"Hello there, Mayne and one of his flunkies definitely linked to my blog of freedom. Mayne visits it at least three times a day (we know his IP number so we keep careful track), sometimes in the wee hours of the morning."In part his readers have come to understand this breach of privacy, which explains why the number of comments on his blog has collapsed.
TeamSlanderyou raised this worrying concern in October, when we wrote:
"...Landeryou has installed a new tracking device on his Blog of Shame. The new comments feature, Haloscan, enables the 'pro-comment cancelling' Fuhrer to:
- View, edit or delete comments from the members section or the comment page·
- Ban commenters by single IP or an IP range.
The recording of commentator's IP addresses is a worrying development, as Landeryou actively records IP addresses in order to track down opponents."
Source of the cartoon is here .
Stop claiming Landeryou is Delia Delegate. Delia is and always has been Lyle Allan. Got that. Now apologise to Andrew for your vile comments about him.
Slanderyou is vile crap. Like Leonie Wood you publish material that wouldn't even be acceptable in the even the most boondoggish Fairfaxista press. Why do leftistas get such good jobs at Fairfax? Because they are leftistas. Wood Carbone Money and Jospin should all be put out to pasture.
Mayne too. That bankrupted tool.
Andrew Landeryou. Winner of the Inaugural Walkley Blog Award. The best blog on the net. Got that Slanderyou. You are just jealous you were never considered for a prize.
Also stop defaming Andrew claiming he wrote that shit sheet under the name Delia Delegate. It was produced in Batman and we all know who did it.
Isn't it spooky how Landeryou's supporters are speak in the same voice, same tone, same sentence structure ... same person?
Walkley award winner Stephen Mayne says Landeryou was Delia Delegate. Mayne published Delia. He would know. Also Delia's stories disappeared from Crikey when Andy went on the lam. Andy hates Stephen 'cause he exposed him. He's also jealous of Stephen's Walkley so he made up his own.
Landeryou has confessed to being Delia Delegate and not having a Walkley award. He won't lie, would he?
For someone who tracks IP numbers, Landeryou's always played awfully coy about site visit numbers.
Maybe he should put up a webcounter, that'll prove wrong all those who think his blog's dying.
Landeryou accuses others as having glass jaws and supporting a free press but when The Age's Carbone & Money or Wood reported on him he went feral. Different strokes for different folks, eh?
As for the cyber stalking, it's true to form. Dean McVeigh, Leonie Wood, Stephen Mayne and others have had the pleasure of being stalked in real life by Andy. What a sick puppy!
So Landy is claiming Stephen Mayne is bankrupt now? Another lie.
Mayne got sued. He also got bailed out by his customers (note, customers, not readers)twice. He's not bankrupt. He made a million from his website.
Who would pay for Landeryou's sleaze and lies? No one lined up to help him out when Solly Lew got him. In fact Landeryou was such a scumbag he dragged his wife down and almost bankrupted his own father.
I've seen Hitwise's tracking of the Landeryou blog. It ranks nowhere. Andy probably wishes he was in prison. At least that way he'd have some company on Christmas Day.
I love Andrew Landeryou. Best blog on the net. Winner of a Walkely blog award. Praised by Rev Nalliah.
Andrew Bolt loves Rev Danny Nalliah. It's in this morning's Herald Sun. Why don't Carbone and Money refer to the recent court case involving them?
Or Nameless?
Nameless aint interested. Too busy defaming Andrew Landeryou.
If Carbone & Money or Crikey were in any court cases, I sure "Delia" Landeryou would have creamed his pants to blog about them. Must be another lie like the Walkley award and how "Debt Man Walking" wasn't to blame for all his failures in business, politics and marriage.
Anon Wednesday, December 20, 2006 11:21:10 AM
great point - why hasn't Landeryou ever put up a webcounter
would be really interesting to see how mny people REALLY do read his blog
You only have to look at Slanderyou to realise why Andy Landy has no web counter. When a majority of respondents on Slanderyou say that they would not visit the National Library because they might catch something (like AIDS from a toilet seat) there must be disease in this site.
Andy is not Delia Delegate. Andy does not have AIDS. Stop defaming him.
Anon Wednesday, December 20, 2006 6:25:32 PM
are you a twat or just stupid?
1. Sladneryou referred to Landeryou's blog 'infecting' the Library - not him personally
2. your simile of aids and toilet seats is truly appalling and ignorant
3. This and the other blogs have not 'slandered' Landeryou. It's all on the public record.
4. About Landeryou not being Delia - prove it! If you can;t or won't then it is pretty suggestive that Delia and Andy are one in the same
Why is it Lyle will not deny he is not Delia? No one seems to know where he is. If you are not Delia Lyle say so. Jenny Mikakos told me when Delia was at her best that Lyle was Dellia. She told me the giveaway was the material about Diane Anderson, which only Lyle would know about as it contained details about all the sordid events at the Unitarian Church. Tell us Lyle. We believe you are Delia and we want you to admit to it.
"Why is it Lyle will not deny he is not Delia?"
Probably because he can't as Landeryou was categorically proven to be Delia!
End of story
Lyle Allan is almost certainly Delia. The fact that he won't deny it and the fact that no one seems to know where he is, strange for a man who normally likes to be at the centre of things, suggests that he certainly is.
Besides, while some people on this blog suggest he's a moron I have my suspicions that he might not be. Where is he? Why won't he confirm to us his real identity? You are Delia Lyle and you know you are Delia. Who else would have written so much about Diane Anderson?
End of story.
I want Slanderyou to apologise for his vile remarks re Andrew Landeryou.
Landeryou is not Delia Delegate. You ought to know better Diane Anderson, Erik Locke and Stephen Mayne, the trifecta who write Slanderyou.
You all know the real identity of Delia. You all know she lives in Batman. You all know she is a he. You all know she used to be on the Disputes Tribunal. You all know her as Lyle.
Clearly a majority of respondents to the unfairly worded quiz on this blog think they will get AIDS from Andrew Landeryou if they visit the National Library. John Howard is copying this blog for his racist citizenship test.
Shame Slanderyou Shame
How about writing something sensible you vile creatures who delight in pursuing an innocent man, just like Leonie Woods, Suzanne Carbone and Lawrence Money.
Shame Slanderyou Shame
Hmmm. Another Lefty blogger that doesn't rely on facts to prove a point. Time to move on, maybe I;ll find one of them. Probably have a better chance of finding Solomns Mines though.
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