The new format here is objectionable. I don't like it.
On my email address I am getting heaps of spam in Arabic which I cannot fathom.
I never want to receive any spam from Slanderyou. · 15 years ago
I have decided to bugger off because little Theo got the better of me. I began worshipping my own Priapus! "You have to know in politics when it's time to go. I've made a significant contribution... · 15 years ago
I jet about the net at night, and always visit Vexnews and this site religiously. It is like dipping my toes into the Werribee sewerage farm. Fuzzy, warm and stinky! But Guys, I won't be posting my... · 15 years ago
24 Mossad agents assassinating one Hamas boss in Dubai. It sounds like a Vexnews Scoop! In Dubai twenty years ago, even the cops were driving bullock carts. Obviously. things haven't improved much... · 15 years ago
Just posted a comment on Vexnews WITHOUT having to provide an email address.
But suddenly I have to provide privacy information here. · 15 years ago
The new format is needlessly intrusive.
My phishing software doesn't like it.
Neither do I. · 15 years ago
Brutus Beefcake suggests that sock puppets don't make sense. Name them. Cait Catt, Rita Randles, Catter8, Jenny Jensen-Hansen and possibly Henderson Ross and his Arabic friend make no sense. Brutus... · 15 years ago "A few questions for Andy Landeryou. I saw a picture of you in the paper the other day and I was wondering which of your three chins is your actual chin? And secondly has anyone ever... · 15 years ago
Oh, Slanderyou! Thanks to the new comment tool, you appear to have done to your own site what Landeryou has been unable to do and shut it down. · 15 years ago
How interesting to see that Shirley Landeryou has decided he had better praise former Howard Government hitman Ian Hanke on his failed Poxnews site just days after the morbidly obese thief stole an... · 15 years ago (6 Months ago ) "Landeryou writes his own racist comments on his blog, and passes them off as "discussion". I suspect up to 70% of comments on the vexnews site are written by... · 15 years ago "The best thing to do with the likes of Andrew is nothing at all. Just ignore him. That's what will make him really cranky. I wish more people would realise he's just a... · 15 years ago MichaelDudikoff said about 3 years ago: Andy Landeryou needs to up the meds, methinks. temporarybenbutler said about 3 years ago: The guy who runs... · 15 years ago
If Andy had "takeover" the site, he would have scrubbed it completely. I like this new format, easier to follow conversation threads. · 15 years ago
Me and Bubba and the Hot Rodding Men are suspicious! This new comments system makes it look like Landeryou has taken over this site the same way he took over the first Slanderyou! Me and Bubba and... · 15 years ago
Jeez! Just when I thought Vexnews was the ultimate Nazi censorious site where I have been blocked and banned from commenting. Now all this weird censorship here. Has Landeryou taken over the... · 15 years ago
I've gotten around the email request issue by typing, and unticking the subcribe request - works for me · 15 years ago
See! The valid email address shit is f*cking this blog!
Piss weak! I'm off! · 15 years ago
If Peter Garrett is sacrificed by Rudd, or forced to resign by other means, he can always return to music. One song from him would consign The Mad Monk to oblivion. · 15 years ago
Loved the ABC's Four Corners program tonight! Afdhani pooves and warlords exploiting 'dancing boys'. Lovely! Now they're heading here as refugees because the Taliban shoot them on sight. Australia... · 15 years ago
3 Truth On Comments:
I sat behind Andrew Landeryou at the movies.
Mind you, so did everyone else.
anything that makes dough boy more accountable has to be good
I used to read his blog because it was fun and informative
But it descended long ago into the twisted ramblings of someone full of their own self importance
The way he constantly decries other bloggers and media scribes as slanderous, whilst shamelessly pillorying others, has just gotten too much to bear
I don't think he realises just how demented he now sounds.
This is a great blog!!
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