Friday, October 12, 2007

That Burke does it again

Andrew Landeryou, putting aside shrieking about online gaming spivery or real estate, has returned to familiar territory defending Brian Burke.

This is not unusual for the Brian Burke wannabe – but hopelessly incompetent – Landeryou.

As we pointed out in in March:

"...Andrew Landeryou has been linked to the developing scandal involving Brian Burke and the ALP. The scandal is ever deepening. Burke’s lobbying of senior politicians has accounted for the political death of a number of WA ALP Government Ministers, plus one Federal Liberal Minister, and pressure is growing on Kevin Rudd. Significant attention is now focusing on Andrew Landeryou. Last year, Andrew Landeryou confidently asserted, based on a very red hot tip he exclusively received from a senior anonymous West Australian source, that Alan Carpenter was to become the succeeding WA Premier. Given the scandal involving Burke, will Landeryou come clean and disclose who was the source for his original tip? Senior investigators have yet to reveal who provided the tip.It’s not as if Landeryou and Burke don’t have a relationship of sorts! Team Slanderyou calls on Landeryou to come clean, and reveal what he knows. Given the speed with which events are unraveling, it is patently clear that Landeryou must now provide full disclosure and resign his fake Walkleys award winning blog to the rubbish bin of history."

At least The Australian continues to identify Landeryou as a Liberal party blogger.


Cait Catt said...

Brian Burke is a great Australian. The Walkley Award Winning Landeryou Blog is to be congratulated as the only media outlet to consistently provide fair treatment for Mr Burke. It is about time the media in general supported justice for Brian Burke, a man who as Premier did marvels for a state that was frequently regarded as just a backwater.
Fair go for Brian Burke.

Anonymous said...

This is the proof that the Walkley Blog Award is not a fake:

Check it out if you do not believe me. Cait is right.

Anonymous said...

"There are probably some things I could do to keep my flexibility up, but I'd rather smoke, drink diet Cokes and eat." - John Daly said that, but so easily could apply to Landeryou

Anonymous said...

Andy-Cait-Catter8-Delia, a bodged-up blogspot does not equal a real Walkley Award.
The real winners of Walkley Awards are found at
Stop embarassing yourself. No-one takes you seriously.

Anonymous said...

This is what the Walkley Blog Awards site says about Andrew Landeryou and the OC:

Saturday, December 2, 2006
Award for the best news and commentary coverage of the Victorian State Election

And the Walkley goes to:

Andrew Landeryou and The Other Cheek.

This award is given in recognition of the best and most well informed election commentator/blogger during the 2006 Victorian State Election.

The number of award winning news breaking stories published on Andrew Landeryou's web site is unsurpassed in quality and quantity. Andrew has set down the challenge taking on the main media and online media and surpassing both in news and content.

His editorialising is funny, witty, amusing, and informative. One of the best reads on the Internet.

Andrew's blog can be seen here.

Congratulations and we look forward to your ongoing success.

Cait Catt said...

Thanks catter8. I agree completely. Andrew thoroughly deserved his great win. The OC is Australia's best blog, without doubt.

Anonymous said...

"The OC is Australia's best blog, without doubt." REALLY?

Anonymous said...

Andy-Cait-Catter8-Delia, just admit it - you don't have a real Walkley Award - and your blog is ranked 11,019th so it's a long way from being the best.

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