I am by far the battler's greatest friend since John Howard.

- Mal Turnbull.

The Proletariat said...

With friends like John Howard, Mal Turnbull, Kev Rudd and John Brumby, we don't need any enemies!

Show up or Shut Up said...

Cait Catt,

Since you claim to be a real person and not Mr Landeryou [June 22, 2009 4:15:00 AM], I invite you to show yourself for at least fifteen minutes at an easily accessible and public place. How about the steps of the Melbourne Town Hall on Tuesday at 11 am?

A small placard with your name on it would be a useful thing.

Please let us know if you are willing to show yourself at the time and place specified. This will show, once and forever, that you are what you claim.

Anonymous said...

Show up or Shut Up,
Do U really want to C El Gordo in a dress that bad? If so, throw in a bucket of KFC and he'll come waddling.

Hey Debt Man Walking,
It's not ASIO and the CIA reading VexNews about dodgey suburban councils but the AFP and Interpol investigating money laundering.

And, you sure it was a Walkley award, not Crikey giving former reporter Delia "Andrew Landeryou" Delegate a Weekly Wankley award.

Anonymous said...

"Honourable" and "ethical," El Gordo? Pig's arse!

Twentyman wins ban on blogger
(Herald-Sun, July 11, 2008)

YOUTH worker Les Twentyman's family has obtained an intervention order against political blogger Andrew Landeryou after photographs of their house appeared on his site The Other Cheek.

Mr Twentyman's wife -- who doesn't want her name published -- sought the intervention order last week and was yesterday granted an interim order at Sunshine Magistrates' Court.

It forbids Mr Landeryou -- a favourite son of the Premier's own faction -- from going within 200m of their house and from publishing any material on his blog that would reveal the house's location or Mr Twentyman's wife's identity.

It also prevents him from being within 10m of Mr Twentyman's wife.

Magistrate Noreen Toohey adjourned the hearing until July 31 to allow Mr Landeryou to get legal representation.

The stoush erupted last month when Mr Twentyman ran as an independent candidate in the Kororoit by-election -- which Labor won -- and Mr Landeryou ran a long campaign against the Lower House hopeful.

Mr Twentyman said last night his wife was worried about the photos of their house that had been published on The Other Cheek, and was concerned for her safety.

Last night Mr Landeryou told the Herald Sun that he was confident the interim intervention order against him would be dropped.

``I will be vigorously defending this and it's extremely unlikely it will be granted,'' he said.

Solicitor James Dowsley said he was seeking a permanent intervention order against Mr Landeryou for Mr Twentyman's wife.

Mr Twentyman has also filed a complaint with the Victorian Electoral Commission about a pamphlet the Labor Party distributed during the by-election campaign that stated a vote for Les Twentyman was a vote for the Liberals.

Mr Twentyman's lawyer, Dennis Galimberti, said a prominent QC had advised him they had a good chance of proving there had been a breach of the Electoral Act.

They claim the pamphlet misled the electorate and will be asking electoral commissioner Steven Tully to charge ALP state secretary Stephen Newnham and the ALP.

Mr Tully is not expected to make any decision on the matter until at least early August.


Concerned said...

The Fat Man advertised for an intern for his own bizarre and perverse sexual gratification. He chose Sergeant Sasha. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

I second Show Up or Shut Up's comments. Either Cait Catt exists or Landeryou's delusions and alcohol intake is off the Richter scale. I suspect the latter.

Here's Show Up's message again for the fat loon's benefit...

Since you claim to be a real person and not Mr Landeryou [June 22, 2009 4:15:00 AM], I invite you to show yourself for at least fifteen minutes at an easily accessible and public place. How about the steps of the Melbourne Town Hall on Tuesday at 11 am?

A small placard with your name on it would be a useful thing.

Please let us know if you are willing to show yourself at the time and place specified. This will show, once and forever, that you are what you claim.

Ancients of Mu Mu said...

Andy, please close the GATE behind when you go to Barwon.

Fraud squad said...

What about Road Train Gate? Criminal, drunk, glutton and cross-dresser Andrew Landeryou tried to obtain three road trains to try to carry his daily intake of KFC home from the restaurant to the Fat Cave in through false pretences.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou advertised with for an intern with the clear implication that the 'successful' application would be expected to provide him with sexual gratification.

Patriots know that Landeryou's penis vanished under his folds of flab when he was an adolescence. As a result he has developed distressing and perverse sexual habits.

Landeryou exploits the weak-minded.

He chose as his intern the seriously disturbed Sasha Uzunov, traumatised from his time as a tea-boy in the Royal Australian Catering Corps stationed in the front line at the Defence Careers Centre in Swanston Street.

Sergeant Sasha, as he is known, is required to sodomise the fat man with KFC drumsticks.

There are reporting of other perverted goings-on in Landeryou's spider hole that are too disgusting to report in a family blog.

Cait Catt said...

3.01 is the usual filth on this blog of filth. 1.19 wants me to be a crime victim. I have only to show myself in public and I'll be sexually assaulted by the mates of Brutus Beefcate just out of Barwon.

The presence of so much filth on this blog is the reason very few people read it. Not like Vexnews, Australia's greatest news source.

Spider Pig said...

Hey Andy what did happen to Freedom Freddie? Joe Klein? Were they real? If not, that is alarming. If they are real, you should disclose who they are.

Anonymous said...

The criminal and sex pervert Landeryou using one of his false identities attacks this the Blog of Truth for reporting on his squalid private life.

Note that: he attacks this the Blog of Truth for reporting on his squalid private life.

He does not deny the sickening practices outlined.

Wa-Wa avenged said...

If Freedom Freddie and Joe Klein ever existed chances are that Landeryou ate them the same way he ate his little four legged friend Ronnie.

If Cait Catt exists she may well be eaten soon.

Al haji Abdullah has not appeared here for a while. Landeryou has killed him, eaten most of the corpse and sold what he did not want labelled as Halal chicken.

We know Rita Randles is dead. Landeryou raided the grave and ate her remains.

We can now add cannibalism to Landeryou's extensive list of crimes.

Anonymous said...

kfc = kentucky fried corpse

Byron in Wahroonga said...

A Christian who has any real understanding of the bible would know that the law of the Old Testament was fulfilled by Christ. The new law is turn the other cheek!

You Slanderyou are no Christian.

Anonymous said...

There are two persons named Cait Catt and one person named Caitlin Catt on Facebook. Neither of the Cait Catt women have a photo. Neither seem to have any friends. One of the Cait Catt women will not tell you anything about her unless you become her friend. The other Cait Catt woman is a suppporter of the Liberal Party of Australia and either studies or works at or went to Victoria University, and that, sorry George Seitz, is the lowest regarded university in the state. The Liberal Party one could be the Cait Catt who writes a lot on Slanderyou. Why not seek to become friends of one or both of them and we might find out more.

Anonymous said...

Well said Byron, a voice of reason

Ben Mohammed said...

Islam is the fulfilment of Christianity, in the same way Vexnews has evolved and improved on the neanderthal ethical standards of The Age.

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt is not on the electoral roll. I've looked. Or at least she's not on the electoral roll under the name Cait Catt. She is either on the electoral roll under another name or she is not a naturalised Australian citizen or she never applied for electoral enrolment, and that is illegal. If she never applied for electoral enrolment that's strange as she claims to be a supporter of the Liberal Party. My guess is she's on the electoral roll under another name.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is not on the electoral roll either!

He and Cait Catt must be the one and the same.

Deep fat fryer said...

I notice that Landeryou buried the story about Utegate/Vexnewsgate in his sick fantasy about Anthony Tony Scrinis.

Very curious Andy! What are you hiding?

Anonymous said...

Canberra sources say the AFP believe Andrew Landeryou was called in to eat the Utegate evidence in the same way he ate the IQ Corp books.

Anonymous said...

Alleged MP's rape victim 'had breakdown'
June 22, 2009

Article from: Australian Associated Press

A WOMAN who alleges she was raped by senior Victorian MP Theo Theophanous had a breakdown and was admitted to hospital after the incident, a court has heard.

Former Cabinet minister Mr Theophanous appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court today charged with rape.

He is accused of sexually assaulting a woman at Parliament House in September, 1998, after they had a drink together in the city.

During today's hearing, Mr Theophanous' legal team detailed documents they were seeking to prepare their case.

These included documents from St Vincent's hospital, where the alleged victim spent time following a breakdown after the incident.

The court also heard the alleged victim received text messages from Mr Theophanous and he would regularly call her and ask her out before the incident.

The defence also has requested access to an The Age newspaper reporter's notes, police correspondence with the alleged victim and relevant phone records.

The alleged victim, who now lives in Greece and is in her early 40s, is expected to give evidence at Mr Theophanous' seven-day committal hearing starting on July 7.

Mr Theophanous, who remains a member of the Victorian Upper House, had his bail continued.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to VexNews' Canberra correspondent? Bad enough
his work was dull and inarticulate but who's problems about Canberra geography made it apparent he wasn't in the ACT.

Landeryou lies said...

Buddha Boy claims to have been first with the Kooyong news on Saturday.

AAP and therefore all the hundreds of media outlets around the country that use its live feeds on their websites reported the story shortly after five pm on Saturday.

Vexnews did not have the story for a further two hours.

Buddha Boy is full of shit.

Anonymous said...

"Whatever happened to VexNews' Canberra correspondent?" asks a patriotic reader of this site.

Presumably Landerfat killed him, dusted the corpse down with an approximation of the Colonel's secret mix of herbs and spices, dipped it in the deep fryer then ate the lot.

kevin of southbank said...

landeryou wrote this today: "But Godwin Grech - a creepy and weird looking chap who according to neighbours lives alone, is in poor health, works very long hours and gardens at night-time - seems highly likely to us to be the villain of this drama."

What a shit-sheet

Anonymous said...

Fat Andrew attacks Treasury officer Godwin Grech because he "works very long hours".

Anonymous said...

Grech should steal a few million, eat hundreds of dollars worth of KFC every day, drink two litres of port to get started every morning (or better, every afternoon), dress as a woman, adopt multiple false identities, go to great lengths to hide his true address and shun work in favour of spending his days indulging in reckless internet defamation and the dissemination of lies and mistruths via a little read hate blog.

Landeryou would not love him then, but might at least respect him as a rival.

Show up or Shut Up said...

I wonder if Bio-Hazard Landeryou will appear on the steps of Melbourne Town Hall tomorrow at 11 am in a frock, dressed as Cait Catt?

Anonymous said...

I walked past the Town Hall on my way to Flinders Street station this evening. The process servers were already camping out. I think I saw Solly Lew and some senior ATO, ASIC and Federal Police people there too.

Prison visitor said...

I hear a few recently released Barwon Jail Hot Rodders, along with one particularly violent and vicious abscondee, are heading along to the Town Hall tomorrow just in case Landeryou shows his face.

Rita Randles said...

Cait has already told you she will not be appearing tomorrow. She's much too intelligent than to expose herself to possible sexual assaults from the criminal associates of Brutus Beefcake.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou (as the late Rita Randles) says Landeryou (as Cait Catt) is "much too intelligent than to expose herself to possible sexual assaults from the criminal associates of Brutus Beefcake."

So why did Landeryou expose himself to that risk by his rampage of theft, fraud, perjury, stalking and contempt of court?

Why does Landeryou keep it up?

Brutus Beefcake said...

I can keep it up for HOURS and HOURS thanks to smuggled Viagra as Landeryou will soon learn to his considerable pain.

Anonymous said...

An analysis of this Blog of Truth's Top 25 Commentators list shows that just six of Andrew Landeryou's false and fraudulent identities have posted an astounding total of more than 800 comments on the site.

Psychologists are shocked and astounded.

Mrs Alice Idris said...

Does the interngate story have anything to do with Andrew's chicken halal sausages? Sorry to harp on about this.

Anonymous said...

The whole Australian Federal Parliament reduced to Reductio Absurdam over a fake email.

No wonder the pollies brought us the financial crisis disaster. They are utterly useless...

We suffer here from relentless fake comments daily from arch-crim and bio-hazard Landeryou.

Pussy said...

I have laid a few mirrors on the steps of the Melbourne Town Hall just in case Cait is OK.

But the truth is that I am expecting the horrible fatty Landeryou to siddle up the steps at 11 am in a sexy black frock.

I will need a few stiff whiskies if that is the case.

Neither Landeryou or Cait Catt need fear sexual assault. Most posters here are very safe sex advocates and would avoid contact with anything remotely connected to Landeryou.

Blush said...

The whole Utegate issue has been handled appallingly by the leaderless Libs and the panicked ALP. Mad Monk Tony Abbott, as usual, tried to defend the indefensible on Lateline last night. He and Joe Hockey should be locked away from news grabs and media attention. They are Liberal poison.

Anonymous said...

I'm already camped at the Melbourne Town Hall sheltering from the cold by folded printouts of Vexnews blogs. I want to be the first Patriot to glimpse Cait Catt in the flesh at 11 am. Surprisingly, I ran into Mick Kelty and Dean Mighell tonight, who said they wanted to check Cait out too.

Political Rabble said...

What a hopeless rabble Australian politicians actually are!

The fake Utegate email is excruciatinly small beer. Yet the electorate has been subjected to weeks of silly claims, counter claims, and outlandish claims.

Run the country, you inept unrepresentative swill, and stop being diverted by ludicrous side-issues.

You are unrepresentative because we are forced to vote for you even if you represent nothing. Next time I will be voting for Mr Donkey!

Anonymous said...

Landeryou posts so many fake comments here it is only fair to assume that he faked the email at the heart of Utegate.

Live Reporter said...

There's a carnival atmosphere here this morning outside the Melbourne Town Hall.

Process servers, law enforcement officers, tax officials and representatives of the corporate regulators have turned out in force in anticipation of an appearance by the fast-food addicted criminal fugitive Andrew Landeryou, dressed in drag as one of his female false identities, Cait Catt.

They have been joined by dozens of hard-working, sober-living, law abiding, patriotic citizens not given to furtive transvestitism, wanting to catch a glimpse of the man labelled "Victoria's biggest - and fattest - joke."

Also present is Ms Maude Boat of the Melbourne Cross Dressers Support Group.

She wants Landeryou to feel that he is amongst friends.

"Many men dress as women in private, but it's much harder to do in public. Andrew has decided he wants to live his life as a woman, be it Cait, Rita or Jenny, so we're here to help.

"He comes from a conservative and intolerant culture, the right wing of the ALP.

"We're here to make it easier for him today."

More form Live Reporter at Melbourne Town Hall later this morning...

Live Reporter said...

With less than an hour to go before fat freak, fraud and failure Andrew Landeryou is due to show himself to Melbournians dressed in drag as his Cait Catt persona, a keen mood of anticipation is building among the crowd waiting on the steps of Melbourne Town Hall.

"My brother wishes he could be here," one of the crowd, Bruta Bulldyke, told Live Reporter.

"He's unavoidably detained."

Live Reporter said...

KFC outlets near the Melbourne Town Hall have closed ahead of the expected appearance of cross-dressing deep-fried food freak Andrew Landeryou on the steps of the city landmark today.

KFC management said the decision to shut the stores had been made as "a safety precaution".

"Andrew Landeryou has a complicated psychological relationship with our product," a KFC spokesperson said.

"He may well be in an emotional state today.

"It might be better if he had some distance to travel and time to think between his appearance today and any KFC store."

Anonymous said...

Has the giant feral pig Landeryou turned up at the Town Hall yet?

Live Reporter said...

"We're waiting, we're waiting!" the crowds are chanting outside the Melbourne Town Hall as the time for transvestite thief Andrew Landeryou's appearance as one of his drag personas, Cait Catt, falls far behind.

The mood here is turning angry.

Live Reporter said...

Ugly scenes are developing here at the Melbourne Town Hall.

A group of angry citizens has just pulled at the hair of a morbidly obese woman bystander, thinking it was Andrew Landeryou and trying to pull off a wig.

Anonymous said...

When I read "Ugly scenes are developing here", I though Andrew had turned up after all.

Anonymous said...

Bio-Hazard Landeryou knows he should be at the Town Hall, but he is sitting at his PC dashing off libels on vexnewa instead:

"My good friend Sir Lesley IronLung Twentytonneguts HRH and myself. will teach you ALP lot a lesson in 2010".

Posted by Dill Cleary | June 23, 2009, 12:11

Live Reporter said...

Disappointed crowds are leaving the vicinity of the Melbourne Town Hall after cross-dressing fugitive Andrew Landeryou broke his promise to appear on the steps dressed in drag as his favourite alter ego, Cait Catt.

"Landeryou lies all the time so I suppose we shouldn't be surprised he lied about this," one man said.

"It's only 11:35," a woman told Live Reporter. "That's far too early for Landeryou to be out of bed."

Most people this reported spoke to assumed Landeryou was too drunk to attend, if not still out cold from the night before.

This is Live Reporter for Team Slanderyou signing off.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant coverage of events in the CBD today. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Typical Landeryou! Too gutless to front the Town Hall he stayed home eating KFC and getting drunk and posting fake comments on his hate blog.

Anonymous said...

Landeryou is gutless yet his waistline measures just a tad over three metres round.

I am Henderson Ross. said...

What about Slanderyougate? A blog of filth, lies, for jihadist and The Age supporters.

Vexnews is one of the few profitable news agencies and portals.

In stark contrast to Fairfax which is trading as an insolvent entity. Even the CEO is unloading his shares as quick as he can. I am Henderson Ross.

Anonymous said...

Well said Henderson. Wish I owned some Vexnews shares.

Ben Mohammed said...

Henderson, I read this blog all the time.

Anonymous said...

You'll need a court order for El Gordo to front up for anything. (He's been very punctual since that overnight stay in jail.) Nowadays Buddha Boy only leaves the house to go stalking.

Anonymous said...

Only leaves the house for stalking?

So it's true. The Sarge really does bring all his KFC and cheap but potent port to him.

Anna F said...

I notice that Landeryou still has not denied this.

Ancients of Mu Mu said...

The botched Turnbull email, is similar to the cut and paste jobs that Andy orchestrates on poxnews.

Who is the student and master when it comes to Andy and the Liberals?

Anonymous said...

Why didn't you show up today, Landedcait?

Too drunk?

Gout playing up?

It's not as if the Town Hall is too big a waddle from the Fat Cave.

Why didn't you show?

Concerned said...

I hear that Fat Andrew Landeryou did not show up today because his favourite frock shop, Big Beautiful Women, had nothing he could squeeze into.

Anonymous said...

I understand a circus tent went missing from near Moe earlier this year. A Miss Cait Catt was a guest at a local motel at the time. The police were told she was "a larger lady".

Oddly enough the local KFC ran out of stock at this time.

Old Swine Flu said...

I used to own Victoria's largest piggery, just outside Moe. I remember the circus tent vanishing as all my pigs vanished at exactly the same time. Not a trace of them was ever found. Even the swill in their troughs vanished. It was very weird.

Anonymous said...

I am told Landeryou has a secret blog dedicated to his life as a cross-dresser. Do any patriots know the URL?

Joe Pulitzer said...

It's not everyday that Landeryou completely pulls a 'story' on vexnews. But the smear on Godwin Grech re Utegate has mysteriously disappeared altogether.

Either Landeryou cocked up the 'story' completely, or he has received some nasty legal documents from Canberra.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's why Landeryou (or Cait Catt, or both) didn't turn up at the Melbourne Town Hall this morning.

I too loved the live reporting from the Town Hall - much better coverage than Channel Nine's ACA could ever have done!

Anonymous said...

Mr Grech is not 'creepy' looking as Landeryou's vanished 'story' stated, but he looks like a man who could easily afford a high-powered libel suit.

Anonymous said...

The former Liberal staffer Landeryou also smeared in the same yarn may well have set his lawyers onto the fat crook. Genuine political insiders knew 24 hours ago that he was denying any claims that he had been involved in the email affair and that the rumour his house had been raided by the AFP was completely untrue.

Anonymous said...

I want to know more about Landeryou's drag blog.

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt was too frightened to turn up at the Town Hall this morning. I just checked out facebook and there is one Cait Catt and one Caitlin Catt on it. The latter is an American and has the misfortune to suffer from the same name as a Slanderyou/Landeryou contributor. Another Cait Catt seems to have removed herself from Facebook. It's much simpler just having one to perve at.

Cait Catt has this to say about herself on Facebook -

Melbourne, Australia
Interested In:
Political Views:
National Party of Australia
Religious Views:

She seems a very conservative lady.

Any readers of this humble blog have any other ideas about this lady? She fascinates me.

Anonymous said...

There is more information about Ms Catt on her Facebook profile. She went to Preston Girls and once worked for the Dunlop Rubber Company and has been unemployed (I assume)since 1980.

High School:
Preston Girls Secondary College '58

Employer: Dunlop Rubber Company
Time Period:
January 1959 - December 1980

Did any Slanderyou readers know her at Preston Girls? Did any Slanderyou readers work with her at the Dunlop Rubber Company? If so, why did she leave? Was she sacked?

Anonymous said...

A drunken, deranged and deluded man in a dress writes on his hate blog Vexnews: "Two local newspaper journalists have been accused of partly fabricating the news in their paper."

This is a great crime to the great criminal Landeryou.

He fabricates ALL the 'news' on his hate blog and demands that others follow suit.

Anonymous said...

A drunken, deranged and deluded man in a dress writes on his hate blog Vexnews: "Two local newspaper journalists have been accused of partly fabricating the news in their paper."

This is a great crime to the great criminal Landeryou.

He fabricates ALL the 'news' on his hate blog and demands that others follow suit.

Political Rabble said...

What a hopeless rabble Australian politicians actually are!

The fake Utegate email is excruciatinly small beer. Yet the electorate has been subjected to weeks of silly claims, counter claims, and outlandish claims.

Run the country, you inept unrepresentative swill, and stop being diverted by ludicrous side-issues.

You are unrepresentative because we are forced to vote for you even if you represent nothing. Next time I will be voting for Mr Donkey!

Anonymous said...

Alleged MP's rape victim 'had breakdown'
June 22, 2009

Article from: Australian Associated Press

A WOMAN who alleges she was raped by senior Victorian MP Theo Theophanous had a breakdown and was admitted to hospital after the incident, a court has heard.

Former Cabinet minister Mr Theophanous appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court today charged with rape.

He is accused of sexually assaulting a woman at Parliament House in September, 1998, after they had a drink together in the city.

During today's hearing, Mr Theophanous' legal team detailed documents they were seeking to prepare their case.

These included documents from St Vincent's hospital, where the alleged victim spent time following a breakdown after the incident.

The court also heard the alleged victim received text messages from Mr Theophanous and he would regularly call her and ask her out before the incident.

The defence also has requested access to an The Age newspaper reporter's notes, police correspondence with the alleged victim and relevant phone records.

The alleged victim, who now lives in Greece and is in her early 40s, is expected to give evidence at Mr Theophanous' seven-day committal hearing starting on July 7.

Mr Theophanous, who remains a member of the Victorian Upper House, had his bail continued.

Fraud squad said...

What about Road Train Gate? Criminal, drunk, glutton and cross-dresser Andrew Landeryou tried to obtain three road trains to try to carry his daily intake of KFC home from the restaurant to the Fat Cave in through false pretences.

Anonymous said...

Did Newnham's 50 grand fund Landeryou's Kororiot crime rampage?

That is something the electoral commission should investigate.

Cait Catt said...

There is no filth on Vexnews. Slanderyou is using incorrect information. Anna, for example. Vexnews and its predecessor publication the OC have a sound record of reporting truth and fact. Vexnews always prints verifiable information, and when it makes the occasional typo, given the pressures of producing a quality news source, it always corrects that information.

The OC won a Walkley. Slanderyou never will. Vexnews is read by ASIO and the CIA as their first source for Australian news. For example the Frydenberg preselection in Kooyong was reported first on Vexnews before anyone else. A real scoop. Its no wonder our spooks use it regularly. Our spooks ignore Slanderyou.

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