We are talking the next week off. So please use the time constructively.
An issue to consider is that Landeryou frequently blocks Patriots from commenting on his Blog of Sleaze and Vex News.
It looks like it has also occurred on Wikipedia. The censor was someone called Jaimaster. Their intention "...(is)to cause as much disruption as possible to Wikipedia, and has been subject to a number of "Block Warnings". Interesting isn't it.
At least we have a friend in Orderinchaos. And Adam has it right: "Of course the Slanderyou website is an attack website on Landeryou". We are also a "Truth" website.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
1 week ago
137 Truth On Comments:
This item is obnoxious. Vexnews is a great blog. If people like to use language you do not want to use in front of your children it is no wonder the items do not appear on what is the second most authoritive Australian news site after News Ltd.
Please improve the quality of your postings Mr Slanderyou. Clearly you are not of Walkley standard, unlike Vexnews.
Cait Catt/Landeryou seems to be spending heaps of time analysing and commenting on this site. Up go the stats.
Like the OC, Poxnews is abandoned at weekends. Can Poxnews really be the second most authoritive Australian news site after News Ltd. if it only operates part time?
Despite repeated prompts and requests, landeryou (Cait Catt) can't or won't verify the above claim. The awful truth is that Poxnews is as popular as a dose of syphilis. There are few visitors and even less commenters. Landy, this is death by a thousand cuts. Enjoy!
Mastery of Wikipedia is important. Landeryou's interference is loathesome. He doesn't work by any rules. He is an outlaw. But, he can be easily circumvented. Poxnews wil be off-air shortly for a very long time.
On the way out of the G yesterday i kept hearing Cats supporters saying, "Well we might have lost the Grand Final but I'm happy because that fat failure Andrew Landeryou is heading to prison for a long, long time."
"Crackdown on internet sleaze digs out fraud" a headline in the Sydney Sun Herald says today about ACCC action against dodgy websites - but there is no mention of and Landeryou. That must all be sub-judice.
Landeryou tells too many lies to be consistent.
Just 72 hours ago Fat Boy lied that Poxnews was "Melbourne's second most popular news portal, after the great Herald Sun."
48 hours ago the notorious failure tried to talk up his latest flop by describing it as "Australia's second greatest news site, after News Ltd."
Now he claims it is the "second most authoritive [sic] Australian news site after News Ltd."
Poor Fat Andy. He lies so much he can't keep his story straight. Instead he has made a hilarious tacit admission. By dropping his "popular" claims Landerflop has fessed up to the fact that no-one reads Poxnews.
I am seriously disturbed by this.
Landeryou has long hated Wikipedia claiming amongst other things it was a hotbed for left Wing conspiracies.
Now we learn that he or one of his muppets has been censoring Wikipedia. The outrage is palpable.
Setting aside Landeryou's past (MUSU, IQ Media, Costa Rica, etc), and just judging him as a blogger, he is one nasty piece of work. Who can forget his hateful contempt of Les Twentyman for thirty long days without a break. He deceived the electors of Kororoit in the process. He was the subject of an AVO for stalking the Twentyman family.
And people actually have the gall to come to this site praising Landeryou as a blogger...
I got to say I love Vex News. The story on the amputated penis was exceptional. A real cracker. Quality journalism.
Wikipedia has exposed Slanderyou and this legion of fast food eating acolytes. The great man has been vindicated again!
The newsportal unit of Vexnews has really taken off. Please look at how may websites link directly to this important news service.
How on earth is Slanderyou viable as a business?!
It isn't.
Unlike the profitable Vexnews.
ALMOST a quarter of all eggs sold now are laid by free-range hens — even though they cost up to four times as much as cage eggs and their claims to superior taste and nutritional benefits are debatable.
Consumers are paying up to $9.50 a dozen for free-range eggs — about $6 more than the retail price of a dozen cage eggs, according to the Australian Egg Corporation.
I had no idea too much KFC causes strange delusions until Landeryou's latest comments soiled this reputable blog. The only story posted on Poxnews today concerned some low rent local government type in the Melbourne burbs (yet again) and sordid sexual conduct.
An "important news service"? As another another (now discharged) Melbourne bankrupt was wont to say "Pigs arse!"
Slanderyou is not a commercial venture.
It is a community service obligation.
community service obligation = no profit
Slanderyou must be the most boring blog in the world.
Vexnews today featured a story about sordid sexual behaviour by a local councillor, and exposed the fact that the councillor is related to a Minister in the Bracks government, and advocated that the Minister should disown her relative or face defeat at the next state election. Is it true the councillor is also related to Diane Anderson claimant Lyle? That figures.
Strange that Cait Catt, the concerned mother, disappears at the same time as Landeryou has weekends off on his blog. If I didn't know better, I would have said Cait Catt and Landeryou are one and the same. But of course that's common knowledge. So many personas, so many avatars, so many fake commenters on Poxnews.
Andrew, it is never too late to imbibe truth and honesty. Eschew your rotten past and embrace a future that rejects hate and deception.
Join us!
It's time to ban Landeryou from commenting on this site. After all, his site is second to none and has News Ltd worried! Haha!
Get lost Landy, go post some more guff on your own blog!
anything run by landeryou = no profit
anything run by landeryou = unexplained disappearance of vast amounts of other peoples money
There has only been one update to Poxnews since Friday, yet another story about a suburban nobody that appeared to be a peg for El Gordo to link to a sordid site called World Sex Report and a detailed account of prostitution in Australia. All very revealing of El Gordo's real interests.
"I got to say I love Vex News. The story on the amputated penis was exceptional. A real cracker. Quality journalism."
All the KFC chemicals are really screwing with Landeryou's mind! That was a cut and past job.
Or is this person saying that a story stolen by Poxnews was "quality journalism" to distinguish it from the rest of the lies, smears and biles on the site?
Fat Andy has only posted three stories in the last half-week. These have all either dealt with prostitution or penises. Telling...
Vexnews is recognised by Google as the Premier Australian news site after News Ltd. The Vexnews scoop of the day as sourced by Google News: Peter Allan resigns from Whitehorse Council after claiming as an expense from his councillor allowance the cost of a visit to a Canberra strip joint.
No other news site has yet to publicise the Allan resignation. Only Vexnews. And Google says so.
You owe Andrew an apology Mr Slanderyou. You got it very wrong again.
You sound respectable Cait. Vexnews showed that Allan was in fact visiting a prostitute. Vexnews is prepared to run that story but you censor it Cait. Read Vexnews for the full story about ex Cr Allan.
"No other news site has yet to publicise the Allan resignation. Only Vexnews."
That might be because the story is only interesting to smuthounds in one local government area. It barely registers as a story. No wonder Poxnews has tanked.
How does Vexnews do it? As an impartial reader I am impressed with the range and quality of news. I would pay for it. Can't see myself paying for this unWalkley deserving blog.
The Whitehorse Leader has this to say about the resignation of Cr Peter Allan. As you can see Vexnews was the very first source of this news scoop, as Google correctly credits him. Read on:
Peter Allan resigns as Whitehorse councillor
29 Sep 08 @ 04:56pm by Jon Ryan
Peter Allan resigns as Whitehorse councillor
Peter Allan has resigned as a Whitehorse councillor.
The former Whitehorse mayor said he did not want his mistakes ``tarnishing the image and integrity of Whitehorse or my colleagues’’ and ended his extensive career on the council.
``I have always been passionate about representing the residents of Whitehorse and I feel that this incident may cast a shadow over the reputation of a council that I have been proud to serve on,’’ Mr Allan said.
He said he filed the expense claim in 1999 in error and immediately reimbursed the council when the mistake was highlighted. The Leader understands the amount was $130.
Mr Allan resigned on Monday morning, bringing down the curtain on a 19-year council career, after the allegations were made in a Sunday newspaper.
The Sunday Herald Sun said the incident was revealed by a council source, prompting speculation among insiders that it was leaked by a political opponent of Mr Allan, having come nine years after the claim and one month before local elections.
Mr Allan was also recently the victim of an online smear campaign.
He said he did not intend to run for the Central Ward seat in the November poll, but had not previously declared that publicly. Whitehorse Mayor John Koutras paid tribute to his departing colleague.
``Peter has dedicated almost 19 years of his life to public service and I wish him and his family all the best for the future,’’ he said.
Councillors will hold a behind-closed-doors meeting this week to decide if an investigation should be launched into the matter.
Mr Allan’s resignation takes to three the number of seats that will definitely be held by a new councillor in November, following the death in July of Cr Bill Bowie, and the announcement by Cr George Droutsas that he will not seek re-election.
Cait Catt's blog last had a commenter in February. Actually, you can't call it a blog - just a lazy person's restroom...
New Landeryou persona 'Rita Randles' spouts the usual Landy crap.
Has anyone worked out why loony Landeryou is posting here under his wacky personas? By linking to Slanderyou he might be milking Google rankings to this site.
Foxnews in the US is referred to as Poxnews by angry commenters there. Perhaps Cait Catt will soon suggest that Vexnews is more popular than Poxnews, News Ltd and the Hun!
It's all a gigantic yawn.
Vexnews is just a gift-wrapped turd.
Strange but true!
One of Landy's sock puppets has posted a piece that talks about "an online smear campaign".
A perfect description of
El Gordo-Cait Catt-The Late Rita, if Poxnews is so good, how come this blog gets more comments? Please explain.
Well Done VEXNEWS on the Peter Allan story. Another world exclusive to Vexnews. How do they do it? Always first with the news.
Eric Beecher must be so jealous of the rapid success of Vexnews, while Crikey collapses around him.
If Beecher had any money left you'd think he would make a play for Vexnews.
But Vexnews is priceless. And Beecher has no money.
Landeryou is obsessed by Peter Allan. Weird. The thought of him putting on a lei and dancing around the Fat Cave to Rio brandishing maracas is truly scary. Perhaps he also dresses up to look like Peter's mother-in-law Judy Garland when she was in her decline. Very, very weird.
It is now official. Below is the comment on the Whitehorse City Council web site. Peter Allan is no longer a Whitehorse Councillor. Congratulations Vexnews. Crikey used to say bringing down governments. Landeryou brings down councillors. Slanderyou brings down nothing. Read on:
Councillor Peter Allan Resigns from Council Printer Friendly
Whitehorse Central Ward Councillor Peter Allan has officially tabled his letter to Council of his resignation to take effect immediately.
Cr Allan said that recent allegations regarding a visit to a Canberra strip club nine years ago have made him reconsider his political future.
Cr Allan was first elected to the former Nunawading City Council in 1986 and served nearly eight years. He was subsequently re-elected to Whitehorse City Council in 1997, 2000, 2003 and November 2005. Cr Allan was Whitehorse Mayor in 1999-2000.
Cr Allan is honoured to have served the public for nearly nineteen years and is looking forward to spending quality time with his family.
No replacement of this position will occur due to the proximity of the Council elections in November.
Slanderyou brings down nothing? Fat Boy, quit your yapping and listen up:
Alexa ranks Poxviews 2357th in Australia. estimates Slanderyou blog worth at US$103, compared with PoxViews at US$95.
Landeryou's business record shows that he was never any good with figures, so here are some for him.
The City of Whitehorse has some 151,000 residents. The population of Australia is 21,450,000.
That means that at least 21,299,000 people couldn't give a shit about the smutty story Landeryou has stolen from some suburban rag about some non-entity ex local councillor.
Yep, we don't need stories aboutlocal government and non-entity councillors. We need more stories about student unions and non-entity councillors.
Fat failure and fraud Andrew Landeryou has lied yet again to readers of his sagging site Poxnews.
"The ALP’s National Secretary Tim Gartrell has resigned to pursue a job in the private sector," Landeryou wrote. "We understand he’s gone to Auspoll, part of the Photon Group that owns CPR Communications."
The "we understand" was a typical Landeryou lie.
The fat failure was quoting from the ALP's media release which says quite unambiguously "After a short break, Mr Gartrell will join social research company Auspoll."
About Gartrell leaving, Landeryou wrote: "We understand he’s gone to Auspoll, part of the Photon Group that owns CPR Communications."
Is Landeryou kidding. Every online paper that had the story reported this.
And doesn't Landeryou have a gripe with CPR too!
Poxnews says of a bungled campus election: "Monash University insiders have expressed concern this leaves the student union in the hands of a disgraced figure found guilty of political sledging of the 'ugliest and sleaziest' nature."
I must have missed something big!
When did Buddha Boy go back to uni and re-enter student politics?
People have smartened up to Landeryou. When they see him coming they hide their cash.
The really smart ones also hide any KFC leftovers in their rubbish bin.
Thank god Landeryou never got into politics. By now he would have managed to fleece us all.
Kevin Rudd and Wayne Swann say 'Don't panic'. Australian banks are 'fundamentally sound'. This is political speak that some of the basics are OK but the whole system may well be buggered.
The culpability of Australian governments, politicians, and their packs of watchdogs is obvious to all. They've all been fast asleep for nine months.
Nothing about the world financial meltdown on the great news blog Poxnews. Landeryou knows about money and how it can unaccountably disappear. But he pursues naughty councillors. Small beer. Even the one man media army of Sasha Uzunov has been stuck dumb. Cait Catt is on another planet.
Where will it all end?
"People have smartened up to Landeryou. When they see him coming they hide their cash.
"The really smart ones also hide any KFC leftovers in their rubbish bin."
The first bit is right, but the second way out. Andy loves bin diving for KFC scraps. I have even seen him squatting by the grease traps at the back of restuarants in Chinatown spooning out the fat and gobbling it down.
I hear that Landeryou won a cleaning contract for a couple of KFC stores. They sacked the fat bastard after they discovered he was licking all the surfaces clean.
Andrew Landeryou is almost forty yet still obsessed by student politics. It is almost as if he is a political paedophile.
Hello patriots!
Landeryou will be following this case very closely to see how it might help him when his various fraud, theft and tax matters, along with his breaches of corporate and bankruptcy laws, finally end up in court...
"A 400KG woman accused of crushing her toddler nephew to death is too big to fit in the court room that will try her, her lawyer says.
Texas woman Mayra Rosales is charged with the murder of Eliseo Gonzalez, 18 months, at her home.
A post-mortem examination on the toddler, who died in March, showed his skull was crushed.
Ms Rosales, 27, who is bedridden, says she accidentally fell on the child.
The boy's mother - Ms Rosales' sister - believes Ms Rosales rolled on Eliseo and killed him, while her lawyer says her arms are too big to have moved enough to kill him.
State law requires a suspect to stand trial in the county seat but because of Ms Rosales' weight, estimated at between 350kg and 450kg, the judge and Hidalgo county authorities were trying to work out how that could be done, the American Bar Association Journal reported.
Andrew Landeryou runs a news site without any news content. If all his ventures have had similar business plans no wonder he has such a terrible track record.
Is there any truth to the rumour that a Strippergram dressed as a chook was seen entering the Fat Cave at the weekend and hasn't been seen since?
It's too horrible to contemplate.
Police suspect fowl play.
Vexnews keeps up its great record. Vexnews was first to report that John So is not recontesting his position as Lord Mayor of Melbourne after a tip off from melbcity. Great source of news Vexnews.
Vexnews was also first to report with its world-breaking exclusive the resignation of Whitehorse Councillor Peter Allan after claiming a strip club visit in Canberra as a Council expense. The Peter Allan story is also the most widely read story on Vexnews so there's tremendous interest in it. There have even been claims of prostitute visits.
Vexnews is great. Vexnews for the Walkley. Nothing could be more fitting. The OC once won a Walkley Blog Award, the inaugural one, then Slanderyou and his mates put a ban order on any more. Don't do that to Vexnews Slanderyou or catter8 will claw you.
I will and I mean it.
John So's statement of resignation has just been published on Vexnews. How did Vexnews get hold of it so fast? A real scoop. Congratulations Vexnews for scooping everyone else. You are a real great source of news. No wonder you are the first source of news in the majority of Victorian MPs electorate offices.
Read on:
LORD Mayor John So won’t stand for re-election.
Be the first to read his full speech from the press conference at Melbourne Town Hall at 11am today, where Cr So announced he won’t stand for re-election in November.
Here is what he told a packed media gallery.
``Good morning, thank you for joining me.
It has been 17 years since I entered the doors of Melbourne Town Hall as a Councillor.
Those years have been a period of transformation; of new beginnings for Council and the city it represents.
Melbourne has become the city the world and Australia talks about - a place where people from all nations and all backgrounds are invited to contribute.
In environmental management, urban planning and cultural expression we have become a model for capital cities once considered our superior.
We set ourselves a goal of becoming one of the world’s most liveable cities – we succeeded three times in under a decade.
This year we set ourselves a goal of becoming one of the world’s most sustainable cities – just four weeks ago, we were recognised as being in the top ten sustainable cities globally.
Growth of the city’s businesses and residents has brought life back to the city centre.
Melbourne is forecast to be Australia’s largest city within 20 years.
These are achievements that define a city and build a sense of pride among citizens.
They are achievements that require courage of conviction and a steady approach to leadership.
The Melbourne Living team has brought stability back to capital city governance.
We’ve maintained the focus on achieving outcomes for the community and business in Melbourne.
We’ve regained the trust of governments and voters.
One of my personal goals has been recognition of the vital role capital cities play in securing quality of life for the majority of Australians.
The City of Melbourne now enjoys strong partnerships not only with the State but Canberra as well.
Effective policy is something my team has never lost sight of.
We have achieved the vision and most of our policy commitments made at every election.
Among them are some of history’s defining moments:
• The Commonwealth Games will be remembered as one of the greatest and most seamless events ever staged in this city;
• Integration of Docklands has created one of the world’s most exciting waterfront domains;
• And multi million dollar investment in services and infrastructure has made the city of Melbourne a fantastic place to live, work and enjoy.
While busy achieving the vision we set ourselves, we’ve kept focus on the horizon.
The City has completed the most ambitious community consultation project ever undertaken in its history - Future Melbourne, which was endorsed by the Council last night.
Drawing on the collective intelligence and ambitions of 15,000 individuals, businesses and organisations, we now have a vision ‘for the people by the people’.
That vision is backed by a Government in such good financial shape: it has a AAA credit rating, is debt free and has strong cash reserves.
After integrating Docklands into the city, building CH2, Australia’s first 6-star green office building, contributing $43 million to the Convention Centre precinct, and staging the Commonwealth Games – all while delivering the lowest rate increases in Victoria in the past 8 years – we have a balance sheet that is the envy of governments Australia-wide.
I have called you here today to make this announcement.
After deep consideration, I have decided not to stand for re-election.
This decision has been one of the most difficult I have ever made.
I’ve given almost a quarter of my life to public service and, in return, it has given me many of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
You cannot work at 110% forever, and that’s what this job requires.
I am confident this is the right decision – it’s time to pass the baton.
The future Council inherits a solid foundation to drive the city forward.
And I still have keen interests I wish to pursue.
This city has a lot to gain from the connections it holds with the region.
I’m looking forward to the new possibilities presented by Australia’s increasing international engagement.
There are many people I must thank for the opportunities afforded me.
I wish to thank my Deputy, Gary Singer, former Deputy Lord Mayor Susan Riley and the Councillors on my team who have given so much to the city they represent.
Together, we ensured the people of Melbourne have always come first.
I want to thank City of Melbourne management and staff, particularly my Chief of Staff Kevin Louey.
To my supportive family, my children Nat, Alex, Eva and John, and my wife Wendy, what can I say? I love you all.
Finally, I want to thank the people of this great city.
Thank you for the faith, trust and encouragement you have given me.
Thank you for the privilege and opportunity.
Thank you Melbourne.’’
It is not the practice of Vexnews to make capital out of a personal tragedy. It was Vexnews that was the very first media organisation to report the tragic accident suffered by former Darebin Mayor and VLGA CEO Rae Perry. That news has now been reported by the Leader newspapers about two weeks after Vexnews.
We all wish Rae Perry the very best, and we also would like to know where Vexnews gets its exclusive scoops from? This is clearly another one.
Former mayor hurt in Kyneton bike accident
29 Sep 08 @ 11:39am by Julia Irwin
Former mayor hurt in Kyneton bike accident
Former mayor Rae Perry was rumoured to be running for Darebin Council before her accident.
FORMER Darebin mayor Rae Perry sustained serious head injuries in a motorbike accident near Kyneton earlier this month.
A senior neurosurgeon at Royal Melbourne Hospital said Ms Perry’s injuries were “extensive and permanent”.
Her partner, Damien Kingsbury, said she had been moved from intensive care, where she was in an induced coma for 12 days, into a high-dependency unit.
Mr Kingsbury said Ms Perry would undergo rehabilitation, expected to be a long process.
Ms Perry is the CEO of the Victorian Local Governance Association.
Association president Beth Davidson said: “This sad news is heard with deep regret by all who know and love Rae for her vibrant and outgoing personality, her infectious laugh and her frequent challenges to us to be better.”
Active in local politics for more than a decade, Ms Perry was rumoured to be contesting the Darebin Council election in November.
During her two terms on council including a term as mayor in 2004, she always said local government extended further than rates, roads and rubbish.
She helped establish a community learning centre in the District of Baucau in East Timor after the council signed a friendship agreement with the district in 2001.
No scoop by PoxViews on John So - hours behind the ABC, AAP and newspaper websites. Andy-Cait Catt-Catter8-Delia Delegate must have been handing in his/her dole form.
Keep trying and don't lie, El Gordo.
As Anon said - estimates Slanderyou blog worth at US$103, compared with PoxViews at US$95.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:36:00 PM
Landeryou wastes pixels on this patriotic page with his sock puppets' ramblings, so let's use up a few more with a simple statement of truth:
Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy 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is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site * Andrew Landeryou is a fat failure * No-one reads his sleazy site *
I just discovered this at the Poxnews Leper Colony. Landeryou must be paying unemployed comedians to comment there:
I think Kimberly would make a good Lord Mayorial Candidate.she was a good Councillor.
Posted by KK for LM | October 1, 2008, 15:25
Bad news comes in threes... Cait Catt, Catter8 and Landeryou, the three blind mice.
Anon 12.10 is jealous.
Slanderyou has no scoops, and is ineligible to win a Walkley.
Vexnews is the most authoritative site on the web (possibly excepting News Ltd.)
With scoops like the resignation of Peter Allan, the hospitalisation of Rae Perry, and the decision of Lord Mayor So not to seek re-election it is not wonder Slanderyou is going feral.
Go Vexnews.
Cait Catt, the concerned mother, is back here yet again (groan), but on Poxnews 'Too Long Dong' says: Catherine Ng is very fond of me. ... '
This is a reworking of the boring Prof Maku Dong Long--the silly Landeryou 'joke' that went on and on endlessly on the OC. In reference to Cr Ng this is, of course, racial vilification.
Landeryou is the King of Smarm and porn. Smarm means sleazy,and creepy. A good description of Landeryou.
Cait (andrew), pipe down and disappear!
Cait Catt (landeryou) must be the biggest dunderhead on this vast continent. Slanderyou has no news scoops because it is obviously not a news blog. Here we long for Landeryou to face justice. Thats the only news we want to read.
One day, it WILL happen!
Oh, happy day!
Having read the comments etc on Landeryou's Poxorama, it seems as if he has written most if not all. Is he having a conversation with himself?
71 coments so far on this one story on Slanderyou.
Landeryou seems to be madly populating his site with comments; but can't keep up.
Lets go for the ton Patriots.
Landeryou has laid a fat duck.
All those KFC chemicals are frying Landeryou's brains.
He boasts about "scoops like the resignation of Peter Allan, the hospitalisation of Rae Perry, and the decision of Lord Mayor So not to seek re-election."
Huge stories. Huge.
But what about the pot-hole in Centre Street, Sunshine? Or the trees growing over the fence from Number 20 Ralph Street Reservoir into Number 22? Let alone the dog poo problem on the nature strips of Hotham Road Niddrie?
These are big stories by Landeryou and Poxnews standards yet he hasn't covered any of these.
I read this headline: "World's fattest man to wed",23599,24434696-38199,00.html
and immediately I thought Landeryou was marrying his alternate personality Catt Cait.
I don't know if Landeryou is still the world's fattest man.
The weird hormones KFC put in their chooks has turned him into the world's fattest hermaphrodite.
That's why he goes by the names of "Cait" and "Rita".
Quick! Before that fat psychopath posts the PDF the national office has sent round to everybody labelled WORLD EXCLUSIVE on his sinking site here's the text of the invite to Tim Gartrell's farewell:
Come and farewell the outgoing National Secretary, Tim Gartrell
National Ballroom
hotel realm
National Circuit
Barton, ACT
Date Thursday October 16, 2008
7:30pm for 8pm start
Cost $120.00 per person inc. GST
All funds raised will go to the Orange Aboriginal Medical Service
Only full tables of 8 can be reserved otherwise unallocated seating will be available
Seating is strictly limited.
Payment must accompany booking form
Booking Conditions
All tickets must be paid for by COB Monday
13 October, 2008
No refunds will be made
Receipts will be issued
Please complete and return with payment to:
Tegan Hely, ALP
PO Box 6222
Kingston ACT 2604
or fax credit card bookings to 02 6120 0801
Enquiries to Tegan Hely 02 9384 2281
or Bernie Shaw 02 6120 0800
Andy, since you should be looking for a job, than commenting on Slanderyou, here are some tips of what not to do in an interview. You should find this useful.
SOME jobseekers lose sleep worrying before an interview, but spare a thought for poor managers doing the interviews - because they've seen some shockers.
A survey of more than 3000 managers and human resources professionals by a careers website asked for the worst interview faux pas by job candidates.
Here are the top ten:
• One candidate brushed her hair during an interview.
• One man who sniffed his armpits on the way into the interview room.
• A job candidate who answered her mobile, then said it was a private conversation and asked the interviewer to leave her own office.
• Candidate who told the manager he didn't plan to stay with the job very long, since he was expecting an inheritance from his uncle who wasn't 'looking too good'.
• Candidate who asked the interviewer for a ride home after the interview.
• Candidate who refused to provide a writing sample, saying she'd worked for the government and her handwriting was 'classified'.
• One job candidate admitted he was once fired for beating up a boss.
• One candidate turned down food before the interview, saying he didn't want to fill up his stomach before going out drinking.
• A job applicant for an accounting position declaring she was a 'people person', not a 'numbers person'.
• The candidate who flushed the toilet during a phone interview.
• One woman took out a hairbrush and started brushing her hair during the interview.
Hey, Fat Boy. I found U a new love and she's a looker like U.
The (London) Sun, Oct. 2
GBP150 fine... for staying too long at the KFC
FAST food fan Natalie Jackson was hit with a GBP150 fine at KFC — for staying too long gorging on a monster-sized “family bucket”.
The trainee nurse and a pal plumped for FOURTEEN chicken pieces, SIX bags of fries and large COKES after driving to their local branch.
They spent an hour and a half scoffing the 5,456-calorie feast. Days later regular customer Natalie got the fine in the post for breaking the restaurant car park’s 75-minute limit.
The 24-year-old fumed yesterday: “It’s disgusting. I spend a lot of money in there. Now I’m never going back.”
Natalie — who eats at KFC three times a week — complained to restaurant bosses that she was unaware of signs warning of the time limit in Huddersfield, West Yorks.
The mega bucket, which busts the Health Department’s recommended 1,940-a-day calorie count for women, cost her GBP13.16.
Natalie vowed there was fat chance of her paying the GBP150 — insisting: “It didn’t feel like I was in there all that long. We were hungry.”
That pommy sheila sounds like the perfect match for Landeryou.
Such a pity undischarged bankrupts aren't allowed to travel.
Patriots, you just have to click through and take a look at Landeryou's lovely lady friend and fellow fan of KFC Natlie Jackson as photographed for the Sun.
She is just what Landeryou deserves!
[click on the name above for the link]
2 issues with the UK story.
1. "FOURTEEN chicken pieces, SIX bags of fries and large COKES"
- that sounds like Andy's midnight snack order
2. "They spent an hour"
- Andy would chomp through that in 15 minutes I'd say
It's useful that the future second Mrs Landeryou is a trainee nurse. She will be able to resuscitate Landeryou if he goes into a coma after swallowing an entire KFC family bucket in one go.
The surrogate Mrs Landy is a large doll with a photo of Sol Lew's face pasted on it.
I know we're all grown-ups here, but the weird rituals that Landy has devised are just too shocking to mention. Just remember that I did not link the truck battery in the Fat Cave with the doll, OK? Nuff said...
Shadup your many faces, you swine!
I still have many contacts in Croatia.
Sasha Uzunov
The One Man Media Army
I wondered where Sergeant Sasha had gone. I just presumed he was having some quiet time, all nice and secure in a nice and secure room in a nice and secure mental health facility somewhere.
Another day of triumph for Andrew Landeryou!
He has one new story on Poxnews - which has attracted just one comment.
The number of comments is not an indicator of quality.
Slanderyou has many comments obviously written by the same person peddling the same lies. KFC is one of those lies. I cannot speak for the great man but I've never eaten there.
Improve your quality Slanderyou. You will never win a Walkley unless you do. Of course I doubt that you will as your blog continues to be the blog of filth and that appears to be the way you would like it to continue.
Great comment Rita.
Keep it up, patriots, keep it up. We're going to hit the ton with comments on this thread.
Vexnews is to be congratulated. The world exclusive story about Peter Allan is brilliant. It's also the most read story on Vexnews.
How does Vexnews do it? Fantastic news. Great information. Beats Foxnews by far. Only the News Ltd site can claim to be better.
Remember. Vexnews forced Peter Allan from the Whitehorse City Council. The peopleof Whitehorse will benefit. One less sleazy councillor.
Remember. As Cait Catt told us Slanderyou is the blog of filth.
Slanderyou is so filthy if you printed it out and wiped your bum with it you would catch AIDS.
Landeryou brings his wierd different personalities (Cait Catt and the stolen dead person's identity, Rita Randles) here to comment.
As if this wasn't abhorrent enough, they praise each other's comments while here. Yuk!
It's hard dealing with the comments of a coterie of zombies.
Don't complain too much, things could be worse:
Landeryou could have sent his other personalities like 'Evil Bastard', 'Byron from Wahroongah' or 'Real Politik' who are even more idiotic than Cait Catt and Rita Randles.
Landeryou take your herd of wscky personalities and Bugger Off!
Shouldn't people with multiple personalities be locked up for their own protection and that of the community?
Poor old Landeryou:
"Multiple personality disorder (MPD) is a psychiatric disorder characterized by having at least one "alter" personality that controls behavior. The "alters" are said to occur spontaneously and involuntarily, and function more or less independently of each other. The unity of consciousness, by which we identify our selves, is said to be absent in MPD. Another symptom of MPD is significant amnesia which can't be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. In 1994, the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-IV replaced the designation of MPD with DID: dissociative identity disorder. The label may have changed, but the list of symptoms remained essentially the same".
I must remember from now on to refer to Cait Catt and Evil Bastard as Landeryou 'alters' and not as simple idiots. The shocking thing is that 'Cait Catt' and 'Evil Bastard' actually exist - even if only in Landeryou's tortured mind.
I would have agreed with the previous poster that Landeryou is locked up fast - except for the fact that I don't think the Victorian goverment can afford to set up a KFC kitchen at J Ward of Ararat prison and lunatic asylum.
Why don't Australian news organisations take Landeryou to court for continually 'borrowing' their photos and stories for use on the OC and now Poxnews.
Landeryou's legal status as a bankrupt is vague. His history of courtroom amnesia would be an additional worry. No lawyer likes questioning a witness whose every response is 'I don't remember'. Amnesia sufferers like Landeryou, who's dog once consumed vital company papers, cause problems. His last legal affray was with the Les Twentyman family over a stalking AVO in Sunshine Court in 2008.
His personal undertaking there saved his bacon, but just adds to the false perception that he is invulnerable to prosecution. Are there no Victorian prosecutors who want to make a name for themselves by getting rid of this pernicious, one-man financial plague?
It looks like Landeryou and all his 'alters' might have already departed for a dirty solo weekend.
They (Andrew) haven't posted here for a while.
Thank you, Lord!
Anon 4.17 please get it into your thick skull that Cait Cait aint Landeryou.
Cait is an admirer of the great man and a keen supporter of Vexnews, the best and greatest source of news in Australia after News Ltd.
This is the 100th post at a very early hour in the morning. Greetings to all at Vexnews.
Slanderyou is a shocking blog, full of lies, filth and undergraduate stories.
Slanderyou should be put on a permanent diet of KFC. He would not last very long on that.
Thank you to all supporters of mine on the blog of filth.
If it wasn't for you the evil Slanderyou would continue his filthy ways and get away with murder.
How wonderful to enjoy the world breaking stories on Vexnews. How sickening to read undergraduate lavatory humour on Slanderyou.
Has fat boy got so carried away banning people from commenting on poxnews that he has blocked Cait and Rita and Catter8 -- so that they have to comment here?
If Cait Cait ain't Landeryou, how come Cait, Catter8 and the Rita Randles all speak with the same voice and say exactly the same things one after the other at same time in the AM?
El Gordo, your time would be better spent ripping off other people's stories and and writing fake commnets for yr Blog of Bile.
Better still - get an early night and try looking 4 a job (if anyone will have U, of course).
I am pleased I am unpsetting Mr Slanderyou.
Don't worry too much Landeryou. you're not upsetting anyone here. You are just boring us to death with your childish comments and those of your deranged multiple identities like Cait Catt and Catter8. Seek psychiatric help, mate!
Nick Mack??????????? A new personality? And a male at that!
What happened to Nick Mack (I mean Landeryou's) face? It looks as if it is suppurating with blue and yellow pus. Or maybe Lnderyou is bursting with bile and it even coming out of his eye sockets. He certainly won't be able to due face to face interviews, and interviewees will know it is Landeryou anyway by the KFC aura.
El Gordo, I'm not upset or Mr Slanderyou. Try again, Fat Boy.
Ebola virus infections are very deadly Landeryou. If it isn't that, it is a bad case of Necrotizing Fasciitis (or, in your particular case Necrotizing Fascistitis). Take your new personality 'correspondent Nick Mack' to Fairfield Infectious Diseases Hospital immediately!
Nick Mack is a good advertisement for P O X news!!!
Is this racist vilification on Poxnews or what?
We likey Jonny and Petie, they can cum again.
Posted by the Madam | October 3, 2008, 11:56
Catherine Ng is very fond of me.
Posted by Too Long Dong | October 1, 2008, 22:51
Catherine Ng has had numerous flings with married men in the Law Institute when she worked for a legal software company and also with several through the Gym at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.Ask her,she cannot deny it.
Posted by anon | October 2, 2008, 11:45
Cr Catherine Ng is not very fond of Cr Just_In McKeegan - who has still yet to pay me for my surgical skills!
Posted by Professor Maku Dong Long | October 2, 2008, 0:17
How can it be racial vilification when Chinese doctors complain about fellow Chinese who do not pay their bills?
Vexnews should expose the patients in high profile who do not pay their bills, especially candidates for Lord Mayor of Melbourne.
I don't have the money to pay these top Chinese specialists. I have to depend on the public system.
I googled Professor Maku Dong Long because Landy insists he is a genuine chinese doctor.
Guess what? He does exist. But only on the OC and Poxnews. Another 'personality' from Landeryou's fevered mind.
I hopes Cr Ng sues. She should.
Landeryou says here on this blog that Poxnews should expose people 'who do not pay their bills'.
He could always start with himself. Ask Sol Lew!
Seems Landeryou is totally panicked given the volume of comments he has made here. Seems he is anxious about how big a failure Vexnews is. Should have saved your pennies Andy.
If U wanna see El Gordo really spew, just wait until next week. Moo-haa-haa.
Why would Cr Ng sue Vexnews when she's been given such wonderful publicity?
This reminds me of what it must be like in Andy's head - what with all the competing personalities:
The following is an edited transcript of Newcastle interim manager Joe Kinnear's first official press conference yesterday
JK Which one is Simon Bird [Daily Mirror's north-east football writer]?
SB Me.
JK You're a cunt.
SB Thank you.
JK Which one is Hickman [Niall, football writer for the Express]? You are out of order. Absolutely fucking out of order. If you do it again, I am telling you you can fuck off and go to another ground. I will not come and stand for that fucking crap. No fucking way, lies. Fuck, you're saying I turned up and they [Newcastle's players] fucked off.
SB No Joe, have you read it, it doesn't actually say that. Have you read it?
JK I've fucking read it, I've read it.
SB It doesn't say that. Have you read it?
JK You are trying to fucking undermine my position already.
SB Have you read it, it doesn't say that. I knew you knew they were having a day off.
JK Fuck off. Fuck off. It's your last fucking chance.
SB You read the copy? It doesn't say that you didn't know.
JK What about the headline, you think that's a good headline?
SB I didn't write the headline, you read the copy.
JK You are negative bastards, the pair of you.
SB So if I get a new job next week would I take the first day off? No I wouldn't. If I get a new job should I call my boss and tell him I am taking the first day off?
JK It is none of your fucking business. What the fuck are you going to do? You ain't got the balls to be a fucking manager. Fucking day off. Do I want your opinion. Do I have to listen to you?
SB No, you can listen to who you want.
JK I had a 24-hour meeting with the entire staff.
SB Joe, you are only here six weeks, you could have done that on Sunday, or Saturday night.
JK No, no, no. I didn't want to do it. I had some other things to do.
SB What? More important things?
JK What are you? My personal secretary? Fuck off.
SB You could have done the meeting Saturday night or Sunday. You could have had them watching videos, you could have organised them.
JK I was meeting the fucking chairman the owner, everyone else. Talking about things.
SB It is a valid point that was made in there. A valid point.
JK I can't trust any of you.
Niall Hickman Joe, no one could believe that on your first day at your new club, the first-team players were not in. No one could believe it in town. Your first day in the office.
JK My first day was with the coaches. I made the decision that I wanted to get as much information out of them.
NH But why Monday, no one could believe it?
JK I'm not going to tell you anything. I don't understand where you are coming from. You are delighted that Newcastle are getting beat and are in the state they are? Delighted, are you?
NH Certainly not. No one wants to see them get beaten, why would we?
JK I have done it before. It is going to my fucking lawyers. So are about three others. If they can find something in it that is a court case it is going to court. I am not fucking about. I don't talk to fucking anybody. It is raking up stories. You are fucking so fucking slimy you are raking up players that I got rid of. Players that I had fallen out with. You are not asking Robbie Earle, because he is sensible. You are not asking Warren Barton? No. Because he is fucking sensible. Anyone who had played for me for 10 years at any level ... [but] you will find some cunt that ...
Other journalist How long is your contract for Joe?
JK None of your business.
SB Well it is actually, because we cover the club. The club say you are here to the end of October, then you say six to eight games which would take it to the end of November. We are trying to clarify these issues. We are getting no straight answers from anyone. How long are you here for. It is a dead simple question. And you don't know ...
JK I was told the length of contract. Then I was told that possibly the club could be sold in that time. That is as far as I know. That's it finished. I don't know anything else. But I have been ridiculed. He's trying to fucking hide, he's trying to do this or that.
There follows an exchange regarding the circumstances under which Kinnear had met the owner Mike Ashley and executive director (football) Dennis Wise.
Steve Brenner (football writer for the Sun) We are all grown men and can come in here and sit around and talk about football, but coming in here and calling people cunts?
JK Why? Because I am annoyed. I am not accepting that. If it is libellous, it is going to where I want it to go.
Newcastle press officer What has been said in here is off the record and doesn't go outside.
Journalist Well, is that what Joe thinks?
JK Write what you like. Makes no difference to me. Don't affect me I assure you. It'll be the last time I see you anyway. Won't affect me. See how we go at Everton and Chrissy [Chris Hughton, assistant manager] can do it, someone else can do it. Don't trust any of yous. I will pick two local papers and speak to them and the rest can fuck off. I ain't coming up here to have the piss taken out of me. I have a million pages of crap that has been written about me. I'm ridiculed for no reason. I'm defenceless. I can't get a point in, I can't say nothing, I can't do nothing, but I ain't going to be negative. Then, half of you, most of you are trying to get into the players. I'm not going to tell you what the players think of you, so then you try and get into them in some way or another, so I've got a split camp or something like that, something like that. It's ongoing. It just doesn't stop.
Journalist It's only been a week.
JK Exactly. It feels more like a year.
Journalist It's early days for you to be like this.
JK No, I'm clearing the air. And this is the last time I'm going to speak to you. You want to know why, I'm telling you. This is the last time. You can do what you like.
Journalist But this isn't going to do you or us any good.
JK I'll speak to the supporters. I'm going to tell them what the story is. I'm going to tell them. I don't think they'll interpret it any different, I don't think they'll mix it up, I don't think they'll miss out things. I mean, one of them last week said to me ... I was talking about in that press conference where you were there, I said something like "Well, that's a load of bollocks ..."
Journalist "Bollocks to that" is what you said.
JK Bollocks to that. And what goes after that?
Journalist That was it.
JK No it wasn't, no it wasn't. What was after it? I don't know if it was your paper, but what went after it?
Journalist I don't know.
JK It even had the cheek to say "bollocks to Newcastle".
Journalist I didn't write that.
JK That was my first fucking day. What does that tell you? What does that tell you?
Journalist Where was that? Which paper said that?
JK I've got it. I can't remember. It was one of the Sundays, not a Saturday. It was a Sunday.
Journalist But you didn't say that to the Sundays, you said that to us. That was during the Monday press conference.
JK I'll bring it in and show it to you. Why would I want to say that?
Journalist Are you saying that someone has reported you saying "bollocks to Newcastle?"
JK Yes. Lovely.
Journalist I don't know who's reported that.
JK I'll tell you what, I'll bring it in.
Journalist That's obviously going to damage you. That's not a good thing. But I don't think someone's done that. We have to have some sort of relationship with you.
JK So have I. But I haven't come in here for you lot to take the piss out of me. And if I'm not flavour of the month for you, it don't fucking bother me. I've got a job to do. And I'm going to do it to the best of my ability. I'm not going to spend any more time listening to any crap or reading any crap. Stick to the truth and the facts. And don't twist anything.
Journalist You know, you know the game ...
JK Of course I know, but I don't have to like it.
Journalist Today we'll print the absolute truth, that you think we're cunts, we can all fuck off and we're slimy. Is that fair enough?
JK Do it. Fine. Fucking print it. Am I going to worry about it? Put in also that it'll be the last time I see you. Put that in as well. Good. Do it.
Much, much later after long discussions over whether Kinnear had promised Alan Shearer and Kevin Keegan would be returning to the club
Press officer Let's get on to football. Let's have an agreement that everything said so far, if anyone has got their tapes on, it's wiped off and we're not discussing it.
Journalist But that's what Joe has said he thinks of us.
Press officer I'm saying don't push it. Let's accept what's been said and try and move on.
Journalist: Move on to not doing any more press conferences?
PO: No, to doing something now.
Journalist: What, one press conference only?
Journalist: Any knocks?
PO: Come on, let's go football.
Journalist: What are your plans for training in the next three days? How's the training going?
JK It's going very well. No problems at all.
Journalist Enjoyed getting back in the swing of things?
JK Absolutely. I've loved every moment of it.
Please watch your language mrs obese. That sort of language is frowned on by Vexnews. That sort of language will only get you into trouble. No respectable publication ought to tolerate it.
You will never win a Walkley while you repeatedly allow the f and c words to grace your blog. That's why Slanderyou is the blog of filth. No other proof is needed.
Clean up your language Mr Slanderyou. I don't like publications I cannot give my children to read. Mr Albon of the brothel industry once graced Diane Anderson's publication Higgins News. That publication received a smack on the bum from the predecessor to Vexnews the OC. Slanderyou also needs a big smack on the bum.
Landeryou is a great recycler of humour as this comment on the Poxnews Leper Colony shows:
VEXNEWS Comments
McPerton says: Not an easy question, but could you please return my vibrating thrusting blug plug? ...
Jeez, that was schoolboy lavatory humour coming from a grown man of 40. It was endless used on the OC and has been given a new life on Poxnews. Ha, bloody, ha! Landeryou get a new comedy writer, you pathetic fat freak!
Landeryou is a great recycler of humour as this comment on the Poxnews Leper Colony shows:
VEXNEWS Comments
McPerton says: Not an easy question, but could you please return my vibrating thrusting blug plug? ...
Jeez, that was schoolboy lavatory humour coming from a grown man of 40. It was endless used on the OC and has been given a new life on Poxnews. Ha, bloody, ha! Landeryou get a new comedy writer, you pathetic fat freak!
Poxnews has banned long comments, such as the ones Landeryou has spitefully been posting here to clog this blog.
What a childish war! Landeryou comes here posting all kinds of rubbish. His aim is to make this blog unreadable because it is full of irrelevant posts from him that don't make sense.
What a complete twit!
What goes around, comes around!
The fat failure Landeryou posts here because no-one will read, let alone the comments he populates that sinking site with in the hopes of fooling the few people who visit the site by mistake that it is not entirely moribund.
As we poms would say:
Landeryou is a time wasting tosser!
Re 4:47 above - the reason Landeryou's latest online spivvery Poxnews is tanking is that it too is "unreadable because it is full of irrelevant posts from him".
Here is a new song for patriots
[sung to the Rodger Ramjet theme]
Fat Andy's failed poxnews site
Is all just lies and slander
Ev'ryone knows he's full of shit
So no-one took a gander
Landeryou keeps on mentioning butt plugs in his weird comments on the OC and Poxnews.
I wonder if that if why he suffers from writer's block?
Why can't Slanderyou post something sensible for a change. How wonderful we now have such an excellent news source called Vexnews. Beats Slanderyou by a mile.
Why is it Slanderyou is trying to close down my cattery? Where will all my cats go to? You are a cruel enemy of the cat kingdom Mr Slanderyou.
I'm not interested in catt talk, like the previous two commentators.
Nevertheless I have to hand it to Landeryou. Vexnews has exposed the Mayor of Nunawading for visiting a Canberra establishement out of hours and claiming the cost of the visit on Council expenses.
Will be interesting to see the result. Peter Allan will surely lose his seat this election. His relatives, who have failed to disown him, will surely lose theirs as well next state election, as exposed by Laneryou on vexnews.
I'm not interested in catt talk, like the previous two commentators.
Nevertheless I have to hand it to Landeryou. Vexnews has exposed the Mayor of Nunawading for visiting a Canberra establishement out of hours and claiming the cost of the visit on Council expenses.
Will be interesting to see the result. Peter Allan will surely lose his seat this election. His relatives, who have failed to disown him, will surely lose theirs as well next state election, as exposed by Laneryou on vexnews.
As Anon said - estimates Slanderyou blog worth at US$103, compared with PoxViews at US$95.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:36:00 PM
About Gartrell leaving, Landeryou wrote: "We understand he’s gone to Auspoll, part of the Photon Group that owns CPR Communications."
Is Landeryou kidding. Every online paper that had the story reported this.
And doesn't Landeryou have a gripe with CPR too!
How does Vexnews do it? As an impartial reader I am impressed with the range and quality of news. I would pay for it. Can't see myself paying for this unWalkley deserving blog.
Unlike the profitable Vexnews.
因為我們一般收到酒店打工訊息 大都是從電影報章雜誌而來
而會有新聞報導價值的酒店PT新聞 通常是很特別很誇張的 這些新聞報導也許是有些接近酒店上班事實 但不是八大行業全部
(就如同捷運上有電車痴漢 但不是每班車隨時隨地有色狼啊 我們也常安全到家啊)
加上一般人的想法 這行總是只有負面 (當便利商店店員也會遇到砍人強劫)
其實凡事都有負面啊 端看自己怎麼面對
這行雖然不是賺錢最好的方式之一 但卻是最快的方式之一
我們只建議多了解多比較 看完環境 再做決定
別人只說這行的美好 但我們強調得失之間 去創造自己想要的生活
給自己一次機會 跨出第一步 若自覺不適合這行 就盡早打消夢幻的念頭 趕緊找其他出路 不是嗎??
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