We are talking the next week off. So please use the time constructively.
An issue to consider is that Landeryou frequently blocks Patriots from commenting on his Blog of Sleaze and Vex News.
It looks like it has also occurred on Wikipedia. The censor was someone called Jaimaster. Their intention "...(is)to cause as much disruption as possible to Wikipedia, and has been subject to a number of "Block Warnings". Interesting isn't it.
At least we have a friend in Orderinchaos. And Adam has it right: "Of course the Slanderyou website is an attack website on Landeryou". We are also a "Truth" website.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
6 days ago