Monday, January 08, 2007


2006 has just passed. What a year!

It was a very busy and eventful year for Landeryou.

He’s been declared bankrupt, was outed as the frocked-up Delia Delegate, and is busily pursuing his passion for shutting down blogs. (More on this to come in due course)

We would like to nominate and award Andrew Landeryou with the title of Mr. 2006.

However, we can’t find one single reason to do so. Not one.

We guess we could nominate him for a number of awards such as:

- claiming to have won a Walkeys Blog Award, when no such award exists

- claiming to be a journalist, when in fact that is a blatant misrepresentation

- for services to ‘bankrupt online gaming spivery’

- being a tireless promoter of KFC family buckets

- for services to creative defamation and sleaze

- for services as a clinical case study of narcissism.

Over to you dear readers. What other Awards should Landeryou be nominated for?


Anonymous said...

Andrew Landeryou's Blog is the best blog on the net. It beats the Slanderyou dirt sheet hands down.

Andy Landy is a deserving winner of the Walkley Blog Award. You are only jealous Slanderyou that you didn't win it. You didn't even get a mention in the award for the worst blog on the net, an award determined by web log nutters from the extreme left who shared that award between Andrew Bolt and my good friend Andrew Landeryou. The extreme left don't consider Slanderyou worthy of this award because Slanderyou in the guise of Diane Anderson, Erik Locke and Stephen Mayne are part of the extreme left, and in Mayne's case if he's not party of the extreme left his policies as a PP candidate certainly were party of the extreme left agenda of lies and deceit.

Go away Slanderyou and stop telling lies.

Anonymous said...

68.4 per cent of responsents to the poll on this blog now believe you might catch some disease if you visit the National Library. Where is the National Library?

The poll doesn't say so but it's in the minds of every person who answers the multiple choice questions that they might catch AIDS from a National Library toilet seat. That's not so but a lot of people believe it!

Anonymous said...

Anon Monday, January 08, 2007 12:50:19 PM

As I said here:

are you a twat or just stupid?

1. Slanderyou referred to Landeryou's blog 'infecting' the Library - not him personally

2. your simile of aids and toilet seats is truly appalling and ignorant

3. This and the other blogs have not 'slandered' Landeryou. It's all on the public record.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:45:06 PM wrote "Andy Landy is a deserving winner of the Walkley Blog Award. You are only jealous Slanderyou that you didn't win it."

Now, how could Slanderyou have had it/his/hers blog nominated for the Walkley Blog Award when no such thing exists?

Anonymous said...

CAn't we nominate Andy for all of the above?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Landeryou's blog is the best on the net; won the Walkley Blog Award. Slanderyou is jealous. Some mad matterings about Stephen Mayne.
Andy, you should spend your time on yr own blog - it's dubious quality has slipped radically in the past two months since the state election - rather than repeating the same tired rants on this site.
Better still, get a job. I'd hate to think my tax dollars, which subsidize yr dole, are being wasted on yr childish sprays.

Anonymous said...

Slanderyou keeps bad company. Witness this in the Tele this morning by Piers Akerman. People Power have expelled Mayne. Wonder if the Slanderyou trio of Anderson/Locke/Mayne will become the Slanderyou duo of Anderson and Locke? Mr Akerman below explains why this might happen:

By Piers Akerman
Monday, January 08, 2007 at 09:03am

In a show of rare commonsense the People Power political party has dumped Stephen Mayne, the founder of the puerile Australian internet blog site Crikey.
The party began moving to expel Mayne, whose undergraduate-level commentary is regularly featured by the ABC’s radio hosts, after the Victorian state election last November 25 in a bid to distance itself from the cavalier, sensationalist, and self-parodying style of public comment and communication with which he is associated.
“This decision represents a clean break by People Power from any association with Crikey and Stephen Mayne, and a rejection by the party of the undergraduate, not-quite-grown-up, let’s-sit-on-the-fence-and-throw-stones view of the world with which Stephen is associated”, said Mr Vern Hughes, President of People Power in a statement released on Monday.
“People Power is a serious political party with a long-term social and political strategy. We have been worried for a long time that Stephen’s association with People Power has trivialised our party and our radical social change goals”, he said.
“As a newly formed political party, People Power’s main constituency are families of children and adults who have extra needs (disabilities, social or behavioural difficulties, or mental or chronic illnesses). Our policy commitments are deadly serious and reflect the views of our constituency and our radical approach to social reform in the interests of individuals who need strong person-centred social support”, Mr Hughes said.
It must be asked however whether any party which ever entertained Mayne as a member could be expected to be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Mayne and PP!

It doesn't even compare with Andy's

- claim to have won a Walkeys Blog Award, when no such award exists

- claim to be a journalist, when in fact that is a blatant misrepresentation

- 'bankrupt online gaming spivery’

- a tireless promoter of KFC family buckets

- defamation and sleaze

- narcissism.

Anonymous said...

Even the Spencer Street Soviet has given coverage to the expulsion of the Mayne Man from People Power.

Mayne was expelled because he represents the extreme left. I read that on the Landeryou blog, not the Slanderyou blog. You have trouble putting two sentences together Mr Slanderyou. As for your stooge, the cretin Yarra Ranger, he hasn't anything original to say and just regurgitates previous untruths.

Long live Anderew Landeryou. The best blog on the net.

Anonymous said...

Yarra Ranger said
2. your simile of aids and toilet seats is truly appalling and ignorant

I agree with Cait Catt that Yarra Ranger is a cretin. I never said you can catch AIDS from a toilet seat. I said you couldn't.

You can't read Yarra Ranger.
Are you Anderson, Locke or Mayne?

Anonymous said...

Hey Andy - how is life on jobstart?

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt, as i wrote yesterday

Who cares about Mayne and PP!

It doesn't even compare with Andy's

- claim to have won a Walkeys Blog Award, when no such award exists

- claim to be a journalist, when in fact that is a blatant misrepresentation

- 'bankrupt online gaming spivery’

- a tireless promoter of KFC family buckets

- defamation and sleaze

- narcissism.

Anonymous said...

Yarra Ranger and Spring St have the same sentence structure as Stephen Mayne does. Of course someone may be imitating Mayne, and some people are very good at that, so I'm not laying blame. Diane and Erik are both good storytellers and they could be writing it too.

What is happening at the People Power meeting today? I don't think Mayne should be expelled. My good friend Andy Landy has been the subject of a lot of slanderous statements on this blog, so I can appreciate he might want the expulsion to stay, but I disagree.

Andy, who writes such a wonderful blog which unlike Slanderyou is full of such marvellous news and gossip, is not concerned with only one topic. He is almost always right. Andy told me Mayne is almost as funny as Diane Anderson, only Mayne is more dangerous.

Love from Cait

Anonymous said...

Cait Catt has the same sentence structure as Andrew Landeryou does as well as the same preoccuptions with Stephen Mayne, Diane Anderson and Erik Locke. Perhaps another of his multiple personalities like Freedom Freddy.
Andy won't be at the People Power meeting today; he had to hand in his dole form.

Anonymous said...

Cait catt writes: "Andy Landy has been the subject of a lot of slanderous statements on this blog"

Provide one example?

It's all on the public record!

Anonymous said...

It seems I have hit a raw nerve. I am now the subject of slanderous attacks from Slanderyou on this blog.

What a nice compliment, as my mother would say. I might even have a career in politics with a hit rate like this.

Love from Cait

Anonymous said...

What happened at the People Power meeting today?

Was Lyle (Delia) there?

Anonymous said...

67.5 per cent of blog poll respondents now think you might catch some disease at the National Library.
Seriously, as has been stated before on this blog even by Yarra Ranger (Stephen Mayne) you can't catch AIDS from a toilet seat.
Don't be a fool. Don't answer the Slanderyou poll.

Anonymous said...

I just love the way Cait Catt signs off. Keep it up.

There was a Labor polly named Catt. His daughter wrote a book about his career many moons ago.

Is Cait his granddaughter? She has the same turn of phrase as her mother if she is.

Anonymous said...

"Cait Catt said...
It seems I have hit a raw nerve. I am now the subject of slanderous attacks from Slanderyou on this blog."

Cait catt writes: "Andy Landy has been the subject of a lot of slanderous statements on this blog"

Can you provide any examples of both. of course you can't Andy.

Anonymous said...

There was a polly named Catt who served in the Playford government in South Australia last century. That's the father of Tom Playford, who led South Australia for several decades. That Catt was a Methodist, and probably a liberal but definitely not Labor.

The ALP polly was Catts, not Catt. His widow, Dorothy Mary Catts, wrote his biography. He died in the 1940s and she died in 1961. Cait Catt writes nothing like her and is clearly not related, but if she is a real person and not Andrew Landeryou she could be related to the South Australian Catt, as it's not a common name, just as Landeryou is not a common name.

Catts (not Catt) was an opponent of Jack Lang, stood for federal Labor against the Langites in NSW, and later became a complete rat and stood as a United Australia Party (the predecessor of the current Liberal Party) candidate against Eddie Ward (a Langite if people don't remember) in East Sydney in 1940. Ward failed to be elected Leader against Doc Evatt and Deputy Leader under Arthur Calwell at least partly because in 1931 he was one of the Langites who voted to bring down the Scullin government, in the same way the Barry group (later the DLP) voted to bring down the government of John Cain in April 1955. The DLP members who voted against Cain were expelled for life and were not re-admitted to the ALP. The Langites were readmitted to the ALP and Eddie Ward served as Minister for Transport in the Chifley government. Despite his reputation as a firebrand he was quite a good minister.

That's today's history lesson, but I can't end with one important fact that readers may be interested in. Peter Kavanagh, the first DLP member elected to the Victorian Parliament, is Bill Barry's grandson. If Ellen Whinnett wants to criticise me in the Herald Sun (she writes well but sometimes is mistaken in her facts, but even I make mistakes)the predecessor of the DLP, the Australian Labor Party (anti-Communist) contested the first post split election in 1955 and Frank Scully won the seat of Richmond. Bill Barry was defeated in Carlton. The media called the ALP (anti-Communist) Barry Labor to distinguish it from the ALP under Cain, which it labelled Cain Labor. The split never healed and the DLP, as the ALP(anti-Communist) was re-named in 1956, never won a seat in the Victorian Parliament until Peter Kavanagh won Western Victoria Region in the Legislative Council in 2006.

Anonymous said...

Your anonymous correspondent says I am Andy Landy. I only wish I could write as well as he can. I'd then have the best blog on the net and not him (Andy Landy that is, not your anonymous correspondent).

Anonymous said...

I can confirm that Cait Catt is not Andy Landy. I can also confirm that she has a pedigree. Unlike some others she does not flaunt it. She is a clever lady and her views should be listened to. I often disagree with her as she has a Toorak accent but I do think she at least listens to your argument. Unlike Yarra Ranger and Spring Street who mouth platitudes and say that this blog does not slander anyone. With friends like these who needs enemies.

Anonymous said...

Also the point several correspondents have made about catching AIDS from dunny seats. Cait never said this, yet Yarra Ranger said she did.

It is this blog that is trying to suggest that if you visit the National Library you might catch something. That's code for you might catch AIDS from a dunny seat in the National Library because the place has been infected by the author of another blog.

That's just professional jealousy in a rather unhanded way. Just because you've never won an award Mr Slanderyou stop picking on Mr Landeryou just because he has.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like its MR Spivery 2006 for Andy Landy

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